
The Start Of A New... Whatever This Is

"Ron!! Come on, let's go before we miss Bonnie and Tara!" Kim had practically jumped down the stairs before spotting me and dragging me away.

Mrs. P was waving me bye with that sultry smile still on her face. I was so... confused. So very very confused.

But alas, my mind was preoccupied with new things. Such as Kim dragging me away to the point I thought my feet were in the air. Not to mention the outfit she was wearing to our first day back. If the girl wanted to make a statement, she sure did it justice.

From the white sneakers and the low cut socks, to the very tight club banana green pants that could have very well been painted on, and a blue crop top.

I know I've tried to never check my best friends out... But that's out the window after this summer.

At least we caught Tara and Bonnie at our usual corner before heading to Middleton High.

Tara was in a cute two peice green shirt and skirt. The black shoes only made her dress stand out more if that makes any sense. She really is a princess in the making... And boy did she love twirling around today. Guess she's the giddiest of us all to head back to school.

But Bonnie... Bon Bon bouncy Bonnie. She dressed for attention. She wore a tight one piece purple dress with a small metal ring belt around her waist for aesthetics. I don't think I can safely make it down her legs to even notice what shoes she wore. She was, by far, growing the most out of the three girls. With Kim having a growing butt and Tara being top heavy, Bonnie had it all in a nearly perfect hourglass form.

You may ask why I'm paying very close attention today. Well I'll tell you why.

... Because they won't stop showing off their first day of school outfits with each other. Ever been stuck listening to three girls compliment each others outfits? Honestly, it's not bad. Just I got lost from the quick talking. But hey, c'est la vie.

And as for me. I went with my typical comfort clothes. The best of the best Smarty Mart has to offer! Tan cargo pants, with extra extra pockets!, white shoes, a black undershirt and black suspenders, and a red button up t-shirt.

I know, I know, it isn't the usual Ron Stoppable attire but I gotta go with my own flair! Be my own guy! I got the usual color scheme down at least.

And mostly because I didn't want to wear a jersey shirt.

I must be getting lost in my mind because we already made it school with thirty minutes to spare! Of course you'd think that means the place would be empty but nope. Only the kids who drive to school did not show up early. Those like me and the girls who live close enough to walk, or the ones who were dropped off by their parents who were on their way to work, were already spread out all over the place.

"Alright. Time to lay down the ground work and take over this school." Tara had stated that like she actually meant it.

"Mwah, love you two, but mama's off to work. Tara and I need to make sure people know that a Rockwaller is back and she's in charge of this place!" Bonnie had kissed me and Kim before heading off to the cliques around the school. Well then..

I wonder if she was always this enthusiastic about... Oh wait, Queen B is in the house. I got it now. Probably her sisters had told her about what they did when they went to High School.

Which means things are going to get interesting around this place. Just glad I'm not a part of it. Haha.

Kim had grabbed my hand before leading me off, "Let's see what the place is like. I need to know the layout of this school."

Seriously, you'd think she was a super spy or heroine ready to save the day or something like that... Even if she is becoming a recognized heroine in the U.S and she was trained by the twins who are spies.. Yeah, ya know what, just nod my head and enjoy the company. Works for me.

It didn't take long for us to find the 'delinquent' crowd. Heck, even Rufus could smell them.. Literally.

"Friend! It reeks over here! I think our neighbourhood skunks have traveled here to cause trouble for us!" See. Rufus literally could smell them..

"Nope... Just weed..." I had mumbled.

"Did you say something Ron? And what is that smell?!" Oh Kim.. Welp, this is gonna be interesting.

"Kids are smoking over there." I had pointed down the side of the building where they were relaxing next to the dumpsters. "Nothing big, just them enjoying their free time."

She had pinched her nose, I hear ya Kim, "Why does it smell so bad then."

Because that's the good stuff... "It's weed, K.P. They are smokin' pot. Tokin' on Mary Jane's stash. Partaking in the devil's lettuce. Seriously Kim. Stop walking over to them!"

I swear that girl has her head messed up! No problem sucking me off in my sleep, but smoke weed? Oh noes!

"What are you guys doing! You can't smoke that around here!" And she even uses her 'authoritative voice' to gain attention... But hey, they are so stoned to even care.

The biggest guy was dismissing her as he waved his hand to shoo off. Oh boy, she didn't take that well.

She actually smacked his hand away. Seriously, the guy is 7'5" tall and 400 pounds on his arm alone!

"Oohhhhh. You gonna take that, Big Mike!", do you really have to egg him on!, "Little lady looks like she ready to take you down man!"

I know Kim can take him but that doesn't stop me from going in to back her up.

Until he started chuckling. Like the deepest bass tone I have heard. If he was a villain, I'd actually be scared.

"Sorry little lady, but I smoke this for my growing pains. Doc says I grew too fast and my bones can barely hold me up." Big Mike was smiling the entire time. Huh, I guess I made the mistake of judging a book by its cover... My mistake.

At least Kim was also embarrassed by her actions. Hey, tis life.

"Uhh, I'm sorry.. Big Mike? I shouldn't have assumed..."

"Think nothin' of it. We're used to it."

Well that just happened.

Kim must have been more embarrased than I thought because she was dragging me away again. I guess this is my life now. I'm a dragee. Heh.

"Oh it'll be alright, K.P. Typical mistake. It's no big!", and besides, school should be starting soon anyway, "Just now you know not to barge in so quickly. We can even apply our mission mindset. Now come out the janitors' closet..."

She trudged, and I mean tee rugged, her way out. Head down, shoulders slumped, back hunched, geez she looks awful. I guess a best friend hug is needed to up her mood!

She rested her head in the crook between my shoulder and neck while leaning into my hug. This might have been a tender moment if she wasn't sniffing me...

"Okay, let's get to the gym. I'm sure assembly should be soon. Not to mention, I'm curious how many people Bonnie already has under her thumb."

Kim giggled. Whew, I did my job right and cheered her up. "Oh I bet she's got the entire freshmen class already. Thanks Ron."

"No big, K.P. I've always got your back."




I would love to say school assembly was the most badical thing ever. I was wow'd beyond my mind and had my everly so impressionable mind influenced to achieve to greater heights!

But no. Kim and I were called out for a mission the minute the assembly started. The intercom had pinged and the school secretary had put the phone up to the intercom and everyone heard the chief of police calling for help... I don't think that is going to help his credibility..

And so we were off. Before school even started.

I can't wait until we find Wade eventually or he finds us.

Oh! And Kim was right. Sort of...

Bonnie had the entire freshmen and sophomore class under her thumb.