
Rebirth in a rom com world!

After death of Tenjo Yuuta , the god granted him only one wish . Despite of Op powers he asked for his favourite waifu in the new world nothing else. Since his good deeds were overwhelming, god granted him more than anything he could ever had asked for, of course granted the waifu(s) too. A/N: I am just migrating this novel from novel section to fanfic section .

Svneighter · Cómic
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52 Chs


I took cover behind some shelf and saw Miyuki selecting her swimsuit for the beach.

She was asking Yuuki to choose between a blue one or a white, simple looking frills swimwear. Both were cute from my perspective.

'Well I will love any one of them if it's on Miyuki'. I thought with my imagination running wild.

"Miyuki , try this one. Miyamura will go heads over heels over you , trust me." Yuuki said and pushed a sexy black bikini toward her.

"Eh.. but its too revealing , I can't...". She tried to refuse but Yuuki persisted her.

"Just try it once. Now go". She pushed Miyuki behind the changing room curtains and resumed selecting her own swimsuit with Hori san and Yoshida san.

I waited for a minute while calming my racing heart as what I was going to do could have backfired and I would be labelled as a pervert and for the more, I could also have spent my vacations in a police cell .

'Activate Stealth'

I said and tip toed toward the changing room silently.

"Mm? Did you felt something ".Yuuki asked Hori san, as I passed right past her toward the changing room.

When I entered inside I saw a damn goddess standing in a hot swimsuit and checking herself in the mirror. Her ample size breast were almost peeking out and her perfect size ass was also not so much covered either.

'I can't let anyone else see her like this'.

When I reveled myself in front of her she almost yelled but I covered her mouth instantly.

"Hmm? Miyuki are you okay?" Hori san asked as a small yelp was already exposed to outside.

I released her mouth with a pleading innocent look on my face.

"Y-yeah I am fine. Just need time to wear this". She said while glaring daggers at me.

"You are looking really good in this but don't wear it outside. " I said and hugged her almost naked body for the first time.

Her smooth skin and body warmth were driving me crazy.

"Iz-Izumi why are you here?" she said while shivering a bit but never resisted my touches.

"I feel like that I want to see you . Anyway you were complaining back in the school that I never kissed you right?" I asked with a mischievous grin .

She blushed and averted her gaze.

She started stammering to find words but she never mustered a word and only looked down to dodge the situation.

"Miyuki look at me". I said and she slowly lifted her eyes and looked toward me with a feverish glow.

I slowly reduced inches between us and kissed her soft small lips .

Our lips met and a sudden jolt ran down my spine. It was really becoming hot to kiss her in this outfit, as my hand roamed everywhere on her back.

I slowly lifted her while kissing and pinned against the wall.

Her legs were scissored on my back and now our teenage kiss developed into an adult one.

Same like Nino, Miyuki was also clumsy in kissing but with my master technique it was becoming better, second after second.

Her hands were clawing my back while my one hand on her soft butt and other one on her neck.

I played and bit on her lips and savoured the flavour thoroughly .

I pushed my tongue inside her mouth as the thrill of getting caught was making me want to go one more step ahead. But the sudden call of Yuuki took us back to reality.

"Miyuki come out , you are taking too much time . We can't let the boys wait for eternity." She said and we seperated our lips , forming a white bridge between our lips.

Her breathing was ragged and she was panting lightly which made me want to kiss her again but I let her down and after activating stealth I left the store instantly.

'Shit, I should have taken a picture of her'. I cursed myself to let go of a golden opportunity.

"You took too much time. Iura was about to eat your burger too." When I returned I saw Ishikawa kun sipping on ice tea and Iura was unwrapping my burger too.

"If you want to live more , then get your hands off , boy." I said while glaring at him with a cold smile on my face.

"Tooru , his eyes are scary". Iura teared at Ishikawa kun while passing my burger back.

After some minutes all the four girls with their secretive shopping bags, joined us and we ordered a second round of lunch .


After I came back , I immediately finished my dojo training and decided to finish it during night from today as I really don't get time in the evening.

After finishing my training I texted Nino .

Since it takes about half day to reach UK from Japan , I realised that she must at the airport right now .

"Let's check blacksmithing for now".

I wiped all the sweat from my half naked body with a dry towel . After drinking some refreshments , I entered the ameliorate.

'Hmm this holographic screen should be important'.

I tapped the holographic screen and a scroll suddenly started rotating in the air. Since it was just a projection , the scroll was passing through my body .

I tapped on the scroll and suddenly information was listed in front of my retina.

[Scroll of smither]

[Grade : SS ]

[Level : 1 ]

[Effect: A basic set of information of blacksmithing . Level can be increased by repeating the set of actions learnt by the scroll.]

(Note: Double tap the scroll to learn the technique of blacksmithing)

I tapped without hesitation without noticing the grade of the skill.


A lot of information about anvil blantness , metal beating , furnace adjustment and many other things penetrated my mind.

I screamed like hell and my legs gave out.

I collapsed then and there while clutching my head so damn hard.

It was like something was piercing my brain from inside . I don't know how much time passed but the pain reduced and after some seconds I was back to normal. The information which travelled in my mind when I was suffering, suddenly become fuzzy in my mind and I already started failing to remeber those methods and moves.

"Darbi, what is this. I fucking felt that much pain , and now I really forgot all the thing ." I yelled at Darbi but I knew there is nothing she could have done.

[Host, your intelligence was not ready yet to store that much information , that's why your brain adjusted all the information in installments. The more you practice the smithing , the more knowledge will come back to your mind. So don't panic and start hitting the hammer]

I claimed myself first and thought what she said and made a definite meaning of it. I exhaled a lot of air before replying her.

"Oh is that so. Anyway sorry for yelling at you ,this pain was new for me ." I apologised as it was my foolishness to dive in before measuring the depth.

I picked up the hammer from the left corner of the room.

"This is heavier than my dumbbells ". I realised as I lifted it with my left hand with a little struggle.

[800 kgs.]


I shrugged off and moved toward the anvil. I used my technique of old school hammering and when the metal hit the anvil, a golden hue spread out which was too thin to be visible for normal eyes.


I hit it again and again , after sometime the knowledge from the scroll started getting clear in my mind and my hand movements started to get more sharper and efficient.


I was beating hammer on the anvil , aimlessly just to make my movements accurate for the time when I will actually upgrade something here.


The strength I was using before was now reduced and the time for each hit also decreased about half an hour .


"Phew, this is really tough. I will have to spend more time in this to get more information about blacksmithing." I wiped my sweat and returned back to my room with a delightful smile on my face because of learning something amazing today.


Next morning I recieved a text from Nino that she landed safely but because of jet lag she was really sick , so she will contact me at night.

I wanted to see her but I didn't had choice and since she didn't used dojo , I can't meet her even there.

I wrote an application about my absence from school and left house .

Everything went on normal except one thing.

At lunch a different kind of problem was brought up by Ishikawa kun.

"We don't have a driver". He said when we were eating lunch.

Today we decided to eat together by joining our desks .

"Eh? But you told that you had asked someone already?" Yuuki exclaimed , on which we all nodded.

"I asked my caretaker Yoshiro san before but now she told me that she have to go back to her hometown urgently. " He said with a sigh.

We all started thinking for an alternative , while munching on our lunches.

"I can ask my dad for a driver ." Miyuki said .

"I have another idea . Do you guys know Yanagi kun from the 2 E who confessed Yuuki some days ago? " Yoshida san said.

(A/N : I am mentioning the class and section randomly as I don't wanna research on it.)

"Ehhhh? Yoshikawa you were confessed by Yanagi Akane?" Ishikawa kun said in a surprised tone , but Hori san and Miyuki didn't had much of a reaction .

'I guess they knew about it. But this confession scene happened too soon'. I thought in amazement as Yanagi kun actually confessed to Yuuki in the later part of the anime.

"That aside, he has a learner's licence and even drives very good . I already invited him for the trip but since he can drive there is no need to ask anyone else." Yoshida san said.

Yuuki didn't reacted on the relevance of Yanagi confession but she glanced sometime at Ishikawa kun to see his reaction.

'Oh yeah I forgot t Yuuki crush is Ishikawa kun'.

"Okay then ,its final . I will talk to Yanagi about this after school." Ishikawa kun said and packed his lunchbox.

I returned back home after leaving an application and getting an emotional see off from Miyuki who almost cried when she heard that I am leaving for three days. I didn't told her about Dojo as even I myself didn't knew yet how I am going to train in dojo after going at my grandpa house.

At home I was fixing a light bulb and mom was preparing dinner.

"Izumi your dad is also coming". She said while chopping the vegetables.

My hand paused for a second but I resumed switching the bulbs without getting noticed by mom about the fluctuations of emotions happened inside me.

"Okay mom." I said and came back to my room , after finishing my work.

"Dad huh."

I shuffled my memory and recalled what happened between my old self and my dad before I came into this world .

In junior high when I pierced myself and got a tattoo without permission , my dad already started getting on edge with me. And when I was blamed falsely about the rabbits incident in my school , my dad lost his cool and scolded me harshly for the first time. As I really didn't have done anything wrong ,I also yelled back at him and after that we never talked normally .

Time after time I isolated myself which made him sad and furious but he rarely talked to me and when I entered high school his office shifted in different part of Japan.

He came home for two days once in every two week but I really didn't cared about it and always stayed in my room at that time. Now since we are going to meet infront of many of my family members, I have to interact with him anyway.

"Miyamura was really fucked up in some departments".I sighed.

[+5 exp *sigh*]