
RE: starting my life in the another world is the only way?

In this emotionally charged novel of adventure and personal growth, we follow the journey of Ray Lewinston, a high school teenager who feels lost and directionless in his life. In his despair and hopelessness, Ray finds himself transported to another world, where he has the opportunity to start his life anew. Ray, who sees himself as the worst person in the world, is faced with the chance to change his fate. With a strong determination to become a better version of himself, he embarks on a challenging journey to discover the true meaning of life and find peace within himself. However, the real conflict lies not with the external world, but with the internal battle he must face. Ray must confront his greatest obstacle in life: himself. In his quest for peace and resolution of the problems around him, Ray must confront the darkest side and deepest fears within himself. By sacrificing himself for others, Ray sets off on a journey filled with sacrifices, growth, and self-acceptance. "RE:starting my life in the another world is the only way?" is an inspiring tale of one's struggle to find the true meaning of life and overcome oneself to become a better individual.

WhereIsHumanity · Fantasía
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125 Chs

envy and wish

I actually understand that I have been summoned to another world. I realize that I am now in a different world. Just seeing people in iron robes with swords and steel plate resembling knights is enough to make me understand. However, I am still unsure about the reason behind bringing us to this world.

Walking alongside strangers in a large hallway, unique paintings stretch from one end of the hallway to the other. It seems that the king of this kingdom has a hobby and interest in paintings, and it's quite extreme to be seen as just a hobby. But even so, there's nothing wrong with it.

I can't help but feel jealous... Even the king in another world has a hobby for himself.

I see popular male students and the class president, as well as the princess of another world, chatting in the front group. While the rest of us students follow behind, silent beside the iron-clad palace guards among us.

I don't know what others see, but in my eyes, the princess from another world is trying to get closer to the most popular male student in my class. It seems that the princess has also fallen in love at first sight with that scoundrel, just like any other girl at school. I'm not surprised that he's popular, but I can't help but feel envious.

Why him? Why not me?

Why is he lucky? Why am I unlucky?

Why is his fate good? Why is my fate worst?

Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?

Why do he and I look so different even though we're both human?

Is it his fault for being a diamond? Or is it my fault for being trash?

In reality, I hate that popular student with all my heart because of envy and resentment. Even if he's kind to me, I still hate him. Even if he's evil, it doesn't matter... because I've hated him from the beginning.

But no matter how much I hate him, I still can't say to his face that I hate him.

Of course, I'm afraid. I don't want to be a minority. I don't want to be ostracized for saying foolish things that I know will make others hate me. Even though I know my personality is terrible, I still long for genuine love.

But love won't come to me. Love won't come to me, who is weak, miserable, lazy, and hopeless.

I've thought about changing, but in the end, it's just a series of failures, failures, failures, and more failures. There's only one path waiting for me in the future, a path of regret.

But even so, every day I pray and hope to find something that can make my life colorful other than gray.

But I still don't do anything, even though I know that prayers without action are futile.


The students from the other world eat together with the beautiful princess. After the meal, the princess fulfills the promise she made earlier.

"Well, heroes, I will now explain why you suddenly arrived in this world. The first reason is probably why I called all of you as heroes.

The answer lies in a prophecy. A church predicted the appearance of heroes who would become the saviors of all humanity. The prophecy was written with great detail, which piqued the interest of our kingdom.

We... or more precisely, my grandfather... waited for decades to summon heroes from other worlds. My grandfather had been waiting for the right time, but he passed away two years ago. He passed on his ambition to my father, who is now the next king of this kingdom.

And now, my father has ordered me to summon the heroes today. To seek help from you all great heroes standing before me."

The princess stood up from her seat and prostrated herself on the floor, facing us, begging. The students were shocked to see all the iron-clad palace guards around them suddenly also prostrating towards them.

"Please... I beg you all, great heroes... Please eliminate the evil in this world once and for all."

Tears started flowing down the princess's cheeks naturally and quickly. Everyone there felt pity for the princess.

"Sob... Sob... Please, eradicate those demonic creatures... Send them to the deepest depths of hell, I beg you all once again. I beg you... We beg you, all of you standing in front of me now, to exterminate those wretched demons!"

The princess showed sharp and determined eyes towards the students from the other world. Feelings of anger, sadness, despair, pain, and the desire for revenge engulfed the princess's heart. Her blue eyes now welled up with tears and turned red due to the strong desire for vengeance.

All the students from the other world could do was freeze and listen as the princess explained the problems of her world. She was just telling a story, but it felt like a war speech. She conveyed something useless to the students from the other world, but they could feel the emotions the princess was experiencing just by looking at her expressions and hearing her words.

The high school students from the other world even forgot about the presence of the long, large table that separated them from the princess of the kingdom.

The most popular boy among the students from the other world could only stand frozen, unable to make a decision. He felt the desire to help the unfortunate princess in front of him, but deep in his heart, he thought about his other classmates. He realized that there were probably some people who disagreed or were afraid to do something that sounded dangerous like that. Moreover, they lacked information about the world they were currently in.

The class president, who was a girl, turned out to be the first one to respond to the crying princess in front of them. She approached and suddenly hugged the princess.

Suddenly, all the soldiers there were shocked and suspicious, and they were about to raise their weapons. However, a soldier who appeared to be a commander stopped them from interrupting the moment.

The class president, in a gentle voice, said, "Princess, please don't cry. Princess, we understand the pain you feel just by looking at you. However... it's just that... please... sniff... can you give us some time to think?"

The words of their class president made all the students from the other world nod their heads. It signified that they all agreed with their class president's statement.

"Yes... Please, chosen heroes, take your time...

Besides, from the beginning, it was our mistake to force you to participate in this war... Hiks... But I only ask for one thing... Please pay attention to the fate of the people in this country..."

Pure tears of sadness fell from her beautiful blue eyes, making her look like a crying gem. The beauty radiated even in her sorrow, and it affected some of the girl students from the other world who also felt the same emotions and started crying as well.

The princess cried sincerely, expressing her grief over the fate of the people in her country. The tears that fell from her beautiful eyes depicted the depth of her emotions. Her beauty shone even in sadness, and it resonated with some of the girl students from the other world who also felt the strong emotions.

They felt connected to the princess and understood the burden she carried. They also felt the pain and a strong desire to help. In that moment, they experienced an emotional bond that strengthened their connection.

The princess looked at the all students with gratitude and nodded her head in understanding. She knew that this was not an easy choice for them, and she respected their need for reflection.

They took a moment to gather their thoughts and consider their options. They knew that whatever decision they made, it would have a significant impact on their lives and the fate of the world they were in.