
Reality Bender System, Marvel

Embark on a journey alongside Emelia as a bored god whimsically transports her to another universe, or perhaps even a multiverse. In this intriguing realm, she encounters a myriad of characters from diverse backgrounds. Immerse yourself in the excitement of Emelia's adventure as she grapples with her 'Reality Bending System' and unravels the enigmas of the extraordinary realm unfolding before her. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello there I'm the Author, this is my first time writing fan-fiction, please let me know what I can improve at! Also, to let you all know, this will be done in my spare time when i am not busy with RL stuff! I hope you all enjoy! FYI: I do not own Harry Potter or any other pre-existing novels/ works that i use within my Fan-Fiction. This does have a Harem, it will be purely Yuri though. (Since people have been complaining i am adding this to say that this is inspired by 'The Fallen Gamer'... They have accused me of Plagiarism, so, just to let you guys know I am not stealing from the other author only using some of the ideas and basic themes with a sprinkling of some of the same events early on in the story; mainly because they are some of the best and easiest to start from; even these I have made changes to.) My Discord: https://discord.gg/EVj54tc8dt

Alex_Simmonds · Cómic
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387 Chs

Hasty Repairs and Arrival in Milky Way

After meeting with the admiral they very quickly docked with Atlantis, countless replicator spiders standing in lines behind Himari and Aurélie. A ramp from the Furling vessel unfurled to reveal me and the Admiral walking down the ramp, a few soldiers following behind him as a personal retinue.

The admiral gazed at the replicators and the two 'Atlanteans' waiting in front of them, his posture refined and gait slow as he looked as if he was inspecting them on a parade ground. I walked forward, the twin women smiling as they bowed slightly. "Mistress we will begin repairs as soon as possible, from the damage we can ascertain the vessel will require at most a day before they are ready to travel."

I nodded as the Admiral came up beside me, his gaze now transitioned to the tall spires above the radiator-like ceiling of the space docks.

"It is certainly impressive, it seems the Atlanteans had certainly outdone themselves before they died." The twin women cocked their heads to the side but quickly got the basics of their language as i transmitted some of my knowledge to them.

"Indeed Admiral, it is very impressive. Now, we are heading to the Milky Way Galaxy or as you might know it, Avalon. I wonder if you would like to stay here for a day or travel with us... As for your Furling companions that were taken, it is most likely that they were eaten by now."

That Admiral seemed quite angered by the death of his people but quickly regained his stoicism as he entered his 'commander' façade once more. He closed his eyes as the soldiers around him were looking on with their peripheral vision.

"We will stay for repairs and then set off to liberate our captured people... I will not hold you on your journey as I will re-join the Furling Exploratory fleet, they will aid us. I must at least state it once... I thank you for your assistance and hope that some day we can repay you."

"It is not needed Admiral, i would merely ask you to look after yourselves and look after a species called Humans within Avalon... We may not always be here to help so please speak to your superiors about increasing military power."

He squinted his eyes slightly sussing out the hidden meaning in my words before nodding, his gentlemanly nature holding him back from asking a question about why i had said what i did. I could feel that he had taken my warning seriously and would consider it heavily.

'With that i won't need to always look after the Humans here and after i fix the Asgard's problems I'll take Atlantis with me back to Marvel and cloak it above Earth.'


A day later the Furlings departed with the rest of their people as the ship was repaired and strengthened somewhat by the repair skills of the Replicators that substituted some of their systems with temporary nanites. I was sitting on the balcony of the control tower playing games with my wives again as space twisted around the exterior of Atlantis's shields, the rainbow patterns causing psychedelic patterns to swirl across our bodies constantly.

Pixel had told me that we were at most half a day away and could be there quicker if we burned a couple ZMPs out, which i promptly chose to do. 'I will have to create a ZPM recycling facility to reuse some of the materials...' The original half a day time period had soon vanished and became an hour at max with a lesser time much more likely.

I was currently at war with Idun's nation within the game as she had finally reached Nuclear Fusion, creating enough power to allow her to create reliable and sustainable mechs and such. One would be wondering why i am taking this all so seriously, well, lets just say, i have the means to create these civilisations from the memory recording of our game and could alter some of it to make them completely loyal to me and my wives, effectively creating a powerful faith source. My civilization was the defender in the current war as I had created massive mobile shields and artillery and would bombard anything along the border with ferocity and power as fighter planes bombarded strategic points along the border, creating a logistical nightmare for Idun's army. It was really funny as well, because with my spies i had found out all of the juicy secrets of her military and politics, for instance where her supply chain began... That was when a massive explosion occurred within the game, blowing away the supply chain's central hub.

The war continued for half an hour longer, until Idun sued for peace and gave me some very favourable concessions and deals. Seeing as how the game was not fought with real people i saw no issues with what we were doing as i could easily change these parts and just maintain the status quo from before the wars if i needed to.

Finally after the end of the war the hyperdrive began to slowly wind down as the rainbow colours faded into whites and blacks before stabilizing on pitch blackness, a distant blue orb showing itself amidst the barren Solar System. Atlantis started moving forwards towards Earth, the city clearly in view of the governments' satellites and astronomers as we weren't exactly hiding ourselves.

Moments later a small and bulky ship appeared in front of Atlantis, The Prometheus, the Earth's first starship and honestly a bit fucking clunky. The shields of the Prometheus were shining a bright blue and white, signature work of the Asgard tech onboard.

"Unidentified Space Vessel this is the Captain of the USS Prometheus, you are violating Human borders and are trespassing, cease your movements or your actions will be considered invasive and we will be forced to use excessive force."

I rolled my eyes as his words played through the control room. I paused the game, pissing off my women; until they noticed the planet Earth hanging above their heads, and stepped into the Control room.

"This is Emelia Lionheart, ruler of Atlantis, we mean no harm and have in fact come on a diplomatic mission to contact the Asgardians."

There was complete silence for several minutes until I noticed the comm line had change from the ship to Atlantis, to Colorado.

"This is general Hammond, i have been given all authority to discuss matters relating to your mission. I wonder if you would be willing to accept a sit down, where we could discuss matters further in person?"

"Sure. What would you prefer?"

"If you could, would you mind coming down to the surface where we would feel more safe?"

"I am fine with that... I will see you in two minutes, within your meeting room."

"Sorry? What?"

I cut the communication off as my Wives gathered around me, concerned. They all seemed as if I was weak enough to die to anything they could throw at me. 'I fucking bitch slapped captain Britain and defeated some of the most powerful beings in the universe not long ago... Wait they don't know about the ancients thing... fuck.' My smile faltered as i continued my thoughts. Opting to assuage their feelings i hugged them all tight, one by one and issued kisses to all of them.

Although i wasn't worried, i did strap Void to my hip from a cord tied to my jeans, just in case i needed it, who knows? Maybe I'll run into something interesting... That was not a red flag, i promise.

I soon said my temporary goodbyes and vanished, reappearing in the meeting room of Hammond, who, was surrounded by SG-1 and countless soldiers holding M model rifles, i wasn't an American so i couldn't properly identify the model but it seemed very militaristic which i knew would have different designations compared to civilian firearms.

"I come in peace." I did the Star Trek live long a prosper, getting an uproarious laughter from Jack as he got the reference, Hammond looking at him in complete frustration as Carter smiled and Teal'c cocked his head to the side in a bit of confusion.

'Oh this is going to be a blast...'

[Your tellin me? I fuckin knew it would be already boss!]

'ok, let's calm down.'

[Nope, fuck that... This shit is crazy, especially when you consider that you freed Daniel from the Ancients so now he can help people and Earth again.]

'Yeah i did... That'll be interesting, i wonder what their universe will be like when i get back. The Ori will probably cry themselves asleep.'

[Pffft that'll be a sight to see!]


Sorry for the delayed Chap, got busy taking my Grandfather to the doctors... Anyway, hope you enjoy!


Thanks for all of the power stones and support! Please continue to donate power stones for me if you like my work, it really helps me gain motivation and keeps me wanting to give more chapters.

Surprise! There is a pat.reon for my Fan fic where you will be able to get exclusive Discord Roles and access to vote in decisions related to the Fan fic, this includes the ability to suggest ideas and such in a much more viewed section of my discord! Here it is: patreon.com/user?u=111976696

Also, if you feel so inclined and would like to help me continue to be able to make these chapters, here is my PayPal: paypal.me/RBSMFF

Feel free to join my Discord here: https://discord.gg/EVj54tc8dt 

Special thanks to these people for all the Power Stones!:





Brenin, azure1,


























Sorry if i missed any, thank you all for your support!

Alex_Simmondscreators' thoughts