
Realms of the Lost

What was it like to be forgotten? Or to forget those you thought you would cherish in your heart forever with all the bittersweet memories? Love, Life, Memories, Adventures. Would you restart your whole life out of guilt and frustration, knowing it would be letting these things go? The realms of old have been long forgotten by those who chose to forget. Even though they are forgotten, it doesn't mean they are left. Soon the past will come to get and find you. How long can you last before you realize the truth?

Ahera_Roses · Fantasía
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6 Chs

The Close Call

"You!", a booming voice called the front of the classroom.

Everyone woke up in a sleepy daze as their history teacher yelled that single word at the class. All eyes followed the direction that he was pointing towards. Their gaze landed on the only person who was unfazed by the teacher's loud voice. The student was gazing idly at the raindrops hitting the window as the wind picked up and flashes of lightning were happening outside. She sat right beside the window at the second to the last row of chairs. The person behind her tapped her shoulder which caught her off guard in her daze.

"The answer is...thirty three?", she said to her teacher with an awkward smile and a shrug. The teacher slammed his book at the teacher's desk. "Ms. Marina Anthymum, please visit my office after classes, with no delay, on the dot.", he said with a stern tone and an unforgiving gaze. Marina gulped and looked around the class for some helping gaze. All heads were looking down at their laps or hidden behind their history books. Marina shrugged and looked at him defiantly. "Sure, Sr. Erif. Although I'm sure your wife would be so worried if you arrived home late. Oh, I'm sorry. I keep forgetting she left you for your shortness down there", she said with a grin. Stifled laughs erupted around the class but none wanted to meet eye contact with either of the two.

"Well then, that gives me more time to stay with you as you do the extra assigned homework I will assign to you after class then, wouldn't it?", he said with a slow smile as he walked out of class.

"Pfft, no homework would chain me for long, short stuff Erif", Marina said as he going out the door. Sr. Erif looked back with a blank stare but she swore she saw an unknown energy in his eyes. A shiver traveled up her spine but she quickly pushed away any odd or scary thoughts. A tap on her shoulder caught her attention. "You should know better than to mess with him, Rina-chan...", her friend, who watched too much anime, said. Marina shrugged and gave a reassuring smile. "Ain't nobody going to put dirt on me and get away with it, Kram." she said with clenched fists.


"You sure you don't want any company? I'm sure our teacher wouldn't mind if someone came along with you...", Kram said with uncertainty. He looked as if he wanted to go with her but also not want to be part of the mess that she created. "Its okay, Kram," she said while patting his fluffy hair, "I can take care of myself pretty well." Marina winked at him and walked into Sr. Erif's office.

"You're one minute late.", a low voice said from behind the door. Marina looked behind the door and saw Sr. Erif's frown out to meet her. She jumped back in surprise and her backside hit the edge of his desk. Marina yelped in pain as the edge scratched her back that wasn't covered by her t-shirt. She scratched her back and turned her head to see if the scratch was worse than she thought. When she realized it wasn't that bad, she looked back at Sr. Erif... He wasn't by the door anymore. She looked at her left but he wasn't by the waiting area. Marina felt a warm breath on her right. Marina looked up at her right and was met by her teacher's blank stare. His hand was behind her, on the table, while the other was on his waist. "Careful now, you wouldn't want to get hurt under my care.", he said with a stare. He was close to Marina, too close, but his gaze looked far into her eyes as if searching for something.

"You're quite the interesting pupil in my class, Marina. Perhaps in the school of Golden Cliff University even, with your long blue tinted hair up to your waist, your marvelous ocean eyes, and your sand-colored skin. You look like an ocean nymph from a story book," Sr.Erif said with a chuckle and a hand on her shoulder now, "You should be careful of the people you should be comfortable with..."

Unexpectedly, Sr. Erif grabbed her hands pinned it to the desk behind her.

An odd feeling was filling the room. It brought shivers and goosebumps around Marina's body. Marina looked up at her teacher's face. His eyebrows were frowning. His forehead was creased in rage. He was angry or annoyed. It didn't make sense what he feeling because...he was smiling. What caught Marina's attention the most was his eyes. His eyes were glowing with rage. It wasn't just showing anger but it looked as if flames were ready to burst from his now ember colored eyes that were once hazelnut colored.

Marina could hear whispering soft voices all around the room. She couldn't look away from him. It was as if she was caught in a trance. She tried to remove his grip but it was as if his hands were made of concrete or steel. He started to open his mouth as if to speak...

A screech erupted from his mouth. The voices around her that were once whispering were now shouting that Marina felt herself turn deaf slowly.

"Beware the ember-eyed lord."

"Remember those who have been forgotten."

"Return to the place where the crystals sing."

Marina screamed at the top of her lungs but no sound escaped her lips.

"COME BACK HOME, ARIA!", A voice screamed above all else.

Marina's vision turned black.

"YOU!", a voice erupted.

Marina opened her eyes and looked towards the voice that called out. She looked around and realized she was back at the classroom. "Don't sleep in my class!", the voice said from the front of the class. It was her history teacher. Sr. Erif was looking at her with he usual stern face as if everything that just happened were a dream. Marina looked out the window. It was raining again. Some tapped her back. "You okay, Marina?", Kram said in a concerned tone.

"I...don't know.."

pretty tame chapter for a while

Ahera_Rosescreators' thoughts