
Real Or Psychic Real

ORIGINAL CONTENT- HORROR/THRILLER Story revolves around Cade Borges in fictional town of Kerrysville. It is about young man surviving his normal life but something turns his world upside down which is haunting and confusing revolving around his passed away dad.

devthakar · Others
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14 Chs

CHAPTER 02:   Look out for yourself.

Cade screamed much louder than usual, "Natalie...Natalie."

"Cade…. I am right here….I asked you what happened... You haven't said anything to me... Well, you started something," replied Natalia, still resting in bed. Cade's heartbeat stopped for a moment, and he said nothing instead: "I will see you tomorrow, Natalie. Get well soon." Cade sadly walks away, leaving behind a slightly perplexed Natalia.

In the humid afternoon, Cade leads the way to "The Moonlight" to get strong booze. He meets Vicky and Martin in the club after a long time. "Hey wassup, Lovebirds," Cade waved at those two. "Celina, three bloody Marys....", Martin ordered. Vicky and Martin were childhood sweethearts and two of the few people from high school that Cade hung out with.

These were one of the few people Cade considered family. "Man, we miss you at college, you know...you should have continued... would have made up our minds at college too," Martin started the conversation.

"You know, man, I was horrible at high school itself... Nah, man, I didn't want to waste my time at college too. I'd rather earn some bucks and live my life," Cade proudly answered.

Vicky noticed the disturbed face Cade had and initiated the conversation. "Bro, what is it? .....you wanna say something?" "Well, yeah, yesterday.." when Cade wanted to carry on the conversation, he felt like he should throw up. He rushes to the toilet and pukes in the bowl, resting himself down on the toilet after throwing up. In a moment, he hears an unusual and strange overflowing.

He witnesses the sewage water popping out from the bowl, from which he tries to run away in disguise, but again he is stopped by a wall, and he doesn't see the door to exit from that toilet cube. That sewage water takes the form of Natalia, his mom, and finally his dad. That made him scream and cry. The sewage-formed devil throws up all over Cade's mouth, for which he finally falls terrifically unconscious.

"Beep..beep..beep..beep.." the alarm rings, for which he wakes up unhurriedly with a tense look and peeps onto his phone, which showed him 3.30 am on September 20th, 1998. "I miss you, dad." Cade screeched, for which Doug woke up immediately, disturbed, and inquired, "Brother, what happened?" He ran to the kitchen to fetch a glass of water for Cade.

After drinking water, he replied, Nothing, man. Just a nightmare." "Only God can help me," Doug overheard what Cade whispered. "Then go to church, man," replied Doug with a giggle. Cade realized what Doug said was right no matter how high he was always.

Straight after waking up, Cade visits the chapel near the downtown clock where Pastor William, his favorite, is living. With a huge smile on his face, Pastor William says, "Oh Cade! Nice to meet you. Where have you been all these days? You missed the last two masses. Why is that?" "Pastor, I need your help," Cade replied hesitantly.

Pastor William leads Cade to his office for a peaceful conversation. Cade shares every moment he experienced and felt, right from the oak tree to throwing up at 'The Moonlight.'

Pastor William gives Cade a worried look for a moment and then returns to his normal smiley face. "Boy, Jesus is with you. You have gone through worse... I know he would help you with this too," said pastor William. "It is said that for God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on him should not perish, but have eternal life; he loves you, my child... he would do anything for you... Just ask for his help." Pastor William continued to console Cade.

"Thank You, Pastor. I think I'll find my way through this," hastily Cade replies, hoping to get rid of Pastor soon. "No, my child, you cannot. Even I cannot either. But Jesus can." answered pastor William, and while he was about to send Cade off, "Cade, you still don't talk to your mom?" Pastor William questioned him curiously.

"No, I don't," responds Cade. "But..." while pastor William was about to sermonize, Cade cuts off the conversation and walks away.

He straight away rushed to work, and when he entered with an annoyed face, Raby said, "You're late again, kid... I'm sure you don't need a cut from your check." Cade asks on a low note, "Is Natalia on sick leave?" Yes, you idiot. You've got to cover up her work too. Get to work now. And I'll cover up your showing up late with that bonus." Raby replied strictly.

After a whole exhausting day of work, he gets back to the room with a latte in his hand, hoping to spend some time on his balcony. Yes! The oak tree scared him, but he was prepared to face anything this time. To his astonishment, he witnessed something written on the oak tree, and when he closely examined it, it said, "Look out for yourself."