
Rebirth: Counterterrorism in America

"Reborn for Family: Taken" - Joining CTU in "Counterterrorism 24/7," pursued by Jason Bourne from "The Bourne Identity," cooperating with Ethan Hunt from "Mission: Impossible," blending elements of "Rainbow Six" and "Call of Duty," navigating the realms of movies and games, I am Steve Owen. THIS HISTORY BELONGS TO THE ORIGINAL AUTHOR THIS IS A TRANSLATION

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62 Chs

Chapter 60: Surveillance

Owen was unaware of the events unfolding at CTU. The traffic had eased, and the roads were back to normal. Just as he was about to roll down the window for some fresh air, his phone rang. After closing the window again, he heard Chloe's voice from the device: "Owen, are you alright?"

Owen was puzzled by her question, which was soon followed by Chloe explaining, "Be careful of your surroundings. CTU was just attacked by a car bomb. Jack and a few colleagues were injured. The Cruel Angels have claimed responsibility for both attacks. Jack wanted me to warn you…"

"A car bomb attack? How is Jack?"

"He's okay, just some minor injuries. I won't keep you, just stay safe and report back if anything happens…"

Chloe hung up before Owen could respond.

Los Angeles, a city that never sleeps, dazzled with neon lights, presenting a stark contrast to the quaint Lasvias. Despite returning to a familiar environment, Owen felt no relief, possibly due to the recent news. Opening the window, he let the night breeze soothe him.

Daring to attack CTU openly, the Cruel Angels were audacious. Recalling Chloe's warning, Owen glanced at the rearview mirror.

The training in Lasvias had ingrained a habit of cautiousness in Owen, including routinely checking his surroundings through the mirror while driving. This habit now proved useful.

Owen had noticed a Ford following him from a distance. Initially dismissing it as coincidence, he now had to be cautious. After deliberately making a couple of turns and seeing the Ford mirror his actions, Owen confirmed he was being followed.

Feeling tense about the unknown tail, Owen considered who could be tracking him so soon after the CTU bombing. He doubted it was paparazzi at such a critical time, leaving the likelihood that those following him were connected to the CTU attackers.

The Cruel Angels?

Owen was still unsure. His experience in the Major Crimes Unit suggested that targeting CTU for revenge made sense, but targeting a new recruit like him seemed far-fetched.

His phone rang.

"Hey, buddy, I heard CTU was bombed. Are you okay?"

Carlos's voice came through the phone, showing concern for Owen's situation.

"Carlos, don't talk. Just listen…"

Owen's tone alarmed Carlos, who immediately pulled over.

"I'm being followed…"

"By who?"

"I don't know. They've been on me since I left CTU. Could be vendetta-driven, or related to the CTU bombing…"

"How many?"

"Just one car that I can see. Not sure if there are more."

"Where are you?"

"Stan Street, two blocks from the Multivision Shopping Center. Hurry over."

"Got it. Try to stall. I'm on my way."

After hanging up with Carlos, Owen called CTU, but it wasn't Chloe who answered—it was Nina.

"It's Owen. How's Jack?"

"He's been taken to the hospital. He was holding out until he suddenly passed out. What's up? I'm in charge here now…"

"Uh…" Owen decided to be upfront despite his reservations about Nina. "I'm being followed!"

"Followed? By the Cruel Angels?"

"Not sure yet…"

"Where are you? The tactical team is out with Tony on a mission. I'll send a pair to back you up…"

"No need. I've already contacted police friends. They're on their way. Send someone else for that suspicious person. I can't get there right now…"

"Okay, stay in touch."

After hanging up, Owen took another look at the Ford in the rearview mirror. He hadn't sped up, and the car behind hadn't shown any overt hostility. If it weren't for his recent training in anti-surveillance, he might not have noticed.

Approaching a red light, cars slowed to a stop. Owen pondered the identity of his pursuers. If it were the Cruel Angels, it'd be one thing, but if it were someone seeking revenge, his family could be at risk.

Remembering his time with the Major Crimes Unit, Owen recalled dealing with vicious criminals but rarely encountering personal vendettas. However, joining CTU changed the stakes, as dealing with terrorists like Hans from the Nakatomi Plaza incident brought a whole new level of danger.

Owen decided to call Brian as a precaution, dialing his number. Brian, watching TV, didn't hesitate to answer Owen's call.

"Brian, I need to schedule a weed removal service."



Hanging up, Brian left as if nothing had happened. "Weed removal" was a code between Owen and Brian, devised after returning from France to indicate a threat to their families, ensuring mutual assistance. Though initially just a precaution, the code was now urgently activated.

If there were anyone besides his relatives Owen could trust, it wasn't Carlos, George, or even John McClane, but Brian. Their shared experiences and commitment to family bonded them deeply.

On Hope Avenue, Owen kept an eye on the tailing Ford. Turning a corner near the Multivision Shopping Center, he slowed down and parked. The commercial district buzzed with activity, offering Owen some anonymity. Exiting his car, he headed towards the shopping center.

The Ford also pulled over, and one of the occupants, comparing Owen's profile to a newspaper photo, exclaimed in dismay, "Damn, Salem, we got the wrong guy. This isn't Jack Bauer…"


Snatching the newspaper, another compared it before angrily discarding it. The paper featured Jack Bauer in a post-terrorism operation photo.

"Never mind, let's go with him. Bad luck for him, but we need him alive. I want him to stand trial before the media…"

Salem's cold directive prompted the others to conceal their weapons and exit the car, mistakenly believing Owen to be their intended target.