

Chapter 680 - Liu Mei's Special Treasure

Wang Lin opened his eyes, but they were filled with clarity. Although they were still filled with pain, it was as if he had seen through the world. It was truth that he had learned before, he should let go of those that were meant to disapear…

He raid his right hand and a strand of mist appeared over it. This mist was all the smoke that had entered his body. His origin soul contained part of the ancient thunder dragon, so it contained the power of the heavenly thunder. This Ten Thousand Illusion Heavenly Devil Dao wasn't enough to cause his origin soul to burn.

Looking at the mist, Wang Lin pondered for a bit and then crushed it.

"Although your cultivation has been forcibly increased, your understanding of your domain isn't enough. Ordinary people have a saying, to spoil things through excessive enthusiasm. That is your fatal weakness!"

At the moment he crushed it, a muffled groan came from the void. Following that, Liu Mei's figure appeared in the distance. Her face was pale as she stared at Wang Lin. Her eyes filled with hatred and she hissed, "You are indeed Wang Lin, someone with a ruthless heart."

"I'm not the who is ruthless, it's you!" Wang Lin's eyes revealed bare killing intent.

"I focused my life on dao, but you used the domain soul[1.The lust domain soul Wang Lin obtained from the Giant Demon Clan Ancestor.] to break my virgin body. How do you explain this?!" Liu Mei's voice cracked. All the calmness from before disappeared and the hatred in her eyes became even stronger.

Wang Lin frowned. This was a memory he didn't want to recall. His eyes became cold and he softly said, "You were the first to act. Also, the matter with the domain soul was an accident."

"Accident…" Liu Mei began to laugh. Her laugh grew louder until it was filled with vileness. She could keep her Ten Thousand Illusion Heavenly Devil Dao mentality before everyone. However, when it came to the person before her, she couldn't.

"You answered me saying it was an accident, then I'll give you another accident!" There was a hint of complex pain inside her hatred. She touched her bag of holding.

Wang Lin frowned. The celestial guard suddenly appeared before him and stepped toward Liu Mei.

Liu Mei's right hand lifted from the bag of holding and the storage bag opened. A black mist rushed out from inside the bag and a monsterous resentment burst forth.

This resentment was heaven-shaking, and the sky darken as if it covered by clouds. Large vortexes began to slowly rotate in the sky.

The resentment was too powerful. As it spread out, the ghostly wails began to appear within five kilometers as if they were in the realm of ghosts.

A burst of sharp shrills exploded from the black mist. The black mist was too fast even for divine sense to lock on to. It suddenly charged out past the celestial guard directly toward Wang Lin.

Wang Lin's expression was neutral as he stared at the black light. At the moment it closed in, he stabbed his finger forth like a sword and created a gust of wind. This wind blew away the black mist, revealing a pair of dark eyes.

The moment Wang Lin's eyes fell on that pair of black eyes, he was startled. The eyes were completely cloudy; there was no light, only monstrous resentment.

However, at the moment Wang Lin saw that pair of eyes, his mind shook and a feeling of harmony filled his body. It was as if ten thousand thunderclaps had exploded in Wang Lin's ears, causing his own body to tremble. He subconsciously withdrew his finger, took a few step back, and stared at the black mist.

"This… This is…" A terrible pain appeared inside Wang Lin's heart and immediately filled his body. He looked at the black mist, and his eyes suddenly turned red. He waved his right hand, causing the celestial guard to immediately return. It became a large shadow that surrounded the black mist, preventing it from doing anything.

Wang Lin's face was filled with ferocity as he shouted at Liu Mei, "What is inside there?!"

Liu Mei revealed a smile, but her eyes were filled with pain. She then looked at Wang Lin with a wider smile. "You don't recognize it? No, with your cultivation, you should be able to recognize it."

"There is a legend among mortals. If a person loses several children, the souls of those children will not dissipate, they will always follow you and watch you. They will seem to be saying something, but you won't be able to hear. It won't be until the moment of your death that you finally hear them ask 'Daddy, why don't you want me…'"

Liu Mei's voice was a bit strange; there was even a trace of madness within.

"I refined this child inside my body for a century until he finally became a resentful spirit. When he gained consciousness, I kept telling him that it was his father who abandoned him. His father is called Wang Lin!

"Wang Lin, you ruined by dao heart, ruined my domain, and took my body. If all of that was an accident, then let me repay you with a special magical treasure!"

Wang Lin silently pondered, He was in complete silence. It was as if all the life in his body had been drained away and the only thing that remained was endless death.

There was no shock like the tens of thousands of thunderclaps exploding in his mind when he found out that there was hope in reviving Li Muwan. There was no outburst of madness like when he faced Teng Huayuan[1.Guy who killed his whole family and then killed Wang Lin.] There was only extreme focus, like when he faced a crisis.

Wang Lin only silently pondered. He was so silent that it was terrifying.

It was as if the heavens had stopped, the earth had stopped. It was as if everything in the heavens and earth had froze due to the stop spell. Everything became silent.

Looking at the black mist surrounded by the shadow created by the celestial guard, Wang Lin's eyes seemed to be able to pierce through, and he saw a weak figure.

That powerful resentment wasn't able to stop Wang Lin's gaze.

After an unknown amount of time, Wang Lin softly said, "Thank you…"

Liu Mei was startled as she stared at Wang Lin and snapped, "Wang Lin, does your heart not ache!?!"

Wang Lin didn't even look at Liu Mei. He only looked at the figure inside the mist and softly said, "If you can refine him into a resentful spirit, then I can change him back even if it takes thousands of years… Tens of thousands of years… Thank you for returning him to me…"

All of this was completely outside of Liu Mei's expectations. She sneered and said, "He can't recover. To make him completely become a resentful spirit, I…"

Before Liu Mei finished speaking, Wang Lin softly said, "If I say it's possible, then it's possible!" His gaze withdrew from the mist and fell on Liu Mei. His eyes were no longer calm but filled with unimaginable killing intent. Aside from Teng Huayuan, Wang Lin had never felt so much killing intent toward someone!

"Now it is your turn!"

Wang Lin's voice wasn't cold, but it made the surroundings suddenly seem to enter winter. He took a step forward and pressed down his right thumb. The Underworld Finger suddenly appeared.

There was a loud bam in the sky as the underworld river appeared once more and fused with Wang Lin's finger. The Underworld Finger formed by the underworld river flew out and charged straight at Liu Mei.

Liu Mei retreated. As she did so, she slapped her bag of holding and a large, old mirror appeared in her hand. This was a treasure that the Huan family's ancestor had gifted her, a low quality celestial treasure!

When the Underworld Finger fell on the mirror, it caused an earth-shattering explosion. At the same time, Wang Lin stepped forward and the Seven Star Sword Formation surrounded Liu Mei. Wang Lin let out a shout and seven rays of sword energy flew out.

Wang Lin calmly said, "A fake late stage Ascendant cultivator with only celestial spiritual energy and no domain isn't even a match for a mid stage Ascendant cultivator!" The finger of death appeared and closed in on Liu Mei along with the Seven Star Sword Formation.

The sword energy closed in, causing Liu Mei's expression to change greatly. Feeling a sense of crisis, she bit the tip of her tongue. Blood flew out of her mouth along with an object. It was a blade needle.

The moment the needle appeared, it immediately circled Liu Mei and blocked the Seven Star Sword Formation. Even the finger of death was pierced by this needle.

"The fourth soul!" Wang Lin coldly looked at it, and his eyes became even colder. He raised his right hand and gently pointed at the needle.


The black needle suddenly paused. As it struggled, Wang Lin took a step forward and arrived before Liu Mei. His right hand mercilessly pressed down between her eyebrows.

Liu Mei let out a miserable groan and a large amount of black gas came out from between her eyebrows. Then she immediately retreated. Her eyes were filled with horror. Although Wang Lin's cultivation was only at the early stage of Ascendant, his various spells and treasures were extremely shocking.

"You want to run?" Wang Lin took another step forward, and his two fingers formed a sword. A part of the thunder in his origin soul condensed at the tip of his finger, ready to take this vicious woman's life.

The shadow of death surrounded Liu Mei's body and mind, and her expression was deathly pale. Wang Lin's finger had injured her origin soul earlier. If it wasn't for the fact that she had a lot of celestial spiritual energy in her body, she probably would have died already.

Liu Mei shrilled, "Li Er!"

Wang Lin frowned and saw the black mist surrounded by the celestial guard begin to churn violently. It let out shrill cries that were like swords that charged toward Wang Lin and tore his heart.

Wang Lin's eyes revealed a trace of sadness, but he stabbed forward without any hesitation. His finger rushed out like a bolt of lightning toward Liu Mei.

Just at the moment of danger, Liu Mei's eyes were filled with despair, but a vortex suddenly appeared before her. This vortex was pitch black as if it was surrounded by clouds.

A slightly withered arm came out from the vortex and casually pressed against Wang Lin's finger.

With a loud bang, Wang Lin's body flew back like a meteor. His expression became pale and he coughed out a large mouthful of blood, but his eyes were filled with a monstrous cold light.

"Eh, not dead?" An ancient void came from the vortex. The withered arm grabbed Liu Mei and dragged her directly into the vortex.

"You save her and the Huan family will be wiped out!" Wang Lin's voice was like the freezing winter wind as he stared at the vortex. He was clear that the only person who could rescue Liu Mei right now was the Huan family's ancestor.

As he spoke, Wang Lin stepped forward and condensed Ling Tianhou's sword energy without any hesitation. His finger pointed out like a flash of lightning and the sword energy charged directly at the vortex.

"Arrogant junior, even though you have a Yin and Yang stage puppet, you are still no match for this old man. Seeing that you and Huan Mei have a past, this old man won't get involved in your grudge. However, if you continue to this, then this old man won't spare you!" said the ancient voice in the vortex. He grabbed Liu Mei and completely entered the vortex.

However, at that moment, Ling Tianhou's sword energy had charged through the vortex directly toward the Huan family's ancestor on the other side.

Chapter 681 - Wang Ping

Ling Tianhou's sword energy was peerless. The moment it appeared, sword energy filled the heavens and earth. It charged out like a bolt of lightning and entered the vortex.

It chased after the Huan family's ancestor.

The vortex immediately collapsed as the sword energy entered it, then the Huan family ancestor let out a muffled groan.

At this moment, inside the Huan family's home in the far away planet Thousand Illusion, the Huan family's ancestor was sitting in room with a huge vortex before him. The vortex seemed to turn solid and then shattered inch by inch.

At the moment it completely shattered, a white light wrapped around Liu Mei and brought her back through the vortex. After entering the room, the light threw Liu Mei aside as it had no time to care about her right now. There was a trace of anxiety coming from the light as it quickly rushed back into the Huan family's ancestor's body.

The Huan family's ancestor suddenly opened his eyes, revealing a hint of horror within them. Without any hesitation, he raised his right hand, mercilessly slammed it down on the vortex, and softly said, "Shatter!"

Earlier, his origin soul had left his body and used a spell to cross through space. At first he didn't care about Wang Lin at all. When he stopped Wang Lin's attack, he intended to take Wang Lin's life.

However, when he stopped that finger, he clearly felt his power enter Wang Lin's origin soul, but it was destroyed. He could only hurt Wang Lin and not kill him.

This surprised him, and at the next moment, he saw the celestial guard puppet. The puppet's Yin and Yang stage cultivation shocked the Huan family's ancestor greatly. He knew that he was in a very weakened state and that his cultivation had dropped to the Yin and Yang stage. Although he knew that he could win against the puppet, fighting it would cause his cultivation to drop once more.

Also, Wang Lin's origin soul was obviously very strange, which made him worry. If his cultivation hadn't dropped, he wouldn't have worried at all and would've directly killed Wang Lin.

Even so, he didn't take Wang Lin's cold words to heart. Even if Wang Lin had the celestial guard puppet, he also had his own backup.

This was why he took Liu Mei and quickly left after leaving behind some vicious words.

Liu Mei was someone who he had spent a lot of effort on. Aside from the what he said to the public, there were also private reasons. He wouldn't allow anyone to kill her before she reached the second step.

However, the Huan family's ancestor could have never guessed that Wang Lin would send out a ray of sword energy. At first, he didn't consider it a threat, but when it closed in, the sword energy actually caused the vortex his origin soul was in to collapse. This shocked his heart greatly and made him gasp.

If it was merely the vortex shattering, it would have been fine, but the sword energy wasn't damaged at all, and it charged directly at his origin soul. The power of this sword energy made the Huan family's ancestor's scalp go numb.

When he sensed its power, he vaguely felt the power of a Nirvana Cleanser cultivator. This terrifying aura made him feel aghast in his heart. He didn't dare to confront it and ran away in panic.

He used the fastest speed an origin soul could use and brought Liu Mei back through the vortex. Then he immediately returned to his body and tried to break the vortex completely so that the sword energy would be trapped in the void.

At this instant, the vortex completely collapsed into specks of dust. The Huan family's ancestor let out a breath of relief, but his expression immediately changed and he cursed in his heart. He suddenly got up, grabbed Liu Mei, and quickly retreated.

A ray of golden light suddenly charged out of the vortex at the moment of its collapse.

At the moment it appeared, countless rays of sword energy appeared in the secret room. An explosion that shocked the entire planet suddenly echoed across the land.

The Huan family's secret room exploded from the pressure of the sword energy and created a shock wave. The shock wave collapsed the buildings in its path and kicked up a dust storm. The Huan family's ancestor charged out of the dust. He was in shock and in a sorry state as he grabbed Liu Mei and escaped.

"Damn it, how could that junior that knew Liu Mei have a ray of sword energy like this!?! What kind of crazy Nirvana Cleanser senior would give sword energy like this to a junior in the first step? This is completely bullying!!!" the Huan family's ancestor cursed in his heart. It wasn't that he couldn't withstand it, but he was in a weakened state and his cultivation had fallen. He was afraid his cultivation would become even more unstable if he tried to withstand that sword energy.

After the secret chamber collapsed, the sword energy charged out and headed straight for the Huan family's ancestor. This sword energy contained Ling Tianhou's tyrannical domain. At this moment, it was as if the entire heavens and earth were filled with this tyrannical aura.

The sword energy grew more powerful, almost reaching the peak of its power. The moment the sword energy appeared, the entire world seemed to pause!

This pause made it seem like time had completely stopped. The clouds changed and the wind rewinded. It created a rare scene where the clouds seemed like the receding tide. All of the powerful cultivators on planet Thousand Illusion felt this sword energy, and the sky suddenly darkened!

The moment the sword energy appeared, the heavens and earth were filled with sword energy. The domain coming from the sword energy was simply too overbearing. It was as if every other spell in the world had to make way for it and couldn't steal its momentum!

This kind of tyranny was the heavens' might!

The sword energy flew across the sky in a ray of bright light. It transformed into the sharpest point in the world as it chased after the Huan family's ancestor.

The sword energy was too fast. You could dodge, you could flee, but the domain on the sword energy would become even stronger. The tyrannical domain becomes stronger the weaker you are.

The Huan family's ancestor's expression was gloomy as he threw Liu Mei backward. His hand formed a seal and there was a flash of white light. His dao was the Ten Thousand Illusion Identitless Dao. It could also put everything in the world in an illusion, but in his hands, it was even more special.

The white light shined brightly on his finger as his dao intent increased like crazy. The Huan family's ancestor activated all the origin energy inside his body to gather in his finger and then mercilessly pointed forward.

The burst of white light charged out and collided with Ling Tianhou's sword energy. An earth-shattering explosion spread across planet Thousand Illusion. The white light dissipated and the sword energy charged out. It moved like lightning as it entered the Huan family's ancestor's body through his finger.

The Huan family's ancestor's body trembled and his expression immediately became pale. The horror in his eyes became even stronger, and now he thought of what the junior had said before.

"You save her and the Huan family will be wiped out!"

Earlier, he completely ignored those words, but now they were like thunder exploding in his ears. If that person had this kind of sword energy, he didn't doubt that person's ability to wipe out his Huan family.

What made him even more terrified was the thought of how many sword energies like this that person had.

"If that person has more than six rays of that sword energy, then unless I can recover my Nirvana Scryer cultivation, I'll definitely die! That is not the most terrifying part; what is truly terrifying is the owner of the sword energy… To be able to give this kind of sword energy to a junior like this means that they are very close. Maybe even a direct descendant…" The Huan family's ancestor's scalp went numb. Even with his mental strength, he couldn't help but feel fear.

Although he was the Huan family's ancestor and his cultivation had reached the Nirvana Scryer stage, that just meant that he was even more aware of the terror of a Nirvana Cleanser. The second step of cultivation was very different from the first step.

In the first step, if one had some heaven defying treasures or powerful spells, it was possible to challenge someone with higher cultivation level. Although it was rare, it wasn't impossible. In fact, if the magical treasure or spell were used well, one could even directly kill someone with higher cultivation level.

However, it was impossible for someone to beat someone else with higher cultivation level at the second step. Every single level was the difference between heaven and earth.

No need to speak of the difference between Nirvana Scryer and Nirvana Cleanser. Just the difference between early stage and mid stage Nirvana Scryer was already a gap that couldn't be crossed. Just the sword energy of a Nirvana Cleanser was able to make him dread so much, so one could see the difference.

At this moment, the best choice was to hand over Liu Mei. The Huan family's ancestor looked at Liu Mei, who was filled with loss, and immediately gave up the idea.

"This person knew Liu Mei, so he must be from the Alliance Star System. No matter how strong his master is, without an Allheaven Stone, he can't enter this star system unless he has his own transfer array. However, even then, by the time his master gets here, this matter will no longer be between just me and him, it will be a war between two star systems. At that time, powerful experts from the Thunder Celestial Hall will come out.

"After all, once this old man's plan for Liu Mei succeeds, perhaps this old man's cultivation will have reached the Nirvana Cleanser stage too. If not, I should still be able to reach the peak of the late stage of Nirvana Scryer."

After making up his mind, the Huan family's ancestor immediately spread out his divine sense across the entire planet.

"Old friend of the Qian family, Brother Xu, I have a request…"

On planet Ran Yun, Wang Lin stared at the collapsed vortex and withdrew his gaze. His gaze landed on the black mist surrounded by the celestial guard. Bursts of tender cries came out from inside the black mist.

Every cry was like a sharp sword that stabbed into Wang Lin's heart.

Wang Lin's eyes revealed a trace of pain as he looked at the black mist. Whenever the pair of cloudy eyes met Wang Lin's eyes, they would release thick resentment.

"This is my child… This is my direct descendant in this world…"

Wang Lin slowly walked into the shadow created by the celestial guard to surround the puppet. He had a hint of softness in his eyes. He hesitated a bit before raising his right hand and reaching into the mist.

The resentful spirit didn't hesitate to bite down on Wang Lin's finger. The sharp teeth tore through his skin and the cold, resentful aura immediately entered Wang Lin's body through the wound.

Wang Lin didn't withdraw his hand. His eyes were still gentle as he quietly looked at the child that was constantly sucking his blood.

"It will be alright. Your name is Li Er… Li is not a good word, so let's change it to… Ping. From now on, your name will be Wang Ping… I hope your life will be calm and safe, unlike mine…"

Chapter 682 - Duty

The resentful spirit could clearly hear Wang Lin's words, but its eyes were filled with coldness and grief. It continued to bite Wang Lin's finger as if it wanted Wang Lin to feel the hundred years of resentment all at once.

Wang Lin looked at the child for a long time and let out a sigh. The resentment that entered his body couldn't affect him. The thunder inside him only needed to sweep his body and it would all be cleared away.

After pondering for a while, Wang Lin's left hand formed a seal and countless restrictions appeared around the black mist. As the celestial guard withdrew, the restrictions suddenly shrank.

The mist also shrank until it was completely sealed by the restriction.

In the end, Wang Lin gently picked up the restriction ball with the child inside and pressed it against his forehead to store it inside the heaven defying bead. He split a part of his origin soul to be inside the heaven defying bead to help child continue to dispel the resentment.

Wang Lin whispered, "When father has dealt with the matter at hand, I'll go into closed door cultivation and dispel your resentment. Ping Er, don't you worry." Then his right hand reached out and immediately grabbed the fourth soul. He took out the one-billion-soul soul flag and threw the soul inside.

"Teacher Du Tian, disciple has retrieved the power of the fourth soul. The true power of the one-billion-soul soul flag will appear once more!" Wang Lin turned around and his gaze fell on the city in the distance.

Wang Lin calmly said, "Come out."

Sun Xi carefully flew out from the city. He had witnessed the battle. Whether it was Liu Mei's vile methods or the arrival of the Huan family's ancestor, it all caused his heart to go into complete chaos.

Due to his drop in cultivation, when he faced Wang Lin, his heart was filled with awe and flutter.

"Sen… Senior…"

Wang Lin looked at Sun Xi. The sword light under his feet was unstable; it was obvious that he was terrified at the moment.

Wang Lin let out a sigh. "Brother Sun, there is no need to be like this…"

Sun Xi silently pondered. He took a deep breath and clasped his hands at Wang Lin as he bitterly said, "Xu… Brother Xu, the three of us concealed our clones before so that we could drag you into this mess and have you be our scapegoat… I…"

Wang Lin whispered, "Forget it, let's not talk about this matter. Are the Ran family's ancestor and Carefree Sanren safe right now?"

Sun Xi quickly said, "The Ran family's ancestor made a clone hundreds of years ago. He has already left planet Ran Yun. I don't know his whereabouts, but I believe he should have no problem. As for Zhao Chuanwen, although he couldn't refine a clone, he has some mysterious spell that splits his origin soul. My guess is that he has long left planet Ran Yun."

Wang Lin pondered a bit and slowly said, "Since I have received celestial jades from the three of you, I'll do my best. Since I don't know where the two of them are, I'll keep their families safe for a century and ensure the families live on. That way I have at least done my duty."

Sun Xi revealed a look of gratitude and said, "Brother Xu, I'll thank you on their behalf." Then he hesitated for a bit and said, "However, the Huan family…"

Wang Lin raised his head and looked at the sky. It was as if his gaze could penetrate the stars and see planet Thousand Illusion. He firmly said, "The Huan family will no longer exist!"

He wasn't being arrogant or getting ahead of himself; a crazy idea had appeared in his mind. Anyone who dared to stop him from killing Liu Mei must die.

Sun Xi's body trembled; he could feel a killing intent brewing inside Wang Lin's body. This killing intent was too powerful, and once it explodes, the heavens and earth will be filled with blood.

Sun Xi's cultivation level had lowered too much. At this moment, his heart was trembling, so he immediately lowered his head as he didn't dare to look at Wang Lin.

Wang Lin lowered his head to look at Sun Xi and slowly said, "Cultivating below the Soul Formation stage requires no comprehension; enough spiritual energy is enough to raise your cultivation level. You've had countless years of cultivation experience from your original body, so you have your own comprehension. I can help you reach the peak of the late stage of Nascent Soul. As for Soul Formation and beyond, it will be up to you to break through. That way you still have a chance at reaching the Ascendant stage, and even going beyond it might be possible."

Sun Xi silently pondered and wryly smiled. "When I reached the Ascendant stage, I barely made it through due to sheer luck. I really don't have the courage to go through that life and death trial again…"

Thinking about the life and death trial of reaching the Ascendant stage, Wang Lin let out a sigh and said, "I am unable to help you reach the Ascendant stage. At most, because your comprehension is still there, I can help you reach the Soul Transformation stage. However, this will require a rank eight cultivation pill, and your cultivation will forever stop without any possibility of increasing."

Back then on planet Suzaku, Red Butterfly caught the attention of the country of Suzaku, so Xue Yue was promoted to a rank five cultivation country. The sect master was raised directly from the Soul Formation stage to the Soul Transformation stage using a similar method, but he would never progress anymore in his life.

At this moment, Wang Lin had a rank eight pill. Under his control, he could make it so Sun Xi could withstand the effect of the pill.

Sun Xi clenched his teeth and said, with determination, "Brother Xu, I choose the latter option!"

Wang Lin didn't say anymore. He raised his hand and pointed at the sky. The sky suddenly darkened and the underworld river appeared and wrapped around the world.

To increase Sun Xi's cultivation level, a lot of spiritual energy was required. Wang Lin wasn't able to do this by himself. He had to use his own dao as a way of controlling the spiritual energy in the heavens and earth.

The underworld river extended, and after Wang Lin's dao intent entered it, the whole planet seemed to tremble. The broken spirit veins under the earth all began to gather.

Wang Lin softly said, "The third ability of the underworld river, the Might of the Underworld!" A rumble came out from the underworld river, and at the same time, a powerful suction force came out from it as well.

The entire planet shook as spiritual energy from the broken spirit vein was pulled out. It flew out from under the earth like dragons and was absorbed by the underworld river.

Wang Lin's eyes lit up as he grabbed Sun Xi. He threw Sun Xi into the underworld river and shouted, "Close your eyes and cultivate!"

Inside the underworld river, Sun Xi heard bursts of mournful cries that caused his mind to tremble. He quickly closed his eyes and focused on cultivating. Rich spiritual energy entered his body like crazy.

Shortly after, Wang Lin slapped his bag of holding and took out a rank eight pill. He crushed the wax around the pill and rich smell of medicine immediately came from it. He threw the pill into the underworld river. Halfway in, the pill turned into green gas and merged with the underworld river.

Three days later, a laughter came from inside Wang Lin's underworld river. Sun Xi opened his eyes and there was a flash of light. His body flickered as he stepped out from the underworld river.

He stared at his own hands and his divine sense scanned his body. Excitement immediately filled his face. He took a deep breath and a sense of joy filled his whole body.

He deeply bowed to Wang Lin and said, "I'm forever grateful for Brother Xu's help!"

During these days, Wang Lin continued to use the underworld river. Now that Sun Xi had stepped out, the underworld river disappeared. He calmly said, "Your cultivation has recovered to mid stage of Soul Transformation, but this is the limit. You don't have to thank me; it is merely duty."

After he finished speaking, Wang Lin raised his head. Looking up at the sky, he softly said, "I'll leave matters here to you. Settle the descendants of the three families and wait for my return." Wang Lin took a step forward and charged into the sky.

The atmosphere wasn't able to stop Wang Lin. He was like a meteor as he rushed through and penetrated the planet sealing formation as well. The star compass turned into a ray of silver light that led him toward planet Thousand Illusion.

Planet Thousand Illusion was clearly marked on the jade Sun Xi had given him before.

The silver light streak across the stars carrying a powerful killing intent locked onto planet Thousand Illusion.

Wang Lin sat down in the lotus position inside the silver light. During the three days Sun Xi was cultivating, Wang Lin put that crazy plan into action. His eyes were extremely cold as he looked ahead.

"The Huan family has been on planet Thousand Illusion for many years. Its power is extremely complex and deeply rooted. However, I don't believe that there are many people in the family at the second step. I'm afraid that there is only one person at the moment. After all, second step cultivators are simply too scarce.

"If this Huan family ancestor is dead set on protecting Liu Mei, he will definitely have help. After all, the Huan family is only one of the powers on planet Thousand Illusion."

On planet Thousand Illusion, the Huan family's ancestor had already sent out a command for all direct family members to gather at the southern part of the planet and didn't allow them to leave. In addition, he had opened the Huan family's protection formation that covered the southern part of the planet in a protective lightscreen.

However, there were too many Huan family members, so they couldn't all be called back in a short period of time. The Huan family's ancestor was anxious, so he sent out a large amount of senior cultivators from the family to bring them back to the family's headquarters.

There was a total of three large cultivation families on planet Thousand Illusion. They were Qian, Huan, and Xu.

Among the three families, the Qian family was the largest, the Huan family second, and the Xu family last.

The Qian family had a total of three cultivators in the second step. With this huge power, they were the overlords of planet Thousand Illusion, holding the northern and eastern regions.

As for the Huan family, they had a total of two cultivators in the second step. One of them had died thousands of years ago during an opening of the Thunder Celestial Realm. The other was the current ancestor.

In terms of strength, the Huan family was no longer powerful enough to be ranked second in planet Thousand Illusion. However, the lineage of their family could be traced back to a celestial of the Thunder Celestial Realm.

Rumor has it that countless years ago, before the Thunder Celestial Realm collapsed, the celestial had left an inheritance celestial treasure and a family protection jade in the family's headquarters.

That jade contained a spell from the celestial.

As a result, this allowed the Huan family to keep their position even though one of their ancestors had been gone for thousands of years.

As for the Xu family, their own mysterious nature kept the other two families in fear. All kinds of clues pointed to the fact that the Xu family had relation with the famous Xu family on planet Dong Lin.

The prestige of planet Dong Lin was too great, so the Xu family became a well-deserved third force on planet Thousand Illusion. Fortunately, this Xu family was really low key and normally never participated in matters related to the planet. This allowed the three forces to exist in harmony, and they rarely conflicted with each other.

On this day, one of the three ancestors who had reached the second step in the Qian family, an old man at the Yin and Yang stage, left the Qian family's headquarters and charged directly into the stars.

His target was Wang Lin!

Chapter 683 - Shocking Qian Kuizi Into Retreat

Qian Kuizi was one of the Qian family's three ancestors. He had cultivated for more than ten thousand years and was friends with the Huan family's ancestor in their youth, so their relation was close. He rode a ray of light out of planet Thousand Illusion. He sat among the stars as he coldly looked into the distance, waiting.

He was not representing the Qian family on this trip but privately helping the Huan family's ancestor. However, he wasn't he helping for free, as he had his eyes on one of the Huan family's treasures.

"I only have to kill that daring junior and I'll be able to obtain that treasure. There are too many problems with this; that Huan Quqing has always been stingy, yet this time he is so generous…" Qian Kuizi looked like he was about forty years old. There not a single white hair on his head and he looked very handsome. The white robes he was wearing gave him the air of a celestial.

"This arrogant junior might turn out to be very difficult to handle. That terrifying sword energy that appeared in the Huan family before is very likely related to this junior. I can't be impulsive in this matter. When that junior arrives, I have to observe carefully. If I can act, then I won't mind killing in exchange for the treasure… If I can't, then there is no reason to plant the seed of disaster for a treasure!"

Afte Qian Kuizi made up his mind, he closed his eyes and remained motionless among the stars.

Several days later, a ray of silver light came toward the planet like a meteor. Sitting on the silver light, Wang Lin coldly gazed at the distant planet Thousand Illusion that was giving off various brilliant lights.

He had come with killing intent, and anyone who dared to block him would be his enemy!

As the silver light rushed across space, Qian Kuizi opened his eyes and calmly looked at Wang Lin.

Wang Lin also saw Qian Kuizi. His pupils shrank slightly and became cold.

"He indeed has helpers!"

"Incomer, stop!" Qian Kuizi's voice was faint at first, but it was like a spell that quickly spread like a bolt of thunder. Wang Lin's gaze became cold as he looked at Qian Kuizi.

"Words that carry laws!" The silver light from Wang Lin's star compass seemed dim from the pressure of these words. Naturally, he couldn't see through this person's cultivation with his own divine sense. However, with the fusion of the celestial guard, he could easily tell that this person was at the Illusory Yin of the Yin and Yang stage.

"Although the celestial guard puppet is also at the Illusory Yin stage, it can't compare to a real cultivator at that stage." Wang Lin knew of the celestial guard's weakness. However, due to having spells unique to it, it wasn't weak either.

Qian Kuizi's eyes were calm as he slowly said, "Did you come because of the Huan family?" His tone was filled with a bit of disdain.

Wang Lin stood on the star compass as he stared at the man and coldly said, "Exactly!"

"Such a young age and already talking about wiping out a family. Has your elder not taught you at all? Tell me your elder's name, perhaps they will be an acquaintance of mine and you can avoid being killed!" Qian Kuizi looked at Wang Lin and carefully observed him.

In his view, there was nothing strange about this child. This child's cultivation level was also very low, not even at the mid stage of Ascendant. As Qian Kuizi's eyes fell on the shadow under Wang Lin's feet, his eyes narrowed.

"Illusory Yin puppet!!!" Although Qian Kuizi's gaze was calm, he gasped in his heart.

"What kind of family would be so generous as to refine a powerful cultivator in the Yin and Yang stage into a puppet to gift to an junior? This… this is simply too terrifying!" As Qian Kuizi stared at the shadow under Wang Lin, his eyes revealed a trace of greed.

Wang Lin's gaze was cold as he calmly said, "Senior, this is a personal grudge between me and the Huan family. Please don't get involved."

Qian Kuizi struggled in his heart. On one hand, he wanted this puppet, but on the other, he was afraid of this person's family background. Eventually, the greed won over his rationality.

In his view, the price of an Illusory Yin puppet was simply too great! After all, he was acting for the Huan family. Ignoring how long it will take for this junior's family to find out about this matter, even when they do find out, he could still blame it on the Huan family. With the Qian and Huan families together, even another family would have to carefully consider whether or not to fight.

Qian Kuizi's eyes lit up and he slowly said, "Hand over your puppet and this old man will not get involved in his matter!"

Wang Lin's eyes became even colder. He still had two rays of Ling Tianhou's sword energy left. Before he entered the Tide Abyss, he had two rays. Then he used one to help the ancient demon and gained two more inside the Tide abyss for a total of three rays.

The shadow under Wang Lin's feet flickered and the celestial guard appeared. A hint of battle intent flashed across its eyes as it stared at Qian Kuizi.

Wang Lin let out a shout. "Kill!" The celestial guard's eyes lit up brightly and it took a step forward. At the same time, both of its hands moved and tore open several cracks in space.

Qian Kuizi's pupils suddenly shrank, but he didn't get up and remained sitting. His right hand formed seals before him and he began to mutter. He then spat out rune after rune and immediately became surrounded by them. Each of these runes gave off a powerful aura, and they quickly closed in on the celestial guard.

The celestial guard was made by Celestial Emperor Qin Lin with the intention of imitating an ancient god, so most of its abilities were displayed in the power of its body. At this moment, the celestial guard's hand formed a seal and a burst of golden light appeared in his hand. Soon, the golden light surrounded his whole body and he became a golden man. He took a step forward and threw a punch.

This punch created a series of sonic booms among the stars. Countless cracks also appeared, and the punch caused all the runes in its path to collapse.

Qian Kuizi's eyes revealed a strange light and he smiled. "It is even a puppet that focused on body refining. This old man will definitely have this puppet!" After that, he changed the chant. This time the chant became more forceful, sounding like pieces of metal hitting each other.

In an instant, all of the runes released bolts of lightning. In the blink of an eye, the runes turned into tens of thousands of bolts of lightning and bolted toward the celestial guard.

These lightning bolts seemed to attract each other and linked together. It was as if the lightning net intended to light up space itself as it descended on the celestial guard.

Still standing on the star compass, Wang Lin's eyes lit up. He slapped his bag of holding and the god slaying war chariot flew out. It transformed into the Thunder Beast, let out a roar, and fiercely charged out.

The moment the roar came out, all the tens of thousands of lightning bolts paused. While Qian Kuizi was startled, all of the lightning left the runes and gathered toward the Thunder Beast before being devoured.

The Thunder Beast's body suddenly increased one fold. It let out a full burp and its eyes filled with lightning bolts.

"This… This is… Thunder Beast!!" Qian Kuizi suddenly stood up, and his expression changed greatly. He stared at the Thunder Beast and gasped.

"That's right, this is why you have such fierce sword energy and an Illusory Yin puppet! It's because you are someone from the Thunder Celestial Temple!" Qian Kuizi sucked in a breath of cold air. He immediately withdrew all the runes and his heart no longer coveted the puppet.

Qian Kuizi's expression was pale and he quickly said, "Little friend, please forgive me; this old man was reckless. It's a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding!" He no longer had the attitude of a powerful cultivator.

"I actually tried to rob something from the Thunder Celestial Temple, this really is…" Qian Kuizi's face was filled with bitterness.

He could provoke any family in the Alllheaven Star System, but he won't dare to provoke the Thunder Celestial Temple. He didn't even dare to show the smallest amount of disrespect toward the Thunder Celestial Temple. To him, the three words "Thunder Celestial Temple" were an existence that could never be provoked.

Originally, with his cultivation level and mental strength, he wouldn't believe so firmly that Wang Lin was someone from the Thunder Celestial Temple. In the end, what made him so confident was the Thunder Beast!

Only the Thunder Celestial Temple had Thunder Beasts, and that was almost a dead set law! Likewise, a Thunder Beast was the symbol of a messenger of the Thunder Celestial Temple!

Qian Kuizi had cultivated for ten thousand years, but he had never heard of anyone not from the Thunder Celestial Temple with a Thunder Beast. Thunder Beast was something only a person from the Thunder Celestial Temple could have. This had become an eternal truth in his mind.

Wang Lin's expression didn't change at all as he stared at Qian Kuizi and calmly said, "A misunderstanding?"

Qian Kuizi bitterly smiled, but he felt anger in his heart. With his cultivation, even after finding out that this child was from the Thunder Celestial Temple, he wouldn't be speaking like this. Normally, he only spoke like this when he was facing someone who was at the step second as well.

However, right now he was the first to provoke the other party, and he had tried to steal from someone from the Thunder Celestial Temple. In his mind, this child must have some status in the Thunder Celestial Temple, or else they wouldn't have arranged a Illusory Yin puppet to protect him.

After hesitating for a bit, Qian Kuizi wryly smiled. "Little friend, I can't help you against the Huan family because we belong to the same planet. Also, since you are from the Thunder Celestial Temple, you won't need my help anyways. But little friend, my Qian family will not participate in this matter and will cut all connections with the Huan family!"

"I want celestial jades!" Wang Lin calmly looked at Qian Kuizi.

Qian Kuizi was startled and said, "Your Thunder Celestial Temple still lacks celestial jades? Yes, I'll give them to you!" He bitterly smiled in his heart and thought that this was his punishment for being greedy. The people of the Thunder Celestial Temple couldn't be provoked. Ignoring the fact that each of them had a life-saving spell, even if he did kill this person, there wouldn't be a single place in the entire Allheaven Star System for his Qian family to exist!

"If this person wants celestial jades, I bet he wants an extremely large amount. He didn't specify how many, so he must want me to decide myself…" Qian Kuizi clenched his teeth and took out a bag of holding. His heart bled as he threw the bag at Wang Lin before turning around and flying back to planet Thousand Illusion.

His expression was extremely dark as he stepped into planet Thousand Illusion. The moment he entered the planet, his divine sense spread out, surrounded the entire territory of the Huan family, and sent out a gloomy divine sense message.

"Huan Wuqing, you made me provoke someone from the Thunder Celestial Temple! I'll remember this. Once your family is wiped out, I'll definitely get back at you through your descendants!"

The Huan family's ancestor frowned inside the Huan family's ancestral home and sent out a divine message. "He isn't from the Thunder Celestial temple, he came from the Alliance Star System like my adopted daughter!"

"Bullsheet. Your divine sense was there as well; didn't you see that Thunder Beast? Thunder Beast only exists in the Thunder Celestial Realm and is the symbol of the messengers of the Thunder Celestial Temple!" Qian Kuizi was very angry and thought, "Huan Wuqing, Huan Wuqing, things have already come to this and you still try to hide it from me. I'll remember this!"

Chapter 684 - The Huan Family Fractures

"Thunder Celestial Temple!" This was not the first time Wang Lin had heard this name. He looked at the Thunder Beast thoughtfully before stepping into planet Thousand Illusion.

After putting away the the star compass, he penetrated planet Thousand Illusion's atmosphere. What appeared before Wang Lin was a large landmass. He spread out his divine sense and locked on to the south. He then charged toward there like a meteor.

Inside the Huan family's ancestral home in the southern part of the planet, the Huan family's ancestor, Huan Wuqing, had his hands behind his back. He looked up at the sky with a gloomy expression. Beside him were the direct descendants of the Huan family. They were standing in two lines and were all completely silent.

However, they revealed a hint of dissatisfaction, but they were holding it back.

Liu Mei was also standing next to the Huan family's ancestor. She was silently looking up at the sky, and no one knew what she was thinking.

As for other family members, they were arranged in various rooms. Not all family members were here because some weren't able to make it back in time.

The Huan family's ancestor looked at the sky and said, in a serious tone, "Huan Mei, this old man will ask you once more: are you sure that this person came from the Alliance Star System like you?"

Liu Mei nodded slightly and remained silent.

"How could someone from the Alliance Star System have a Thunder Beast…" Even Huan Wuqing was extremely puzzled by this matter.

He didn't know that the creator of the god slaying war chariot had many friends. In order to refine the god slaying war chariot's beast soul, he ran off to the Thunder Celestial Realm and used some unknown method to obtain several Thunder Beasts from the Thunder Celestial Realm's Emperor.

At this moment, under the gaze of the Huan family's ancestor, a thunderbolt came from the distant horizon and a meteor broke through the sky toward the Huan family. It was Wang Lin! And beside him was the Thunder Beast. The beast snorted and lightning moved through its body as it stared at the Huan family with its fierce eyes.

The light dissipated as Wang Lin stepped out. Below him was the Huan family's ancestral home's formation.

The Huan family's ancestral home was very large; from a distance, it looked like a city. It was black as if it was imitating the ancient home of a fierce primal beast.

"Hand over Liu Me!" Wang Lin's voice was icy cold. His chilled gaze fell on Liu Mei, who was next to the Huan family's ancestor.

Liu Mei's eyes revealed a complex emotion. She turned her head as if she wasn't willing to face Wang Lin.

"Arrogant!" The Huan family's ancestor's eyes lit up and he shouted, "Junior, break my Huan family's formation before saying those words!"

Wang Lin's expression was still cold as he patted the Thunder Beast's head. The Thunder Beast immediately let out a roar that created countless bolts of lightning. The world was filled with thunderbolts.

The sky immediately became cold and a large amount of dark clouds began to form. As the Thunder Beast continued to roar, a large amount of lightning began crackling through the clouds.

The Thunder Beast's four limbs moved and its entire body started emitting lightning. It suddenly let out a thunderous roar that caused more lightning to appear in the sky before it all fell like crazy on the Huan family's ancestral home.

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A series of explosions echoed across the world at this moment. The thunderbolts seemed to have descended from heavens as they descended on the formation.

The Huan family's protection formation immediately began to shine as large amount of ripples appeared on it. It absorbed a large amount of lightning and dissipated the rest.

Wang Lin's eyes became even colder. He bit the tip of this finger, causing a drop of blood to fly toward the Thunder Beast's eyebrows.

"Seal, open!"

After it heard Wang Lin's cold words, the Thunder Beast's body immediately trembled. At the same time, the power of thunder exploded forth from the beast's body, creating a thunderstorm.

This storm was so big that it affected the clouds in the sky. Bolts of lightning and thunder came toward the storm, forming a net around it.

"Break the formation!" Wang Lin let out a roar and the power of the Thunder Beast reached its peak. At this moment, a large amount of sand and gravel was floating in the air as if a mysterious power had surrounded the world.

In addition, even the Huan family members inside the formation felt the boundless power, causing their expressions to turn pale. Some of them were very knowledgeable, so they were able to recognize the Thunder Beast at a glance, and their expressions changed greatly.

"Ancestor this… this is the Thunder Beast!"

Earlier, Qian Kuizi's message was only for the Huan family's ancestor, so they didn't know about the existence of the Thunder Beast.

"Ancestor, the Thunder Beast represents the Thunder Celestial Temple. Ancestor, think twice about this!"

"Ancestor, to cause a disaster for our Huan family just for an outsider is wrong!"

The direct descendants finally couldn't stand it any longer after the Thunder Beast's roar and voiced their complaints. They had been holding it in since Liu Mei arrived, then it reached its peak during the bloodline ritual, and at this moment, it exploded.

"All of you, shut up!" The Huan family's ancestor's eyes narrowed and he coldly looked at the surrounding direct descendants.

At this moment, the storm formed by the Thunder Beast arrived, and the Thunder Beast crashed down on the formation. Earlier, it was just lightning descending from the sky, and that only caused the formation to light up. Now, at the moment the Thunder Beast charged, it was as if all of the heavenly thunder had fused into one and charged over.

The force of the impact was extremely powerful. At this moment, the dark clouds became even more dense and sand and gravel flew into the sky. It was as if the only thing that existed was the Thunder Beast and the thunderstorm it brought with it.

The Thunder Beast's roar echoed across the heavens and earth. It was extremely shocking. It suddenly slammed into the formation.

A thundering sound that echoed across the entire planet exploded forth at this moment!


The thunderstorm formed by the Thunder Beast turned into countless lightning bolts that constantly struck the Huan family's formation. At the center of the storm, the Thunder Beast was like a spike that caused the formation to concave down due to its impact.

The sound of lightning and thunder echoed across the heavens and earth. It was as if the heavens were angry. In the Qian family's home, Qian Kuizi sneered.

The Huan family members' expressions were all pale. Aside from the Huan family's ancestor, everyone was starting to panic.

The people of the Allheaven Star System grew up under the Thunder Celestial Temple, so they had unimaginable awe and respect for thunder spells. At this moment, when facing the attack of the Thunder Beast that represented the Thunder Celestial Temple, what began to panic wasn't their cultivation but their hearts.

The thunderous roars of the thunderstorm didn't stop and continued to give off a large amount of thunderbolts, destroying the formation. However, this was, after all, the great formation of the Huan family, so its power was amazing. Even under this kind of attack, it still stood there without any signs of breaking.

The Huan family's ancestor's expression was gloomy as he stared at Wang Lin outside the formation and thought, "Use the sword energy! Otherwise, this formation will not be so easily broken. Only after you use up your sword energy will I attack and kill you!"

As the thunderstorm created by the Thunder Beast continued to attack, the shadow under Wang Lin flickered. The celestial guard appeared, took a step forward, and threw a punch.

This punch seemed to replace all the light in the world, as it released a dazzling, golden glow. At this moment, even the thunder seemed to dim somewhat.


The celestial guard's punch landed on the formation and caused a crunching sound. The thunderstorm and celestial guard continued to attack the formation. However, countless ripples appeared on the formation and dissipated all the power.

The celestial guard withdrew his fist and without pause threw another punch. Shortly after, the celestial guard created countless afterimages as it threw one punch after another. The fists fell like rain on the formation. The Thunder Beast let out a roar and lightning filled its body before it showed off its might once more.

The loud rumbling echoed across the heavens and earth. The faces of the Huan family members became even more gloomy.

"Ancestor!" A low voice came from the front of the Huan family direct descendants.

The Huan family's ancestor frowned. If it was an ordinary family member, he could ignore them, but this person's identity was a bit special. The Huan family's ancestor turned around to look at the person who spoke.

The person who spoke was the Huan family's head, Huan Fengshen!

Huan Wuqing said, in a low tone, "Fengshen, are you against me too?"

"Fengshen doesn't dare, Ancestor. Regardless of whether this person is from the Thunder Celestial Temple or not, he possesses a Thunder Beast and an Illusory Yin puppet. I want to ask, Ancestor, is he someone we should be making friends with, or should we be fighting to the death with him?"

Huan Fengshen's eyes were bright. He looked at the Huan family's ancestor without flinching and said, "Making friends with him would give our family an extra friend, but what benefit would we gain from fighting with him to the death? Just to protect a foreign family member? Her cultivation has been forcibly raised to the late stage of Ascendant and her domain can't keep up. Even if she breaks through in her life, she will stop at the Yin and Yang stage. I understand Ancestor's thoughts, but just for your own desire, this risk perhaps is somewhat too big!"

Liu Mei showed no expression toward all of this. She just silently looked ahead with dull eyes.

The Huan family's ancestor's expression was gloomy as he looked at Huan Fengshen. After pondering for a while, he flatly said, "I know how to handle the situation!"

Huan Fengshen let out sigh and clasped his hands. "Since Ancestor insists, then Fengshen doesn't dare to disobey. If this person can't break the formation, all is well. However, once he breaks it, I'll immediately retreat, just in case! What I want is stability and not risk!"

The Huan family's formation continued to shine, and ripples appeared everywhere. Under the constant barrage of attacks, it gradually began to show signs of decline. The light seemed to have reached its limit and the ripples seem to cover the entire formation. One couldn't even clearly see outside the formation anymore; it was as if there was a layer of water separating the inside and outside.

The thunder from the Thunder Beast and the punches from the celestial guard reached their peak. At this moment, Wang Lin's eyes lit up and he slapped his bag of holding. A large sword suddenly appeared in his hand!

This sword was the rain celestial sword. Zhou Yi separated it from the other rain celestial swords, so now it belonged to Wang Lin to be inherited for eternity!

The sharp sword energy extended out three inches from the sword, and it was like a drawn bow. Waves of pressure came from it. In Wang Lin's hand, it seemed to become one with the world, because Wang Lin was its true owner!

Wang Lin's eyes were calm as he held the celestial sword and leaned forward.

"Heaven Chop!"

Chapter 685 - Heaven Chop

Wealth, the first sword that Wang Lin obtained at the Heng Yue Sect. It seemed that the moment the youth held that sword, everything in the future had been decided.

Hundreds of years of karma flashed by from when he lost it to when he regained it.

Wealth contained a soul technique of the previous generation's rain celestial sword spirit. This soul technique was not a celestial spell, a dao spell, or even an ability. It was a sword style!

A powerful sword style that inherited the ancient sword intent!

Wang Lin's held the celestial sword and looked at the formation that the Thunder Beast and celestial guard were constantly attacking. When the formation looked like it couldn't withstand another hit, he lifted the celestial sword. The calmness in his eyes were gone and it was replaced with a ray of sword light!

At this moment, his entire body merged with the sword in his hand.

The celestial sword rose!

And it fell!

This simple fall caused the heavens and earth to fall into darkness. Even the the celestial guard and the Thunder Beast seemed to disappear at this moment.

In the entire world, there was only this simple fall of the sword!

This sword seemed like it was going to open the world, like it was about to tear through the chaos of the world. This sword gave off no sword energy or celestial spiritual energy, but this simple sword would shake the soul of anyone who saw it.

The first to react was the Huan family's ancestor. His eyes jerked wide open, revealing a look of shock, and he exclaimed, "This… This is law!"

It was as if the heavens and earth were being torn apart. This sound of tearing echoed in his mind! The dim heavens and earth seemed like they really were being torn apart!

Not only him, but Huan Fengshen sucked in a breath of cold air.

A monstrous killing intent came from the sword the moment it fell. The killing intent spread like crazy as it tore through Huan Fengshen's eyes and imprinted in his mind.

Huan Fengshen's body suddenly stiffened.

"This… This is…" Huan Fengshen's mind trembled. It was as if a sword had just pierced between his eyebrows and came out from the top of his head. He subconsciously took several steps back. With his late stage Ascendant cultivation, he wasn't able to see the law of the sword. However, he clearly felt that at the moment the sword fell, it seemed to contain a heavenly law, but even more, it contained the power to tear the heavens.

Bang bang, bang bang, bang bang! Huan Fengshen could clearly feel his own heartbeat speed up. He had the illusion that he was going to collapse with the world.

All of the Huan family direct descendants that were originally looking at the sky were filled with shock. That simple fall made them feel like they were part of it all, as if the fall of the sword that tore the world a part had torn them apart too. They were immediately covered in cold sweat.

With their cultivation, they had no idea why it was like this, why they had such feelings even with the formation protecting them. The other party had simply lowered his sword. The fear of death began spread at this instant.

Not only them, even the eyes of Qian Kuizi, who had been watching with his divine sense, shined brightly. He was inside the secret chamber of the Qian family's home, and he suddenly stood up.

"Law! That sword strike contains law! The pursuit of the second step is law! The first step is understanding the heavens, and the second step is converting that understanding into the power of laws. If this child is not someone from the Thunder Celestial Temple, how could he display such a sword strike?!"

At the same time, a member of the Xu family noticed this scene. An old man from the Xu family was also watching the battle at the Huan family's home with his divine sense. Previously, he had come to an agreement with the Huan family to provide help. He had lifted his foot to leave, but at this moment, he gently put it down.

"This child's sword style is very strong. Although I'm not afraid of it, since he dared to challenge the Huan family, he must still have moves prepared!"

The sword fell, and at this moment, all of the sound in the world disappeared. The Huan family's formation collapsed without any real contact or blow landing on it.

After withdrawing the sword, Wang Lin's expression was pale. However, his gaze became even colder as he stared at the Huan family below him.

The impact the Heaven Chop had on the body was great, and it had nothing to do with cultivation. It relied on the origin energy from a close integration of the origin soul and the body!

An Ascendant cultivator's origin soul and origin energy are fused into one. However, the Heaven Chop can separate a part of that origin energy. An Ascendant cultivator only has a fixed amount of origin energy, and once too much is lost, their cultivation regresses. Fortunately, Wang Lin had Zhou Yi's Ascendant Crystal, so he had a bit more origin energy than most cultivators.

The Huan family was completely silent. Huan Wuqing's gaze was even more gloomy as he looked at Wang Lin and coldly said, "I underestimated you. To have such a sword style at only the Ascendant stage, you are indeed very strong!

"However, the gap between the first step and second step is too wide. If you had displayed that sword art with second step cultivation, it might have been interesting, but it is useless right now! Today you broke my Huan family's formation, so you will without a doubt die!"

"Please, ancestral jade!" The Huan famliy's ancestor let out a loud shout. A powerful force suddenly came from the Huan family's ancestral home. This force, which was filled with a sense of unity, spread like a celestial wind and surrounded the Huan family.

A golden jade slowly floated into the air from a house nearby. This force of unity was coming from this jade.

At the moment the jade appeared, it was as if a separate world had been carved out from the planet. It allowed the Huan family's ancestral home to become its own realm.

The Huan family's ancestor stared at Wang Lin and revealed a sneer. Unless he had to, he wouldn't personally act, because he was too afraid of Wang Lin's sword energy. Earlier, when he asked Qian Kuizi to help, it was to waste Wang Lin's sword energy.

The Huan family's formation was meant to do the same.

However, he would never have imagined that Qian Kuizi would actually retreat instead of battling. The family's formation was broken not by the sword energy but by the combined force of the Thunder Beast, the puppet, and the law from the sword.

Now he could only clench his teeth and call out the jade that their celestial ancestor had left them. This jade contained a spell of the celestial ancestor from the Thunder Celestial Realm. The Huan family was able to reach the status they had today because of this jade and a treasure left behind by the celestial ancestor.

Huan Wuqing thought, "Unfortunately, the celestial treasure disappeared along with Huan Wuxiang several thousand years ago. Otherwise, with that celestial treasure, there would be no need to call out the jade!"

The powerful force from the jade was like a gentle, spring breeze. It also gave off a bright color. After an instant, the jade seemed to melt, then it took the shape of a person. Although one couldn't clearly see the person's features, it gave off a sense of majesty.

"The power of the Huan family's celestial jade is unpredictable. Rumor has it that the celestial ancestor of the Huan family had cultivation equal to a Nirvana Scryer. I wonder how the Thunder Celestial Temple messenger will deal with this. However, this is strange; why doesn't he just take out the treasure the ancestor left behind instead of calling out the jade." Qian Kuizi's eyes were bright as he watched with his divine sense.

Inside the Xu family's home, the old man smiled and muttered, "The Huan family's celestial treasure was taken by the other ancestor of the Huan family. The celestial ancestor of the Huan family left behind a decent treasure. However, he would never have thought that the treasure would get a second step cultivator of the Huan family killed."

Inside the Huan family's ancestral home, at the moment the jade appeared, Huan Fengshen stared at Wang Lin. He couldn't see any trace of panic on Wang Lin's face.

Seeing that Hua Wuqing was about to activate the spell on the jade, Huan Fengshen revealed a decisive gaze. He took a step forward and said, in a serious tone, "Ancestor, I will not let the Huan family participate in this matter. I'm taking the Huan family and backing out of his matter. If Ancestor wants to protect this Huan Mei, then it is your personal problem. Please don't drag down the entire Huan family!"

As he spoke, he raised his head toward Wang Lin and clasped his hands. "Fellow Cultivator, I'm the Huan family's head, Huan Fengshen. Just as I said now, the Huan family will not participate in this matter. It is your personal grudge with Huan Wuqing. I hope Fellow Cultivator can understand that we are not together!"

The Huan family's ancestor coldly looked at Huan Fengshen. The corners of his mouth revealed a grim expression as he looked at the direct descendants and said, "And you guys?"

The surrounding Huan family direct descendants all silently pondered for a bit before walking to Huan Fengshen.

The Huan family's ancestor let out a grim smile as he coldly looked at the crowd and slowly said, "A bunch of trash!" With that, he looked up at Wang Lin. His right hand formed a seal and then he shouted, "Good Fortune Jade, kill this person!"

The figure formed by the jade began to walk step by step toward Wang Lin. As the person moved, an unimaginable amount of celestial spiritual energy burst forth from him. This celestial spiritual energy was very dense and completely suppressed the spiritual energy on planet Thousand Illusion. This caused explosions to pop up everywhere. This wasn't just happening here, it was happening all over the planet.

The celestial guard puppet appeared next to Wang Lin in a flash. The Thunder Beast did the same.

Wang Lin looked at the figure walking toward him. He felt like an illusion had appeared before him. It appeared as if the facial features of the person walking toward him were getting clearer. He was filled with a celestial aura as if he was a real celestial general.

Celestial spiritual energy filled this person's body, and a sense of majesty descended. It looked at the world as if everyone were ants. One could even vaguely hear the echo of celestial songs around him.

The Huan family's ancestor sneered. "Junior, I want to see what other methods you have besides the sword energy."

At this moment, Liu Mei raised her head and looked at Wang Lin. Her eyes were still filled with complex emotions. She touched her bag of holding and then lowered her hands.

Wang Lin's eyes were completely calm. He had dared to come here alone, dared to set foot on planet Thousand Illusion, and dared to kill his way to the Huan family. It was all because of that crazy idea he had. Right now this was his strongest killing move.

Thinking about the resentful spirit inside the heaven defying bead, Wang Lin's heart felt a wave of pain.

"Things of this world can't escape karma. The karmatic cause of yesterday will be the karmatic effect of today. Only by settling one's karma and letting dirt return to dirt, letting dust return to dust, can a cycle be complete." Wang Lin slowly closed his eyes.

In his origin soul, a decisive call echoed.

"This battle is over, I'm setting you free!"

A crazed laughter came out from Wang Lin's origin soul.

Chapter 686 - Scatter Devil Appears

A thick, devilish energy that diffused across the world appeared with this laughter. This devilish energy was so thick that it caused devilish flames to appear in the sky. It immediately collided with the celestial spiritual energy from the figure walking over!

Inside the devilish flame, a thick, black smoke came out from the top of Wang Lin's head. This black smoke condensed into the figure of a single-horned devil. After it appeared, it let out another crazed laughter.

Its voice had endless penetration power. It was like a sharp spike that could penetrate the world.

Scattered devil!

Wang Lin was planning to refine it into his second origin soul! After a century of refining, all Wang Lin had managed was to deepen his control over it but not truly refine it.

After the control imprint was placed on it, its divine sense went into slumber, so its strength was greatly reduced. Otherwise, if it was completely awakened, Wang Lin would have a difficult time controlling it.

At the moment the scattered devil appeared for the first time, the Huan family's ancestor's expression became completely pale. He took a few steps back as he stared at the devilish figure for a long time before revealing a bitter expression.

"So this was his ace!"

Huan Fengshen gasped and felt glad at his own decision just then. All of the Huan family's disciples behind him felt the same.

The Qian family's Qian Kuizi heart jumped like crazy. This scattered devil was too strong. Even with his cultivation, when he saw the scattered devil, he actually shivered.

"Too terrifying. What exactly is this… devil! No wonder he is from the Thunder Celestial Temple he simply has too many abilities. Thunder Beast, puppet, sword art, and this… devil! This person must be an extremely important person of the Thunder Celestial Temple; otherwise, how could he have all of this?!"

The Xu family's old man was moved for the first time. His divine sense even showed a hint of excitement as he stared at the scatter devil's figure.

"Scattered devil! A scattered devil created by an ancient devil!"

The scattered devil appeared and let out a creepy laugh after its roar. It charged out from Wang Lin's head into the air and became a huge figure. It didn't even look at the celestial figure coming toward him but locked his fierce gaze on Wang Lin.

"Little cultivator, this devil will fulfill your agreement and help you with this battle! But if you don't release me from your imprint after this, then even if I have to destroy my soul, I'll fight with you to the death!"

Wang Lin's expression was calm as he said, "Once this battle is over, I'll set you free!"

"Good!" The scattered devil laughed, then his body turned into fog and wrapped around Wang Lin. Its devilish energy turned into even strands that entered through Wang Lin's seven apertures.

In an instant, a powerful devilish aura spread out around Wang Lin. At the same time, he slapped his bag of holding and the devil armor flew out. It immediately wrapped around Wang Lin, forming that fierce full body devil armor.

During this process, Wang Lin revealed a painful expression. However, his gaze became even colder and there were black smoke moving within his eyes.

This was why Wang Lin had come by himself, it was because of this crazy idea he had. If he wanted to kill Liu Mei, who was being protected by the Huan family's ancestor, it was simply impossible. Even with the celestial guard, it was impossible.

The Huan family had been around for countless years, so they must have something special. Wang Lin naturally understood this.

This was why he gave up on the scattered devil that he couldn't refine. Instead, he awakened it and offered it freedom to make it fight for him!

Although the scattered devil was strong, the imprint was not simple, as it was placed with the help of the Ancient Demon Bei Lou. This imprint contained a spell from Bei Lou and was deeply imprinted in the scattered devil's soul.

Even with the scattered devil's strength, it still couldn't break it in a short period of time. Normally, when being controlled by Wang Lin, it could only use a small portion of its strength. However, this time was different. Under Wang Lin's call, it had completely awakened!

Due to the scattered devil's devilish personality, he would normally not communicate with Wang Lin. However, the imprint in his body was too strong, so even after it fully awakened, it couldn't leave Wang Lin's origin soul. Even if it did, it would still have to leave its root in Wang Lin's origin soul.

As a result, he made an agreement with Wang Lin for his freedom.

It wasn't that he didn't want to occupy Wang Lin's body after awakening, but with the imprint there, all of it was useless. Now that Wang Lin had given it a chance, as long as it fought for Wang Lin, Wang Lin would give it its freedom. However, because of Ancient Demon Bei Lou, unless Wang Lin's cultivation reaches a certain level, it will be impossible to release the seal.

However, the scattered devil had other thoughts. As long as Wang Lin gave it its freedom, it was confident that it could destroy Ancient Demon Bei Lou's seal within several hundred years. At that time, he will truly be carefree!

The scattered devil entered Wang Lin's head. Devilish flame appeared in Wang Lin's eyes as he walked toward the celestial figure. He didn't use any spell and directly threw a punch at it.

Wang Lin's was currently in a state of separation. His body was being controlled by the scattered devil, and all of the celestial spiritual energy inside his body had turned into devilish energy in an instant. With the scattered devil's soul entering his body, it all became devilish energy.

This punch contained the power of the scattered devil and the force of the devil armor. This punch turned into a dragon made of black light as it charged toward the celestial figure.

The celestial figure's right hand formed a seal and pointed forward. The surrounding celestial spiritual energy immediately condensed to form a giant vortex. It rushed toward the black dragon, and in an instant, both turned into nothingness.

The celestial figure withdrew his hand and opened his arms. Each of his hands had a different seal, and endless spiritual energy gathered here from all over planet Thousand Illusion. Through a mysterious method, the spiritual energy was transformed into celestial spiritual energy.

This celestial spiritual energy was too dense; it was as if it had became solid and then condensed like crazy above the celestial figure's right hand. In the blink of an eye, there was suddenly a gap in the cycle of spiritual energy on planet Thousand Illusion!

At this instant, planet Thousand Illusion had no spiritual energy!

All of the spiritual energy was transformed into celestial spiritual energy, and it formed a milky white ball above the palm of the celestial figure.

This method caused Wang Lin's eyes to narrow, but the scattered devil controlling his body coldly smiled. "A mere celestial transformation spell. It is only a spell from a branch of the ancient demon clan, and you dare to display it before me!"

Wang Lin's eyes were calm, but the devilish energy around him became even stronger. Under the control of the scattered devil, he pointed at the sky with his right hand and said, "Ancient devil!"

These two words were said in the language of the ancient order. At this instant, Wang Lin's right hand formed a claw and was surrounded with devilish flame. The flame left his body and formed a giant devil claw several dozen feet long.

Reaching out toward the earth below him, Wang Lin spoke once more in the words of the ancient order. "Extract the planet's soul!"

At this moment, planet Thousand Illusion trembled and an ancient aura began to rise up. The scattered devil's grasp was able to pull out planet Thousand Illusion's planet soul.

"If you are using all the spiritual energy on the planet, then I'll use the planet's soul! Let us see which is stronger!" The scattered devil laughed and released an astonishing amount of devilish flames.

Although his body was being controlled by the scattered devil, Wang Lin still had a direct connection to his body. This gave him a very deep impression of the ancient devil's planet soul extraction spell and allowed him to gain some enlightenment.

Chapter 687 - Devour

This wasn't the first time Wang Lin had seen a soul extraction spell. Back in the Demon Spirit Land, he saw Greed take out a celestial mountain and extract the mountain's soul.

The scene from then shocked him greatly. This kind of spell was very powerful and was not something ordinary cultivators could control and master.

Now that he was able to personally experience the scattered devil controlling his body and pulling out the planet's soul, he could see that this spell was millions of times more profound than Greed's spell.

Everything in the world, even each blade of grass, has life, and that means they have souls. These souls are very elusive and are impossible to see, but they can be clearly felt.

For example, if a mortal looks up at a tall peak, he feels a sense of shock and pressure. The pressure comes from the mountain's soul. The mortal's eyes can only see the mountain, while the pressure of its soul can only be sensed.

If even mountains and rivers have souls, of course a cultivation planet filled with spiritual energy does too.

It was very different from when the spiritual energy was taken away. This time the planet didn't tremble in the slightest, but a very ancient aura appeared and slowly spread as if the planet had awakened.

This ancient aura wasn't something that could form in merely hundreds of thousands of years. It was something that had slowly formed over countless years without any joy or sadness.

This aura only contained a sense of inclusion. Over the countless years, it included everything on the planet.

The scattered devil controlled Wang Lin's body and reached out with his right hand. His aura began to gather in his palm like crazy, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a grey mist. The ancient aura continued to fuse with the grey mist and compress. Explosions that sounded like bolts of thunder came from the grey mist.

Perhaps it was an illusion, but at this moment, Wang Lin felt like planet Thousand Illusion had suddenly lost its vitality. The grass withered, the rivers disappeared, and the peaks cracked…

With the grey mist in hand, the scattered devil laughed and then charged directly toward the celestial figure. The scattered devil moved like lightning and closed in on the celestial figure with the soul of planet Thousand Illusion.

Wang Lin had a feeling that his body had fused with the soul of planet Thousand Illusion. This attack was not with his own power but with the power of the entire planet.

The celestial figure also took a step forward with all the celestial spiritual energy transformed from all the spiritual energy on planet Thousand Illusion. It waved its hand and charged directly at the scattered devil.

Two unimaginable spells came closer and closer until they finally collided.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

A thunderous roar echoed across the planet. At this moment, about about thirty to forty percent of planet Thousand Illusion's spirit veins collapsed. This produced powerful shockwaves that spread in all directions.

The powerful impact caused all of the Huan family members to immediately retreat. They began activating the spiritual or celestial spiritual energies inside their bodies. They felt like if they didn't do this, the impact would cause their bodies to collapse.

The celestial figure suddenly collapsed into smoke and began to dissipate. At the moment it completely dissipated, a piece of jade appeared.

The moment the jade appeared, A series of crackling sounds came from it. The jade shattered and turned to dust with all of the Huan family members watching.

However, at the moment it shattered, a ray of white light came out from the jade. The white light formed a light screen that covered everything within five kilometers.

The Huan family's ancestor's face was pale. The family had passed down this message: should the jade shatter, there will be one more defensive spell left. However, this spell was very weak. Its only value was to buy the Huan family some time in a time of crisis to escape, surrender, commit suicide, or leave their final words.

The scattered devil's right hand trembled and then planet Thousand Illusion's soul disappeared.

The ancient aura merged back with the earth and gradually disappeared.

The biggest benefactor in this battle was Wang Lin. A battle using these kinds of spells was something someone of his cultivation level could never hope to experience. It was completely above him.

Whether it was the celestial figure or the scattered devil, both had the power of a second step cultivator. For Wang Lin, it was as if this battle had opened a tightly sealed door for him.

At this moment, a small gap appeared in the door, allowing him to see the next level. It allowed him to personally feel the power of the next step.

"This… is the power of the second step… Compared to Greed, the Huan family's ancestor, Qian Kuizi, who are all also at the second step, it is clear that they have just entered the second step.

"The second step of cultivation is too terrifying!" Wang Lin's mind was shaken.

During this battle, the scattered devil brought him unimaginable benefits by controlling his body. The scattered devil only used one spell, but this one spell was activated through Wang Lin's body. Everything that was hidden when looking from the outside was clearly displayed before Wang Lin. This included the way the celestial spiritual energy moved in his body and the commanding aura when extracting the soul.

All of this opened a big gap in the door that was blocking Wang Lin's path to the second step.

Never had Wang Lin wanted to reach the second step as he did now!

"Even my celestial guard can't even withstand one hit of one of these spells. The second step of cultivation is very strong! Each battle can easily collapse a cultivation planet. This is very close to the scene I saw when I received the ancient god's inheritance."

Not only him, even the Huan family members all seemed enlightened after the battle. It was as if a new world was opened to them. However, compared to Wang Lin, their gains were really insignificant.

This kind of opportunity was simply too scarce. In this world, how many second step cultivators as strong as Ling Tianhou would descend upon someone and have a fight with someone who was also in the second step?

If second step cultivators really needed to battle seriously, they would just personally come; they would rarely battle through controlling someone else's body.

The scattered devil controlled Wang Lin to look down at the celestial spiritual energy lightscreen and let out a light snort. His right hand formed a fist and he threw a punch. Just a casual punch caused a sonic boom. This punch carried with it a thick devilish energy as it fell on the lightscreen.

Rumble rumble rumble!

Cracks appeared on the lightscreen, but it didn't collapse.

Under the lightscreen, the Huan family's ancestor's face was deadly pale.

Huan Fengshen said, in serious tone, "Ancestor, hand over Liu Mei…" He let out a sigh. Although the other party was only an Ascendant cultivator, his magical treasures and spells were simply too strong, especially after the devil appeared. Even if the Ancestor's cultivation hadn't fallen, the Ancestor still wouldn't be a match.

The Huan family's ancestor looked at the not far away Huan Fengshen and withdrew his gaze. He then gloomily looked at Liu Mei.

The Huan family's ancestor hesitated for a bit and slowly said, "Liu Mei…"

However, before he finished speaking, Liu Mei looked up at him with her beautiful eyes. She moved the hair that had scattered behind her head and softly said, "Master, if Liu Mei leaves, I'll definitely die"


The celestial spiritual energy light screen withstood another one of the scattered devil's attacks and even more cracks appeared. When the light screen was about to collapse, the scattered devil's arrogant laughter came from outside.

The Huan family's ancestor's expression was gloomy. He was just unwilling to surrender Liu Mei like this. However, if he didn't hand her over now, once that scattered devil descended, it would be impossible for him to resist it with his own power. The Qian family wouldn't help him, and the Xu family had promised to help but still hadn't appeared, so clearly something was wrong. Right now he could only depend on himself.

His eyes became cold as he stared at Liu Mei and said, "Liu Mei, since you will die if you go out, why don't you give up your domain to this old man? With the help of your domain, I can complete my Identityless Heavenly Devil Dao, and then I might stand a chance!"

He took Liu Mei as his disciple because she had showed a trace of the Ten Thousand Illusion Heavenly Devil Dao!

The Huan family's celestial ancestor once left two domain spells. They were respectfully the Heavenly Devil Dao and the Identityless Dao. However, the Heavenly Devil Dao was simply too difficult, so up to this day, no one in the Huan family had successfully learned it.

These two spells were in fact split from one domain. That domain was the Identityless Heavenly Devil Dao. This Identityless Heavenly Devil Dao was formed before the Celestial Realm's collapsed. The Huan family's celestial ancestor had gotten entangled with a heavenly devil, and after combining with it, he gained comprehension in this domain. However, celestials don't cultivate domains, so he took this comprehension and gifted it to his descendants.

After the Huan family lost their protection when the Celestial Realm collapsed, they were able to firmly keep their place because of the Identityless Heavenly Devil Dao. However, their glory was no more.

It was because of Liu Mei's Ten Thousand Heavenly Devil domain that Huan Wuqing was tempted. To make it easier to devour her later, he lowered his own cultivation to change her bloodline.

He also sped up her cultivation. Although this wouldn't stop her from increasing her cultivation level, it made it so that she would only be able to reach the Yin and Yang stage. As a result, she would be in his complete control and wouldn't cause any problems when he devours her in the future.

He had calculated it all and just needed to wait for Liu Mei to reach the Yin and Yang stage. Then, after her domain underwent its transformation and became the real Ten Thousand Illusion Heavenly Devil Dao, he would devour it and cultivate the true domain of the Huan family, the Identityless Heavenly Devil Dao.

However, all of this was completely destroyed by Wang Lin, someone who had come out of nowhere. Instead of handing over Liu Mei, he might as well devour her now and still get a trace of the Ten Thousand Illusion Heavenly Devil Dao. In the future, he would just have to be diligent in comprehending dao and maybe he would achieve a grand dao one day.

With this idea in mind, Huan Wuqing was staring at Liu Mei, and his eyes revealed a strange gaze.

Liu Mei's eyes were calm. With her intelligence, she had already seen some clues back when they were in the Alliance Star System. She knew that no one showed kindness unless it was toward loved ones. Even if there was any, there was definitely some purpose behind it all.

However, Huan Wuqing's power was not something she could resist. She could only pretend to not know and be brought to the Allheaven Star System and accept the bloodline ritual.

From the moment Huan Wuqing was willing to damage his cultivation to help her achieve the peak of the late stage of Ascendant, she was confident that this Huan Wuqing had some deep motive behind all of this.

However, she was powerless to resist.

With her previous status as the disciple of the Suzaku, how could she not know the damage of increasing one's cultivation level so forcibly?

Liu Mei softly said, "You have to promise me two things…"