

Chapter 916 - Alliance's Style

There were a lot of soul fragments inside the one-billion-soul soul flag, and they all rushed into the 18 layers of hell. The resentment in the 18 layers of hell continued to increase as the soul fragments rushed inside. Their maddening screams would cause any mortal who heard them to pass out.

Even a cultivator's mind would be shaken before these screams. They were a result of the grievance of the souls of the countless people that Wang Lin had killed!

In there were Blood Ancestor, the celestials, the Yao family members, and many other powerful cultivators. Because they were only soul fragments, they weren't as strong as before, but their power was not something ordinary cultivators could resist!

There were also the countless soul fragments inside the one-billion-soul soul flag. With them, the 18 layers of hell were now worthy of their title!

Inside the one-billion-soul soul flag, only the primary souls remained, and Wang Lin put it away. If it wasn't for the fact that this flag was a gift from Du Tian, he would've put the flag itself inside the Celestial Sealing Stamp.

As Wang Lin stood there, a trace of coldness flash across his eyes and he shouted, "This is my 18 layers of hell reincarnation cycle!"

As his voice came out, the cries from the 18 layers of hell became even stronger. The screams quickly enveloped the entire planet.

The first ones that weren't able to withstand it were the fierce beasts, and they quickly scattered. If it wasn't for Wang Lin controlling the screams, all of these fierce beasts would've immediately collapsed.

The several cultivators that were stationed here became pale and their minds were shaken, so they quickly flew out from their rooms. They didn't want to stay for a moment longer.

The big-headed boy gasped as he stared dumbfoundedly at the 18 Hell Celestial Sealing Stamp. Due to his cultivation level, he was able to immediately see that this treasure wasn't ordinary.

Lei Ji's pupils shrank. Facing the 18 layers of hell, he felt fear from the bottom of his heart.

Wang Lin slapped his bag of holding and two balls of light appeared in his hand. These were 2 origin souls. One of them was the origin soul of the Corpse Sect's Resentment Hall Vice-Hall Master, and the other was what the Vice-Hall Master gave Wang Lin to trade for his life.

After pondering for a bit, Wang Lin didn't put them into 18 layers of hell and put them back in his bag. These two early stage Nirvana Scryer origin souls were very important for recovering cultivation. He kept them in case he needed to use them in the future.

At this moment, he stood up, stared at the sky, formed a seal with his hand, and pointed at the Celestial Sealing Stamp. It shrank and was swallowed by Wang Lin.

"Let's go!" Wang Lin was calm as he took a step and left the planet. Lei Ji and company quickly followed after him.

At this moment, all of the western region was taken over by the Allheaven cultivators. As large amounts of Allheaven cultivators passed through the tunnel between the two systems, they took over the planets one by one. It was obvious that they already considered this place part of Allheaven!

As all of the western region was taken over, the shadow looming over all the powerful cultivators of Allheaven became even stronger. There was not a single rank 7 cultivation planet in the western region, only rank 6 cultivation planets. All of this was very strange.

However, there were no changes for a very long time, and while there were still doubts in their hearts, they started a second round of attacks under the order of the Thunder Celestial Temple. Their target this time was northern region.

Groups of Allheaven cultivators quickly flew toward the northern region on rays of sword energy!

As they passed, they created sound as if space itself was going to collapse. The sword energy emitted by tens of thousands of cultivators made the world change colors.

The flying swords revealed the height of heaven and almost made the world collapse. Unknowingly, they gave off the feeling of being able to reverse time and split the heavens.

The Allheaven cultivators were filled with killing intent as they left the cultivation planets and continued to move forward.

Master Flamespark had a ball of flame under his feet and a group of cultivators around him. His expression was gloomy. When they were slaughtering their way into the Alliance Star System, he felt a sense of crisis. When he tried to predict what was going to happen, he could only see dense blood light that prevented him from clearly seeing anything.

They were forced to continue their attack on the northern region because they had been in the western region for too long. They couldn't just retreat without fighting, so even though he knew the Alliance had some sort of scheme, he was forced to push forward!

"Even if there is a scheme, this old man is not afraid. Moreover, the Alliance aren't the only ones with a hidden hand. I have also carefully planned out counter measures to many of the possible schemes the Alliance could've come up with!" There was a flash of coldness in Master Flamespark's eyes, and they were filled with killing intent.

Large amounts of Allheaven cultivators rode on rays of sword energy as they flew through the western region and arrived in the northern region.

As the large amount of Allheaven cultivators charged into the northern region, an ancient aura burst forth from one of the planets in the western region that was taken over by the Allheaven cultivators. This aura exploded like crazy, and in an instant, a destructive impact came from this cultivation planet.

There were hundreds of cultivators living on this planet, and they all panicked to escape. As they escaped, what they saw became the last thing they saw.

The entire cultivation planet shook extremely violently. It was as if the planet had finished its life cycle in an instant and it was filled with death aura. What was even more incredible was that this cultivation planet was shrinking!

The planet shrank like crazy as if there was a powerful force compressing it. The crazy compression made it so the planet was only 10% of its original size!

At this instant, a destructive aura came out like crazy and this planet suddenly collapsed! This collapse created a powerful and destructive wave that spread out like crazy.

Those hundreds of cultivators didn't have time to dodge as their bodies were instantly destroyed by this destructive wave. Even their origin souls were destroyed under this destructive force.

The resulting rumble was earth-shattering, The collapse of the planet was filled with the scent of blood, and all life on it had been extinguished. This was not something an ordinary cultivator could do. Only the most ruthless and inhuman cultivator would destroy a planet like this!

Loud explodes echoed. As the destructive wave spread, a large amount of spatial rifts appeared in the space they passed by.

There were so many cracks that it only took a moment for them to all connect together!

All of the Allheaven cultivators within tens of thousands of kilometers that were affected by this shockwave immediately had their bodies and origin souls destroyed.

At this instant, this wasn't the only planet that exploded. This happened to all of them.

All of the cultivation planets in the western region collapsed like crazy and formed a crazy shockwave that filled the western region!

This kind of big movement was something only the Cultivation Alliance would do. Since all you Allheaven cultivators came, then I'll let you all die in the western region!

Ignoring the lives of all living things in the western region, they began a shocking plan to slaughter the Allheaven cultivators!

The crazy collapse became even more intense in the western region. As the planets collapsed, the storm formed by the collapse swept across the region. Large amounts of spatial cracks appeared due to this storm, and in the end, they all linked together.

The thunderous rumble echoed and the entire western region was like the end of the world! The large scale collapse caused a lot of spatial cracks. Large amounts of rocks containing destructive power shot out randomly.

It was a slaughter. Most of the Allheaven cultivators weren't even able to retaliate and were killed by his storm.

As spatial crack increased in size, more and more cold wind came out and fused with the storm to form a giant vortex. This vortex was so large that it covered most of the western region. It cut off the Allheaven cultivators that had charged into the northern region from the tunnel back to the Allheaven Star System.

When the storm was about to dissipate, countless figures appeared and transfer arrays appeared one by one. Cultivators of the Cultivation Alliance stepped out of the arrays.

"Kill!" Earth-shattering roars echoed across the stars!

Master Flamespark's eyes were red. He had thought of everything, but he didn't think the Alliance would destroy the western region and create this kind of impact.

At the same time, rays of sword energy flew through the northern domain when the Alliance cultivators arrived. They charged at the panicking Allheaven cultivators that were trying to escape.

In the northern domain, a ripple appeared in the army of the Alliance. A black-robed old man walked out and his laughter echoed across the world as he stepped out.

"Master Flamespark, long time no see. Do you still remember old man Black Fiend Devil Saint?"

Maste Flamespark's eyes became bright red and his expression didn't reveal any reaction to the change. He calmly said, "So this was your plan? Very good! Let me show you my Allheaven cultivators' spells!"

Master Flamespark raised his hand and pointed up. A large crack was silently ripped open. This crack was extremely large and was like a river that covered the sky.

At the same time, a powerful pressure came out from it and 18 balls of blood more than 100 feet wide descended!

"Your Alliance Star System dared to destroy the western region, so how could my Allheaven Star System not react? Since you killed some people on my side, I'll kill some people on your side!" Master Flamespark's voice was filled with confidence.

Chapter 917 - Allheaven's Counter-attack

Those 18 balls of blood descended and an oppressive aura covered the area. This oppression had no effect on the Allheaven cultivators, and they all glowed red in response to it.

However, for the Alliance cultivators that had charged over, their minds all trembled!

At this moment, all the Alliance cultivators felt an unimaginable pressure, as if the entire world was crushing them from all sides. Their blood flowed rapidly through their bodies. It was as if all sounds aside from their pounding heartbeats were cut off.

Even their visions blurred.

The 18 balls of blood were made of blood gathered by the two families from ancient times over tens of thousands of years. The blood was slowly refined after many sacrifices over the countless years. It was one of the two family protection treasures they had.

This object was very famous in the ancient cultivation world!

It was named the 18 Lou Fu!

Lou Fu was a cultivation mountain in ancient times. However, one night, the mountain mysteriously collapsed and all the cultivators in the mountain died the violent deaths of having all their blood drained.

Their blood gathered at Mount Lou Fu and formed a ball of blood 100 feet wide!

This was the origin of Lou Fu. After that, a lot of ancient cultivators came to study it. Although they couldn't understand the cause, they gained an understanding of the ball of blood. Thus the spell for the Lou Fu blood ball came to be.

However, this ball of blood was too vicious and the rate of formation was not high. Although it had mysterious powers, it couldn't be mass refined.

The power of the 18 Lou Fu was their pressure. One Lou Fu would give one layer of pressure, so 18 Lou Fu would create an unimaginable degree of pressure.

In addition, if a cultivator merged some of their blood into the 18 Lou Fu, then not only would they not be pressured, their cultivation level would also increase for a short period of time.

The Black Fiend Devil Saint's expression was gloomy and he was about to charge out to destroy the 18 Lou Fu. However, just at this moment, Blood God appeared from the void and blocked the Black Fiend Devil Saint with a laugh.

Master Flamespark's face was expressionless while he pointed backward. This point seemed to be able to penetrate the void. It tore through the spatial cracks covering the western region and entered the tunnel connecting to the Allheaven Star System.

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In the Allheaven Star System, there were tens of thousands of cultivators with their cultivation activated. There was one object between them!

This object was a piece of wood. However, this piece of wood was 100,000 feet long and 10,000 feet wide!

Heaven Piercing Wood! This was found by the Thunder Celestial Temple 30,000 years ago. Rumor had it that it was a celestial tree that supported the Ancient Celestial Realm. Only the Thunder Celestial Realm was able to keep theirs relatively intact. The other three realms lost theirs during the collapse of the Celestial Realms.

A powerful surge of celestial spiritual energy appeared. After the Thunder Celestial Temple found it, they hid it away. Now it was taken out as a powerful method of attack against the Alliance.

The tens of thousands of cultivators that were surrounding this giant piece of wood shouted in unison. These tens of thousands of cultivators were mercilessly pushing this giant piece of wood forward! There were even old monsters, like the Xiang family ancestor and the middle-aged man from the Gongsun family, at the back. With their help, this giant piece of wood moved toward the tunnel ahead with a thunderous rumble.

This giant piece of wood had the power to pierce anything slowly gained speed. It accelerated until it formed a storm as it went through the tunnel and appeared in the western region of the Alliance Star System.

It was so fast that the whistling sound it created could shake one's mind. The power contained within it was unimaginable. The barrier created by the spatial rifts couldn't resist the force of this impact at all. As the endless rumbles echoed, large amounts of ripples spread in every direction. At the center of the ripple, the giant piece of wood charged through and forcibly opened a passage.

A large amount of Allheaven cultivators followed around and behind the giant piece of wood, charging into the Alliance filled with killing intent!

The expressions of the Alliance cultivators that arrived through transfer arrays changed greatly. They wanted to dodge, but due to the impact of the giant piece of wood, they couldn't dodge at all. Even though they were very far, they were sucked in by the powerful storm formed by the giant piece of wood.

There were some cultivators that were hit directly by the piece of wood. Their bodies and origin souls were destroyed, leaving behind a mist of blood. However, compared to the size of the wood, this blood was insignificant.

The 18 Lou Fu was the first great treasure the Allheaven cultivators had prepared, and this giant piece of wood was the second, but this still wasn't the end!

The giant piece of wood opened the path through the barrier formed by the spatial cracks. Ripples spread across the barrier and a roar that shook the entire western region came from the tunnel to Allheaven Star System.

This roar tore through the western region and violently shook the Alliance cultivators. Some of them even bled from their orifices due to the vibrations.

An extreme sense of violence came from the tunnel. A giant cultivation planet appeared in the tunnel between the two systems. It was surrounded by white gas and was very strange.

The moment it came out, the mist around the planet quickly withdrew until it all disappeared, then a crack appeared in the middle of the planet. The planet opened up and countless tentacles stretched out. This was the Moongazer Serpent!

The Moongazer Serpent's eyes were bloodshot and were filled with endless anger, enough for it to go crazy. Its tentacles waved like crazy as it charged out.


The Moongazer Serpent's mouth opened, and along with its roar, a powerful impact shot out. This roar turned into a storm and shot forward. In an instant, those spatial cracks were pushed back like pieces of torn paper!

However, as the roar closed in on the giant piece of wood, a barrier of yellow light appeared. It was like an egg shell that allowed the roar to pass along side it without any resistance.

The angry roar of the Moongazer Serpent was so intense that it even caused space to collapse. The space before the giant piece of wood twisted and a white-robed old man was forced out in a somewhat sorry state.

His face was extremely gloomy and his gaze seemed like it would penetrate space. When he saw the giant Moongazer Serpent come out from the tunnel, he retreated without any hesitation, but just at that moment, the giant piece of wood arrived.

The old man was one of the four saints, the Heavenly Dao Origin Saint. He let out a sigh as he shook his head and retreated even faster.

However, just as he started retreating, the Xiang family ancestor and the Gongsun family's middle-aged man charged out from the giant piece of wood toward the white-robed old man.

"Fellow Alliance cultivator, why are you in such a rush to leave?" The Xiang family ancestor laughed as he waved his sleeves. A red wind quickly appeared and surrounded the surrounding 5,000 kilometers.

This great battle began in the western and northern regions and quickly spread. The battle was fierce, and various magical treasures flashed across the battlefields!

Ripples of spells spread and affected countless areas!

During this intense slaughter, if any Alliance or Allheaven cultivator was careless, they would immediately die. The angered Moongazer Serpent seemed to be able to differentiate between Alliance and Allheaven cultivators. It would rarely affect Allheaven cultivators but often slaughtered Alliance cultivators.

Due to this, the Alliance cultivators were at an immediate disadvantage!

At this moment, Wang Lin was in the western region. Lei Ji's body, which was a lot smaller, only 30 feet tall, was opening the way. The big-headed boy was behind him. As for Ta Shan, he still had a cold expression as he observed his surrounding.

Wang Lin's gaze was calm. Along the way, he had met several Alliance cultivators. Whenever they saw Wang Lin, their expressions changed due to Wang Lin's group's cultivation levels. They turned around and ran without any hesitation.

However, there were several people that thought they were strong enough or thought they had enough people. They attacked Wang Lin's group after some hesitation. But all of them were directly killed by Wang Lin without any exception.

The smell of blood covered their path through the western region. The further he went, the more Alliance cultivators he met, but there weren't many that were willing to fight him.

Wang Lin's body didn't give off any killing intent. However, whether it was Lei Ji, the big-headed boy, or Ta Shan, all three of them were filled with killing intent. They charged forward like sharp swords leading the way.

As they made their way, Wang Lin watched their surroundings. The familiar surroundings had all collapsed and spatial cracks would whistle by. All of this showed that the western region was now completely deserted. However, these cracks before Wang Lin were moved to the side by some mysterious force.

If an old monster at the second step who was at the Nirvana Cleanser stage saw this, they would be shocked. This was the sign of starting to control law. Although Nirvana Scryer cultivators comprehended law, comprehending and controlling were very different things. Controlling law was something only Nirvana Cleanser cultivators could do. Wang Lin had not reached the Nirvana Cleanser stage, but with the help of the heaven defying bead, he had a sliver of aura similar to that of a Nirvana Cleanser cultivator, though this aura was very faint.

Just at this moment, a beautiful woman wearing purple was fleeing among the stars with a bitter smile. Her sword light was faint, as if she could fall at any time. Behind her was a group of Alliance cultivators. Among them was a middle-aged man with a sneer on his face that was rapidly chasing after her.

"It's her…" With Wang Lin's divine sense, he was able to immediately see the woman in the distance.

Chapter 918 - Zhou Tian (1)

Xi Zifeng bit her lower lip. Originally, she came to the Alliance Star System with her family. However, she was affected by the massive collapse earlier and was thrown far away.

This was how she was separated from her family. After she finally stabilized herself, what she saw was a hell-like slaughter!

Xi Zifeng's beauty attracted the attention of the Alliance cultivators. Someone immediately came chasing after her.

Xi Zifeng was very anxious as she escaped with her teeth clenched. However, due to the previous impact, she was injured. Adding on her rapid escape, this made her injuries worse.

A middle-aged man had a sneer as he slapped his bag of holding and took out a golden needle. He threw the needle and it flew straight toward Xi Zifeng.

"This Allheaven female cultivator will be my 19th cultivation furnace. Haha, I've never had a taste of an Allheaven female before. It looks like I didn't come here vain!" The middle-aged man laughed and the flying sword under his feet moved even faster.

Seeing that the golden needle was about to pierce her back, Xi Zifeng immediately turned around and formed a seal. There was a flash of silver light that attempted to stop the golden needle.

However, the golden needle was too strong. The moment it touched the silver light, Xi Zifeng felt a powerful impact, then she coughed out blood and was pushed back.

Her face was pale without any trace of blood.

As the middle-aged man laughed, he quickly closed in. However, just as he was about to grab Xi Zifeng, an extremely cold voice echoed.

"Back off!"

These were two very simple words, but in the ears of the middle-aged man, it was as if tens of thousands of bolts of thunder had exploded at once and rumbled through his mind. The middle-aged man's cultivation level wasn't high, higher than Xi Zifeng's, but not by much.

At this moment, as the middle-aged man's body trembled, he only felt a hum in his ear, and it was as if he was isolated from the world. All he could hear was his own heart rate rapidly accelerating.

The sound that entered his ear was like a sharp sword that penetrated his body, and it was as if it contained a destructive power. It turned him pale and he immediately coughed out blood.

He involuntarily retreated. At this moment, a monstrous wave was set off in the middle-aged man's heart and endless fear immediately submerged him.

He clearly felt like he had lost control of his body. It was as if a will had entered his body through his ears and mercilessly controlled his body to retreat.

It was as if he had to obey that will, and he couldn't raise the slightest resistance, or he would die without a grave!

This was the first time the middle-aged man had felt this. Terrified, he couldn't care about anything else. Although he was rapidly retreating, he didn't dare to resist at all.

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That will seemed to have changed the law in the world, which caused the middle-aged man to cough out more blood. He wasn't the only one; the surrounding cultivators that were chasing Xi Zifeng were even worse off than the middle-aged man. The same will forced them to continue to retreat.

It looked like a giant storm had formed before Xi Zifeng and blew them all back. While they retreated, popping sounds could be heard as cultivators whose bodies couldn't withstand the will died and their bodies collapsed.

Large amounts of blood appeared, but it was really insignificant among the stars.

Even their origin souls weren't able to escape and were disintegrated along with their bodies. Their souls weren't able to enter the reincarnation cycle and were forced out from the void. They turned into rays of black light that flew into Wang Lin's body and were sealed within the 18 layers of hell.

Everything had happened so fast that Xi Zifeng was startled for a moment before her vision was completely captivated by the figure silently walking toward her.

Wang Lin calmly looked at the several cultivators that were rapidly retreating. The words he had just spoken contained a hint of the law he had just gained enlightenment in. There were also the words that became law that were converted into a force of will.

The middle-aged man's eyes revealed a look of aghast and shock. It was as if there was voice crying in his head that made him certain that this was one of the powerhouse of Allheaven!

However, he wasn't able to make a sound with his mouth, because his body collapsed during his constant retreat!

This level of cultivator was really insignificant before Wang Lin!

Just like back in the Demon Spirit Land, when the Scattered Demon could make Wang Lin's body collapse with a cold snort. The current Wang Lin had reached the level of the Scattered Demon from back then!

The middle-aged man's origin soul flew out and quickly dissipated. Just as it was about to die, a feminine voice came from the void.

"You are indeed worthy of being Allheaven's Thunder Celestial, Xu Mu!" The moment this feminine voice appeared, a person arrived from the distant stars. This person looked middle-aged and had an earth yellow face. Behind him were countless black shadows that were like a long cloaks that spread out among the stars.

The person that spoke was the six-fingered cultivator!

His voice entered the void and then the middle-aged man's origin soul escaped Wang Lin's will. The origin soul immediately stopped dissipating and quickly escaped. More than half the origin soul had dissipated, and it was extremely weak; it could collapse at any moment.

The middle-aged man's origin soul was filled with fear and he was about to flee.

Wang Lin's expression was neutral as he casually waved his right hand. A gust of wind appeared before him and immediately turned into countless Heavenly Chops that fused into one. It chased after the escaping origin soul.

The six-fingered cultivator revealed a strange smile and also pointed with his right hand. The countless shadows that formed the cloak behind him charged out toward Wang Lin's Heavenly Chop.

The two of them began a battle of spells with the life of this origin soul as the goal!

When the Heavenly Chop and the countless shadows collided next to the origin soul, they caused a heaven-shaking explosion. After Wang Lin gained a sliver of enlightenment in law, the power of the Heavenly Chop had increased explosively!

After all, Wang Lin had only unconsciously used it and didn't understand law, so the true power of the Heavenly Chop couldn't be displayed. However, right now it was very different.

The Heavenly Chop could chop all law. As it charged out, all the shadows that made contact with it immediately collapsed and dissipated.

In almost the blink of an eye, all the shadows disappeared and the Heavenly Chop shot straight for the origin soul.

The six-fingered cultivator's expression changed and he let out a cold snort before stepping out. His right hand formed a seal and the shadows behind him condensed. In an instant, they all fused into a small, black ball.

An aura that could shake one's mind came from the small ball and shrouded the area. The ball flew out at a quick speed and went toward the Heavenly Chop. It seem to be able to penetrate the void and instantly closed in on the Heavenly Chop.

The six-fingered cultivator laughed and he waved his right hand. A powerful impact appeared near the origin soul. The origin soul was immediately swept back and pushed far away. In the blink of an eye, it was about to disappear among the stars.

"No one can kill someone who I, Soul Servant Zhou Tian, want to save!"

Wang Lin's expression was neutral and he didn't even look at Zhou Tian. He lifted his feet and took a step. Ripples appeared under his feet and then he disappeared.

This scene startled Zhou Tian, but then his pupils immediately shrank.

In the distance, the origin soul was no longer confused and was filled with joy. Just as it rushed among the stars, Wang Lin calmly stepped out of thin air and his right hand formed a fist. He threw a punch and there was a loud bang followed by ripples spreading through space.


As Wang Lin spoke, the origin soul immediately trembled violently. The origin soul seemed to have turned into a person made of sand and dissipated within the violent storm.

Zhou Tian's eyes shined as he stared at Wang Lin. The strange light in his eyes became even stronger. He lifted his right hand and pointed at Xi Zifeng, who was watching all of this.

Several shadows flew out from behind Zhou Tian and dashed toward Xi Zifeng.

"You want to save this woman, but I won't let you succeed!" As Zhou Tian's feminine voice echoed the, shadows closed in on Xi Zifeng.

Xi Zifeng's face turned pale and she quickly retreated.

Zhou Tian had a smile on his face as he carefully observed Wang Lin's expression. However, he couldn't see any joy or anger on Wang Lin's face. From beginning to end Wang Lin, was as calm as water as he watched Zhou Tian's actions. There wasn't any change in Wang Lin's expression as he coldly looked at Zhou Tian and took a step.

Zhou Tian's pupils shrank and he immediately retreated without hesitation.

Ripples appeared next to Xi Zifeng as Wang Lin walked out and threw his fist. Those several shadows immediately collapsed.

"I don't care if you want to kill her, but not in front of me!" Wang Lin's voice was flat, and when he finished speaking, he rushed toward Zhou Tian with eyes filled with killing intent.

Zhou Tian sneered and his hands formed a seal and pointed at the void. Large amounts of shadows behind him condensed into a black axe before him. Zhou Tian grabbed it and mercilessly threw it.

"Ten Thousand Soul Devour!" As Zhou Tian shouted, that giant axe charged straight for Wang Lin.

Wang Lin stepped out and threw a punch. There was a loud rumble as the big axe immediately collapsed and turned into countless shadows. The shadows scattered and then charged at Wang Lin from all directions.

Wang Lin's expression was neutral as he pointed up. Thunder was gathered from the void within 5,000 kilometers and instantly gathered here.

The surroundings became a lake of thunder!

Chapter 919 - Zhou Tian (2)

Thunderous rumbles echoed across the world. Bolts of thunder descended before Wang Lin, and those tens of thousands of illusory shadows all collapsed.

Zhou Tian's eyes flashed as his hands formed a seal and he pointed to between his eyebrows. Black lines appeared as he shouted, "Soul, kill!"

The moment he said those two words, a black pattern seemed to come out from his face. A black ring immediately appeared above his head and spread like crazy.

It spread too fast and closed in on Wang Lin's body in an instant. Wang Lin didn't even dodge, he closed in on Zhou Tian.

The moment the black ring touched Wang Lin's body, it turned into countless thin threads and entered Wang Lin's body. However. before they could get deep inside. they all shattered with one shake from Wang Lin.

Wang Lin's speed didn't slow down at all. He arrived before Zhou Tian and threw a punch.

Zhou Tian's expression changed as he slapped his bag of holding while he retreated. A ball of purple light appeared in his hand and he immediately crushed it. The purple light immediately surrounded Zhou Tian.

As popping sounds echoed, the purple light collapsed and Zhou Tian's body retreated even faster.

As Zhou Tian retreated, Wang Lin took a step and merged with the world. When Wang Lin reappeared, he was next to Zhou Tian, and he kicked with his right foot!

This kick was so fast that it set off a bang that seemed loud enough to shatter the stars. It landed on Zhou Tian's body in an instant.

Zhou Tian's body collapsed immediately after the bang. It turned into a mist of blood, but laughter came from the void. Purple shadows immediately rushed out from the void toward Wang Lin.

"I, Zhou Tian, will take this body!" As the feminine voice echoed, those purple shadows immediately entered Wang Lin's body like crazy and charged toward his origin soul.

However, just as these purple shadows got near Wang Lin's origin soul, Wang Lin's origin soul opened its eyes. The Ancient God Leather Armor gave off an ancient aura that fused with Wang Lin's origin soul. This formed an unimaginable backlash.

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The moment the purple shadows charged in to take over the origin soul, they collided with this backlash. There were miserable screams. It was as if those shadows had met their natural enemy and wanted to leave Wang Lin's body.

However, just as they were about to charge out, Wang Lin's origin soul arrived. The ancient thunder dragon origin soul opened its mouth and inhaled. Some of the shadows weren't able to escape and were devoured by Wang Lin.

The Wang Lin was currently surrounded by purple gas, more purple gas was charging out and condensing into an illusionary figure 100 feet from him.

"Let's use you to test the power of my spell!" Wang Lin's right hand formed a seal and he calmly said, "Magic Arsenal!"

A sliver of celestial origin energy came out from Wang Lin's celestial core and gathered in his right hand. It formed an orb of golden light that Wang Lin threw out. It was as if golden specks had filled the world.

At this instant, the entire space itself trembled and the countless golden specks turned into illusory shadows!

This was the first time Wang Lin had used Magic Arsenal. All those shadows were people killed by Wang Lin. They couldn't enter the reincarnation cycle and were imprisoned in the 18 layers of hell.

Now that they appeared, an extremely powerful resentment aura filled the world. Every single person killed by Wang Lin was filled with heaven-shaking resentment.

Zhou Tian looked at everything before him. His mind trembled and shock filled his eyes!

Although those illusory figures couldn't pose a threat to Zhou Tian, a portion of them made him gasp.

There was a person who had a gloomy expression and was surrounded by black mist. The figure sometimes revealed itself and gave off a powerful sense of resentment. There was a powerful fluctuation coming from this person.

"Nirvana Scryer cultivator!" Zhou Tian's expression became gloomy after he looked around.

There were hundreds of celestial souls in the surroundings. The rich celestial spiritual energy and resentment combined could slaughter the heavens!

The moment Zhou Tian saw the celestials, disbelief filled his eyes and he cried, "These… These are souls of celestials!" He had spent his life learning the dao of soul, so he was able to recognize them at a glance.

There was also that Yao family soul that gave off rich killing intent.

"What kind of spell is this? It's too terrifying! It was able to imprison so many souls and didn't allow them to enter the reincarnation cycle. This is clearly a demonic spell!" This scene shocked Zhou Tian's mind and made his shock reach a peak! However, what happened after was what really made him lose his wits.

He heard a beast-like roar come from the countless shadows. All the shadows seemed to be extremely afraid of it and opened up a path.

A red mist charged out, and no shadow dared to block its path. As the red mist churned, it revealed one person!

This person looked middle-aged, he had a head of red hair, and his expression was ferocious. An indescribable sense of killing intent was spreading from his body as if he was going to reverse the heavens!

The moment this red-haired person appeared, Zhou Tian was startled for a moment. Then he felt an unimaginable amount of fear and terror that he had never felt before.

"Planet Tian Yun's Blood Ancestor!!" Zhou Tian's scalp went numb and he immediately retreated without any hesitation. He discarded any thought of killing Xu Mu. It was not that he didn't want to kill, but he couldn't!

Although he was at the mid stage of Nirvana Scryer, this Xu Mu was too strange. Due to his insight, he immediately knew that one had to kill the person themselves in order to imprison the soul for their own use.

And he also knew the Blood Ancestor, and due to this shock, his heart immediately became timid.

"Blood Ancestor is a Nirvana Cleanser cultivator, but he was killed by Xu Mu. I can't resist this person at all; I must escape!"

Wang Lin pointed at Zhou Tian and calmly said, "Pull this person into the 18 layers of hell!"

After he spoke, frenzied roars came out from the souls. In particular, the Blood Ancestor was surrounded by a monstrous red mist and immediately closed in on Zhou Tian.

Zhou Tian's face turned pale and he immediately retreated. However, at this moment, the Yao family member and the hundreds of celestials surrounded him. They completely sealed off Zhou Tian's path of retreat.

There were countless soul fragments surrounding the outer rim. They were all letting out waves of cries. Zhou Tian's eyes were almost filled with madness. He had spent his life learning the dao of souls, and at this moment, he let out a roar and his hands formed a seal. He pointed at his chest and his body immediately collapsed. Countless illusory shadows fled in all directions.

Since Zhou Tian's soul dao had almost reach completion, his body no longer existed. Even his origin soul had been fused with his soul. Only by doing this could he truly display his killing moves. Even if someone had a higher cultivation level than him, if they weren't careful, they would fall to his sneak attacks.

However, he complained in his heart. Originally, he want to possess Wang Lin, but due to the Ancient God Leather Armor, he was repelled and injured slightly. Normally, this wouldn't be an issue, but he didn't expect Wang Lin's origin soul to be so fierce and directly devour his soul.

As a result, he had to retreat, but just as he left Wang Lin's body and was about to use a spell, he saw a spell that made him lose his wits!

At this moment, his heart was anxious, and he split into countless pieces and wanted to flee. However, the Blood Ancestor grinned and was surrounded by blood mist. He along with the hundreds of celestials and the Yao family member charged out.

There were waves of miserable screams, and the Blood Ancestor seemed to become a primal beast as he grabbed a large amount of Zhou Tian's shadows and dragged them into the mist.

The surrounding hundreds of celestials did the same. In almost an instant, all of Zhou Tian's shadows were captured. None was able to escape.

Chapter 920 - Zhou Tian (3)

Cold wind blew across the stars and countless souls wandered the area. The resentment in the area was monstrous. Wang Lin was calmly observing from the side. He had gained some understanding of Magic Arsenal's power.

He raised his right hand and pointed up. A giant vortex appeared and all the souls were sucked into it. The only one different was the Blood Ancestor. His eyes flashed red and he charged directly at Wang Lin after letting out a roar.

There was a flash of killing intent in Wang Lin's eyes as his right hand formed a fist and he threw a punch!

There was loud bang and the Blood Ancestor's origin soul paused for a moment. Using this pause, Wang Lin used more celestial origin energy to make the vortex speed up, increasing its suction force. The Blood Ancestor's soul let out a unwilling cry as he was sucked back in.

The vortex in the stars slowly disappeared before turning back into a ray of light and being swallowed by Wang Lin. In the 18 layers of hell, there was now an extra soul in the 13th layer!

Although this soul fragment was on the 13th layer, it was at the peak of 13th layer. He was Zhou Tian!

After killing Zhou Tian, Wang Lin calmly looked at Xi Zifeng before withdrawing his gaze and going on his way. Ta Shan followed behind, and the big-headed boy no longer found any of this strange.

As for Lei Ji, he quickly followed Wang Lin into the distant stars.

As Xi Zifeng pondered, she also followed.

As they moved, Wang Lin began to ponder.

"The battle between the Alliance and Allheaven has reach a high point. This is the moment to rack up some achievements to appease Master Flamespark's heart. I need to obtain more prestige among the Allheaven cultivators. That way, if I encounter the All-Seer or if Tuo Sen escapes from the Land of the Ancient God, then Master Flamespark will have to help."

Wang Lin's eyes lit up and he made up his mind. However, he wasn't optimistic about Allheaven's offensive against the Alliance. After pondering for a bit, Wang Lin slapped his bag of holding and a small flag appeared.

There was a flying tiger pattern on this flag. After Wang Lin raised it, the flying tiger rushed out and let out a roar that shook the stars.

Activating the Flying Tiger Flag and releasing the Flying Tiger meant Wang Lin had announced his own presence. As he moved, dozens of rays of sword energy appeared in the distance a short moment later. There were two groups fighting, and it was obvious the Allheaven side was losing.

The other side was filled with killing intent and continued to cast spells. It only took a few breath of time for an Allheaven cultivator to die!

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These seven or eight Allheaven cultivators' eyes were filled with despair. They were injured by the shockwave earlier and were too exhausted to escape.

Just at this moment, a tiger's roar came from the distance and a powerful divine sense spread out. The Allheaven cultivators were startled, then they looked back and revealed indescribable joy.

"Thunder Celestial Xu Mu!!"

"It is Thunder Celestial Xu Mu!!"

The Alliance cultivators had received information from their elders. One of the old men had apparently seen information about Xu Mu.

His expression changed and a flash of coldness appeared in his eyes. He retreated without hesitation and shouted, "This Xu Mu is a Nirvana Scryer cultivator. We are no match. Quickly, retreat!"

In another direction, three cultivators were fighting, and it was a stalemate. All three were Illusory Yin cultivators, but if one looked closer, one would see two Allheaven cultivators fighting one Alliance cultivator. The Alliance cultivator was very ruthless, and he was able remain very calm even while fighting 1 vs 2.

Just at this moment, a tiger's roar came from the distance. One of the Allheaven cultivators cautiously spread out his divine sense backwards and was immediately startled.

"Xu Mu!" Not only did he know Xu Mu, but he was someone Wang Lin had saved in the Thunder Celestial Realm!

The Alliance cultivator that was battling them was startled. The name "Xu Mu" was familiar, and after pondering for a bit, his expression changed greatly.

The Alliance had sent information about the Allheaven cultivators to his sect. They separated the Allheaven cultivators into seven levels. Level 1 was the weakest, and level 7 was the strongest!

He remembered that this Xu Mu was at level 5!

He retreated without any hesitation.

Along the way, Wang Lin encountered a large number of cultivators. When the Allheaven cultivators saw Wang Lin and the Flying Tiger, they quickly approached.

Waves of "Greetings, Thunder Celestial!" came from the cultivators who came toward Wang Lin. In their eyes, Wang Lin was a bright beacon during their moment of confusion!

The collapse of the western region had sent a vast majority of the Allheaven cultivators into panic. There were a lot of deaths, and those who survived were scattered.

At the same time, the appearance of the Alliance cultivators made the situation worse for the Allheaven cultivators! Right now, Wang Lin's Flying Tiger Flag was the anchor for their hearts!

The roars coming from the Flying Tiger made the Allheaven cultivators' minds tremble!

Wang Lin's attitude also changed from before. If he encountered two sides fighting, he would immediately attack. A large amount of Allheaven cultivators had gathered around Wang Lin.

These people formed a very powerful force. Most of the time, Wang Lin didn't even need to personally act. The Allheaven cultivators following him would charge out and destroy the enemy.

More and more Allheaven cultivators gradually gathered around Wang Lin. The sword energies under their feet made them look like a giant sword stabbing into the western region!

Wang Lin's group of cultivators wasn't the only group in the western region. The Thunder Celestial Temple messengers, the other 108 celestial, and some cultivation families were doing the same.

However, Wang Lin's team of cultivators had the most people!

As he moved forward, more people constantly joined, until there were hundreds of rays of sword energy flying through space. The sound of the flying swords and the roar of the Flying Tiger continued to spread.

Wang Lin's reputation quickly reached a certain height.

Just as the group of cultivators with Wang Lin charged into the center of the western region, the space suddenly began to shake mysteriously. Ripples were rushing over from the distance like crazy.

There was an aura that shook one's mind within the ripples. Even the sword lights under the feet of the cultivators around Wang Lin became unstable.

Wang Lin's eyes narrowed and he spread out his divine sense. Even with his mental strength, he couldn't help but be startled.

Bursts of loud rumbles echoed. In the distance, a 100,000-feet-long and 10,000-feet-wide giant piece of wood carrying a force that could shake any normal cultivator charged forward with unimaginable force.

Countless Allheaven cultivators were surrounding this giant piece of wood. They gave off powerful killing intent. What shocked Wang Lin was the rich smell of blood that he could clearly feel even from this far away.

It was obvious that countless people had died to the impact of this giant piece of wood.

Wang Lin had never seen this giant piece of wood before. He only took a look at it, but he could feel an unimaginable shock. He clearly knew that if he was hit by the giant piece of wood, he would immediately be seriously injured. If he was just a bit careless, he could even die, unless he knew in advance and escaped by merging with the world.

Although this giant piece of wood could cause Wang Lin's mind to tremble, it wouldn't have startled him. What really startled Wang Lin was the thing behind the giant piece of wood!

Moongazer Serpent!!

The Moongazer Serpent's giant body was like a cultivation planet, and its countless tentacles were swaying around it. Its constant angry roars echoed among the stars.

The moment Wang Lin saw the Moongazer Serpent, his body trembled. This tremble came from his ancient god body!

Chapter 921 - Green Jade

The shaking from his original body made Wang Lin's eyes lit up. The ancient god stars between his eyebrows flickered. He took a deep breath and suppressed this trembling, and the ancient god stars no longer flashed.

Staring at the Moongazer Serpent with countless swaying tentacles in the distance, Wang Lin was extremely shocked.

"Back then, I borrowed the Moongazer Serpent to kill the Yao family and hid inside its body. I thought that someone in Allheaven knew something about the Moongazer Serpent. What kind of person could capture the Moongazer Serpent and send into the Alliance as a weapon!? Could it be… him!?" Wang Lin gasped and thought of the figure he had seen twice.

The first time was during the battle between Qing Shui and Blood God. The second time was during the 108 celestial bestowments where he tore open the passage between the two star systems!

At this moment, the whistling sound of the giant piece of wood before the Moongazer Serpent became louder and louder. As the ripples closed in, the cultivators behind Wang Lin began to cheer.

At the same time, these cultivators immediately flew forward.

Wang Lin hesitated for a bit before moving forward and charging toward the giant piece of wood. This giant piece of wood was too large even from far away. When they closed in, they felt its powerful impact along with its majestic pressure.

Countless cultivators stepped on various treasures and followed the giant piece of wood. There were also cultivators on the giant piece of wood. However, not many were standing on it; there weren't even 100 cultivators on the wood.

The two that stood at the front of those cultivators on the giant piece of wood were the Zhang family ancestor, Li Yunzi, and the Shengong family ancestor!

The two of them stood at the front of the giant piece of wood. Their clothes moved without any wind, their eyes were like lightning, and their gazes were cold.

Behind them were the rest of the cultivators. Most of them were the 108 celestials, but there were also some Wang Lin had not seen before. However, from the fluctuations of their origin souls, Wang Lin could see that these people were not weak. They were at the peak of the Corporeal Yang stage.

There were 10 people at the Nirvana Scryer stage. In addition to these 10 people, there were three more people that caught Wang Lin's attention. One of them was sitting on the right side of the giant piece of wood. He was wearing a black robe and had white hair. There were several scars on his face that were extremely strange. They weren't static, they seemed to subtly move. Just one glance at them was enough to make someone gasp.

The moment Wang Lin's gaze landed on the old man, the old man's eyes lit up and he looked at Wang Lin. He revealed a smile filled with cold intent.

Another person that caught Wang Lin's attention was a woman. This woman was graceful, pretty as a spring peach, and pure like the autumn chrysanthemum. She was about 30 years old, her eyes were filled with spirit, and her beautiful nose was straight. She had a small indent on her cheek, her skin was white, and her eyes contained a hint of the ocean's blue.

She was standing on the giant piece of wood and was wearing a light green palace dress with a thin layer of golden silk. Her wide clothes had purple pattern on them and her 3,000 strands of black hair were simply hanging behind her head, with some around her neck. There was a small red gem at the center of her forehead that embellished her look just right.

She was very beautiful. Without any makeup, her skin glowed and was as white as snow. It gave off a creamy color and was like a delicate flower. Maybe it was due to the giant piece of wood moving too fast, but there was some wind that caused her thin silk to flow in the air. It made her look like a fairy.

After seeing Wang Lin's gaze, she gracefully smiled at Wang Lin. However, this smile contained a sense of nobility, as if no one could reach her.

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The last person was a youth. He had a white shirt and was surrounded by three bamboo flutes that gave off strange flute sounds. From a distance, the sound of the flute seemed to turn corporeal and formed an illusion around the youth. It was easy for one to lose their heart inside this illusion.

The youth didn't even care about Wang Lin's gaze at all. He focused on cultivating with his eyes closed and was filled with arrogance.

The reason these three people had caught Wang Lin's attention was because Wang Lin couldn't see through their cultivation!

As Wang Lin observed the people on the piece of wood, the cultivators on the piece of wood also looked at Wang Lin. Given Wang Lin's reputation in the Allheaven Star System, it didn't take long for them to recognize Wang Lin. Not to mention there was also the roar of the Flying Tiger behind him.

They followed the giant piece of wood, and along the way, they saw some Allheaven cultivators. However, they were only a few dozen people at most, and they were in extremely sorry states.

At this moment, the team Wang Lin had gathered was hundreds of people large. This caused all the cultivators around the giant piece of wood to look at Wang Lin.

It was obvious that it was due to Xu Mu's presence that there were so many cultivators here!

"Thunder Celestial Xu Mu!"

He was Xu Mu, the hero of the celestial bestowment competition. Even Planet Dong Lin's Xu Ting was beaten, and Xu Mu became the Thunder Celestial!

"I just don't know if Xu Mu is qualified to step onto the giant wood!"

Many gazes fell on Wang Lin. Many any of them hadn't seen Wang Lin, so their impressions were only from what they had seen of the competition in the sound transmission sound their families had.

Wang Lin's expression didn't change at all from so many people watching him; he was very calm.

"Xu Mu, come to this old man!" Li Yunzi naturally saw Wang Lin. The coldness on his face melted a bit and he revealed a smile.

Wang Lin nodded and charged toward the giant wood. The impact from the giant wood created a great deal of resistance, and Wang Lin felt like he was in mud. After realizing this, his expression was calm and the origin energy in his body slowed down until it was almost motionless. Then, at the next instant, it exploded. It went from being still to max in an instant.

This change caused a powerful momentum to explode form Wang Lin's body. It also caused a rumble around him that could collapse the heavens.


As the violent sound echoed, the space before Wang Lin suddenly wisted. Everything before him quickly collapsed as he calmly walked forward.

Wang Lin arrived near the roaring wood and stepped onto it without any resistance.

At this instant, all the eyes of all the cultivators around the giant wood narrowed. Although they all knew how fierce Wang Lin was, personally witnessing it had shocked them!

Wang Lin didn't know that stepping on the giant wood represented an extremely high status. As long as one believed they were qualified, they could attempt to step onto the giant wood.

However, very few people were able to step onto the giant wood. Even most of the people on the giant wood had used magic treasures along with spells to barely be able to step on after painstaking effort.

Even so, none of the surrounding cultivators dared to underestimate those people. Anyone who could step on the giant wood was strong!

However, a huge wave was set off in the hearts of the surrounding tens of thousands of cultivators when Wang Lin stepped onto the giant wood. Wang Lin was able to just casually step onto the giant wood without any effort at all. From what they had seen, aside from Li Yunzi and the Shengong family ancestor, only three others were able to step onto the giant wood so easily!

Wang Lin was the fourth person!

"Thunder Celestial Xu Mu, indeed worthy of the fame!"

At that instant, similar thoughts appeared in the surrounding cultivators.

The people on the giant wood all looked at Wang Lin. All these gazes were different. Some of them were part of the celestial bestowment, so they already admired Wang Lin. As for the people who hadn't met Wang Lin, their minds were shaken and they finally understood Wang Lin's fierceness.

The youth with three bamboo flutes suddenly opened his eyes and carefully looked at Wang Lin. He nodded but didn't speak.

The woman in the palace dress smiled even more. As for the old man in black, the way he looked at Wang Lin changed slightly.

The three of them had high cultivation levels; they were at the late stage of Nirvana Scryer, so they had better vision than everyone else. They could tell at a glance that what Wang Lin did was extraordinary.

This explosion of power wasn't only origin energy, there was also a hint of law. The three of them clearly saw this point and placed more importance on Wang Lin. Although his cultivation was weaker than them but they considered him one the same level.

After all not many Nirvana Scryer cultivators comprehend law.

Strength rules supreme in the cultivation world. If you want recognition of others, then you must reach the same level as them!

Standing beside Li Yunzi, Wang Lin respectfully said, "Xu Mu greets Senior Li Yunzi."

After he spoke, he turned around and clasped his hands at the Shengong family ancestor.

Li Yunzi faintly smiled. Just as he was about to speak, his expression changed. Behind the giant wood, the Moongazer Serpent with countless swaying tentacles suddenly began to roar as if it had gone crazy.

Its eyes alternated between confusion and clarity as it stared at Wang Lin on the giant wood. Its roars became even stronger. The powerful sound waves echoed, causing the expressions of the cultivators around the giant wood to change greatly and their minds to tremble.

Wang Lin turned around and coldly looked at the Moongazer Serpent. Wang Lin wasn't surprised that the Moongazer Serpent recognized him. He understood the Moongazer Serpent very well, that it had a strong memory of people who had made it mad. It obviously remembered Wang Lin, who had provoked it twice!

As it raged, it was about to charge out. The tentacles around it extended like crazy toward the giant wood.

Li Yunzi frowned and his right hand reached toward the void. A rift opened up and a green jade flew out.

This jade was very ordinary; there was nothing abnormal about it. Li Yunzi grabbed it and threw it at the Moongazer Serpent. It was so fast that it closed in on the Moongazer Serpent in an instant. The jade collapsed and a thunderous voice echoed.

"Xun Yun Gou!" This sound was very strange and extremely complex. No surrounding cultivator could understanding it. But Wang Lin's heart was shocked as this was the language of the ancient gods! After understanding the meaning behind it, even with Wang Lin's mental strength, his expression couldn't help but change.

Chapter 922 - Ji Xiantian

"Continue ahead and destroy the realm under the Rain Celestial Realm. I'll give you a body! Help you escape!" This was the information expressed in the ancient god language.

The confusion in the Moongazer Serpent was replaced by clarity and the roar slowly subsided. It actually charged ahead of the giant wood.

From a distance, the Moongazer Serpent's giant body and its countless swaying tentacles looked like the waste clouds that shrouded the stars, and it was no less imposing than the giant wood.

Li Yunzi looked at Wang Lin. He felt a hint of suspicion after seeing Wang Lin's change in expression when the sound came from the jade.

Wang Lin had cultivated for thousands of years and was extremely cunning. He wouldn't let anything escape, so he let out a wry smile and said, "I didn't expect that beast to hold such a grudge. I just borrowed it to kill the Yao family and yet it still remembered me when it saw me."

Li Yunzi nodded and said, "After this battle has ended, don't forget to come to me to see the remaining Battle Scrolls!"

With a respectful expression, Wang Lin said, "Junior knows."

The Shengong family ancestor had not spoken until now when he suddenly said, "Xu Mu, take out Shengong Hu's Dao!"

Wang Lin silently pondered. A moment later, without hesitation, he touched between his eyebrows and Shengong Hu's dao flew out. The Shengong family ancestor grabbed it and looked at it before he put it away. He no longer paid any attention to Wang Lin but instead looked ahead.

The Moongazer Serpent opened the path at an extremely fast pace. Its countless tentacles spread out and wrapped any Alliance cultivator it encountered. The cultivators that were caught would scream and their bodies would wither until they became mummies. Then the Allheaven cultivators would go to these mummified cultivators to take their bags of holding and treasures.

The giant wood followed closely after the Moongazer Serpent toward the northern region!

The Moongazer Serpent and giant wood were extremely fast, far faster than cultivators' treasures. Their speed was comparable to teleportation. They created constant sonic booms as they whistled through space.

At this moment, a giant war began in the northern region!

Originally, the Alliance cultivators, who were led by one of the four saints, Black Fiend Devil Saint, held great advantage. Destroying the western region had killed a large amount of Allheaven cultivators and also cut off their retreat. This caused the Allheaven army that charged into the northern region to have no backup.

As a result, the Alliance held the highest chance of willing in the first big battle between the two star systems.

However, Master Flamespark's counter-attack and the 18 Lou Fu immediately reversed the situation in the northern region. The Alliance cultivators were suppressed by the 18 Lou Fu. This wasn't even the biggest problem, the biggest problem was that the isolation of the Allheaven cultivators was broken by the giant wood!

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As a result, the Allheaven cultivators were no longer isolated. They only needed to last until backup arrived, then the Allheaven side would hold the absolute advantage!

Black Fiend Devil Saint's expression was gloomy. How could he let Master Flamespark do as he wished? However, Blood God was someone with a very high cultivation level. As the two fought, the collisions of their spells were earth-shattering and the rumbles echoed across the stars.

This created a large amount of ripples. Any cultivators affected would immediately die!

"Fellow Cultivator, don't wait for me to make a fool of myself, just attack!" As Black Fiend Devil Saint wryly smiled, he waved his right hand. Large amounts of fishy-smelling wind appeared. As his hands moved, the fishy wind turned into a giant whale before his body. The giant whale opened its mouth and mercilessly inhaled.

The origin energy in the world was sucked into the giant whale formed by Black Fiend Devil Saint like crazy and then attacked Blood God.

At the same time, a pillar of purple light descended from above. There was no end to this pillar, and it seemed to have appeared out of thin air.

A laugh came from the pillar of light and a person walked out! This person was middle-aged and wore a yellow robe. He looked handsome, and as he came out, two dragon illusions circled around his body and roared.

"Master Flamespark, I have known your name for a long time! This old man is one of the new saints of the Alliance, Cloud Dragon Demon Saint!"

Master Flamespark's eyes lit up, but he didn't attack. However, the ancestors of the cultivation families from ancient times moved. All three of them charged out toward the Cloud Dragon Demon Saint.

"The four saints of the Cultivation Alliance are all at the mid stage of Nirvana Shatterer. Blood God's cultivation is undetermined, and he is able to battle one on his own. The other three fellow cultivators are only at the early stage of Nirvana Shatterer, so they must join forces to barely hold on! However, these people aren't the most powerful people in this battle!" Master Flamespark's eyes lit up, but he didn't look at the yellow-robed Cloud Dragon Demon Saint. Instead, he stared at the void before him and calmly said, "The Alliance's four saints never move alone. Ji Xiantian, why do you still hide yourself?"

As Master Flamespark spoke, he moved forward and appeared next to the 18 Lou Fu. Then his two fingers mercilessly pointed forward.

A burst of sharp laughter echoed across the stars. Countless cracks appeared where Master Flamespark pointed at and a hand as white as jade came out. This dazzling palm collided with Master Flamespark's fingers!


The entire northern region shook and killing intent flashed across Master Flamespark's eyes. He quickly retreated several steps. Another figure was also knocked back from the crack, and this figure looked like a woman. As this person retreated, they immediately screamed!

"Master Flamespark, you still have the guts to return!!!"

This voice was too sharp and harsh. It also contained unimaginable origin energy fluctuations.

As the voice echoed, the Allheaven cultivators all trembled. Some of them coughed out blood as their origin energy left their bodies, and they immediately died!

Even one of the 18 Lou Fu suddenly collapsed under this sharp scream!

Endless origin energy from the world came from the collapsed cultivators and even from the collapsed Lou Fu and entered the woman-like figure.

"Ji Xiantian, I haven't seen you for many years. You're still as effeminate as ever!" Master Flamespark's eyes were calm and he waved his right hand. Endless flames immediately surrounded the area, and as they spread, all the Allheaven cultivators were pushed more than 5,000 kilometers away.

Although it was 5,000 kilometers, it was still within the range of the Lou Fu. Just like this, the great war began. Large amounts of Alliance and Allheaven cultivators began their life and death battles.

This was a chaotic battle; if one was slightly careless, their body would collapse and their origin soul would be extinguished! Originally, the Allheaven cultivators were no match for the Alliance cultivators. After all, one side was recovering from shock and the other side was prepared. However, under the effect of the Lou Fu, the situation was immediately balanced.

As a result, it was difficult to see who was going to win. However, on a small scale, the Alliance held the advantage!

Bursts of magic treasures filled the area. In the chaotic battle, both sides had casualties. In the distance, an Alliance cultivator coughed out blood and retreated. But before he even retreated 100 feet, his chest was pierced by a random flying sword. Then his origin soul flew out and was immediately affected by the ripples of a spell, causing his origin soul to collapse.

Three Allheaven cultivators' eyes were red as they activated their cultivation to the max to control magic treasures. Just as they were using a spell, a ray of light penetrated the three of them and they died one by one.

The ray of light turned into a person, and he had a gloomy expression. Just as he was about to continue after licking his lips, there was a flash of blood light. He let out a scream and then his whole body turned into blood. It was Blood God and the Black Fiend Devil Saint passing by during their battle.

Every time someone died, the blood would be immediately sucked away by the 17 Lou Fu. Some of the origin souls were also sucked in by the 17 Lou Fu because they were too damaged.

Cultivators were dying at every moment. The two sides had tens of thousands of cultivators gathered here. This battle could be described as earth-shattering, and large amounts of blood were sucked in by the Lou Fu!

Endless flashes of magic treasure light flashed by and endless roars coupled with mournful voices filled the area. This had become a land of death!

Large amounts of blood and origin souls were absorbed by the 17 Lou Fu, making them even more demoic. As the battle became even more fierce, a thunderous rumble echoed and countless cracks appeared. Even the cold wind from the cracks wasn't able to put out this heated war. Instead, it made this chaotic battle even more intense.

At the center of the battlefield, Master Flamespark's flame was monstrous, and from afar, it seemed to light up half of the area. Opposite of him, Ji Xiantain gave off an endless chill that created cracking sounds. They weren't loud, but everyone in the surrounding battlefield could clearly hear them.

Along with these endless crackling sounds, countless glaciers appeared. They were extremely imposing and shot straight up. Ji Xiantian was surrounded by countless glaciers that were like sharp thorns pointed at the sky and faced off against Master Flamespark.

"Master Flamespark, we let you escape in the battle tens of thousand of years ago. Today, without Zhong Xuanzi, I'll kill you here and now!" Ji Xiantian's sharp voice was like an icy blade. It was filled with endless chill and killing intent.

This Ji Xiantian looked like a very enchanting woman. However, if one looked closer, one would find that this person's chest was flat, and although small, his adam's apple was there! He was apparently a man!

Master Flamespark's eyes were calm as he raised his right hand and reached out toward the void. The world's origin energy gathered like crazy and formed a ball of white flame in his hand. He looked at Ji Xiantian and slowly said, "When I left, I said that if there was a day I come back, I'll make the Cultivation Alliance extinct. Who cares if blood fills the sky after I die!?"

At this moment in the western region, with the Moongazer Serpent in front and the giant wood behind it, they closed in on the northern region…

On the giant wood, Wang Lin looked ahead. There were flashes of uncertainty in Wang Lin's eyes, especially when he looked at the Moongazer Serpent.

"Ancient god child…" There was an almost indiscernible flash of cold light in Wang Lin's eyes.

Chapter 923 - Expression Sincerity

Master Flamespark didn't throw the white ball of lame but ruthlessly crushed it. The ball of flame collapsed and turned into countless phoenixes. They let out bursts of cries and shot straight toward Ji Xiantian.

Ji Xiantian waved his arms and let out a sharp laugh. The endless glaciers that had formed behind him began to rumble as they moved forward.

The two didn't stop, they began displaying various spells. Origin energy fluctuated as if heaven and earth were going to reverse, and these fluctuations quickly spread.

The entire northern region entered a chaotic battle.

Master Flamespark's eyes lit up and he waved his right hand. Several Celestial Realm fragments appeared and he shouted, "Celestial Wheel!"

With these words, the celestial fragments around him began to rumble and rotate around him. A storm was suddenly set by this.

As the storm swept by, all the cultivators affected were forced to retreat.

Ji Xiantian's expression became gloomy as he raised his hand up and shouted, "Law of ice!"

In an instant, endless cold energy spread like crazy from his hand. Under the endless rumbles, countless glaciers shot out and rapidly spread toward Master Flamespark.

"Ice!" Killing intent flashed across Ji Xiantian's eyes as he pointed at Master Flamespark.

At this moment, a powerful chill appeared around Master Flamespark. This chill contained law, and in the blink of an eye, it formed layers of ice that trapped Master Flamespark inside.

Just at this moment, the roar of the Moongazer Serpent echoed across the stars. The roar of the Moongazer Serpent shook the world and seemed to make it shake before everyone's eyes.

This scene caused the expressions of the Alliance side to change!

Black Fiend Devil Saint and Cloud Dragon Demon Saint, who were battling against Blood God and company, became gloomy and quickly retreated.

Ji Xiantian let out a cold snort and his eyes lit up. Instead of backing up, he charged straight ahead at Master Flamespark, who was trapped in the ice. When he got close, he pressed his hands down on the ice without any hesitation.

At this moment, a destructive force charged into the ice. This force mysteriously stacked together and charged toward Master Flamespark.

Just at this moment, inside the ice, Master Flamespark's eyes revealed a cold glint and he revealed a smile. The cultivation he had hidden began to erupt like crazy and increased from the late stage of Nirvana Shatterer to an incredible level.

"You… You broke through!!!" Ji Xiantian's expression changed greatly and he was about to retreat without hesitation.

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Cracks appeared on the ice that trapped Master Flamespark and suddenly covered all the ice. Then, in the blink of an eye, the ice shattered and the countless pieces shot out in all directions.

Master Flamespark laughed, took a step, and merged with the world. He didn't move, but the moment he merged with the world, his origin energy spread out like crazy.

At this moment, the origin energy in the world began to vibrate violently and directly interfered with Spatial Bending. At the same time, Master Flamespark's hand formed a seal and a red flame spread like a roar dragon.

Shortly after, Master Flamespark spat out a mouthful of essence origin energy. It landed on the rotating celestial fragments, which completely blocked Ji Xiantian's retreat.

The celestial fragments trembled and rotated 10 times faster than before. It charged out and trapped Ji Xiantian inside.

The storm formed by the rotating fragments roared and Ji Xiantian's expression became gloomy. His hand pushed outward and a large amount of origin energy gathered; he was about to break out. At this moment, Master Flamespark stepped out and a large amount of flames surged out from his body. He pointed with his finger and the flames rushed out, surrounding the storm. Some of the flames fused with the storm, and now it looked like a fire dragon!

Just at this moment, in the distance, the Moongazer Serpent arrived as if it was teleporting. It looked extremely ferocious with its countless tentacles!

Bursts of roars echoed. For a moment, both sides stopped attacking and retreated as they stared dumbfoundedly at the scene before them.

Black Fiend Devil Saint only took one look at the Moongazer Serpent and felt his scalp go numb. He let out a wry smile and quickly retreated. As for the Cloud Dragon Demon Saint, he revealed a look of disbelief.

Ji Xiantian was startled. His origin energy surged like crazy and he wanted to rush out of his siege. However, how could Master Flamespark let him do as he wished? Master Flamespark's arms stretched out and he injected more origin energy inside the flames to trap Ji Xiantian.

In the distant stars, what followed directly after the Moongazer Serpent was the giant wood. It was extremely large, and it suddenly changed directions, moving toward Master Flamespark and straight at Ji Xiantian.

The giant wood hadn't even gotten close when a strange force shrouded the world. Endless rumbles came from it and it started moving even faster!

Ji Xiantian's pupils shrank. He had no way of escaping quickly. In this moment of crisis, both of his hands formed a seal and he pointed at his body. Each time he pointed, a blue vortex appeared. In an instant, 13 blue vortexes as blue as the sea appeared around his body.

After these vortexes appeared, they immediately enlarged and entered Ji Xiantian's body. After the first blue vortex entered his body, a curtain of blue light appeared around Ji Xiantian.

After all 13 vortexes entered his body, his body emitted a blinding, blue light. There were a total of 13 layers of blue light. This was Ji Xiantian's power of law!

The color of the absolute limit of ice was blue, and during Ji Xiantian's life, he was only able to condense 13 layers of blue light. He had always thought that if he could condense the 13 layers into one, his cultivation might have a breakthrough.

The moment Ji Xiantian's 13 layers of blue light appeared, the giant wood arrived!

The ripples caused by the arrival of the giant wood were indescribable. At this moment, everything disappeared, and the only thing that remained was the momentum of the giant wood that could extinguish anything in its path!

No person, magic treasure, item, not even a cultivation planet, could stop its impact or even deal the slightest bit of damage to it. This giant wood was able to support the arrival of the Ancient Celestial Realm. And now everything among the stars must collapse before it!

The giant wood arrived with an unimaginable impact as if it wanted to poke a hole in space! It instantly closed in on the storm Master Flamespark had used to trap Ji Xiantian.

It was very simple without any fancy technique or any flashes of spell. The giant wood directly smashed into the rotating celestial fragments.


One of the fragments collapsed and its pieces quickly spread. In an instant, the few fragments in the vicinity of where the giant wood crashed also collapsed.

The collapse of the fragments was no weaker than the collapse of a cultivation planet. The force of all the collapse fell on Ji Xiantian, who was trapped inside.

The endless impact turned into a violent storm that pushed in all directions.

The blue light flashed violently around Ji Xiantian. Just as the force from the collapsing fragments started spreading out, the giant wood collided with Ji Xiantian.


Ji Xiantian's body trembled and one layer of blue light around him immediately collapsed!

This didn't end! The moment the giant wood collided, an endless impact charged out like crazy. It was as if waves of powerful impacts were charging into Ji Xian Tian's body.

Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang!!!

The blue lights around Ji Xiantian collapsed one by one, and in an instant, six layers had disappeared! His whole body rapidly retreated out of his control!

This rapid retreat was caused by the impact of the giant wood. It could even be said that this retreat was just the giant wood pushing him!

The moment the giant wood collided with Ji Xiantian, killing intent flashed across Master Flamespark's eyes. Then flames surged around his body and he mercilessly pressed down on Ji Xiantian!

When the flames closed in on Ji Xiantian, three more layers of blue light around him collapsed!

Aghast filled Ji Xiantian's eyes as everything had happened too fast. Nine layers of blue light had disintegrated in almost an instant. At the moment of life and death, Ji Xiantian wanted to escape, but Li Yunzi and Shengong family ancestor both stepped out.

Their spells turned into endless forces that landed on Ji Xiantian's body!

Ji Xiantain was hit by the giant wood, Master Flamespark, Li Yunzi, and the Shengong family ancestor. All of their spells were extremely powerful, not to mention Master Flamespark's, whose cultivation level was above Ji Xiantian's. Before these attacks, Ji Xiantian almost lost his wits!

However, he was, after all, an old monster that had been famous for tens of thousands of years in a life of slaughter. Although this was a moment of crisis, he wasn't going to die so easily!

Facing this moment of crisis, Ji Xiantian let out a laugh and decisively exploded the remaining four layers of blue light around him!

A thunderous rumble echoed when the four layers of blue light exploded. Li Yunzi was pushed back by the impact along with the Shengong family ancestor.

Even Master Flamespark hesitated before he let out a sigh and retreated. Although he could kill Ji Xiantian, he would be injured in the process. That would be a big disadvantage in the Alliance Star System!

After shaking off the three powerful cultivators, Ji Xiantian's face was pale and he coughed out a mouthful of blood. He had used the explosion of the blue intent's explosion to retreat, and he screamed, "Master Flamespark, if this old man doesn't get his revenge, then I'm not a person!" Behind him was the Moongazer Serpent. He reached toward the void and cracks appeared. At this moment, he didn't care if he would be lost in the cracks; he was about to step inside.

At this moment, Wang Lin was standing on the giant wood. He was a bit far away, but he was still affected by the impact. The force made the origin energy inside his body unstable. He looked at the rapidly retreating Ji Xiantian and then at Master Flamespark. He then clenched his teeth, pointed forward, and shouted, "Stop!"

Chapter 924 - Big Achievement

With just the word "Stop," the origin energy inside Wang Lin's body moved to his right fingertip and entered the void. This time, Wang Lin didn't use the little remaining celestial origin energy he had left, only his own origin energy.

It was as if countless lines had spread across space and entangled themselves around Ji Xiantian in an instant. This was the weakest Ji Xiantian had ever been in his entire life. All 13 layers of blue light had collapsed, so he had to leave his as soon as possible to find a place to recover, or else he would without a doubt die!

He had already been a decisive person. He had exploded four layers of blue light just to create an opening to escape. He had to report the fact that Master Flamespark's cultivation had broken through the late stage of Nirvana Shatterer to Zhong Xuanzi!

"Master Flamespark's cultivation hasn't reach the third step, but he is far stronger than late stage Nirvana Shatterer cultivators! He must have reached the peak of the second step!!"

Just as he was about to step into the crack, Ji Xiantian felt countless invisible threads wrap around him. His right foot, which was making its way into the crack, couldn't help but slow down for a moment!

A binding force with only this much strength was something he normally wouldn't need to worry about. He only needed to move a bit to break these threads and even cause the caster's origin soul to shatter!

However, at this moment of crisis, if he was slowed for just a little bit, the result would be beyond imagination!

Ji Xiantian's expression changed greatly. As for Master Flamespark, he was startled for a moment, but then ecstasy filled his eyes. He stepped out without hesitation and arrived near Ji Xiantian. His right hand pressed down and landed on Ji Xiantian's body. This forced Ji Xiantian out from the crack! Just as Ji Xiantian was forced out from the crack, the Moongazer Serpent suddenly opened its mouth and mercilessly swallowed!

All of this happened too fast. At almost the instant Ji Xiantian was forced out, the Moognazer Serpent arrived. Ji Xiantian let out an angry roar when he was being swallowed by the Moongazer Serpent!

The moment the Stop spell fell on Ji Xiantian, Wang Lin's body trembled and he coughed out a large mouthful of blood. It was as if he had been hit by a powerful force, and he quickly backed up.

The origin energy in his body almost collapsed. The difference between his and Ji Xiantian's cultivation was too large. At this moment, the force caused popping sounds to come from all over his body and a large amount of blood mist gushed out.

Wang Lin let out a miserable shout as he retreated. "Senior Master Flamespark, Junior has done his best!" The reason he did this was to improve his own achievement before everyone! This would make Master Flamespark owe him a great debt!

At the same time, it was big reason for him to receive Allheaven's full protection!

This was a true expression of sincerity. With this achievement, no matter where or when, he, Wang Lin, would be the highest profile hero in the war between the two systems!

No one could erase this point or forget it! If Wang Lin were to fall into a difficult situation and Allheaven didn't help, then it would have a very negative affect on Allheaven. If that happened, who would give it their all in the battles that followed?

Wang Lin had calculated all of this. With the combination of his cultivation and the body of an ancient god, perhaps if the other party was at their peak, he might have died to the backlash, but given that Ji Xiantian was seriously injured and escaping, even if he failed, he wouldn't die from the backlash!

Sometimes, when there are no more paths left, you have gamble and create a road! At this moment, Wang Lin was opening up a road for himself in the future!

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In truth, Wang Lin's guess was very accurate. If he didn't have the body of an ancient god, he would have died. However, with the body of an ancient god and Ji Xiantian being in an extremely weakened state, he was only injured!

As Master Flamespark laughed, his body flickered and he charged straight at Wang Lin. In almost an instant, he arrived near Wang Lin's constantly retreating body and his palm landed on Wang Lin's back.

An unimaginable powerful surge of origin energy suddenly rushed from Master Flamespark's body into Wang Lin's. It immediately stabilized Wang Lin's origin energy and got rid of his injuries.

In addition, the powerful origin energy that entered Wang Lin's body was cut off by Master Flamespark, so it all remained inside Wang Lin's body.

At this instant, Wang Lin felt the origin energy explode within his body. His origin soul opened its eyes and absorbed the origin energy like crazy. He felt his own strength climb like crazy. In the end, his cultivation reached the peak of the early stage of Nirvana Scryer. He only needed comprehension in his domain to become a mid stage Nirvana Scryer cultivator!

This time, Master Flamespark didn't hold back and gave Wang Lin an unimaginably great fortune!

It was too difficult for second step cultivators to increase their cultivation level! Aside from comprehending their domain, they also had to absorb enough origin energy. Just this would consume countless years!

Master Flamespark withdrew his hand as he looked at Wang Lin and laughed. "Good! Good! Good!

"Xu Mu, you have attained a great achievement! Ji Xiantian was one of the four saints of the Alliance. Back then, he was ranked ninth in the Alliance! You have achieved a great merit. Allheaven and I will remember this!" Master Flamespark let out a satisfied laugh. This Ji Xiantian was one of the people who hunted him back then.

This sudden change in scene made the surrounding cultivators look on with strange expressions. In particular, Li Yunzi and the Shengong family ancestor looked at Wang Lin differently now.

Li Yunzi's eyes revealed admiration and he nodded at Wang Lin.

The Shengong family ancestor had always been cold, but right now he revealed a smile at Wang Lin.

As for the other cultivators, the black-robed old man and the youth had a complex gazes, but even more so, they admit their defeat. If it was them, they definitely wouldn't have had the resolve to do this!

There was also that woman in the palace dress. She now looked at Wang Lin with a hint of interest. She was already beautiful, so now that she showed this kind of gaze, it was extremely attractive.

"Xu Mu, after this war is over, not only will this old man return your Thunder Beast, I will also gift you a defensive treasure! With this treasure, aside from a few select people in the Alliance, no one else will be able to threaten your life!" Master Flamespark smiled as he charged ahead at Black Fiend Devil Saint and Cloud Dragon Demon Saint.

With a calm expression, Wang Lin activated the origin energy in his body. He immediately felt his own strength return and he took a deep breath. He had gambled on the right move just now!

The giant wood was still charging into the northern region battlefield and the Alliance cultivators were being pushed pack. When Ji Xiantian was devoured by the Moongazer Serpent, all the Alliance cultivators were shaken and their will to fight had diminished greatly.

The Moongazer Serpent roared like crazy and its tentacles swept the area. Any cultivator that was touched by the tentacles would let out a miserable scream and be sucked dry.

The Moongazer Serpent was too strong!

Black Fiend Devil Saint and Cloud Dragon Demon Saint were both constantly retreating. Both of their minds were shaken and they no longer had the will to continue to battle. They were about to flee.

But an impact no weaker than the giant wood's suddenly approached from the distance in the northern region.

Countless towers, each one tens of thousands of feet tall, charged over with hundreds of cultivators standing on each. Their powerful killing intent was enough to tear the nearby space.

From a distance, the stars were filled with these towers. There were no less than 100 of these cone towers that emitted sharp whistles as they rushed over.

A powerful pressure suddenly came from the distance. Aside from the 100 towers, there were also four giant cultivation planets. There were four giants tens of thousands of feet tall carrying the cultivation planets.

These four giants each had an axe mark on their foreheads. They were Giant Demon Clan members!

There were four people floating above the cultivation planets carried by the four members of the Giant Demon Clan. Three of them were old men with the air of celestials. Their might was clearly felt without any need for them to show anger!

The last person was a woman. She wore a blue dress and her hair was hanging over her shoulder. She held an eight petal lotus flower and her phoenix eyes were filled with killing intent as she looked ahead.

The appearance of these Alliance cultivators attracted the attention of the surrounding cultivators. The Alliance cultivators were surprised and quickly rallied as they retreated.

On the Allheaven side, Blood God and the three ancestors coldly looked over.

Master Flamespark stepped out and waved his right hand, sending a sea of flames flying ahead. At the same time, the Moongazer Serpent let out a roar and its tentacles extended.

As for the tens of thousands of cultivators around the giant wood, they immediately charged out and used their magic treasures. A great war was about to unfold!

Just at this moment, the woman in the blue dress calmly said,

"Greeting, Senior Wudo Chan!"

After she spoke, a long laugh came from the distance, and a black cloud rushed over from the same direction.

There was a person standing in the black cloud. This person was middle-aged, had a square face, and wore a purple robe that showed his might without him expressing any anger. At this moment, black mist around him churned and a thunderous rumble echoed.

"Master Flamespark, I have long known your name! Today, do you dare to battle with me, Wudo Chan?" The middle aged man's words were extremely arrogant. As he spoke, the black mist under his feet shot out toward Master Flamespark.

Master Flamespark had no memories of this Wudo Chan. It was obvious this person had joined the Alliance after he left, but Master Flamespark didn't underestimate this person. The aura this person gave off made him very serious.

"If you want to battle, then let's battle!" As Master Flamespark's cold voice echoed, he stepped out and entered the black mist. This black mist suddenly rose up and began to churn violently. Bursts of fire spells shot out and created explosions!

"Seal this Moongazer Serpent!" The woman in the blue dress calmly spoke. The hundreds of towers immediately shot out, creating a whistling sound as their speed was 100 times faster than before!

They were like swords that shot directly at the Moongazer Serpent!

Wang Lin secretly realized that things were going bad. It seemed Allheaven was the weaker side. He silently moved back on the giant wood, but he immediately felt a fierce gaze on his body.

It was the woman in the blue dress who was looking at Wang Lin with a complex gaze!