
Reaching Out

A boy left all alone in the world after being abandoned by his mother in a poor clan that treated him harshly because he started showing signs of being different from other kids and the people around him. With him being ostracized more and more he became less and less of the cheerful young kid he use to be until eventually turning discreet and mute around others in hopes that they would stop being scared of him. Though that plan never worked out for him and, in the end he was left to strive on his own as best as he could in the environment he was left in. He explored the towns library and any books he could find in his Clan even if they were useless. Years on years of doing such things eventually led him into stumbling across a book that would help push him towards the thing he wanted the most. "The Basic Guide To The Astral Path" This book may not of been special to anyone in the long run but, it was to him because, it was his new beginning. With this new path available to him would he be able to push through all the obstacles and hardships waiting for him or in the end will he stumble and fall? Or will people be there to catch him if he does once again?

NoNamesLeft · Fantasía
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716 Chs

Sleepless Nights

Watching each step she made Xilo slowly recovered from the pain while he stayed weary of her. "She needs me?" He tried to make sense of those words in his head but he couldn't, he wasn't useful for anything much after all. Standing over the boy she examined him from head to toe. "These are quite unique...." Looking at the blades that jutted out a bit after being broken she sighed at her fathers strength while she crouched down and examined them.


Bringing her hand up to one the red blades she glided her finger across it as she felt a bit of her blood drip off her finger. Bringing her finger up she stared at the small cut she created as she licked the blood off her finger. "Hmmm....Can these be fixed?" Looking at all of them bent and managed or just straight out snapped in half she didn't know if she could fix them even. "Well I can try but they might not be the same anymore..." Looking at his red hair along with all the injuries that wracked his body she slowly brought out something from her back pocket and placed it in front of his face.

"Eat it."


Seeing him refuse to do anything with it she chose to just shove it in his mouth even if it slightly hurt her to do so. Shoving it in as deep as she could she made sure he couldn't bite down on her hand as he struggled to stop her but she was stronger at the moment. "Idiot, it'll help." With all the injuries he currently had she wouldn't be able to do anything to him for the time being but that pill should help speed up the process quite a bit so she could begin. If he wasn't in top condition he would probably die after all, though if that happened she could always find another. "maybe it's better if he's dead." The damage he caused over this past year was almost unbelievable along with the amount of effort they had to put into tracking him down. "He's just lucky he's compatible enough." Watching him finally swallow it she retracted her hand and sat up.


"What was that?"


Hearing him suddenly speak she stared at him for a couple seconds trying to figure out his plans but he just turned around refusing to talk to her anymore. "Fine be that way." Sighing she turned around and exited the room for now. She would be back in a bit to check on his progress and see what had happened but for now she needed to wait and she didn't want to actively spend more time then she had to with him if given the choice. "Monster." With the clinking of the bars shutting she walked down the tunnel into the sunlight once more to go and meet with her father for a little bit.

"Hopefully this isn't too bad."

Her father wanted to just kill the boy from the very beginning but she had stopped him from doing that because she saw potential in him and now she needed to prove that to him as well or else he would just kill him. However she didn't entirely blame him for that thought, the boy was dangerous after all. "First I'll need to completely cripple his Astral Strength after he's healed so he can no longer grow stronger and that is a headache..." If she messed up he wouldn't be able to regain any Astral Strength again even the most basic level of it and she wanted him to get stronger eventually just where she could control it. His strength was her's after all yet right now he was too strong.

"Then there's his blades." She noticed they seemed to be actually a part of his body and from the looks of it they had nothing to do with Astral Energy in the slightest but they were broken now. "Maybe there's something I can do to fix them at least...They seem to be Astral Ability, at least I think they are.." She wasn't quite sure of that evaluation just yet and that left her slightly baffled. She had never seen anything like that, that didn't use Astral Energy as its base creation especially from an innate ability. "Lots of sleepless nights are ahead but I want to help mother." Her mother was currently "sick" and stuck in her room while her father refused to say anything but she knew what was happening. He was growing impatient and her mother was preventing him from fulfilling his plans but she was just trying to help him. No matter how strong he was it didn't mean he could take on the world alone. The amount of death he'd cause just for some petty revenge for their people wasn't something she nor her mother wanted to see but he seemed to disagree along with quite a bit of their clansmen and now they were taking movements to make it happen.

"What a joke, That bastard."

If there was one person she had ended up hating in her life it was him regardless of how many times her mother told her not too she just couldn't listen. "We used to be a family." but now the two of them were essentially at each other's throats even if they didn't outright say it. "...why." Walking down the halls she passed by a couple people on her way to the throne room as her anger and impatience increased with each step keeping the whole world at bay around her. " I hate this." Seeing everyone constantly afraid of her and always trying to keep their distance was just outright depressing and taxing on her mind but she had grown used to it lately.

"Solitude and hate....."

Arriving in front of the throne room doors Althea didn't even bother knocking as she pushed them open and interrupted her father as she announced her presence to the room.

"I'm here, now scram."

Looking at the extra's around she rolled her eyes as she barked orders without a care in the world, at least on the outside.

Some things came up yesterday unfortunately so no chapter, sorry but we're here today c:


Thank you for reading...

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