
Rebirth in a rom com world!

After death of Tenjo Yuuta , the god granted him only one wish . Despite of Op powers he asked for his favourite waifu in the new world nothing else. Since his good deeds were overwhelming, god granted him more than anything he could ever had asked for, of course granted the waifu(s) too. A/N: I am just migrating this novel from novel section to fanfic section .

Svneighter · Anime & Comics
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52 Chs

Sharing Secrets!

"Enter Dojo". The first thing I did after coming back to my room was to enter the dojo as Darbi suggested.

The hall which came into my vision was old normal, training area with punching bags , weight bars and same old things . After crossing the sliding door a certain room with 5 deadly dolls were standing side by side , ready to beat me up . This room had a certain amount of scary effect on my mind but time after time I am trying to win over all this.

A third room which wasn't here before was accessible as the notification alerted me.

The first thing I saw after entering the room was..


A golden big anvil was placed on a wooden trunk and a big black furnace just beside the anvil . Other blacksmithing tools were neatly organised at the left corner of the room .



[Here host can upgrade weapons, throwables and create new weapons with required materials .]

[Host , you are drooling]

Darbi text pulled back my senses into the right place.

"Darbi this ..this..."

[Yeah host. Here you can create weapon and upgrade your old ones but the material needed is not available in your world . You have to extract it through ameliorate dungeons]

"This room has a seperate dungeon?"I asked maintaing my sparkling eyes which started shining just after I spotted the anvil .

[The material needed for an upgrade or new weapon ,will be listed on the screen beside the door and a dimensionsal gate will be opened from where you can collect those materials but yes, with the fair share of difficulty . And the bonus of clearing the gate is that...]

"Is that..." I asked excitedly like a child getting hyped for his christmas present.

[In bonus you can gain Exp and level up]


[Host, you didn't liked it?]

"Darbi will you marry me?"

[Fufu...you are about a thousand year young to ask about it. Anyway you have many ways to level up, so enjoy your days with your girls for the time being and after that , I don't think I have to tell you , host]

"Yeah. I know . Thank you God for this life". I prayed to the god before returning back to my room. I saw the holographic screen beside the door but I decided to check it out tomorrow, as I was really hungry at the moment.

"Izumi , are you in inside?" My mom asked as soon I returned back.

"Yeah mom ". I said and opened the door and saw her standing on the other side.

"Ah you were inside. I thought...anyway , we have to go meet your grandpa. His health is not so good these days, so we thought to have a family reunion." She said while we moved toward the dining area.

"So, when we have to go". I asked while grabbing a pack a ramen from the kitchen shelf.

"Don't eat those at dinner time . And we are going on Thursday and will return on Saturday evening, so leave an application to the school about it tomorrow".

"*Slurp* K *slurp*"I said while slurping the noodles happily with my eyes closed.


I glanced at mom and saw her sullen expression probably because of me eating noodles at this hour.

"*slurp* sowwy" I said and dashed toward my room with the ramen .


Next morning , I woke up at my usual timing .

Since Nino flight time was at 8 a.m , I decided to meet her near her apartment.

I called her after leaving my apartment that I am coming in 5 minutes on which her sleepy voice changed into energetic one ,all of a sudden.

At 5 .15 I was infront of her apartment building. Since it had took time with train , I decided to lift my limiter for a speed run.

After I called her again that I am already here she ran outside the glass door of her building with a cheerful smile on her face. She was dressed in her pink tracksuit , which was looking perfect on her .

"You don't have to come this morning for a see off ,you know". She said with her trademark tsundere smirk but I knew she was happy to see me.

"I know , but I can't help it. I am just gonna miss you so much ." I said and pulled her in a hug and got a cute yelp in response.

"Ba-baka . We are just infront of my building. "She said and tried to pull herself from me.

"Well then let's go". I said and dashed toward an alley with my inhuman speed , carrying the scared baby in my embrace.

"You can open your eyes ". I said and felt her shivering.

After getting some sweet scolding for scaring her ,I thought of an idea.

'Darbi , can I take her to the dojo?' I asked while Nino was still smacking my chest with some drop of tears in her eyes , not because the way I carried her here but because she was leaving me .

[Yes you can and ones a person enter there, they can enter anytime in the dojo just they have to say the same input you always say. However each and every time a person tries to enter the dojo, a mesage of permission will pop up infront of you of whether you want to let them inside or not]

'And what will happen when they return. Will they return to my room?' I asked as I always get back to my room after I exit the dojo.

[No they will return back to the place from where they used , to enter the dojo]

"Fuf..that's a relief" I let out the relied sigh loud.

"You mean getting away from md is relief". Her outburst increased.

"No that's not...anyway do you want to see me in person , even after you go to London". I asked on which she nodded without hesitation.

I held her hand and said "Enter dojo".

And I was back to my second home, but this time with a guest beside me.

"Before you can ask me anything , this is the place where I train . Just think it as a dreamland meeting point, and you can come here anytime from anywhere. Just say "Enter dojo " and you will be here. However I have to give permission each time you want to be here. If you come here then I can meet you anytime. Okay?"

She was shocked at first , then was surprised in the middle and and had a glad look when I said 'I can meet you anytime'.

"Return Home". I said and we were back to my room.

"Oh so that's how that day you appeared all of a sudden huh. " She crossed her arm and said in a understanding look.

'She is more quick witted than I thought'.i chuckled and left my house with her in a princess carry without getting noticed by my mother.

I ran toward her apartment with the same inhuman speed while carrying her .

Her eyes were closed all the time and hands gripping my neck tightly.

We arrived back her apartment nearly at 6 . I dropped her on the opposite side of the road of the building .

I saw her smiling after I let her down with her cheeks dyed red.

After couple seconds of silence she looked at me and said:

"Thank you Izumi for trusting me. " She kissed my cheek before running back to her apartment .


I came back to my house through dojo as I was really spent after running to and fro twice.

I went to school with a smile on my face.

'Nino was really happy. It's good that I remembered about dojo at the right moment'. I smiled again as I remembered the sweet diabetic messages I received from Nino after I came back home.

I arrived at school late today because of chatting with Nino as her flight was two hours delayed.

When I entered the class I saw almost every student chatting and gossiping as they usually do.

I greeted Ishikawa kun and some other boys before I spotted the beautiful sitting at her seat and chatting with Yuuki .

When our eyes met , she averted her gaze and I noticed a small pout on her face.

'Huh? What happened to her?' I thought and sat down on my seat while contemplating.

She continued glancing at me, time to time but averted whenever I looked back.

I thought that I have to eat bread for today but surprisingly at lunch break she came toward me and left the same black lunchbox on my desk before storming back to her seat before I can say something.

'This girl'. I stood up with lunchbox in my hand and started walking towar Miyuki.

"Miyuki let's go" . I said and pulled her .

She showed a little resistance at first but followed my lead .

"Now tell me what happened?" I asked after arriving at the rooftop.

"You kissed her before me. Not fair". She said with a frown on her face.

'Shit I forgot that this was supposed to be my first kiss'.

"Ah sor-sorry Miyuki. The flow was natural so I didn't..." I tried to convince her that it happened in the flow but to my surprise her frown disappeared and a small smile took its place.

"It's okay . I am not sad , as I already prepared myself for this kind of things when I agreed with this relationship. But still you never kissed me and according to Nino you kissed her like, without even getting nervous at all." She said while sitting down on the railing.

"Ah yeah its you know...anyways how can I cover for it?"

"Hmm, then come with me for shopping. Me and some other girls are going to shop for the beach trip". She said while opening the lead of her lunch box.

"But it will be awkward if I will be the only boy... wait I can bring him.". I said with a devilish grin , remembering a certain purple haired boy ,who used me to invite her girl for the trip.


Beside me and Miyuki there were 5 other students standing outside the Ynj mall, the biggest shopping complex in the north town.

Ishikawa kun agreed easily, out of my expectation as soon he heard the name of Hori san. Iura didn't had anything else so he came . Yuuki and Yoshida san were the two other girls who were going to the beach so they naturally came for shopping with others.

"Miyuki you knew what we have to buy here, still you brought them." I heard Hori san whispering in Miyuki ear.

We entered the mall while they were having this whispering argument

"But I wanted to ....sorry I forgot about it". Miyuki said with her innocent eyes which can melt anyone.

"Please tell Miyamura kun to divert them when we go there". Hori san said and we continued walking toward the clothing area.

"Is everything fine". I asked after Miyuki came back to my side.

She nodded with a smile and we started buying some summer clothes.

I didn't pried in the matter as I a distant idea about what they had to buy , came in my mind.

I asked Miyuki for reference and she adviced me to buy more colourful clothes as I wore dark colored shirts more often.

We bought some clothes and swimming gears like tubes and balls etcetera. After about an hour the final moment came.

"Izumi, can you guys take seats for us in the cafe , we will join shortly". Miyuki said in a tone which was audible to Ishikawa kun and Iura clearly.

"Why not we go together. It will save time . And it's not like mall is crowded at this time so..." I narrowed my eyes and said mischievously.

"Izumi please.." Miyuki requested but this time in a lower tone and with puppy eyes.

"Okay okay, let's go Ishikawa kun, Iura. We will eat something until they finish their shopping". I said and as expected Ishikawa kun took the hint and dragged the stubborn Iura with us.

'I can't let this chance go away'. I thought while we entered the cafeteria on the same floor where the girls went for the so called secret shopping.

After we ordered burgers and fries ,I stood up suddenly.

"Uh I have to use washroom." I said and left the two boys who didn't had any clue of my sneaky plan.

I dashed toward the bathroom and activate my stealth.

With lightning footstep I dodged every person in the way and made my way toward the shop where the girls entered some minutes ago.

'As expected '. I entered the shop with a huge grin on my face.