
Real Or Psychic Real

ORIGINAL CONTENT- HORROR/THRILLER Story revolves around Cade Borges in fictional town of Kerrysville. It is about young man surviving his normal life but something turns his world upside down which is haunting and confusing revolving around his passed away dad.

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14 Chs

CHAPTER 01: What’s happening?  

It was the most silent night in Kerrysville, the downtown clock ticking half past three, and the breeze was the only sound in the air. It was as silent as the stilled waters, but it wasn't the same for all.

For Cade, it was the opposite; he was trying to figure out his life while sipping his latte on the balcony. He witnessed the unusual shedding of leaves from the oak tree in front of his balcony, despite it not being autumn.

He rubbed his eyes, and when he looked again, he was astonished to find no leaf on the ground. After a few seconds pass by, he observes the branches shifting onto his balcony. Cade's latte drops down as he shivers in fear, and when he turns around to run to his room, it disappears, bringing a desert in front of his eyes.

On the verge of his fright, he imagines the branch falling onto his face, then rings the annoying alarm, to which he wakes up only to find the same oak tree standing nice and still in front of his balcony, and the night is still the same at half past three. With puzzlement at the peak of his mind, Cade goes back to sleep again.

Cade, a dropout from high school, had a very shy personality that many found hard to understand. Working at "Raby's Pizzeria,", he manages to get his life going, not sophisticatedly, but still adhering to his basic needs.

He was a person usually found in his world without causing unnecessary trouble to anyone unless otherwise anyone troubled him, but he has said he was a great taskmaster.

"Jesus!! Doug, I told you deaf-ass that I am allergic to your smoke! God knows when you'd quit ....you know that I am allergic to your smoke! God knows when you'd quit!" sulkily, Cade woke up from his bed screaming at his roomie. "Oh, man! That's your morning alarm," replied his roommate, Doug. His parents work on ships, and living in Tokyo, he was one of Cade's homies.

Growing up with his grandmother, he never wanted to be alone, which is why he chose to live with Cade after her death last year. Already late, Cade rushed into the washroom, ignoring his friend's comment as usual.

The surprise he got when opening the toilet amazed him as he saw the living room, despite his surety about opening the bathroom door. With the thoughts of fear and emptiness in his mind, he rushes to work, declaring it a "no shower day."

"You're late again, kid... I'm sure you don't need a cut from your check?" said Raby. With his head down, Cade heads towards the kitchen.

Then, as usual, his consoling partner in the kitchen, Natalia, said, "It's going to be alright, Cade. You know those were just words from his mouth; he's not going to do it." "I hope so, Natalie," replied Cade, while taking the vegetables from the fridge, only to find, to his astonishment, no one behind him.

He walks out of the kitchen to ask Raby about Natalia. "She's on sick leave for a couple of days, dumbo... Get started; I have no time for your trash-talking," replied his angry boss. "Mr. Raby, but I just saw her. She was talking to me." stuttered poor Cade. As Raby continues to ignore him, Cade rushes out of the pizzeria, horrified, and decides to go to Natalia's house, which is three blocks away.

When Cade reaches her house, he is welcomed by Mrs. Browning with a sweet smile.

"Hi Cade, Is everything okay? What makes you sweat so much?" inquired Mrs. Browning after seeing his sweaty face.

"Hi! Mrs. Browning, Can I see Natalia?" asked Cade, hiding his panicked face.

A confused lady leads the boy to Natalia's room. "Wait until I bring you coffee, honey.", Mrs. Browning left the room.

Cade was shocked to see the same Natalia who spoke to him a few minutes ago laying in bed, reading Harry Potter.

"Cade, what's up with you? Are you alright? and shouldn't you be at work now?"

A slightly happy-faced Natalia asked a confused Cade.

Cade continued to look into her charismatic blue eyes, hesitating to tell of his yesterday's and this morning's traumatic experiences. Cade dubiously sat on the chair that was closer to Natalia's bed.

"No... just felt like I should check up on you..." stammered the confused Cade.

"You're sure? '' asked Natalia eagerly, as she knew that it was not the usual Cade.

"I...was ...actually…." hesitantly he started.

"Here's the coffee, Cade." interrupted Mrs. Brown.

"Yesterday night and this morning something really strange happened, Natali..." Cade continued when Mrs. Brown left the room.

"When I was having a latte, I was standing on my verandah, and I saw a strange thing happening with the oak tree in front of my home. The leaves of that oak tree started to fall hastily, and a whole branch was about to fall onto me. Then, I quickly panicked, and when I tried to get into the room, I saw a desert instead of my room, and suddenly I was woken up by my alarm. I was confused if it was real or a nightmare.

Then, again, when I wanted to take a shower in the morning, I opened the bathroom, which turned out to be the living room. This time I was sure that I wasn't sleeping. Again, in the restaurant, when Raby taunted me as usual, I heard you comforting me, but when I turned around to see you weren't there, Natalia. I panicked and then ran to see you." Cade elaborated on everything.

Befuddled Natalia hugged Cade and said," Don't worry, cade, that all might be just nightmares. Just... get a good sleep. Everything will be fine."

After many horrifying experiences, he felt no less than better and thought that it wasn't a nightmare for sure. When he opened his eyes, Cade couldn't find Natalia in his arms.

This was all on September 20, 1998, that happened or allegedly could not have happened.

TIP- Kerryswille has two different spellings! One is Kerryswille and another one is Kerrysville!

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