
The Cause of Death

Leon made a bunch of fire blasts come up next to Beck. He ran up with blistering speed and knocked Leon to the ground. He grabbed him by the neck and started charging his arm. Leon drew his soul blade and slashed at Beck. He kicked off of Beck and fired a bunch of fire blasts. Beck pushed all of them to the side and finished charging his arm. He ran up and punched Leon. He put up a shield quickly. Allowing him to take the hit. Leon made a quick explosion in front of himself and drove Beck back. He slashed his sword vertically at Beck. He dodged and ran up at Leon. Leon swung low and cut Beck a little. He swung again but Beck grabbed the sword and ripped it out of Leon's grasp. He punched Leon back and almost off the ledge of the stage. Leon was hanging onto the side of the stage. He did a quick teleportation spell and appeared behind Beck. Beck caught wind of this and grabbed Leon's hand and flipped him over his back and off the stage. Terra was watching the fight in horror. She sat down and looked at her armor and her spear. She was lost in a downward spiral of thoughts. She spoke quietly to herself.

Terra: It was Integer, wasn't it?

Millie came out into the room. She had just lost to Thingamajig. Terra noticed she'd been so lost in thought that she missed the whole next fight.

Axel: And the next fight is Amelia vs Jin!

Amelia walked out onto the stage.

Jin: Are you ready to lo00ose!?

Amelia: Riddle me this. If you actually win. You get to kill me.

Jin: I was already planning on it!

Jin ran up and threw a punch. Amelia dodged and grabbed Jin's arm and brought it around his back. She kicked him forward. Jin got up and sped around the stage. Amelia jumped in and chased after Jin. She caught up to him and stayed with him. Jin looked surprised. He stopped and tripped Amelia off the stage.


Jin laughed to himself. Amelia ran up the side of the stage and uppercut Jin into the air. She hit him with two hooks and brought him to the ground. Jin started throwing stupid punches.


Jin ran around the stage and threw down a bunch of bombs. Amelia took out her own rolling bombs and threw them down. Jin was running around the stage while Amelia was in the middle. She started running around really fast. She spun herself really fast like a top and propelled herself into the air. All the bombs went rolling off the side of the stage. Some of them hitting Jin and throwing him off the stage. Amelia looked off the side of the stage at Jin and flipped him off and walked away.

Axel: A very cold victory. I like it! Our next fight will be Fourteen vs Tess! Fans are going to love this one!

Beck walked out onto the stage. His scowl unchanged. Tess walked out worried.

Beck: I beat you, and I gain my revenge.

Beck looked at one of the cameras.

Beck: You hear me Terra? DO YOU HEAR ME?!

Terra was watching this. She sat straight back down on her seat. She got up and started doing workouts and movements to let the adrenaline get her going.

Beck ran up and threw a punch out at Tess. She teleported behind Beck and stabbed him in the back. Beck spun and threw Tess off of him. He punched down at Tess. She lurched back and teleported around Beck. He threw a punch which she narrowly dodged. She got a long range away and threw her knives out. Beck slapped them out of the air. He punched the ground hard and made a crack across the stage. Tess jumped out of the way. Beck started charging his robotic hand. He shot a huge lightning strike across the stage and hit Tess. She fell to the ground. Trying to move. Beck picked her up by the neck and threw a supercharged punch to her stomach. Literally punching through her. He dropped her body. Fleet ran out and came down to Tess. Fleet kneeled down with Tess and held onto her lifeless body. He set her down and closed her eyes.

Fleet: BECK!

Fleet drew both his swords and came at Beck. He swung both of them down at him. He put up his hand and blocked it. Fleet shot a blast of light at Beck and disoriented him. He took both of his swords and stabbed through him. But Beck pushed them down with his hand. He kicked Fleet in the face.

Beck: Why do you care? She was worthless. I found out Jilaya really cared for me. She just had a special way of showing it. I'm here because of her. And I'm stronger. Now you can either leave, or die.

Axel jumped down and held his hand out towards Fleet. Fleet fell to the ground. Powerless.

Axel: My job is to be a good host. And you are ruining the show. The next fight is Thingamajig vs Amelia. Because you broke a rule.

Fleet: You said there were no rules.

Axel: Let me make a new rule right now! No breaking the flow of battles!

Erica jumped down and grabbed Fleet and threw him into the waiting room. Fleet sat in the waiting room. He got up and came over to Terra's group.

Millie: Hey! Back off!

Fleet: Did you not see what just happened outside?

Leon: I know Amelia hates him. But talk. If that's what your planning on doing that is.

Fleet: I want to go with you. I want to kill Ivan. Personally.

Amala: What? You're lying.

Fleet: Because of him the only people I loved are dead. I thought I was helping the world. But I don't care about the world anymore.

Terra: I get it.

Fleet: You do?

Terra: Yeah. You want to kill him for revenge. I might not want to kill him. But we'll stop him and get revenge for every life he caused to die. But first.

Axel: Thingamajig wins again! Flawless! Our next fight is Artemis vs Fourteen! This'll be one to remember!

Terra walked out onto the stage. Beck stood across from her.

Terra: Long time no see.

Beck: Finally! Sweet revenge! I'M GOING TO TEAR YOU APART!

Terra sucked up her butterflies and drew her staff.

Terra: Aren't you going to make the first move? Pussy.

Beck ran up at Terra so fast she barely could see. He knocked her to the ground and sat on top of her. He started punching her in the face. She did her best to block it with her gauntlets. She made one of her gauntlets come from behind and hit Beck in the back of the head. She threw him off of her and swung her spear around. Beck backed up and slid under the spear and kicked Terra in the leg. She hit Beck in the face with her spear and kicked him across the ground. He got up and threw a punch at her. She did a superman punch and swiped Beck's leg right after that. She stomped on his leg and then his chest. He grabbed her by the leg and threw her off of himself. She ducked and rolled once she hit the ground. Beck came right up to her and hit her with one of his charged punches. She went flying across the arena. Bouncing once and dragging across. She stabbed her spear into the ground and stopped herself. Beck came up and punched her spear. Which bent and hit her in the face. Terra grabbed Beck and hit him with two knees and then a hook kick. He screamed and shot a lightning strike at Terra. She put up her gauntlets and tried blocking it. But she was eventually overwhelmed. Beck jumped in and threw a punch at Terra. She ducked under. She looked at him and realized he was sweating. He punched the ground and made it shake under Terra. She made the gauntlet from earlier fly around and hit Beck on the back of the head. She ran through with her spear and cut through Beck. She turned and threw a spinning back kick. He was pushed back. But he blitzed her. Beck grabbed Terra by the neck and punched her in the face. He charged his hand.

Beck: Do you even remember how I felt when I lost to a child. And when I lost everything I had built for myself?! It probably never crossed your mind. EVER!

He threw his charged punch at Terra. She put both her hands up and blocked it. She felt both of her arms shatter. Beck threw her on the ground.

Beck: Started with the arms. Maybe it's time for the legs next.

Fleet ran in and threw his sword across the stage. It stabbed right through Beck. Beck stumbled back a lot. Millie came in and drove him back with a clap. And Amala came from behind and stabbed Beck through the back. Beck elbowed Amala and grabbed Fleet's sword and pulled it out. He then grabbed Amala's sword and pulled it out. Leon put his sword down around everyone and cast a teleportation spell. They teleported far below the fight stadium.