

Chapter 907 - Vermillion Bird Series

In the 17th layer of the Immortal Graveyard on planet Suzaku. The moment that Ta Shan was about to step into the 18th layer, an extremely dignified voice echoed within the 17th layer!

"The 18th layer can't be entered!"

This sound was so powerful that Ta Shan's body was pushed back dozens of feet. It was as if he had been hit by a powerful impact, and he coughed out a large mouthful of blood.

The big-headed boy was also forced back. As for Lei Ji, he felt a buzz and his mind went blank. He only knew that he was being constantly pushed back.

Yun Quezi was also the same. He had the lowest cultivation level and was thrown back until he hit a wall. He coughed out a large mouthful of blood and became dispirited.

Wang Lin's eyes turned cold. The moment the voice appeared, his origin energy activated and was forced back a few dozen feet before he could steady himself. His face was pale as he looked ahead.

A ripple echoed in the air and the old cultivator that looked like Huanglong stepped out. The moment he appeared, a crazy high temperature appeared. In an instant, all of the cracks that had appeared were sealed and the path to the 18th layer was closed!

The old cultivator had the air of a celestial and gave off a pressure without being angry. One could feel a powerful aura coming from him just by looking a him. However, that aura immediately disappeared and was contained within this old cultivator, which made him feel even more dangerous.

After he appeared, he waved his sleeve. Yun Quezi, Ta Shan, the big-headed boy, and Lei Ji only felt a powerful gust of wind. They disappeared and were directly sent outside of the Immortal Graveyard.

Wang Lin's pupils shrank and hundreds of ideas flashed through his mind. This old cultivator had sent everyone except him away, so there was some profound meaning to his actions. His eyes flashed indiscernibly before he immediately bowed and respectfully said, "Heng Yue Sect disciple Wang Lin greets Sect Master!"

The old cultivator looked at Wang Lin with a smile that was not a smile and asked, "Who is your sect master?"

Wang Lin's expression was neutral as he said, "If Senior won't admit it, then just take it that Junior is mistaken."

The old cultivator laughed and said, "You're an interesting little fellow. Why do you think I'm the sect master of the Heng Yue Sect?"

Wang Lin calmly said, "Junior went to the Demon Spirit Land and saw a painting that contained Senior's image."

The old cultivator pondered a bit and smiled. "Little fellow, you can't just call anyone 'sect master.' The dignified Thunder Celestial of the Allheaven Star System, Xu Mu. When did I have such a disciple?"

Wang Lin's mind trembled, but his expression didn't change. He said, "Junior has mistook you for someone else."

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The old cultivator revealed a look of admiration as he was very satisfied with Wang Lin's reaction and response. His eyes lit up and he said, "We can talk about whether you're mistaken or not later. Do you know that you almost made a terrible mistake? That 18th layer is not somewhere you can enter, especially not with someone from the Chosen Immortal Clan. If he obtained the source origin, forget planet Suzaku, even the entire Alliance Star System would face a catastrophe!"

Wang Lin's expression was respectful. There was no trace of rebellion on his face, as if he was earnestly being scolded.

The old cultivator looked at Wang Lin. After pondering a bit, he said, "Wang Lin, I want to ask you. Do you sincerely think of me as the former Heng Yue Sect sect master and sincerely think of yourself as a Heng Yue Sect disciple?"

Wang Lin silently pondered. He had a lot of regret toward the Heng Yue Sect. After all, the Heng Yue Sect was his first sect and his first step into the cultivation world.

Wang Lin looked at the old cultivator and calmly said, "The Heng Yue Sect was Junior's first sect and planet Suzaku is my home."

"Oh?" The old cultivator's eyes lit up and he said, "So what is the deal with being the Thunder Celestial Temple's Thunder Celestial?" His voice was like thunder and seemed angry.

"Various things forced me into that situation!" Wang Lin stared at the old cultivator with clear eyes.

The old cultivator's gaze seemed to be able to penetrate Wang Lin's heart. After a long time, his expression soften and he said, "This old man doesn't care about your identity in the Allheaven Star System or how many sects you join. The one thing you need to remember is that although you are a cultivator of the Alliance Star System, you are a person from planet Suzaku! You are a disciple of the Vermillion Bird Branch of the Four Divine Sect! As long as you remember this, I'm always your sect master!"

Wang Lin's expression was calm as he nodded.

"This battle with the Allheaven Star System is the battle of the Cultivation Alliance. It has nothing to do with my Four Divine Sect!" The old cultivator seemed to have said this very casually.

Wang Lin's expression changed and he looked at the old cultivator.

The old cultivator no longer talked about this but looked at Wang Lin. After pondering for a bit, he said, "Wang Lin, since you have seen the 17th layer, you should have some speculations in your heart. With your current cultivation, you can enter the 18th layer to comprehend what's inside with my help. Whether you will obtain anything will depend on your own luck!"

As the old man spoke, he didn't ask whether Wang Lin was willing and waved his sleeve. Wang Lin felt a powerful force surround him. Although he was still cautious in his heart, he didn't resist and still had a respectful expression.

Taking Wang Lin, the old cultivator took a step and high temperature suddenly appeared around him. Then a circle of what looked like magma appeared under him. Black flames shot into the air and surrounded the old cultivator.

A moment later, the old cultivator's figure disappeared. Even Wang Lin disappeared without a trace.

Wang Lin only felt a wave of heat, and it even contained a trace of source origin. Wang Lin was aghast by the flame that surrounded him, but he became even more cautious.

His eyes blurred. When his vision cleared, he found that he was inside a secret chamber that was around 1,000 feet wide!

The surroundings were completely dark aside from a flickering flame at the center. This made this place somewhat gloomy. It was as if there were ghosts hiding in the darkness that circled the flame and wanted to devour it. However, they would be knocked back by the flame every time.

"This place is the 18th layer. That fire is a fragment of their ancestor's source origin. You can try to comprehend it, and whether you gain anything will depend on your luck!" The old man's voice echoed in the room. Wang Lin silently pondered for a moment and then his eyes fell on the flame.

The moment his eyes fell on the flame, his mind trembled. It was as if a mysterious force had come from the flame and rushed into Wang Lin's mind.

The flame contained a desire for life and understanding and enlightenment of power. There was also a trace of the scent of blood.

At this moment, the flame flickered violently. Wang Lin felt a thud and then a large amount of information rushed into his mind.

There was too much information, and it was extremely messy, as if it was endless. The information bombarded Wang Lin as if it wanted to make his head explode. In an instant, something happened to Wang Lin's eyes. A sun appeared in his left eye and a moon appeared in his right eye. His karma domain quickly filled his body.

The Yin and Yang fishes appeared in his mind. As they rotated, all of the distracting thoughts were removed from his mind. Finally, a scene that shook Wang Lin's mind appeared!

At this moment, the old cultivator's figure appeared next to Wang Lin. He carefully looked at Wang Lin, revealing a look of admiration, and he muttered, "Not bad. This little fellow was about to gain insight from this level of source origin. After some observation, I can let this little fellow enter the Vermillion Bird Series!"

At this moment, Wang Lin was immersed in a starry sky. What he saw were countless celestials using various kinds of magical treasures. Before them were yellow talisman tens, hundreds, thousands, and even tens of thousands of feet long!

Every yellow talisman had various strange people standing on them. They weren't dressed too differently from cultivators, but they had the Chosen Immortal Clan plants tattooed on them. The difference was the amount of leaves on the tattoos.

Each of them had a tattoo flashing between their eyebrows.

This was a war!

As both sides battled, there were flashes of tattoos. As for those with tattoos, their spells were strange and unpredictable. They were tattoo-oriented and could often seal the heavens and earth, causing the world's origin energy to tremble.

Not long after, an old man on one of the yellow talismans that was tens of thousands of feet long charged out. The old man had many leaves on his tattoo, along with a golden leaf. He opened his arms and the tattoos around him charged out. At this moment, space itself trembled and the celestials all exclaimed. They were surrounded by countless tattoos and suddenly lost their celestial origins.

Just at this critical moment, a flash of black light came from the distance. A figure appeared, but it was surrounded by a black light, making it impossible to see his appearance. The person arrived and began battling the old man. In an instant, the person surrounded by the black light grabbed hold of the area between the old man's eyebrows. He mercilessly pulled out a mass of flame filled with vitality!

The moment the flame was pulled out, it immediately collapsed into countless specks of fire. One of them charged straight at Wang Lin and instantly imprinted between Wang Lin's eyebrows.

Wang Lin's forehead burned and his body trembled. It was as if a powerful impact was forcing his body to retreat. This force was too strong, as if it could penetrate time itself. He felt a thud as he opened his eyes and awakened.

The moment he awakened, he immediately looked at the flame. The more he looked, the more similar it looked to the flame between the eyebrows of the old man covered in tattoos.

The scene from before was like a dream, but the heat coming from between his eyebrows reminded him that everything before was very real!

Wang Lin subconsciously touched between his eyebrows, but there was nothing there…

At this moment, a large stone was rapidly flying through the starry sky, charging toward the western part of the Alliance Star System. On the stone stood a person in red, and his eyes were ruthless and cold. He stared into the distant stars and muttered, "Allheaven Thunder Celestial Xu Mu… I hope you're not too weak…"

Chapter 908 - Leaving

"Very good!" The old cultivator's voice echoed inside the chamber.

Ripples appeared and the old cultivator walked out. He carefully looked at Wang Lin, especially between Wang Lin's eyebrows, and calmly asked, "You saw it?"

Wang Lin got up, clasped his hands, and said, "I saw some scenes."

The old cultivator faintly smiled while he raised his right hand and reached toward the flame. The flame flashed and then was caught in the old cultivator's hand.

"This thing was formed by the essence source origin of an peak golden leaf Fu Clan member. Comprehending this source origin would benefit your cultivation greatly. This is also a test that one must face to become an inner disciple of the Vermillion Bird Branch of the Four Divine Sect. If you can gain comprehension, you can become an inner disciple!"

With that, the old cultivator seemed to gain a trace of that flames's power and his face turned slightly red. After a long time, he returned to normal and waved his sleeves. Wang Lin disappeared on the spot.

"Do what you ought to do. With this old man here, no one can touch planet Suzaku!"

After sending Wang Lin away, the old cultivator's eyes revealed a strange light and he muttered, "Fu Clan, this old man will definitely open the last layer!"

Wang Lin's body appeared on the top of a mountain on planet Suzaku, and his face was pale. He looked toward the direction of the Forsaken Immortal Clan and began to ponder.

"That old cultivator's cultivation level is very high. I fear he is an old monster on level with Master Flamespark, or even stronger. What kind of purpose does this person have for staying at planet Suzaku for a long period of time?

"First of all, I can confirm that opening the last two layers of the Forsaken Immortal Clan are one of his goals. I just don't know if he is aware of the Land of the Ancient God…" Wang Lin's eyes lit up and then he quickly left.

"That person's identity is strange, but he is someone from the Vermillion Bird Branch of the Four Divine Sect. However, his words had some deeper meaning to them… Forget it, there are too few clues to speculate. It is time to leave."

Wang Lin made up his mind. He spread out his divine sense and found Ta Shan and company. After sending out a message, Wang Lin looked at the earth below him. He knew that he had dealt with the matters at planet Suzaku and that he couldn't stay here for long. After all, Tuo Sen was still here.

While he pondered, he let out a sigh. Then his body flickered and he quickly charged into the sky.

At the same time, Ta Shan, the big-headed boy, and Lei Ji quickly flew out from different parts of planet Suzaku.

Zhou Wutai stood on a peak as he looked up at the horizon. His expression was a somber, and after a long time, he left.

Similarly, at the border of the Sea of Devils and the country of Hou Fen, Li Qiqing looked up at the sky. After a long time, he muttered, "Little Sister… Following him is your choice. Your brother blesses you…"

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In the Cloud Sky Sect, Tie Yan awakened as if he had noticed something and looked up. He knew that after Wang Lin leaves this time, it would likely be a very long time before he returns.

Wang Lin's figure appeared in the space outside planet Suzaku, and a moment later, Ta Shan and company appeared. Ta Shan took a step and merged with Wang Lin's shadow. As for the big-headed boy, he had recovered a bit and respectfully stood there.

Lei Ji's eyes turned, and without waiting for Wang Lin's order, popping sounds came from his body. In an instant, he grew into a giant thousands of feet tall and a powerful pressure shrouded the area.

The reason many powerful cultivators liked to use the Giant Demon Clan members as mounts was because of their powerful bodies and pressure. They were comparable to almost all demonic beasts!

In addition, the Giant Demon Clan's bloodline ability made the powerful cultivators extremely fond of them!

Lei Ji's body trembled and he knelt down. A thunderous voice came from his mouth.

"Master, Lei Ji is completely willing to become your mount!"

Looking at the giant body, Wang Lin entered a trance for a moment. Riding the Giant Demon Clan as a mount was indeed very eye-catching.

No matter who saw this, they would be shaken!

Wang Lin revealed a smile. With one step, he landed on Lei Ji's back, and the big-headed boy quickly followed. He was not tall, and although his head was big and ferocious, when he stood behind Wang Lin, it was obvious he was a servant.

Lei Ji's body was huge and his back was thousands of feet wide. His skin was blue and the surface of his back was flat. After Wang Lin sat down, Lei Ji let out a roar and rushed forward.

His speed was very fast; although it couldn't compare to the Thunder Beast, it wasn't much slower!

Lei Ji's huge body quickly travelled through space and created a storm that spread far and wide in every direction. The big-headed boy looked at all of this and revealed a strange expression.

He truly felt the difference between the Alliance Star System and Allheaven Star System. There were no giants thousands of feet tall in Allheaven, much less people using them as mounts. He felt disbelief just thinking about it, but at the same time it gave him an inexplicable feeling.

If he saw someone with such a mount, killing intent would appear in his heart and he would want to kill the other party and take said mount.

"A cultivator that dares to sit on such a cultivator is no ordinary person!" The big-headed boy let out a sigh as he silently looked at Wang Lin.

His pupils suddenly shrank. A person suddenly appeared in the distance. He was standing on top of a huge stone. The surface of the stone was covered in holes; it looked like a beehive.

This person was wearing red and looked like a ray of red light. He had his hands behind his back and he quickly flew toward Lei Ji.

That stone was too fast. As it closed in, it created a huge roar similar to a sonic boom. It set off a monstrous wave in the starry sky.

The red-robed man didn't look very old, only about 30 years old. There were seven swords flying around him, giving off a powerful killing aura!

This killing aura gave was filled with the scent of blood that spread out and formed a vortex. It seemed to form into a huge python-like beast that opened its jaws and roared at Lei Ji.

As it roared, a cold and ruthless voice came.

"Cultivation Alliance's Slaughter Domain, Kill Yu Fei, here to take your head!" The moment this voice echoed, the stone under him increased in speed. It was so fast that red flames appeared on the stone due to friction and shot straight toward Lei Ji.

Lei Ji's expression became panicked and he was about to dodge. At this moment, the big-headed boy looked at Wang Lin, clenched his teeth, and stepped out. His hand formed a seal and celestial origin energy surged. The celestial origin energy formed a storm outside his body and soon, a celestial spell appeared.

The big-headed boy shouted and pushed his hands forward. The celestial origin energy turned into threads and rapidly approached the large stone like a fine net.

However, at this instant, the red-robed man's eyes flashed red. One of the seven blood swords immediately shot out like lightning toward the big-headed boy.

While it was on the way, a large amount of red mist came from the blood sword. With a bang, it turned into a person. This person looked exactly the same as the red-robed man.

It was obvious it was an avatar!

After the avatar appeared, his hand swiped out and seven rays of blood light shot out. His gaze was cold as he charged toward the big-headed boy, and they began to battle.

The two quickly used spells, causing explosions to echo among the stars. They weren't able to decide a winner or loser in a short period of time.

"That avatar is at the early stage of Nirvana Scryer! The original body is at the mid stage of Nirvana Scryer!" Wang Lin's eyes lit up as the stone closed in. Lei Ji let out a roar and continued to roar. The shadow behind Wang Lin flickered as Ta Shan stepped out and threw a punch.

The moment Ta Shan appeared, the red-robed man's expression didn't change at all. The second flying sword exploded into an avatar with seven rays of blood light around it and charged straight at Ta Shan.

Wang Lin's expression was calm. While still on Lei Ji's back, he suddenly raised his right hand. Countless lightning bolts suddenly filled the area and gathered. The surrounding area quickly turned into a thunder hell!

The red-robed man's eyes narrowed and the stone under him suddenly stopped 1,000 feet from Wang Lin. He revealed a cold smile and slowly said, "You are indeed worth of being Allheaven's Thunder Celestial. You are really worthy of the title 'Thunder Celestial!'"

With that, he waved his right hand and the remaining five blood swords shot out in five directions with him as the center.

Then the five blood swords exploded into clouds of blood mist and turned into five more avatars! Each of the avatars had seven blood red lights around them, and inside each blood red light was a blood red flying sword.

In an instant, the five avatars and the 35 red flying swords formed a formation around this person. Each avatar was 500 feet from the main body. The surrounding lightning bolts closed in, but strangely they all flew toward the blood swords. No thunder could enter that 500 feet area!

Thunderous rumbles continued to echo. The red-robed man sneered as he looked at Wang Lin. All the thunder was blocked by his five avatars and 35 flying swords.

"Are you only this strong?" The red-robed man shook his head and his eyes were filled with disappointment.

"If this is all your spell can do, then you can't escape from me!"

A flash of coldness appeared in Wang Lin's eyes and a vortex appeared between his eyebrows. In an instant, his ancient thunder dragon origin soul rushed out and let out a roar at the sky!


Chapter 909 - I'll Give You a Miracle

He exercised his control over thunder!

Under the thunderous rumbles, the world suddenly changed and countless lightning bolts appeared from the void and gathered toward Wang Lin. This scene was earth-shattering, and as the sound of thunder spread, it caused more thunder to appear.

It was like divine retribution!

The red-robed man named Yu Fei took one look and began to laugh. However, this laughter was filled with endless chill.

"Good, now you have some aura of a Thunder Celestial of the Allheaven Star System. It wasn't a waste of time for me to come personally take your head. If you die, you can smile while you're in the underworld. Everyone that was killed by me was famous!"

"Arrogant!" Wang Lin's expression was cold. He pointed with his finger and made the thunder in the area become several times stronger. Thunder from tens of thousands of kilometers away began to gather. If one were to look from above, they would see that the area within tens of thousands of kilometers had turned into a thunder lake.

And the thunder lake shrank amidst the endless rumbles. The center of all of this was the red-robed man!

The speed of contraction was too fast, and as it contracted, it attracted even more thunder. The might of the thunder was like the end of the world!

The rapid contraction caused large amounts of spatial cracks to appear. Whenever the thunder passed by, large amounts of cold wind would escape from those cracks. This scene was very shocking!

As the thunder roared, the contraction became even faster. It was as like a huge circle that was tens of thousands of kilometers wide and was rapidly shrinking with the red-robed man as the center.

As the thunder contracted, the thunder became even more intense. As it continued to compress, it eventually became unimaginably powerful.

This power was like compressing all the thunder within tens of thousands of kilometer into one point. The power this thunder had was comparable to divine retribution!

At this moment, it contracted like crazy, and it made so much noise that it was like no other sound existed. Even Ta Shan and the big-headed boy, who were battling, immediately retreated and revealed serious expressions.

In almost an instant, as all the thunder from tens of thousands of kilometers away gathered, waves of thunder crashed into the red-robed man's 35 flying swords and five avatars!

This created a heaven-shaking bang; it was as if space itself was trembling. All the thunder within tens of thousands of kilometers compressed and finally bombarded the flyings swords!

One of the blood swords immediately trembled and collapsed. The sword shattered into countless pieces which were then pushed back by the thunder.

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This didn't end here. The remaining flying swords all collapsed under the bombardment of this earth-shattering thunder!

In just an instant, the 35 flying swords all collapsed. The surrounding thunder didn't pause, it charged toward the red-robed man with monstrous momentum.

500 feet only took an instant to cross!

Just as the thunder condensed, the five avatars turned into five large swords and forced a blockade 100 feet around the Yu Fei. The thunder quickly smashed into them, causing them to tremble, and cracking sounds came from the swords.

Yu Fei's expression was still neutral. He coldly looked at Wang Lin and said, "I indeed underestimated the power of your thunder, but before me, it is not enough!" As he spoke, he slapped his bag of holding and something appeared in his hand!

This object was a branch, It looked very normal, but it gave off an ancient aura.

"One of my Slaughter Domain's treasures, the Branch of the Thunder World Tree. The domain master said that this could suppress your thunder. Let me show you how I'll break your thunder!" With that, he threw the branch forward. At the same time, the five swords blocking the thunder quickly retreated.

The moment the five blood swords retreated, there was nothing blocking the thunder, so it immediately charged toward the red-robed man. However, at this moment, Wang Lin seemed to lose control of the thunder, and it all charged toward the branch.

As the thunder rumbled, the branch absorbed all of it, and bursts of thunder could be seen around the branch. Yu Fei stood beside the branch with a sneer. The thunder seemed to be turning a blind eye to him; it didn't injure him at all, and it all rushed into the branch.

Even Wang Lin became gloomy at this.

"With your early stage Nirvana Scryer cultivation, unless there is a miracle, you are nothing before me. It is time to end everything!" Yu Fei's eyes revealed killing intent as he charged through the thunder. The five flying swords charged with him and closed in on Wang Lin.

Wang Lin retreated as he stared Yu Fei, who was closing in, and calmly said, "I'll give you a miracle!" With that, ripples appeared under his feet and he suddenly disappeared.

Yu Fei was startled and his pupils shrank. His origin energy surged out, creating a storm around him, but he still didn't find a trace of Wang Lin.

There was a cultivation planet in the Alliance Star System that was far away from planet Suzaku. The spiritual energy from this cultivation planet was dense, and it was a rank 6 cultivation country.

There were five rank 5 cultivation countries on this planet. In one of the rank 5 cultivation countries, one named Fallen Moon, there was a woman standing outside the alchemy room in a back mountain.

This woman was wearing a pink butterfly dress. She didn't look very old and was very beautiful. There were specks of metal chips above her right eyebrow that made her look very cute.

Her jade-like skin and cloud-like hair made her very attractive.

"Senior Brother Wang, are you here? I'm Song Ying." This woman's face was red and her voice sounded like a songbird. She was very beautiful and she looked into the room as she spoke.

A person was sitting in the alchemy room. He had a head of red hair and his expression was very cold. He looked around 30 years old, and the cold aura he gave off made it feel as if it would feel like winter wherever he went!

When the voice of the woman came in from outside, the man frowned and coldly said, "I'm not here!" After that, he closed his eyes and focused on cultivating.

After the woman heard this cold voice, she immediately became happy. She took a few steps and walked directly into the alchemy room. She smiled and said, "Brother Wang Lin, I won't disturb you for too long. I'll just sit here for a while and then leave."

As she spoke, she arrived outside the room but didn't go inside. She sat down outside. She could feel the cold aura coming from the room. This aura entered her body and made her face turn red, but she felt very comfortable.

Her cultivation was related to cold energy and had been stagnant. There weren't many places in the sect with cold energy, and she couldn't enter those places with her status. One time, she came here to pick up pills and accidently found that the cold energy in her body had increased a lot.

This discovery made her very excited and she continued to come here. Eventually, she discovered there was an outer sect disciple named Wang Lin here!

This person was a worker at the alchemy room, but she felt it was very range. Even though he was a worker, she had never seen him do any work. She even saw the uncle-master at the alchemy room be extremely respectful toward Wang Lin.

She had a feeling that Wang Lin had a lot of secrets, that he was very mysterious. With this in mind, she had the urge to uncover all those secrets for some reason. In addition, this place helped her cultivation a lot, so she came here almost every day.

As for Wang Lin's coldness, not only was she not afraid, it made her want to uncover his secrets even more. She was almost always thinking of Wang Lin's cold figure.

Song Ying's face turned red as she cultivated, but his time her heartbeat accelerated and she couldn't immerse herself in cultivation. Touching the item in her clothes, she hesitated as she bit her lips and softly said toward the room, "Senior brother Wang, I…"

However, before she finished speaking, the door suddenly opened and Wang Lin walked out. The moment he walked out, a large amount of cold energy spread out.

This cold aura wasn't real, it was just left over spiritual energy from when an ancient god absorbed spiritual energy. It seemed insignificant to Wang Lin, but for others, this spiritual energy was very dense!

Fortunately, this was an alchemy room that already had dense spiritual energy, so it was not obvious.

The appearance of Wang Lin's original body caused Song Ying to swallow her words. Just as she summoned up the courage to continue, she saw the Senior Brother Wang that she admired so much take a step, shoot into the sky, and disappear.

Song Ying's expression was bleak as she took out an embroidered pouch. It was filled with some spirit herbs that she had personally picked and then sewn into the pouch. This item had the effect of allowing one to calm down.

With one step, Wang Lin's original body left the cultivation planet and rushed into space. Just as the original body entered space, ripples appeared and Wang Lin walked out.

The avatar and original body walked toward each other until they collided. Then there was a flash of green light and the two became one!

After hundreds of years of separation, Wang Lin's avatar and his original body fused once more!

A powerful aura came from Wang Lin's body like crazy and filled the stars!

The fusion of his original body and his avatar, the fusion of the ancient god and a qi cultivator, caused popping sounds to echo form Wang Lin's body. Countless bolts of thunder roamed around his body.

Wang Lin's left eye contained the sun and his right eye contain the moon. His hair was no longer red after fusing with his avatar's black hair, it was now purple. It moved without any wind, and the ancient god stars were hidden by the third eye. No one was able to see any sign of them.

"I'll give you a miracle!" Wang Lin's cold voice echoed and turned into endless rumbles that echoed among the stars. With a step, he disappeared.

Chapter 910 - Strongest Fusion

Wang Lin's appearance didn't change much, but he was extremely calm. There were faint lines on his body, but they were not obvious. An extremely powerful aura was coming from his body and filling the stars.

As this aura spread out, it set off a huge wave on the rank 6 cultivation planet. Countless cultivators awakened from their cultivation and felt their souls shake.

Just as everyone was startled, Wang Lin took a step and ripples appeared under his feet, and he disappeared among the stars.

Yu Fei's expression was gloomy and he clenched his fist. Earlier, when he saw the ripples under Wang Lin's feet, his pupils shrank and he was greatly shocked.

Spatial Bending!

He knew of this spell, but he had not expected this Xu Mu to already know this spell. It has to be said that very few cultivators he knew could use this spell. It was even more rare for people at the same cultivation level as him!

How could this not surprise him? Moreover, the information he received about Xu Mu never mentioned this at all.

He subconsciously spread out his origin energy, causing the surrounding area to collapse, but there was no sign of Xu Mu. Even when he completely distorted the origin energy in the area, he still couldn't find Xu Mu.

Yu Fei's expression became even colder, but he immediately understood that this Xu Mu had escaped!

He let out an angry roar as he turned around and locked onto the big-headed boy, who was fighting his avatar. All his killing intent and rage were now redirected to the big-headed boy. He quickly charged toward the big-headed boy.

"You master has fled, so let's start with you then!" Yu Fei was extremely angry in his heart, and this angry was very depressing. He was a mid stage Nirvana Scryer cultivator who let an early stage Nirvana Scryer cultivator escape, and he couldn't even pursue. He hadn't experienced this kind of thing in a long time.

The big-headed boy was fighting Yu Fen's avatar when his scalp felt numb and he almost lost his wits. He couldn't help but scold Wang Lin as he retreated and attempted to escape.

However, Yu Fei was extremely angry, and he instantly closed in. Using his overwhelming mid stage Nirvana Scryer cultivation, he pointed with his finger. The five blood swords immediately shot toward the big-headed boy.

"Die for me!" As Yu Fei shouted, the five blood swords charge forward like five early stage Nirvana Scryer cultivators. Adding the one from before, it was like six Nirvana Scryer cultivators attacking the big-headed boy.

How could the big-headed boy resist with his current cultivation?


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The big-headed boy was filled with despair and a crazy idea appeared in his heart. He was about to explode his origin soul. No matter what, he had to destroy an avatar.

Just at this moment of life and death, a cold voice came from behind the big-headed boy.

"This is my miracle!" As the cold voice echoed, the big-headed boy felt his body being grabbed and tossed back by someone, allowing him to escape danger.

Wang Lin walked out from the void. His expression was cold as he faced the six blood swords, and he threw a punch. The power behind this punch was even stronger than Ta Shan's punches. The roar that came from the fist felt like it was going to shatter space!

This caused a series of sonic booms, and the space before Wang Lin fragmented. Cold air came out from the countless cracks, but they had no effect on Wang Lin.

If space was like this, then there was no need to talk about the six blood swords. Wang Lin's fist landed directly on one of the flying swords. The sword trembled and immediately collapsed with a bang. The fragments were pushed back and then they turned into an avatar that coughed out blood. His eyes were filled with terror and he retreated.

Wang Lin's expression was cold and gave off endless coldness, as if he was a piece of never-melting ice. This Yu Fei's avatars were at the early stage of Nirvana Scryer, and Yu Fei's real body was at the mid stage of Nirvana Scryer. With them together, it would be very difficult for Wang Lin to kill Yu Fei, and even if he won, the price would be very high. Thus, the best choice was for Wang Lin to fuse with his original body. He took a step and arrived next to the avatar that coughed out blood before the other five could even react. Without any hesitation, Wang Lin threw a punch!

There was a loud bang; it was as if space itself was trembling. The avatar coughed out more blood and numerous clouds of blood mist exploded from its body. After the avatar retreated 10 steps, it collapsed and was completely destroyed!

Absolute slaughter!

This was a complete and absolute slaughter!

After killing one avatar, Wang Lin turned around and walked toward the incoming five blood swords. All of this was done in an instant. Wang Lin was so fast that he left behind many afterimages. This time, his fist landed in the void. Cracking sounds could be heard while a huge crack appeared and tore through space like a dragon.

One of the blood swords flashed and shot toward Wang Lin. Wang Lin didn't even look at it while his right hand reached out. The blood sword trembled and wanted to struggle, but it was caught by Wang Lin. He mercilessly crushed it!

The second blood sword collapsed with a bang and was about to escape, but countless lightning bolts gathered under Wang Lin's gaze. Countless bolts of thunder smashed into the avatar and popping sounds came from its body. The avatar collapsed and died!

At this moment, the remaining four blood swords closed in and suddenly landed on Wang Lin. There were sound of metals colliding as the swords hit Wang Lin's body. A powerful rebound force came from Wang Lin, knocking the four swords back, and they trembled violently.

This scene stunned the big-headed boy. When he looked at the both familiar and unfamiliar Wang Lin, there was only terror in his eyes.

"This… The flying swords couldn't hurt his body!"

The big-headed boy wasn't the only one that was shocked; there was also Yu Fei. For the first time, his expression changed, and it was a big change! Everything that happened was too fast and caught him unprepared. In almost the blink of an eye, two of his avatars had collapsed, and this set off a monstrous wave in his heart.

He was about to charge out when Wang Lin suddenly turned around and let out a roar!


This roar was the roar of an ancient god. It had been a very long time since the voice of the ancient god had existed in this world. Now that it suddenly appeared, it was as if the true voice that could split the heavens had appeared.

Before this roar of an ancient god, even the heavens' thunder had to tremble, and the starry sky itself had to bow because he was an ancient god! Countless years ago, this world was filled with ancient gods!

The roar of the ancient god released an ancient aura into the world. All creatures must yield to the roar of the ancient god, and all power will disintegrate!

This roar was several times more violent than thunder. What is thunder before this roar!? This roar was filled with endless force, and it created a storm that swept the area.

Yu Fei had just lifted his feet when the ancient god roar hit him. A power that made his mind tremble suddenly charged at him. His mind was in shocked and he quickly retreated. It was as if he would be torn apart if he didn't retreat.

His face was pale. In his eyes, Wang Lin was like an angry ancient beast that gave off such a powerful aura that he had to retreat. The origin energy inside his body cycled rapidly without his control; it was as if it would immediately collapsed and he would die if it stopped!

At this moment, his ears buzzed and he was isolated from the world. He could only hear his own heartbeat rapidly accelerating in his ears.

In the end, his heart was beating so fast that the beats were connected. His eyes were filled with fear. This fear came from the soul, the fear toward the ancient gods!

For the first time, Yu Fei felt fear. At the start, there was only a sliver of fear, but a moment later, it filled his mind.

The big-headed boy's face turned pale. His mind trembled under the roar of the ancient god. He now had a celestial origin, so he was a celestial, but at this moment, he had the illusion that he was merely an ant.

There was also Lei Ji, and his body trembled. There was a will that roared in Lei Ji's heart. It was like a servant that had met his true master. He couldn't help but kneel and obediently listen to Wang Lin's orders.

This was the first time he had felt this kind of feeling. Although he was shocked by the awe he felt, he didn't reject it. Rather, he felt a sense of familiarity.

If these people were like this, then there was no need to mention the four flying swords near Wang Lin. The indescribable impact of the roar caused the world to change colors and space itself to collapse. Those four flying swords all exploded!

While they collapsed, countless fragments were pushed back and turned into four avatars. Each of those four avatars had Nirvana Scryer cultivation, but the moment they appeared, they were hit by the impact of the roar of the ancient god once more.

As if a powerful wind containing a destructive force had blown by, the four avatars immediately collapsed and dissipated. They were completely dead!

Wang Lin took a step. Ripples appeared under his feet and he disappeared. When he reappeared, he was next to Ta Shan, who was facing Yu Fei's last avatar. The last avatar was also so shocked that it stopped attacking and was retreating, but how could it compare to Wang Lin? The moment Wang Lin appeared, his two fingers formed a sword and pressed down. Endless thunder came from all directions and the Yin and Yang fishes appeared as well. When his fingers landed, the last avatar exploded.

Wang Lin only took several breaths of time to kill the seven avatars one after the other, but the shock he bought was unimaginable!

Wang Lin's expression was cold as he looked at the pale-faced Yu Fei not far away and coldly said, "This is the miracle I'm giving you. Are you satisfied!?"

Chapter 911 - Slaughter Domain

Yu Fei's eyes revealed terror. He could see that this Xu Mu's cultivation was extremely strange. Although Xu Mu's cultivation level was only early stage Nirvana Scryer, his physical body was strong enough to beat the treasures he refined with his avatars!

This made his mind tremble.

What made him lose his wit was that the roar just now had shaken the four avatars to death. Even he felt an irresistible sense of fear.

At this moment, he no longer had the courage to keep fighting. His body flickered and he coughed out a large mouthful of blood. Then he entered the blood and fled far away.

As he escaped, the stone he was standing on suddenly collapsed and a large amount of killing intent lashed out. This incredible impact attempted to stop anyone from chasing Yu Fei.

Wang Lin's expression was cold as his hand formed a seal and pointed up. A gust of wind blew out like crazy and blew away the force from the stone. He then took a step and chased after Yu Fei.

Yu Fei was too fast. Blood Escape was a survival skill that one used while injuring themselves. He panicked and no longer cared; he only wanted to quickly escape.

However, when he was tens of thousands of kilometers away, a ripple appeared before him. Wang Lin walked out and punched him in the face!

This punch landed in the void and caused the surrounding space to to shatter. The world's origin energy went crazy and Yu Fei's body trembled and he coughed out blood. The blood light around him disappeared and he was forced out from his blood escape.

With a hint of madness, Yu Fei formed a seal and a ray of blood light flew out from his forehead. This red light was extremely bright, and it gave off a powerful evil aura. As Yu Fei shouted, it turned into a ray of sword energy 100 feet long and shot toward Wang Lin.

This was Yu Fei's life treasure. Now that he was forced to the limit, he used it without any hesitation. After throwing out his life treasure, his hand formed another seal and the blood before him trembled and turned into a 1,000-foot-long python. The python opened its jaws and attempted to devour Wang Lin.

After doing all this, he still felt uneasy, so he simply slapped his bag of holding and a large amount of treasures flew out. As various flashes of light came from the treasures, he spat out essence blood that landed on all the treasures, and he shouted, "Kill!"

The magic treasures before him charged out toward Wang Lin.

Yu Fei's face was a bit pale, but he retreated without hesitation.

Wang Lin's expression was indifferent. When facing the big sword formed by Yu Fei's life treasure, rich spiritual energy came out from his body. Then Wang Lin's body began to grow like crazy and became a giant hundreds of feet tall!

This large body gave off an ancient and powerful aura. He didn't dodge, he allowed the large sword to slam into him. Wang Lin didn't even pause; it was the sword that collapsed!


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If Wang Lin hadn't fused, he wouldn't have dared to face the treasures of a mid stage Nirvana Scryer cultivator. However, now that he had fused with his original body, he was able to completely resist the treasures of a mid stage Nirvana Scryer cultivator. In particular, the powerful origin energy coming from his body knocked away all the incoming treasures.

As for the python following closely after the sword, it still tried to devour Wang Lin. Wang Lin was indifferent as he grabbed the python's head and directly crushed it.

Just as Wang Lin was about to throw it away, he was surprised to find that the python had a soul. Without hesitation, the underworld river appeared and resentment filled the area.

He threw the python into the underworld river and then waved his hand. All the incoming treasures collapsed.

Since his life treasure was destroyed, the escaping Yu Fei coughed out a mouthful of blood and his face became even more pale. He clenched his teeth and his eyes became filled with resolve. While still enduring the pain, he tore off his left arm and a large amount of blood sprayed out. His face was deathly pale as he muttered some complex spell. Then his left arm suddenly collapsed and formed a vortex gate.

Yu Fei directly stepped into the vortex.

"Xu Mu, of the Soul Killer Duo, there is another beside me. Although your body is strong, under the spells of a Soul Killer, you will still die!" Yu Fei's eyes revealed a monstrous hatred as he walked into the vortex.

Seeing that Yu Fei was about to escape, Wang Lin's eyes became filled with killing intent. His personality had always been "if they don't mess with me, I won't mess with them. If they mess with me, I'll kill them!"

At this moment, Yu Fei's body had already entered the vortex. The vortex rapidly rotated and became smaller and smaller. It was about to disappear completely.

Wang Lin's eyes became cold and the hymn of a furnace appeared around him. The illusion of a furnace hundreds of feet large appeared before Wang Lin!

Ancient God Furnace. When Wang Lin's avatar used it, he had to use the seal left by Greed. However, after fusing with his original body, his control over it was much stronger!

"Position shift!" In an instant, a violent echo came from inside the Ancient God Furnace. The shrinking vortex seemed to be grabbed by a pair of giant invisible hands and was pulled toward Wang Lin. Similarly, Wang Lin's body moved forward in a mysterious manner.

The moment the two crossed, Wang Lin's two fingers formed a sword that contained a Heavenly Chop, heavenly thunder, and the Yin and Yang fishes. At the same time, the ancient god's powerful body and the spell that could shatter anything was also contained inside these two fingers. Wang Lin directly pointed his two fingers mercilessly through the shrinking vortex!

In the Slaughter Domain of the Alliance Star System's two sects, four temples, and eight domains!

A elliptical vortex suddenly appeared next to one of the buildings that looked like swords stabbed into the ground. A mysterious attracting force came from the vortex and caught the attention of the cultivators in the Slaughter Domain.

Yu Fei's body stepped out from the vortex. His face was deathly pale and blood was still coming out of his left arm. After he came out, the vortex behind him rapidly shrank.

Seeing that he had returned to his familiar Slaughter Domain, he relaxed, but he was still terrified of what had happened. Now he looked at the tower and was about to speak.

However, just at this moment, a very powerful aura came out from the tower like crazy along with an angry roar.

"Yu Fei, leave that place!"

At the same time, a ray of red light came from the high tower and closed in on Yu Fei, but it was a step too late!

The moment he heard that face, Yu Fei didn't pause and continued to charge out. However, just at that instant, a powerful energy came out from the shrinking vortex before him. It tore through the vortex and two fingers suddenly came out from the vortex. These two fingers held monstrous killing intent, and they suddenly pressed down on Yu Fei's back.

"It's Xu Mu!" Yu Fei coughed out blood and his body was mercilessly throw forward due to a powerful force. Popping sounds came from his body and large amounts of blood mist came out of his pores. In almost an instant, his entire body collapsed!

Not even his origin soul was able to escape from the collapse of his body and was destroyed along with his body!

Even his bag of holding was destroyed, and everything inside it flew out. Among these items, there was a branch that quickly retreated and was caught by the two fingers that came from the vortex.

This scene caused an uproar in the Slaughter Domain. The red light that flew out from the tower immediately charged toward the two fingers. However, as soon as the two fingers pressed down, they retreated back into the vortex and the vortex disappeared.

An angry roar came out from red light, and in a flash, a dried up right arm shot out from the red light and went into the dissipating vortex. There was a crackle and the dried up right arm was able to pull out half a tree branch from the vortex.

"Xu Mu!!!" The red light flashed and revealed a person. He was extremely old and had a head of red hair. At this moment, he let out an angry roar.

Over the countless years, their Slaughter Domain had never seen one of their own killed inside their own domain while they were all helpless. This kind of shame was equal to the enemy slaughtering their way into their base!

Roars came from the other towers and cultivators filled with killing intent came out. Each of them stared at where Yu Fei died and they silently pondered.

This kind of silence created an unimaginable killing intent that was constantly being suppressed and waiting to explode.

The red-haired old man took a deep breath and revealed a grim expression. He waved his sleeves and returned back into the tower. After a long time, a cold voice came out from the tower.

"Hunt Xu Mu!"

As for Wang Lin, he withdrew his fingers and his body slowly shrank and returned back to normal in several breaths of time. If he was going to kill, then he needed to be thorough. Letting the other person go wouldn't stop people from trying to kill him, so he was going for the kill.

After pondering for a while, Wang Lin looked at the piece of branch in his hand and put it away. Getting it while killing Yu Fei was a big risk, and he had great use for this.

"This item, it will allow me peace in the western region of the Alliance!" Wang Lin's body flickered and disappeared.

When he appeared, he was on Lei Ji's back. The big-headed boy was disturbed, but when he saw Wang Lin return, he relaxed and revealed a respectful look.

Ta Shan was slightly injured in the battle against Yu Fei's avatar and was sitting there recovering. Wang Lin sat down on Lei Ji's back and calmly said, "Lei Ji, find me a hidden, uninhabited planet. I want to go into closed door cultivation!"

Lei Ji caused a loud rumble as he flew far away into the distance.

Chapter 912 - Question One's Wrongs

Lei Ji's large body gave off a powerful pressure as he quickly moved through the western region of the Alliance. Not far away, there were rays of sword energy. It was a group of Allheaven cultivators.

The person leading was one of the Earth Celestials. When he first saw Lei Ji's huge body, he became vigilant. Even the cultivators behind him were prepared to face a formidable opponent and there were flashes of spells.

Just as this moment, the leader's eyes narrowed as he saw Wang Lin and the big-headed boy on Lei Ji's back. He gasped, immediately retreated a few steps, and respectfully said, "Greetings, Thunder Celestial."

The name "Xu Mu" was illustrious in Allheaven, and he had personally witnessed Wang Lin's heroic deeds. He admired Wang Lin a lot, and his admiration was completely sincere.

Wang Lin slightly nodded and didn't speak. Lei Ji's speed was very fast, so he quickly flew by these cultivators. It wasn't until Wang Lin was far away that that cultivator looked back with envy and said, "Someone with a mount like that is indeed worthy of being Allheaven's Thunder Celestial."

He wasn't the only one who envied Wang Lin. The other cultivators all felt admiration and envy toward Wang Lin.

As Lei Ji moved forward, they encountered even more Allheaven cultivators. It was obvious that this area was completely occupied by Allheaven. When those cultivators saw Wang Lin, they all became respectful, and when they saw Lei Ji, they were filled with shock and admiration.

After Xu Mu appeared, it became known by all Allheaven cultivators as rumors spread. During this period of time, there were a lot of rumors about Xu Mu.

A vast majority of them were that Xu Mu didn't dare to battle or had betrayed them to join the Alliance. Xu Ting was happy to hear this and secretly fueled the rumor.

The older generation of Allheaven cultivators didn't say anything to stop this. In addition, Wang Lin did disappear first, so the rumors became more and more exaggerated.

For example, things like "Xu Mu is a spy from the Alliance" became more widely believed.

Lei Ji's movements caught the attention of a lot of cultivators. A lot of cultivators looked at Wang Lin with respect, but there were also many looking at him with a playful gazes, as if they were waiting to see a good show.

A day later, Lei Ji stopped outside an abandoned planet. There wasn't much spiritual energy left in this planet; even the Allheaven cultivators that occupied it didn't care much and only left several people guarding it.

Wang Lin carefully looked at the abandoned planet. This place was indeed remote. Although it was occupied by Allheaven cultivators, it didn't obstruct Wang Lin from doing his closed door cultivation here.

After pondering for a bit, Wang Lin stepped off Lei Ji's back and walked toward the abandoned planet. The big-headed boy and Ta Shan immediately followed. As for Lei Ji, his body shrank back to a 30-foot-tall man and followed behind them.

When he got near the planet, he heard roars coming from the planet. Although it was abandoned, there were still a large amount of fierce beasts on the planet. These beasts had no intelligence and relied on instinct to survive.

There were snakes dozens of feet long and tigers with wings; those were all very common.

The moment Wang Lin landed on the planet, the several cultivators stationed here were awakened from their cultivation. They hesitated for a bit before flying over on rays of sword energy.

The place Wang Lin picked was a mountain peak. This mountain was very weird; it was like a finger pointed straight at the sky as if it was going to pierce the sky.

While standing on the strange mountain, Ta Shan immediately punched the mountain to create a cave. He did this without even waiting for Wang Lin's order.

At this moment, several rays of light flew through the sky and the cultivators stationed here closed in. The five or six people stopped 1,000 feet away and respectfully said, "Greetings, Thunder Celestial."

Wang Lin slightly nodded and slowly said, "I need to cultivate a celestial spell here. Don't disturb me."

These cultivators quickly nodded before clasping their hands and excusing themselves.

After these people left, Wang Lin's right hand formed a seal and Annihilation restrictions flew out. As his hand continued to move, Wang Lin placed restrictions everywhere, until there were traces of restrictions all over the mountain.

After placing the restrictions, Ta Shan and the big-headed boy sat down in the distance to guard Wang Lin. Lei Ji also found a place to sit. He had felt his bloodline ability undergo a mysterious change. He was silently pondering and comprehending this change.

Wang Lin closed his eyes and the surroundings went completely quiet aside from the occasional roar from the distance. After Wang Lin placed the restrictions, the fierce beasts all left. Although they had no intelligence, they felt that this place was very dangerous.

Wang Lin's mind was clear in this relatively quiet atmosphere. The two Celestial Emperor celestial spells appeared in his mind!

Summon the Rain, Magic Arsenal.

Summon the Rain. Once, when Wang Lin used Call the Wind, he accidentally condensed a drop of rain. However, when he tried later, he wasn't able to form it again.

After Qing Shui gave him the inheritance, he realized the issue. Call the Wind and Summon the Rain were deeply connected. The two could transform into each other and compound together.

As he pondered, Wang Lin opened his arms and silently comprehended Summon the Rain.

Summon the Rain involved gathering the origin energy of the world for Wang Lin to use and then using the spell to condense said origin energy into rain. Each raindrop contained dense origin energy.

It could be said that it was already part of law.

While comprehending, large amounts of dark clouds condensed in the sky above Wang Lin.

This scene was very spectacular.

Looking at the rain, Wang Lin was completely immersed. However, at this moment, the rain seemed to stop and two people came from the void.

Before the rain could fall on the these two people the rain would immediately disappear and turn into large amount of mist. Not a single drop of rain fell on these two.

"Xu Mu, do you recognize your crime?" A roar came from one of them. This person was an old man; Wang Lin had seen this person before. If Wang Lin remembered correctly, this person was the elder in charge of punishments!

Master Flamespark stood beside his person with a gloomy expression as he stared at Wang Lin with a cold gaze. The rain turned into large amount of clouds, as if there was a flame burning, and this made it feel like he gave off unimaginable pressure. It was as if he could use these clouds to make the world collapse with just a thought.

"What crime?" Wang Lin's expression was calm as he looked at the old man.

"This old man is asking you where you were and what you were doing during the war with the Alliance! You are the Thunder Celestial of the Allheaven Star System, yet you disappeared before the war. How is that not a crime?"

Master Flamespark still hadn't spoken, but his expression became colder. Throughout the past few days, his divine sense had been spread out in the Allheaven territory, and he had been unable to find Wang Lin. As for places that were even further away, he was cautious and didn't dare to carelessly explore there.

Wang Lin's expression was still calm as he calmly said, "I went to kill the Alliance Slaughter Domain's Killer Yu Fei."

After he spoke, the old man was startled and Master Flamespark's eyes shined.

Chapter 913 - Summon the Rain

The old man's expression turned gloomy and shouted, "What Killer Xu Fei? Xu Mu, do you think I'm a three-year-old child? Don't make up a name, much less the Slaughter Domain!"

Wang Lin's expression was calm and he didn't even look at the old man. Instead, his gaze fell on Master Flamespark.

As Master Flamespark stared at Wang Lin, the coldness in his face eased, and he said, "The Cultivation Alliance does have a Slaughter Domain, and there is indeed the Soul Killer Duo. However, do you have proof that you killed him?"

The moment Master Flamespark spoke, the old man beside him immediately stopped talking.

Wang Lin was expressionless as he slapped his bag of holding and the half tree branch appeared in his hand. There was still thunder moving around the tree branch. Wang Lin directly threw it at Master Flamespark.

As the thunder roared, the half-branch flew toward Master Flamespark and was grabbed by him. He took a closer look and immediately recognized it as one of the Slaughter Domain's precious treasures. With his cultivation, he could feel the two forces within the branch. One was obviously Wang Lin's, and the other was a powerful, evil aura!

"Not bad, this is indeed the sword energy of a vice deputy level cultivator of the Slaughter Domain!" Master Flamespark's gaze toward Wang Lin was filled with admiration.

After taking a look at the branch in his hand, he threw it back to Wang Lin and smiled. "Good, Xu Mu, you can rest easy cultivating here. One month from now, the backup will arrive and you will follow the army to invade the northern region!"

Wang Lin's expression was respectful as he clasped his hands in acknowledgement.

Master Flamespark laughed and meaningfully looked at the big-headed boy before leaving. The old man beside him quickly followed.

The two of them disappeared into the distance.

Wang Lin's expression was neutral, but he relaxed. When he came to the western region into the Allheaven sphere of influence, he already had a plan in mind. This plan was the reason why he risked taking out the Branch of the World Thunder Tree before the final battle. He had used it in order to gain trust.

Among the stars, the gratified expression on Master Flamespark's face disappeared and he revealed no expression, making it impossible to know what he was thinking. The old man beside him had a thought and immediately said, "Temple lord, from my view, this Xu Mu was obviously lying. Moreover, that big-headed boy is one of the Heaven Celestials, but he is being controlled by Xu Mu! In my opinion…"

Master Flamespark turned around and coldly looked at the old man. Seeing this gaze, the old man's body trembled and he immediately swallowed back the latter half of that sentence.

After withdrawing his gaze, Master Flamespark walked toward the void.

"This Xu Mu… is not simple! There are four powers mixed between his eyebrows. Even with my cultivation, I could only see through one of them, and it was the obviously the weakest one!" Master Flamespark pondered as he moved among the stars.


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The power he could see through dispelled the original thought in Master Flamespark's mind, and he let out a sigh. He was familiar with the power. To be exact, it was the vermillion bird mark.

Only after reaching his cultivation level would one be able to see that mark between Wang Lin's eyebrows.

"This Xu Mu wasn't this strange before turning to the Alliance Star System, but after disappearing for a few days, those strange things appeared… Vermillion bird mark… That man once helped me. Forget it!" Master Flamespark shook his head as he disappeared with the old man.

The news of Xu Mu returning quickly spread in a short period of time. After all, Xu Mu was too famous in the Allheaven Star System, so almost every Allheaven cultivator knew that Xu Mu had returned.

The one that was most frustrated was Xu Ting. After he got the message, he pondered for a moment before charging out with a team of cultivators. He wanted to find a cultivation planet to vent his anger.

As for Wang Lin, it seemed to be the rainy season in the abandoned planet he was on. Endless rain covered a small portion of the planet and caused the area to be surrounded by water mist. The water was so dense that the view of the area was twisted, and not even the light from the sky could penetrate it.

The dust had all been washed away by the rain and the flowing water formed trenches on the ground. Some dust and dirt were washed away by the pouring rain.

The sound of raindrops hitting the branches and leaves echoed. The rain flowed down the edges of the leaves and condensed at the bottom.

There were many fierce beasts looking for place to avoid this rain disaster. Only the few water beasts could continue to move through the rain.

The mountain Wang Lin was in stood straight under the rain. The big-headed boy stared at the rain and silently pondered.

The restrictions on the mountain didn't deliberately stop the rain from falling. As a result, the mountain was surrounded by rain as well. The big-headed boy remembered his childhood while he watched the rain. Back then, he always looked at the rain in a daze.

He still remembered when he was expelled by the family; it was a rainy night. He was in a daze when he was pushed out from the family home and into the mud. Back then, he still had that foolish smile, only it was somewhat sad.

He fell into the muddy water and his clothes were soaked by the rain. Looking at the rain and flashing thunder, the big-headed boy's heart felt painful.

He knew he was ugly, and in order to not make others feel disgusted, he would always put on a smile. Even when his mother hit him, he would always still squeeze out a smile. Even when all his sibling bullied him, he was still smiling.

Even so, the ending was still the same. On that rainy night, his smile gradually disappeared and he walked away in the rain in a daze.

His body was very small; it seemed as if he could fall over any time under this rumbling thunder.

The big-headed boy touched his chest and looked at Ta Shan and Lei Ji before looking at Wang Lin. For some unknown reason, he felt a hint of warmth in his heart.

In his mind, he could never forget what happened a few days ago, when he was about to self-destruct in despair and a pair of hands pulled him away from that life and death crisis. A figure occupied his vision back then.

Lei Ji also looked at the rain and comprehended his bloodline ability. In this relatively quiet environment, he couldn't help but recall his past.

He was forced to leave Planet Giant Demon and was filled with hatred. Accompanied by his people, they escaped Planet Giant Demon and wandered the stars.

The him back then was in a daze. His heart thirsted for blood, but he was powerless.

He could only leave his home. If he had been a step late, he might've never had a change to leave Planet Giant Demon.

During his confusion, he brought his clan members to planet Suzaku. During that time, the Suzaku was named Ye Wuyou. Under Ye Wuyou's guidance, many cultivators gathered and began a war with the native inhabitants of the planet. They were the Forsaken Immortal Clan that was proficient in using runes.

A planet that was originally filled with spiritual energy became half-wasted by this war. There was a person next to Ye Wuyou that Lei Ji disliked a lot. He seemed to remember this man was called Situ Nan.

This person was very arrogant and his actions were almost demonic. He much prefered Ye Wuyou. They treated the arrival of the Giant Demon Clan with great hospitality. Ye Wuyou even set off a large piece of land for them to form their own country.

This piece of land was not close to the Forsaken Immortal Clan. It was far away from the Forsaken Immortal Clan, so it was very safe.

He couldn't find any way to repay this kindness beside picking up his battle axe and slaughtering the Forsaken Immortal Clan himself. He obtained the heads of the Forsaken Immortal Clan to repay Yu Wuyou!

Looking at his past life, Lei Ji felt regrettable. He wasn't as dumb as he looked on the surface; in fact, he was extremely cunning. He had experienced too much in his tens of thousands of years of living. It was just that he had been imprisoned by the Corpse Sect for too long and his mind was muddled.

It was because he was very cunning that Lei Ji agreed to become Wang Lin's mount without hesitation. After observing Wang Lin, he felt that if he followed Wang Lin, he might be able to return to Planet Giant Demon to get his revenge!

In particular, during the battle earlier, when Wang Lin let out that roar, had shaken his mind. At that moment, all of his schemes fell apart and a will left by his ancestors from the depths of his soul made him succumb to the roar.

It was also at that moment that the idea of following Wang Lin became firm in his mind.

"I won't get any attention by being a mere mount. Everything will rely on my Giant Demon Clan's bloodline ability!" While thinking about this, Lei Ji closed his eyes and continued to comprehend his bloodline ability.

As Wang Lin sat there, rain poured from the sky and fell on his body. Cold energy slowly entered Wang Lin's body from the rain. He slowly cultivated and his divine sense spread. The mountain was the center and his divine sense covered the surrounding area.

At this moment, his divine sense split into countless pieces and tried to merge with the rain. However, the moment he merged with the rain, the raindrops would dissipate into the earth. At that moment, his divine sense could be released.

This repeated again and again. It was as if the rain had no resistance toward Wang Lin's divine sense. But it was also because of this that the origin energy of the world inside the rain would dissipate the moment it hit the ground. This was something Wang Lin couldn't stop.

As Wang Lin continued to merge with the rain and gradually became immersed in it, he suddenly seemed to hear a comprehension he came to a long time ago.

"This rain was born from the sky and dies with the earth. This process is life. The reason I look at the rain and not the sky or earth was because I'm looking at the rain's life… This is life and death!"

Wang Lin's body suddenly trembled. He suddenly opened his eyes as he stared at the rain and muttered, "I have already gained enlightenment in life and death. All that is left is the source of rain…"

Chapter 914 - Plan to Slaughter Allheaven

Wang Lin pondered as he looked at the rain before him and the inheritance Qing Shui gave him echoed in his mind. His eyes grew brighter and brighter until they were like beacons in this rainy night.

"I don't care if this rain is dead or alive. I only need to remember that this rain comes from the sky!" Wang Lin raised his head and looked at the clouds in the sky. The rain that enveloped the earth came from those clouds.

"The sky only has clouds!"

Rain come from the clouds!

As Wang Lin pondered, his divine sense spread out but no longer merged with the rain. Instead, his divine sense charged into the sky and entered the clouds. There, he detected a large amount of origin energy of the world!

This origin energy of the world wasn't stable and constantly collided with itself. Every time it collided, a large amount of raindrops would fall to the earth.

Wang Lin's eyes shined brightly, his body flickered, and he flew off the mountain. He stepped on the rain as if he was ascending a ladder and directly entered the clouds.

The moment he entered the clouds, bursts of thunder moved within the rain and endless rumbles echoed. However, this thunder couldn't obstruct Wang Lin at all.

After entering the clouds, Wang Lin's divine sense spread out even more in the clouds. The constant comprehension caused him to smile. A moment later, he walked out from the clouds and then arrived on the other side of the planet.

Here, a large amount of water vapor was rising into the air. This water vapor was invisible, and Wang Lin could barely detect it with his divine sense. The water vapor formed thin clouds that rose into the air, but these clouds were difficult to see with the naked eye.

"I understand!" Wang Lin let out a laugh as he opened his arms and pointed at the ground. Origin energy came out from his body and the water vapor in the world became more dense. As if the vapor was being manipulated, it quickly condensed. Space distorted near Wang Lin's hands and, a moment later, dark clouds appeared!

The moment the dark clouds appeared, they quickly condensed. In the end, a group of dark clouds suddenly formed in Wang Lin's hands!

As his divine sense swept through the clouds, thunder appeared inside the clouds. His divine sense shook the clouds, causing rumbles to echo and large amounts of rain to fall.

Nirvana Scryer stage cultivators needed to pay attention to laws; that's what really made second step cultivators powerful! However, laws were ethereal and very difficult to grasp!

This was also why there weren't many second step cultivators. There were even cultivators who had grasped some laws, and this allowed their cultivation level to increase. However, in the end, the still couldn't progress and their spells weren't powerful. The main reason was that the way they grasped the laws was passive rather than active!

Wang Lin vaguely touched the edge of law. He revealed a smile as he waved his hand. The clouds gradually became transparent and eventually disappeared.

As he laughed, he returned back to the top of the mountain with one step. He stood there and looked up at the clouds in the sky. At this moment, the rain was still falling, but it turned into water vapor when it arrived three inches from Wang Lin. Soon, a layer of clouds appeared around Wang Lin.

This scene was exactly the same as when Master Flamespark arrived. However, the clouds around Wang Lin were thin. Master Flamespark's clouds looked like they could cause the world to collapse if he just gave the order.


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However, if Master Flamespark's divine sense descended on the planet and saw this, he would be shocked. This was because this cloud wasn't caused by an origin energy spell, it was a sign of laws.

This was caused by the power of law. It was not a deliberate action; it involved subtly changing the space around oneself so that the raindrops would turn into clouds. This cloud itself was a spell with infinite power!

"Celestial Emperor Bai Fan was really a godlike person!" Wang Lin let out a sigh. He had inherited Summon the Rain from Qing Shui. This celestial spell came from Celestial Emperor Bai Fan. Just by comprehending this spell, he had manage to touch laws.

This was not something an ordinary celestial spell could do. There were very few celestial spells that could have this effect!

"The rain came from the clouds and this cloud also came from water. However, without wind, the cloud can't form!" This inheritance came from Qing Shui, and although it brought Wang Lin no comprehension, it gave him knowledge of the laws. Thus, Wang Lin was even more grateful toward Qing Shui.

"I didn't think Situ had controlled law back then…" The scene of Situ Nan emerging from the heaven defying bead appeared in Wang Lin's mind. It was raining when Situ shouted "Scram for me!"

At that instant, the rain turned back into clouds and quickly disappeared. All of the clouds in the sky collapsed, revealing a clear sky!

At that moment all those years ago, he only felt an unspeakable impact coming from Situ Nan's body, and it made the sky tremble. It was as if all living things had to step back and yield to him.

It was merely a vague feeling though. After all, Wang Lin's cultivation level was too low back then, so he didn't have the qualifications!

But thinking about it now, Situ Nan had clearly grasped law. Wang Lin thought about it and was able to clearly see through everything in his memories.

"It turns out everything was like this…" Wang Lin pondered as he thought about when he first obtained the heaven defying bead 1,000 years ago. There were was a cloud on the heaven defying bead!

This cloud must absorb the water vapor in the world to make the amount of clouds increase. Thinking about it now, Wang Lin immediately understood and bitterly smiled.

In truth, something had always existed around him, but unless he reached a certain level, he wouldn't notice it. Even if he had seen it, he wouldn't have been enlightened.

At this moment, Wang Lin thoroughly understood.

"I finally understand the water law portion of the heaven defying bead after 1,000 years… This portion was the first stage the heaven defying bead revealed… Even now, I haven't fully mastered it and have merely grasp it." Wang Lin touched the spot between his eyebrows and felt regrettable.

He looked at the rain falling from the sky and lightly waved his hand as he muttered, "Scatter!"

This wave caused the clouds to fly out along with this hand. All the rain in the world suddenly trembled and a large amount of clouds appeared. It was as if there was a powerful wind that pushed all the clouds back.

Under the impact of this wind, all the clouds in the sky began to collapse. Following a thunderous roar, it was as if a giant hand had swept across the sky, and all the clouds dissipated completely!

A clear sky appeared over the planet!

The sun fell, bringing warmth. The earth gave off the fragrance of dirt. There were still large drops of water falling from the plants after the rain.

A rainbow appeared over the horizon. This was like a scene from the Celestial Realm.

In this atmosphere, even the fierce beasts that appeared didn't roar. Instead, they lowly growled at the sky.

Several birds flew out from with cheerful chirps over the horizon. It was obvious that the long rainy season made them unable to fly for a long time.

Wang Lin's eyes were calm. His right hand formed a seal and black wind suddenly appeared 10 feet in front of Wang Lin. The black wind turned into two black dragons that blasted out cold air. The cold air fused with the mist to form clouds and then water droplets condensed. The origin energy of the world nearby surged toward the clouds.

With just a command from Wang Lin, the rain would scatter over the world and Summon the Rain would appear!

He waved his right hand and the clouds disappeared. The black dragons disappeared too and everything returned to normal.

When the big-headed boy looked at this, his pupils shrank. He was silently pondering, and his respect for Wang Lin increased.

Lei Ji awakened from his comprehension and his eyes flashed. A wave was set off in his heart and he thought, "This is the power of law. I have only seen it in the spells of very powerful cultivators."

While he pondered, he became even more set on following Wang Lin.

As for Ta Shan, it was as if he was blind to all of this. He continued to cultivate with his eyes closed.

Wang Lin sat down on the ground. His eyes were calm. He had comprehended Summon the Rain, so up next was the spell he was most interested in, Magic Arsenal!

At this moment, an illusory figure quickly moved between the intersection of the western and northern regions of the Alliance Star System. This figure was so fast that it would often disappear in a flash.

There wasn't just one figure, but numerous figures moving across the stars. There were many ripples that continued to spread around them, and this caused these figures to move even faster.

After the figures entered the western region, it wasn't long until they encountered a team of Allheaven cultivators. The person leading the team was the six-fingered cultivator. He had brought the team and was headed north. The western region was under Allheaven control, and as a celestial, he naturally had to go to the north and open a path.

Along the way there, he was extremely cautious. He had his divine sense spread out, so if there were any signs of trouble, he would immediately notice.

The moment the figures saw the six-fingered cultivator and the hundred cultivators behind him, the figures all turned and headed toward them.

The six-fingered cultivator was moving when he suddenly felt a sense of danger. He felt bursts of pain coming from his sixth finger and became terrified, causing him to immediately stop. However, at this moment, he saw the countless figures coming toward them.

This glance caused his pupils to shrink. He slapped his bag of holding, took out a message rune, and crushed it. Rather than retreating, he charged out, but at this moment, half the illusionary figures surrounded the six-fingered cultivator. The rest charged at the cultivators behind him.

Waves of miserable shouts echoed and waves of spells appeared. A moment later, the six-fingered cultivator retreated in panic, but just as he rushed out, a large amount of the black shadows entered his body.

His body trembled every time an illusionary figure rushed into his body. After he charged out dozens of feet, he stopped. His eyes revealed a strange gaze, but a few moments later they returned to normal.

Looking down at his body, the six-fingered cultivator revealed a strange smile and muttered, "This body is acceptable!"

Behind him, the Allheaven cultivators walked out one by one. All of them had strange smiles.

"The Mysterious Temple's plan to annihilate Allheaven will begin soon…After this huge change occurs, our task will not only be Xu Mu; the remnant of the Allheaven cultivators must be eradicated! Out of the four Saints, the Black Fiend Devil Saint and Heavenly Dao Origin Saint came. This time, the Allheaven cultivators will find out that the gate to our Alliance Star System is not so easy to enter!"

Chapter 915 - 18 Layers of Hell

With Qing Shui's inheritance, Wang Lin understood that among Celestial Emperor Bai Fan's spells, Call the Wind, Summon the Rain, and Magic Arsenal, Magic Arsenal was the strongest!

Even Qing Shui favored Magic Arsenal a lot. It was one of the spells that made him famous in the Celestial Realm!

Wang Lin had high expectations for this spell as well. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. After clearly comprehending the inheritance of Magic Arsenal he got from Qing Shui, he suddenly opened his eyes and the celestial origin energy core in his body began to rotate.

As it rotated, a large amount of celestial origin energy cycled through his body. His origin energy began to slowly hide itself until only that dense celestial origin energy was moving through his body.

The current Wang Lin gave off a large amount of celestial origin energy. He had the aura of a celestial, and it was as if he was an actual celestial!

The big-headed boy carefully observed this and sighed. He had always wondered why this Xu Mu had celestial origin energy when he clearly remembered that Xu Mu had never gone into the celestial pool.

However, he didn't dare to ask about this doubt. Looking at Wang Lin filled with celestial origin energy, he bitterly smiled. He had to give up his domain for this celestial origin, but Xu Mu had both domain and celestial origin energy.

As Wang Lin's celestial origin energy cycled, he began forming the hand seals he obtained from Qing Shui's inheritance that were unique to Magic Arsenal!

Magic Arsenal required you to open the reincarnation cycle and extract the soul fragments of the ones you killed. Then you must form your own mysterious space to fuse these soul fragments in. Only then can Magic Arsenal form.

The power of this spell varies from person to person. For example, when Bai Fan used Magic Arsenal, it would cover the sky, and very few people could block it. Then there was Qing Shui, whose Magic Arsenal was filled with slaughter that would make people yield before fighting.

As his hand formed seals, the celestial origin energy in his body suddenly rushed into the seals through his arms. It was as the world was changing colors while strands of celestial origin energy intersected before him and began to slowly rotate.

At the start, the rotation wasn't fast, but as the celestial origin core inside Wang Lin rotated faster, the vortex eventually looked like a tornado.

As the vortex roared, it began to expand. In the blink of an eye, a vortex dozens of feet tall appeared before Wang Lin. It rotated so fast that it looked like it wasn't rotating at all. However, in reality, the rotation of the vortex had reached its peak.

If it was before Wang Lin obtained the celestial origin energy from the 17th layer of the Immortal Graveyard, his celestial core would've ran out and collapsed before the vortex could even form.

Even after absorbing all that celestial origin energy and his celestial core had become the size of a baby's first, Wang Lin could feel his celestial origin energy rapidly depleting. He knew he couldn't maintain the vortex for more than three days!

Wang Lin knew that this vortex was a self-created reincarnation cycle formed by the celestial origin energy. In reality, it was a spell that focused on your memories. To be immersed in your own memories and pull out the soul fragments of all the people you killed!

Although they were only memories, they were extremely real when this spell was used. The soul fragments that were extracted even retained some of their cultivation. As a result, they could be used in Magic Arsenal!

The longer he drew this out, the more celestial origin energy he would lose. If he wasn't successful after three days, then this celestial origin energy would run out and the vortex would collapse.

The instant the vortex opened, Wang Lin's ancient thunder dragon origin soul flew out from between his eyebrows and went into the vortex. The vortex continued to shrink until it was imprinted between Wang Lin's eyebrows.

The surroundings were completely silent.

Wang Lin's ancient thunder dragon origin soul moved through a tunnel of time. He gradually changed until he was in human form.

In an instant, the tunnel ended, and when he charged out, the sun blinded his eyes. Wang Lin looked down and saw the Heng Yue Sect on planet Suzaku!

He saw two youths. One was was covered in sweat, using the attraction spell. On the side, the person being controlled by the attraction spell was a young man holding a dagger. The dagger was pointed at another youth.

The youth raised the axe and mercilessly slashed down on the young man's head.

A miserable scream echoed. Wang Lin clearly saw a soul fragment fly out and enter his own origin soul.

"This person wasn't killed by me. Why…" As Wang Lin pondered, he felt a powerful force pulling his origin soul. In the blink of an eye, his vision blurred and he was now on a road. Before him was a black-robed teen fighting against a middle-aged man.

Shortly after, the middle-aged man died. Beside the middle-aged man was a gloomy youth who said, "He is the disciple of old man Ji Mo. We must quickly leave!"

The soul fragment of the middle-aged man that died flew out and entered Wang Lin's origin soul.

The scene changed once more. This time it was a cave in the forest. He devoured Teng Li's foundation, then Teng Li's soul fragment flew out and entered Wang Lin.

Scene by scene passed by from the country of Zhao to the Corpse Sect. Then to Jue Ming Valley, the Foreign Battlefield, Hou Fen, and then the Sea of Devils with the dragon tendon and the 100 day Ten Thousand Devil Kill Order.

Then he return to Zhao, where he slaughtered the Teng family. The battle with Xue Yue, the Rain Celestial Realm, and followed by him killing the ancestor of the country of Xue Yue and the Giant Demon Clan ancestor. After that was the battle between the Forsaken Immortal Clan and the country of Suzaku and what happened in the Suzaku Tomb. Everything replayed as if Wang Lin was reliving his life.

The Tian Yun Sect, the Demon Spirit Land, the Celestial Slaughter Art, the Allheaven Star System, the Huan Family ancestor, the Thunder Celestial Realm, killing Blood Ancestor, the inside of the Nether Beast, killing the celestial, slaughtering the Yao family members in the Western Domain, and everything until the Celestial Title competition where he obtained rank 1 in one line to heaven.

In the end, his memories stopped. Wang Lin was startled. He felt as if a powerful force had grabbed him and kept dragging him up. Then he suddenly opened his eyes. He was soaked in sweat and the mountain was still before him.

The moment he awakened, the vortex between his eyebrows stopped rotating and turned back into strands of celestial origin energy that returned into his body. The celestial origin the size of a baby's first had shrunken by nearly 60%

His life of slaughter had flashed by. When Wang Lin went through his life again, he felt regret. Even now, he was unclear if he had awakened from his dream.

"What a powerful celestial spell!" Wang Lin let out a big breath. Celestial Emperor Bai Fan's celestial spell was formed from the fusion of many spells. The essence of these spells were extracted to form a new celestial spell. However, in order to learn the spell, Wang Lin had to experience the process.

Wang Lin pondered for a while. He had already made a decision for the second part of Magic Arsenal. After recalling it to make sure there was no problem, the underworld river appeared above Wang Lin.

The underworld river spread out and the resentful aura filled the world. However, under Wang Lin's control, the two ends connected to form a circle. At that instant, an aura that surged into the sky appeared.

Wang Lin looked at the underworld river and spat out an object. It was the Celestial Sealing Stamp. The moment it appeared, it floated into the air.

It fused with the underworld river. The hundreds of thousands of golden runes appeared and fused with the underworld river. The underworld river began to churn as if it was boiling, and a shocking change occurred as the golden runes fused with it.

The entire underworld river swept across the world while carrying hundreds of thousands of seals and finally fused with the Celestial Sealing Stamp completely. A powerful pressure suddenly surrounded the abandoned planet Wang Lin was on. This pressure came from the Celestial Sealing Stamp.

The appearance of the Celestial Sealing Stamp had changed. It was no longer golden but pitch black. However, an extremely powerful aura was spreading out from this darkness.

It was if there were countless resentful spirits roaring and struggling inside to escape.

What was even more shocking was that several rings had appeared on the Celestial Sealing Stamp and separated it into 18 layers!

Each layer gave off a dense resentful aura and flashes of gloomy sealing light. The deeper the layer, the stronger the resentful aura!

This was his personal realm that he had created for Magic Arsenal!

Bai Fan had the Mysterious Realm and Qing Shui had his Slaughter Realm. Wang Lin had his 18 Layers of Hell Reincarnation Realm!

With the Celestial Sealing Stamp as the earth, with the golden seals as the seal, with the underworld river as the reincarnation cycle, and filling it with resentful aura to complete the 18 layers of hell.

The deeper down the 18 layers, the stronger the souls insides were. There were no soul fragments from the 15th to 18th layers, but there was one in the 14th layer! This soul fragment was covered in a blood mist and a monstrous resentment. He was the Blood Ancestor, who was killed by Wang Lin!

More than 100 soul fragments of celestials killed by Wang Lin in the Immortal Graveyard were sealed in the 13th layer. They were letting out maddening roars, wanting to escape, but they were completely sealed.

There were also the soul fragments of the Yao family cultivators that Wang Lin had killed, along with the soul fragments of all the Corporeal Yang and above cultivators killed by Wang Lin!

Magic Arsenal was a very tyrannical spell. It extracted the soul fragments of everything you killed from the reincarnation cycle and used them!

Wang Lin stood up and stared at the 18 layers of hell in the sky. A vortex appeared between his eyebrows and then his origin soul charged out and spat out essence origin energy!

Endless black gas came out from the essence origin energy. This black gas was all the people killed by Wang Lin. As they touched the 18 layers of hell, they were all sealed inside.

At the same time, Wang Lin slapped his bag of holding and the one-billion-soul soul flag flew out. He shook the flag, causing it to open, and the soul fragments charged out like crazy.