

A guy that has been reborn as a legend within the dragon ball universe... With a system of course :). Update schedule: This series is for fun, so when I get time. Depending on how well it does.

PettiaMius_6689 · Cómic
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76 Chs

Time-skip and completing the quest...

~ 3 months later, Omni Pov... ~





A heavy vibrating sound came from the air. This was the gravity chamber at its highest level...

"4997..." A voice said, huffing whilst doing one-handed push-ups...



"5000!" The voice screamed. The person doing this was Daiko.

"Dang. I completed my training on the dot. Not bad me." Daiko said, complimenting himself in a proud tone.

He cracked his neck and leg muscles to remove the built-up tension he accumulated during his workout.

'To think I really grew to be this powerful. I really am a prodigy' Daiko snickered mentally. He then clenched his fist to feel his strength growing even now...

"Status!" He called out.





Name: Daiko

Age: 1.9 years Old+

Height: 3 ft, 4 inch

Weight: 127 kg

Race: Mutant Siayan-100%

Titles: The Legendary Super Saiyan, Mutant Anomaly, Super Genius

Level: 52/∞

HP (Health Points): (STR) + (END) * 5 = 19,689,750/19,689,750 HP

PL/Power Level: (STR) + (AGL) + (END) * 500 = True PL: {2,936,868,000} - (Forcibly Suppressed to 48,947,800) - Energy regen per second is 0.5% + 0.2% per second

Condition: Healthy

Strength: 1.9+ Million

Agility: 1.9+ Million

Intelligence: 141

Endurance: 1.9+ Million

AP: 21





"A whopping 6 times increase in strength than before," Daiko said proudly at his progress.

'Seeing the numbers go up is super satisfying' Daiko added.

Not only did his strength greatly increase, but also his intellect. It was showing the greatest change so far, with it now crossing the 100 range.

He had acquired new skills as well...

His height had increased by an extra 3 inches. As well as his weight increased from the training and additional muscle he had to put on to balance out his current physique.

Overall, this version of Daiko would completely destroy himself 3 months ago, not only in strategic thinking but also in raw martial arts proficiency. Ever since he exploded in intellect. His thinking was amplified dozens of times over.

He could not only copy techniques instantly which he could do before, but he could also identify the weaknesses and counter-act them as they came and his image training helped was a big part of it.

However, as he thought for a little bit about his journey so far. Daiko looked around the icy tundra regretfully...

"Still... I can't keep staying here... I need to complete my mission. I've been here for a total of 5 months. I'll head back to Planet Vegeta after. My training can continue after that." Daiko said to himself.

He quickly made his way out of the gravity room. Its effects no longer hindered him and now he icy tundra not even fazing his skin...

As he finished reminiscing. He went into his ship.

Looking at his clothing... He shook his head...

"I need to finish this quickly... All my remaining clothes are in tatter or torn to shreds from all that training over the last couple of months, heh..." Daiko chuckled a little.

All of this still felt surreal to him. He reincarnated almost two years ago, and now he's a berserk, baby-sized killing machine...


"And one that needs to have a shower too..." Daiko quipped. He quickly went towards the shower...




After resting for the last hour after bathing. He headed out, fully intent to finish this planet's mission.

He wanted to do so earlier but he needed to prepare himself a little more than usual.

"Okay. Clothes check... Well, nothing else really needed..." Daiko said.

Before he flew off, he wondered if it would be best to stay a little longer on the planet. He has familiarized himself here greatly...

But on second thought, he decided it would be best to do so. He hadn't had any sentient contact in months. And he had to admit it was getting to him, just a little.

'Well, It's time to face the final boss.' Daiko thought before flying off...





~ Daiko's Pov... ~




I flew toward the darker side of the planet... Heading into the cave with no worry. The enemies had long been destroyed by myself at the entrance...

"So this is where the power came from..." I said, observing the area.

A couple of weeks ago, I made sure to go around eradicating the golems off the face of the planet. After a grueling amount of killing later. I sensed a power signature rivaling my own at the moment...

But it was time to finish this off... It and I were alone...

As I made my way forward I could see a throne. An ice golem waiting for me...

I couldn't call it a golem anymore. It looked like a frozen humanoid. Standing around 1.8 meters tall. Upon its head were a floating ice crown and a staff in its hand...

The creature watched me make my way forward.

'If looks could kill, I'd be dust...' That's what went through my mind. Its gaze was penetrating...

But it didn't matter. I needed to do what I needed to do. And that was to complete my mission.

I used activated my new skill 'Energy barrier'. Instantly a green thick aura coated my body tightly... I could feel my defense go up as I activated it.

Next, I used my Observe on the creature...






Name: Glacialus

Title: Frost Lord, The Frozen One, The Conquerer of Tundras, The chilled one

Level: 93/100

Power Level: 3,286,521,000


Glacial Form: Power Level Multiplier 3 times his base power.

Skills: Frost Walker, Ice-Sickle, Ice Blast, Crystal Manipulation, Ice Manipulation, Blizzard Aura, Frozen Tomb, Glacial Spike, Ice Storm





I looked at my screen surprised.

'He's actually stronger than me? And he has a transformation too?' I thought to myself.

This battle would be tough... I actually might die here...

'Who the hell am I kidding... This shit is exhilarating!!' I said smiling wildly. My body tensed happily in response.

My saiyan ways are truly tyrannical. I don't feel a shed of fear thanks to my mind. This enemy actually excites me... A habit that will get me killed in the future I'm sure of it...

Focusing once more, I released my energy once more. I no longer intended to hide it. I had no reason to. I was strong enough, more than strong enough...

I got into a combat stance.

"Come! King. I don't have all day." I said mockingly, signaling for him to 'bring it on'.

The king seeing my actions released an icy breath... He then stood up with his eyes glowing a sinister purple.

In an instant. He sent both ice and crystal contrasts after me.



I dodged them all. But it wasn't easy...

Not at first...

My power was already growing at the feeling of a challenge.

I saw my stat screen in the corner of my vision and I was right...




[... 2.9 Billion...]

[... 3 Billion...]

It was insane. My power was now growing faster than I was first fighting against Vegeta!




My speed had increased as he pressured me more. My power grew even faster. And my excitement growing bigger...

"Yes... YES!!! Give me a good challenge KING!!" I said

I then launched my eraser canon to counter the ice attacks he was relentlessly throwing.

As I tried getting closer, he put up barriers around himself and his body to block my attacks, but I wasn't going to give him the time to breathe.

However, he didn't plan to give up that easily. He then created another pillar of crystal and ice to separate us.

Then he began charging up an attack...

'Interesting... Does he really think that attack will make a difference?' I said a little sadistically, but still, I was a little cautious of it... My power was now beyond his in mere minutes of fighting.




[... 4.2 Billion...]

[... 4.4 Billion...]




As I stared at the attack. My battle spirit grew too.

As he finished charging the attack. A literal storm of ice and crystals came towards me at worrying speeds. But I upped my guard protecting my vital areas...

The attack came and I took it head-on. The attacks couldn't do anything other than scrape my skin, so I had no worries...

However, my mind was on something else...

'Why does he attack while I am like this?' I questioned myself.

As the attack wore off, I quickly shrugged off the ice remnants and looked at my HP...




HP: 23,212,354...




I figured, It barely did a thing... Still, I left that opening. Why didn't he choose to take it... unless...


A massive wave of energy gushed from where the king was...

"So that's what you did... You took your time to transform. Not bad at all" I said without worry.

His power was now over 9 Billion, bordering 10.

However, I now had a power level of 6.5 Billion from my body adapting from his last attack. I expected more, but I wasn't didn't get angry earlier at all, so my adaptability is palpable at best...

Still, I saw the king's new form. He didn't look much different, he was a little taller and now he had a thin cloak that dawned around his visage.

Still, I smiled at this...

"You aren't the only one that can transform, King." I said. He then looked at me impassively...

In a split second. I instantly activated my ikari state. I could access it at will now after my months of tapping into it, in and out.

Now. I could hold the form while keeping my sanity with around 15 seconds to spare.

As I did so my power skyrocketed by 10-fold its original. And rising quickly...

'I need to end this fast!' I said to myself. Quickly using my maximum speed to get behind the king...

Without him knowing I was behind him. I then aimed at his core...

'Sorry we couldn't fight for longer, but you transformed first...' I said. Piercing his chest.

I quickly gripped the core, crushing it in my palms, allowing his end to be swift and painless...

In mere moments, I saw his body crumble away into ice...

I quickly de-transformed, returning to my base form.

Then my rewards came...





[Items from special mob have dropped... The passive skill 'Ice-Affinity', 'Wind-Affinity', and the 'Ice king's ring'...]

[Due to the massive level difference and the initial power difference, the original EXP from the battle has doubled... Since the host has killed his first 'Boss' opponent, the EXP has doubled once again... Calculating the total EXP reward... The host has received 42,452,500 EXP for killing a level 92 Special Frost Golem...]

[You have leveled up...]

[You have leveled up...]

[You have leveled up...]

[You have leveled up...]




[Your injuries have been fully recovered due to leveling up...]


[You have completed your first major quest and conquered your first planet! HOORAAHHH!!! And you have done so on the hard difficulty too, with less than half that required time!! Due to your massive achievement. Your rewards have now been doubled in quality and quantity...]

[... You have received the following... Recalculating Rewards... 50 Senzu beans, a 30-ton weight adjustable body training suit, a 40x Adaptive gravity chamber, and 40,000 EXP...]




"HAHAHA!!! Awesome! This just made my life a hell of a lot easier. It literally doubled my rewards to boot!" I said, glad at the system's generosity.

I quickly left the cave. With this planet conquered I flew back towards my ship. On the way I checked my status once more...





Name: Daiko

Age: 1.9 years Old+

Height: 3 ft, 4 inch

Weight: 127 kg

Race: Mutant Siayan-100%

Titles: The Legendary Super Saiyan, Mutant Anomaly, Super Genius

Level: 72/∞

HP (Health Points): STR + END * 5 = 98,448,750/98,448,750 HP

PL/Power Level: (STR) + (AGL) + (END) * 500 = True PL: {14,684,340,000} - (Forcibly Suppressed to 244,739,000) - Energy regen per second is 0.5% + 0.2% per second

Condition: Healthy

Strength: 9.7+ Million

Agility: 9.6+ Million

Intelligence: 141

Endurance: 9.9+ Million

AP: 81





I paused mid-flight to see how high my power had become...

"I quintupled my stats in 10 minutes? Is my talent... Growing?" I said to myself, a little scared...

'No... That's not possible, right?' I told myself hesitantly, flying off. I then reminded myself of the good news...

'I could more than handle myself on planet Vegeta at the very least. I can pretty much do whatever I want with a power level like mine... But what?' I thought to myself.

That thought, I would leave up to the future me...







