
Reaching Out

A boy left all alone in the world after being abandoned by his mother in a poor clan that treated him harshly because he started showing signs of being different from other kids and the people around him. With him being ostracized more and more he became less and less of the cheerful young kid he use to be until eventually turning discreet and mute around others in hopes that they would stop being scared of him. Though that plan never worked out for him and, in the end he was left to strive on his own as best as he could in the environment he was left in. He explored the towns library and any books he could find in his Clan even if they were useless. Years on years of doing such things eventually led him into stumbling across a book that would help push him towards the thing he wanted the most. "The Basic Guide To The Astral Path" This book may not of been special to anyone in the long run but, it was to him because, it was his new beginning. With this new path available to him would he be able to push through all the obstacles and hardships waiting for him or in the end will he stumble and fall? Or will people be there to catch him if he does once again?

NoNamesLeft · Fantasía
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716 Chs

Getting Closer

Hearing Xilo say he would agree wiped away his worry enough that he didn't really care about having a condition within reason. "I did upset him quite a bit most likely." He might have had his reasons for doing so that didn't mean Xilo cared about them but that was fine. "Damn Wolves." He just wanted those people dead as fast as possible, anything else didn't really matter and now that could happen. Marie on the other hand was a bit skeptical but she kept that to herself as she stood there. "They're similar a bit but it stops there." if Zilan was in Xilo's position for example most of the time without her incentive conditions wouldn't be added.

"Alright what's your condition."

"We won't be sticking together to do this, at least not right away. For now we'll do things our own way until things need to change. Sound alright?"

"Fair I suppose, Alright I can agree to that."

He had wanted them to attack them in full force together but he knew things wouldn't be as easy or simple as that and at least now he knew he had Xilo's help at some point if he needed it. Looking to Marie he signaled her to walk forward and hand something to him. It was just a normal looking see through crystal but if he smashed it there's would react showing him the last location it was in and vice versa. It was just something useful for finding people in danger otherwise it was useless and since he had a couple with him to watch out for his friends then if they were splitting up Xilo should have one too.

"What's this?"

Taking the clear crystal the girl handed to him Xilo eyed it with some caution.

"Just break this if you're in danger or if we're in danger it'll break showing you where it was."

"ahh, that kind of device."

He had never seen one before but he had read about them briefly and knew how they worked so tucking it away in his bag he looked at Zilan one last time. He wanted to leave here as fast as possible. They had been fighting for a little bit of time now and probably made quite a bit of noise attracting all sorts of things there way whether people or Astral Beasts so it was best they moved. He wasn't in any condition to fight in the slightest and being a burden to Tearia and Felli didn't sound fun to him. "Need some rest." He had also noticed Felli eyeing him up to the point it was making him slightly uncomfortable.

"Alright then Zilan we'll be going now. You should be on your own way too."

"Right not a bad idea."

Looking at his barely alive friends he calmed down as he walked up to them picking them up. "Haa you two clearly need more training." Scolding them in his mind he kept them on his shoulders as he turned to Marie. He knew she could fix them right up but this time around they had been really roughed up so he felt a little bad for the work he would be putting her through but she just smiled like always. Getting lost in that smile like always he snapped himself out of it since Xilo was still here as he said his goodbyes.

"Good bye Zilan, we'll see each other soon maybe."

"Good bye Xilo, ah one more thing before you go. I guess just a tip from one to another in fighting. Try to find something that helps you carry yourself."


With no time left to ask what he meant by that he watched Zilan fade into the distance not letting him get any other question in leaving him confused. However Felli was quite intrigued with such an opinion from him. "That's rare to see from him." Zilan was a well known fighter amongst their city and lots looked up to him stronger or weaker looking for his advice but very few received it but he had always talked about the peoples styles openly but she had never heard such an evaluation for someone. "Interesting." However she left it at that as she looked at Xilo.

"So why did you push him away like that?"

"Simple, I don't fully trust him of course and I don't want to hunt people down either."


Not really understanding it she was left hanging as Xilo walked away with Tearia following behind him happily. "What does that mean?" Confused she looked at the two of them as she noticed a slight change in the way Xilo was acting. Typically they had walked before he had made himself distanced from Tearia but now as he walked he let her get as close as she wanted with no complaints. However whether that was because they had gotten closer again or because he was too tired to care was another thing altogether. She figured it was just best to look at positively as she walked towards them attempting to catch up.

"Good job Tearia." Feeling a weird prick in her heart that had never been there before she ignored it as she caught up and walked beside Tearia. She still had many questions about what had happened but she would at least wait until they were in the clear. She could sense things approaching and she was positive Xilo could as well so it was best they gained as much distance as they could from that place before they had a serious talk.

"A city....It looks like that demon is in here somewhere."

Stepping towards the entrance a figure stood there for a couple seconds as they scanned the city before moving forward with no one seeing them. Their target was close and they needed to catch them before they could disappear from their grasp. Failure was not an option that they were willing to accept again. This time they planned to go all out and exterminate such evil from the world.


Thank you for reading...

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