
Reality Subduers

Cover is "Lunette". Next in line is SILVER, "THE WOMAN", KORVAC, (OXXANA) NARAE, or WILDKYR'ZON, she has appeared before in the cover, BRIANNELL and SLAYÇĘR are not easy to create i keep trying though. Check the work of - EasyFun - in PixAI, he made one of the future Covers and a few Creatures. Search for - Saito Tesshu - in the same plataform too, he create a picture that was literally the live image of Thyfall. (Now in the Characters section!) IF YOU WANT TO HAVE A CERTAIN CHARACTER IN THE COVER, LEAVE A COMMENT. Arriving to The New Existence, is not even the start in the unparallel journey to "Absolution". Follow the DISTINCT CHARACTERS across their adventures and troubles on a REALITY they "ARE" and "NOT" familiar with: First four Archs are Introductory to concepts employing different points of view, The story sets up its tempo until Arch five onwards. (I RECOMMEND TO READ UNTIL THE SIX TO EIGHT ARCH, OTHERWISE YOU ARE GOING TO MISS A LOT OF INFORMATION) Pick your favorite Character and support them on the Fandom Feature!: BVERXKKA Marshack "The Absolute Apex": Born to be the Epitome of his Species, The Hûrngöth, labeled the strongest and more powerful Entity on his previous Existence, search the weaklings and hybrids of his species to exterminate them, due to them being the responsibles of the Destruction of Hûlfhednär, his Homeworld, and a trillion of his peers (Real Trillion has eighteen Zeros!). SHLÕVTHY Zergirion "The Playboy" - The Best Mate of his Species the Königh, hates with madness the majority of other Königh that are less evolved, he is driven by vengeance, occulting this truth behind a smiling and playful facade. VIUKANE Newller "The Charmer" - The second best integrant of his Species the Gärmshïer, for him is abhorrent to take the credit for what others do, and is extremely ruthless when others steal what belongs to him, above everything, his achievements. KORVAC Idris "The Athlete" - A young man from a different variation of the iterations of Humanity (Terranean) that belongs to another Existence, he is extremely Pragmatic and Paranoid, which makes him doubt his own beliefs and question everything, as he doesn't feel any grievance for the brutal murder of his fiancee before being send to The New Existence. The Daily Chapter always is published at 20:00 Local Hour every day. Additional Chapters on Sundays, I am going to pile them up in the week. Steamy encouters (Probably) on weekly basis, Starting from chapter 69 Onwards!. (Full intercourse Shlõvthy / Maiden Rodgers) (Future Full intercourse Viukane/Oxxana - Dallas/? - Häränn/? - Silver/? - Swallöwęįne/?) ("S"caling "M"utual "U"nderstanding and "T"rust bonding to build a solid relationship henceforth Thyfall/Korvac - Slayçęr/? - Briannell/? - Bverxkka/?) 50 Power Stones = Additional Chapter. Golden Ticket = Additional Chapter. I am really busy, i publish the next chapters as soon as i finish to cook them. (If you want to know a bit more about some characters, you can read the Prequel - SOMETIMES THE UNKNOWN IT'S BETTER THAN THE ALTERNATIVE) MATURE CONTENT - SMUT - R18 BDMS - BONDAGE - ROLEPLAY ACTION - GORE (Depending on situation) HAREM (Some) NTR (Technically) YURI (Depending on characters behavior and tendencies) ADVENTURE - HARSH (For some) - DARK (As the story unfolds) - COMEDY (Occasionally) ROMANCE (Driven by different mentalities, cultural disparities or traditions) MULTIPLE LEADS (No real MC, if you want one, then, is BVERXKKA if it weren't for him no one else could have a chance in the unforgiven REALITY everyone is surviving) NO CHEATS (No one has something "Unique", everyone can reach "Absolution") NO PLOT ARMOR (If they look like they are going to die, think about it twice, what they can or can't do, the answers are already there)

Marshack · Fantasía
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100 Chs

<×> SHLÕVTHY <×> Chapter 15 : A Not Relaxing Morning Part 1. - Volume 1 : The New Existence. - Arch 2 : Unexpected And Amusing Changes.

<× > SHLÕVTHY <× >

Chapter 15 : A Not Relaxing Morning Part 1.

Bverxkka's hilarious comments continue throughout the breakfast, finishing all the extra food i ordered for him, being quite entertaining how so much mass dissaper into nothingness as everyone else berely finishes their meals.

About 20 Local Minutes had passed, Halifax thanks for inviting him to eat and leaves.

{I'm sure he recognized a relative since physically they are very a like, and here, every single person has the same skin tone, a really weird thing for someone as globetrotter like me, because wherever i went, variety was never a lacking factor}

{I genuinely hope to recover my real apparency, i don't like being so short or mundane as those around, it took me a lot to prepare Myself for the final goal, and those gross subespecies that deviate of my Species are going to suffer if i encounter them}

Vinnval and Dallas depart a Minute later, both are quite similar and simultaneously opposite which is why they complement each other, probably they noticed someone related to them too, because both move quite fast in the same direction.

Urlgrend, Jagarlout and his lackey Airwind leave too, but they depart to inform the Wall Guards about the Level 2 Sandworm.

Apparently, any Creature on Level 1 must be exterminated if is not tamed and with a Pact, Contract or Harness, not like i know what those do but if a Level 1 is bad news a Level 2 without a doubt is a major catastrophe.

And just like that, we are only 5 still on the wood table, Bverxkka, Korvac, Häränn, Thyfall and Myself chilling around and drinking with no particular moderation, and that is precisely what worries Korvac.

—Thyfall… , why aren't you… , Opened the wine bottle?!.

—That is obvious Korvac!, because there are no glasses for wine!.

Thyfall argument and reasoning are not wrong, but, where do we get a glass cup for her?, even a gold or silver cup is more likely to be found in a place like this one.

—Who cares, open the bottle and drink from it.

—But that is…

Häränn intercede with a mischievous smile.

—Not proper?, Unmannered?, Haven't you look how Bverxkka swallow the raw fishes?, just do it!.


Exclaim Thyfall with annoyance.

{Who could thought she is weak against social pressure, good to know}

The lady grabs the black bottle and starts to push the cork slowly, soon it will come out.

{Strange, red wine doesn't use that type of cork…}

Thyfall movement continues with a loud *Pop*, ejecting the cork at a massive speed, hitting my forehead, leaving a bruise that disappears as soon as it was generated thanks to my unmatched regeneration speed.

—Hahaha, i didn't know you have that side inside you Thyfall, give it to me harder next time mommy.

I tease the lady sending a flying kiss, who gets embarrassed immediately, letting the bottle over the table.

—It wasn't on purpose!, you… , you… , you… , Debauchery Male.

—Oh! Lady Thyfall, even the insults coming out from your mouth are adorable like your expressions, How could i resist not to tease you?, ask them, i am completely sure that even Bverxkka is on my side in this.

Thyfall pouting is so cute that i want to pounce at her and pat her as a pet, but Häränn interrupts my fantasy.

—Funny we put him as an ideal portrait of rectitude with how unruly are his manners and lack of decorum, something you don't have at all Shlõvthy…

Shamelessly and nonchalantly i retort to both Females.

—Don't throw so many compliments at me, How am i supposed to accept all of them with my heart not flinching for at least one of you two?.

Bverxkka snorts at my reply, but Korvac can't hold back in the slightest and starts to laugh aloud.

Häränn rolls her eyes in exasperation but Thyfall gets more embarrassed, she is not familiar with our informal interactions, but adapts well to the situation, grabbing the bottle and drinking the content in one go, surprising Häränn too.

—That is a deep throat what you hide right there!, how many wanted you on your Planet Thyfall?.

—I don't know, My Father never spoke about marriage proposals with me, but… , i have a question, What is a Planet?, you mantion the word regularly, and i don't understand it.

—Maybe this is going to be a shock for you Thyfall, but the place you used to live in, it was a Planet, has a relatively spherical shape and is big, really big, like this place.

Said Korvac, being corrected by Bverxkka.

—Inaccurate, we are on a "Layer" Korvac, and is an "Infinite Flat World", however, the assessment you said to Thyfall about her living on a Spherical Place is correct.

—If is like a ball, How is possible that people don't fall?.

—Gravity, the rotation, it is spinning and that maintains you on the ground, sorry i hate Physics, never pay too much attention in class.

—Do not worry i did the same…

Korvac and Häränn admitted they are not really aware of the "Why", so i rise my hand too, what provokes Bverxkka incomprehension.

—All of you should be ashamed of yourselves, is basic knowledge!.

—Not as basic as this…

I retort showing a semi-transparent quartz container filled with honey, but before i can weaponize the opportunity, Bverxkka has already snatch it away from my grasp.

The young Hûrngöth turns upsidedown the container so that the honey falls directly into his mouth.

But since the substance is thicker and more viscous than usual, he chooses to extend his tongue, elongating and dividing it into 4 parts, which penetrates the entrance of the container, coming into contact with the honey, raising the internal temperature for the sweet nectar to melt.

In a couple of seconds the honey travels through Bverxkka's tongue, filling his mouth steadily with the glorious substance, although the content never overflows because he swallows the liquid at a constant pace.

As the container empties, Bverxkka moves his tongue inside the object with such passion that it suggests that he is performing another more suggestive and intimate type of action, finishing with the container being spotless.

—Holy "Karloiin" Bverxkka!, Now i understand why "Onice" screamed so passionately on Varannassi!, you didn't hold back a little with the virgin Fof'blir!.

—Why should i, Onice was under Persea manipulation, i only help her, and was that, or you taking her purity.

—Oh!, is that important for your Species?.

—Not really, but is was important for her, so was for the best outcome that i clean her and not you My Not Friend.

—I can't argue with that…

{The only way i have to purge invasive pheromones, parasites or diseases is absorbing them into me through my dick, but that only works with sex and the affection must have something related to the endocrine sistem}

{Otherwise i wouldn't mind curing all women from any diseases that are in the "REALITY", unfortunately i can't}


The sound makes me turn towards the responsible, Sydney, who looks extremely preoccupied, almost in despair.

»—Something happened Sydney?.

She nods timidly and points out the black bottle that was emptied by Thyfall a few moments ago.

—I bring you the wrong bottle… , I, I…

She almost cried, so i take her hand, she is terrified, trembling in fear, not to my touch, because her mind is clearly somewhere else.

—Why don't you sit next to me and explain with more detail what occured Sydney?.

The Waitress follows my command, sitting down on the wood bench, point her face to the floor and glancing the empty bottle with severe regret.

—I grabbed the wrong bottle, the one i bring to you belongs to the private stash of the new Barman, he arrives a few days ago from the County, he… , he wants me to pay for it, i… , i can't afford it, he threaten me with the Guards, if he goes to them, i would be forced to pay or… , or… Sla…

A few tears runs out from her reddened eyes across her cheeks, she is unable of end the sentence, her thoughts clouded with her grimm predicament and incoming torment.

‡—She is not lying.

Comment Bverxkka using my Homeworld language, he can see lies, but right now his ability is severely impeded, nevertheless, is useful and difficult to deceive.

—Don't cry Sydney, why don't you take me and My No Friend to discuss the situation with this New Barman, i am sure we can come to an arrangement.

My words disturb her, however, Häränn and Thyfall get up with hastiness from their seats to console the Waitress.

While Korvac and Bverxkka are as or more ready than Myself to enter into a combat if thesituation escalates up to that point.

The counter of the canteen is not really that far from us, bur strangely, a few Guards are already there, ready to receive us.

The one in charge is a woman, has a cyan blue dress, Yellow Amber metallic long hair tied up in a braid, glowing blue eyes and outstanding beauty.

But her attitude is completely garbage, i know it due to her posture, i don't even need she pronounce her first word towards us to understand her type, is basically Dallas, but in a female with high authority, a really bad combination.

Chapter for reaching 30 Collections, keep the support and leave a comment, Additional Chapter for 5K Views in short.

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