

Chapter 672 - The Karmatic Cycle, Seaking Life and Death

"Those are my conditions for protecting you!" Wang Lin's words didn't give the three any right to choose and his gaze withdrew from the three of them.

If the three of them agreed, then fine, but if not, then Wang Lin wouldn't get into this mess.

The Ran family's ancestor pondered for a moment. The danger of the Huan family was too big. If no one took charge of this matter, then his Ran family would face the danger of extinction.

He clenched his teeth and decisively said, "OK!" After that, the Ran family's ancestor turned his head and stared at the middle-aged man that was inside the glacier.

Not only the Ran family's ancestor, Sun Xi also looked at the middle-aged man with a mysterious light in his eyes.

The Ran family's ancestor coldly said, "Brother Zaho, the three of us all attacked back then; do you intend to leave by yourself!?"

The middle-aged man pondered and shortly after he wryly smiled. "I agree." After a while, he took out a bag of holding and took out some celestial jades before throwing it at Wang Lin. He then bitterly said, "My family isn't that big, so we don't have many celestial jades. I've been painstakingly saving up the celestial jades in that bag."

The Ran family's ancestor and Sun Xi also hand over the celestial jades. Celestial jades were precious consumables, so cultivators would often carry them around.

As for the items from the Huan family member, the three of them handed them over without any hesitation. To them, these things weren't treasures but weights that had been making their hearts extremely heavy for the last four years.

After collecting these items, Wang Lin turned around and disappeared. He left only one sentence that lingered in the wind.

"If there is nothing important, don't disturb me. If the Huan family appears, I will act myself."

After Wang Lin left, the three of them all silently pondered. Sun Xi had other thoughts in his mind and was naturally the most relaxed one. He smiled as he clasped his hands. "Two fellow cultivators, I still have important matters to attend to, so I'll be leaving first."

The middle-aged man also sighed and said, "I have to take a trip home to prepare for celestial jades if fellow cultivator Xu requires them."

The two of them went north and south in rays of red light. The Ran family's ancestor stood there by himself and silently pondered for a long time. Then he let out a deep breath as he looked into the distance and muttered, "Forget it. Going broke to avoid a disaster… The matter from four years ago will be shouldered by this Xu Mu. If he doesn't die, then we will be fine. Although this person doesn't look like someone who will break a promise, I still have to secretly prevent him from leaving planet Ran Yun."

At this moment in the southern part of planet Thousand Illusion in the Huan family's ancestral home, the Huan family's head, Huan Fenshen, was respectfully standing next to an old man. This old man was rather skinny and was the same old man who had brought Liu Mei back from the Alliance Star System.

The old man's voice was cold. "If he disappeared four years ago, why is it only being handled now?"

Huan Fenshen said, "Ancestor, that man was merely a member of a branch family, but his talent was good, so his cultivation reached the mid stage of Ascendant. This was how he got foreign duty. Ancestor, you know that our Huan family is too large. Aside from the direct disciples, it is impossible to keep track of all of them, even if they go missing."

The ancestor frowned and asked, "There is no one with higher cultivation level?"

Huan Fenhen whispered, "Ancestor, the time you gave us was too short. If you give me another three months, then I can find a more qualified person. However, I am unable at the moment."

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The old man pondered for a moment decisively said, "Fine. I'll give you three more months!"

Huan Fenshen raised his head and asked, "What about the family member that disappeared four years ago?"

"Since we know of this matter, send the guard assigned to Huan Mei to deal with it. Exterminate anyone involved! We have to show the might of the Huan family!"

Huan Fenshen nodded and left.

After leaving the room, there was hint of darkness in his eyes as he thought to himself, "The ancestor is really getting old. He is actually willing to perform the bloodline ritual for an outsider. He is even letting this Huan Mei go show off the might of the Huan family. Could it be that he wants her to lead the Huan family!?"

Three days later…

Liu Mei was inside her house. She looked outside at the sky and softly said, "Planet Ran Yun… Since Adopted Father asked me to deal with this matter by sending someone then…Huan Dong you go…"

"Yes!" A person suddenly appeared from Liu Mei's shadow. He was about thirty years old and was very handsome. He appeared kneeling on one knee and looked up at Liu Mei's back with fanaticism in his eyes.

Liu Mei turned around and softly said to the man, "Your cultivation has reached the peak of the mid stage of Ascendant, so there should be no problem. Although this matter is small, it will be my first time doing something at the Huan family. You must finish this as fast as possible. Do you understand, Huan Dong?"

"Lady, rest assured; Huan Dong will not disappoint your trust!" Huan Dong took a deep breath and the fanaticism in his eye increased. When he first saw this Liu Mei, he was shocked. He thought that she was someone from the heavens.

"The most powerful cultivator on planet Ran Yun is the Ran family's ancestor. His cultivation level is the same as mine, mid stage of Ascendant. Even if you multiply his boldness by one hundred times, he won't dare to resist. My trip this time will definitely not make Miss lose face."

Liu Mei revealed an extremely beautiful smile. Huan Dong was startled by the smile and stayed frozen for a bit. The fanaticism in his eyes became even stronger, and there was even a hint of obsession.

After Wang Lin teleported, he arrived back in the Sun family's city. He didn't directly go back to the house but walked the streets, thinking about his domain comprehension. His life and death domain had already merged with his origin soul. His origin soul was his comprehension of his life and death domain.

"Above life and death could be karma… I'm unable to determine… The dao of karma is too big. When I reached the Ascendant stage, I gained enlightenment and created the underworld river. However… this is only death."

Looking at the bustling city around him, Wang Lin frowned slightly.

"But where is the dao of life…"

While pondering, Wang Lin let out a sigh. He soon arrived in the northern part of the city. When he saw the youth sitting under the rock, he revealed a smile.

"This woman's heart is very kind. There aren't many cultivators like this in the cultivation world."

The youth seemed to notice something and opened her eyes. When she saw Wang Lin, she was shocked and asked, "You… Didn't you get captured?"

Wang Lin faintly smiled. "He let me go after asking me some things."

The youth gave Wang Lin a puzzled look and didn't ask more. Everyone had their own secrets; if he didn't want to speak, asking would be pointless.

"You better take your time to cultivate. I can see that your cultivation hasn't changed at all since you were last here. Remember the things I told you last time." The youth earnestly looked at Wang Lin and said, "Diligence can make up for lack of talent!"

Wang Lin nodded and smiled. "You work hard as well and strive to reach the Soul Formation stage."

"Soul Formation…" The youth shook her head and said, "I heard from the elders in the family that the Soul Formation stage is different. No matter how diligent you are, if you can't comprehend the heavens, then you can't reach that half-god-like existence, a realm you can never truly reach.

"I'll be very content with reaching the peak of the Nascent Soul stage in my life."

Wang Lin faintly smiled. The sun was currently behind him and its light was falling on his body. It seemed like this smile also contained some of the sunshine.

"If yeep your current mentality, you will be able to reach the Soul Formation stage."

The youth clearly thought that he was comforting her and she smiled. "Fine. If I reach the Soul Formation stage, I'll remember your enlightenment from today. Now, you better go back and cultivate."

Wang Lin smiled and nodded his head. He walked through the entrance and disappeared.

The youth under the rock muttered to herself, "Can I really reach the Soul Formation stage…"

After returning to his room, Wang Lin sat down in the lotus position. His body was filled with celestial spiritual energy. Until his domain evolves, devouring more celestial spiritual energy would be useless.

After pondering for a while, he took out the stuff left behind by the Huan family member. All of the items were in one bag of holding. There were some clothes and trivial things.

What made Wang Lin's eyes become serious, aside from the rank 8 pills, were two magical treasures, a piece of jade, and a token.

There wasn't any divine sense left in the two magical treasures. In fact, there was a sliver of the resentful spirit of the Huan family member that died.

It was obvious that the Ran family's ancestor and the middle-aged man who obtained them didn't dare to leave their divine senses in them.

One of the treasures was a black comb with a total of nineteen teeth that gave off a bloody aura. The moment it appeared in Wang Lin's hand, he could feel the ferocity coming from it.

"Attacking type pseudo celestial treasure! There is even a formation on it. The power of this treasure is not simple." Wang Lin gently touched the teeth of the comb and then his gaze fell on the other treasure.

This was a pair of metal element flints. The two were completely red and they floated in Wang Lin's palm. He could feel the burning heat coming from them.

"This…" Staring at the flints Wang Lin's eyes lit up. Then he grabbed one of them and rubbed them against each other. A spark appeared and a wave of heat suddenly spread out.

"A naturally formed magical treasure!" Wang Lin sucked in a breath of cold air and his mind focused on the flint.

Most treasures were refined by cultivators, but there were some that formed naturally. However, there were very few of these treasures, even less than inheritance treasures.

Wang Lin knew this from the ancient god's memory. However, to the ancient god, this wasn't considered a treasure, only a material for refining treasures.

Flint was one of the naturally formed refining materials. It was originally metal element, but due to its toughness, it contained some mysterious ability, so when two were rubbed together they would create sparks.

These flints weren't like the things mortals used to start fires; they actually started a type of golden fire that was somewhat similar to the Yang fire used by the Sky Demon Country's chief stewart[1. Guy with the sun lance spell that kept messing with Wang Lin during the Demon General competition] It could be used as a magical treasure instead of a refining material and its power was no weak.

Chapter 673 - There is Metal Under the Red Clouds, Five Elements Missing One

"Unfortunately, they have too many flaws and don't contain a lot of metal element. Otherwise, these flints would not be weaker than peak pseudo celestial treasures. If they were a little larger, they could compare to a low quality celestial treasure!" Wang Lin looked at the flints with pity in his eyes.

Although this pair of flints was formed naturally, they contained too many impurities. If they were refined, they probably wouldn't even be ten percent of their current size.

After putting them away, Wang Lin picked up the token and scanned it with his divine sense. The token immediately lit up and flashed three times before returning to normal.

"This is the Huan family's identification token." Wang Lin's his divine sense carefully explored the token as he held. After a long time, his eyes became very serious.

At first glance there was nothing special about this token, just something used as identification. No matter how many times Wang Lin probed it, it was still the same.

However, Wang Lin still felt like something was wrong. He pondered for a bit before shouting, "Celestial guard!"

The shadow under him quickly extended from his body, then it moved along his skin and wrapped itself around the token. Wang Lin closed his eyes and borrowed the celestial guard's cultivation to immediately see through the token!

Shortly after, Wang Lin opened his eyes and revealed a gloomy expression.

"This token is made of normal materials, but there is a spell inside it. This spell is related to the soul, so I presume the Huan family knows that their family member is dead."

After pondering for a bit, Wang Lin put down the token and picked up the last item, the jade. This jade also had no divine sense on it. The only thing on it was the sliver of the dead person's resentment.

"The three of them must have been extremely afraid if they didn't even dare to check it with their divine senses. Otherwise, that sliver of resentment would have immediately been destroyed the moment their divine sense entered the treasure." Wang Lin's eyes lit up and his divine sense entered the jade. The sliver of resentment was immediately destroyed.

At the moment his divine sense entered, an invisible ripple spread out and began to scatter. When it was about to spread out of Wang Lin's house, his eyes suddenly lit up and rays of lightning shot out from his eyes.

Among the waves of crackling sounds from the lightning, the ripple that the jade gave off was completely crushed by the lightning and dissipated.

"I wiped out the the message spell that was left on the jade." Wang Lin carefully looked at the information recorded in the jade. After a long time, Wang Lin withdrew his divine sense and his eyes became brighter and brighter!

"It really is the Thousand Illusion Ruthless Domain! So the Huan family of planet Thousand Illusion is like this!" This jade contained the cultivation method for the Huan family's Thousand Illusion spells. However, there was a number of special restrictions placed on key parts, so even if an outsider obtained it, they wouldn't be able to learn it.

The way to break the restrictions was the bloodline.

If that was simply the case, it wouldn't have moved him so much. What really caught his attention was the message left in the jade by the Huan family member!

"On planet Yun Xia, I discovered a vein of flame metal. I took two pieces of it…"

The mysterious light in his eyes was bright like a beacon. He stared at the jade and muttered, "A vein of metal element flint… vein… No wonder he was hunted until he was seriously injured. Anyone who found it would immediately kill everyone to seal the news.

"This confirms that the three of them didn't check this jade, or else they wouldn't have allowed me into this… Of course, I can't rule out the fact there might be something hidden behind all of this."

Wang Lin pondered a bit and figured that the three of them probably didn't know about the metal vein.

After taking a deep breath, Wang Lin's eyes lit up and he muttered to himself, "The heaven defying bead is only missing the metal element. There's no way an entire vein of metal element flame metal isn't enough to complete it! According to Situ Nan, once the five elements are complete, it will recognize an owner. I just don't know what abilities it will have after…"

"If the news of the metal element flame stone vein hasn't been exposed, it will be fine, but if it is, then whoever dares to fight with me for it will be killed by me!" Wang Lin's eyes became cold and were filled with killing intent.

Wang Lin put everything away, and his eyes shined while he pondered.

"I just don't know where planet Yun Xia is!" Wang Lin opened his eyes and his divine sense immediately spread out. His divine sense swept across planet Ran Yun and descended upon where Sun Xi was.

Sun Xi was sitting in the lotus position at the Sun family's ancestral home, ready to cultivate. However, he was startled and jerked his head when he heard Wang Lin's voice.

"Engrave everything you know about the Allheaven Star System's map and send it to me."

Sun Xi's eyes lit up and he slightly nodded. He took out a piece of jade and concentrated on it for a moment. Then he immediately threw the jade and it disappeared into the distance.

Ten days flashed by in an instant. Wang Lin had already obtained the jade and found out where planet Run Xia was. However, this planet was a bit far away. According to Wang Lin's calculations, if there were no delays, a round trip would take him several months.

The jade had an introduction from Sun Xi. No cultivators lived on planet Run Xia, as the planet was filled with a poison that could kill cultivators.

With the jade in hand, Wang Lin began to ponder. During these ten days, he carefully studied the map and memorized it. At the same time, he also organized his treasures.

On this day, Wang Lin stood up and walked out of the house. He then disappeared and reappeared tens of thousand of kilometers from the city before charging directly toward the atmosphere.

Just at this moment, the Ran family's ancestor, Carefree Xanren, and Sun Xi appeared before Wang Lin.

The Ran family ancestor's expression was gloomy as he looked at Wang Lin and asked, "Are you leaving, Fellow Cultivator Xu?"

Carefree Xanren's expression was different, and he was obviously hiding his anger. Only Sun Xi had a wry smile. When he heard that Wang Lin wanted the map, he had a bad feeling, but he didn't think that this Xu Mu actually had thoughts of leaving.

Wang Lin coldly looked at the three of them and calmly said, "I will not break the promise I made. This trip at most will take one year, or only a few months."

If it wasn't for the fact that they gave him all those celestial jades, Wang Lin wouldn't have bothered explaining to the three of them.

After hearing Wang Lin's explanation, the Ran family's ancestor hesitated and said, "I don't know what urgent matter Fellow Cultivator Xu has. I wonder if one or two of us can follow."

Carefree Shanren said, in a serious tone, "Please don't blame us, Fellow Cultivator Xu. The three of us gave you everything, and not even half a month later you want to leave planet Ran Yun. The three of us can't help but feel suspicion in our hearts."

"Fellow Cultivator Xu, I believe in your character, but this matter…" Sun Xiu wryly smiled.

It was reasonable for the three of them to be like this. No matter who it was, if they had just taken out a majority of their property, they would be like this as well.

Wang Lin frowned. Then his expression suddenly changed and he raised his head toward the sky.

The expressions of the other three also changed slightly. They raised their heads to look at the sky.

At this moment, outside of planet Ran Yun, Huan Dong was quickly closing in. His eyes were cold and showed a hint of arrogance as he charged straight toward planet Ran Yun.

"Miss, allowed me to handle this matter, so I must deal with it cleanly so that Miss will take notice of me! All those involved will be killed!" The fanaticism in Huan Dong's eyes became even stronger.

He turned into a ray of rainbow-colored light as he charged directly into planet Ran Yun's atmosphere and descended like a meteor. His descent was very arrogant. He spread out his divine sense like crazy and even infused it with celestial spiritual energy as it surrounded the planet. This incredible scene looked like a god was descending.

At this moment, all of the cultivators on planet Ran Yun felt this powerful aura. This aura was especially arrogant, as if it was looking at ants as it swept the world.

"I'm Huan Dong, a second grade family member of the Huan family from planet Thousand Illusion. All Ascendant cultivators of planet Ran Yun, quickly come to see me!" The cold voice was filled with arrogance. His voice rumbled like thunder across the planet. All of the cultivators below the Ascendant stage were shocked by the voice, and some low level cultivators even coughed out blood due to the shock.

The youth under the rock was one of them. She was originally cultivating, but she was shocked by Huan Dong's divine sense infused with celestial spiritual energy. Her heart was damaged, so she coughed out blood and was immediately weakened.

There were many cultivators like her on planet Ran Yun. The Ran family's ancestor, Carefree Shanren, and Sun Xi suddenly turned extremely pale.

The words "Huan family" were like an invincible sword that immediately pierced their hearts and caused their expressions to change greatly.

"They came… The Huan family… came…" Sun Xi muttered to himself with a bitter expression. He looked at Wang Lin with eyes filled with despair, but his gaze contained a glimmer of hope.

The Ran family's ancestor was the same, and he looked at Wang Lin at the same time as Carefree Shanren.

Wang Lin's expression remained the same, but his eyes revealed a hint of coldness.

Taking someone's money to help them eliminate a disaster. Wang Lin's divine sense spread out like roaring thunder. None of it was leaked out as his divine sense locked on to the sky and transformed into one word.


This one word caused thunder to appear and explode forth like crazy. Huan Dong had just charged through the atmosphere when the thunder descended upon him. His eyes were filled with killing intent and he shouted, "Courting death!" With that, his hand formed a seal and a ray of white light gathered in his palm. A cold yin aura immediately began to gather and diffuse around the world.

For a cultivator to reach the Ascendant stage, their domain has to fuse with their origin soul. Although this person was from the Huan family, his limited talent made it so that he couldn't cultivate the Thousand Illusion Ruthless domain. Instead, he cultivated the secondary cultivation method of the Haun family, Five Element Intent Art.

His domain was the metal element of the five elements. Metal presented invincibility. His domain moved with his spell and his hand lit up. As this moment, it was as if that light had replaced the light from the sky or looked like it had absorbed all the light in the sky. Using the power of the light, he pressed down his hand.

Wang Lin's expression remained the same. Lightning flashed through his eyes and spread across his whole body. He looked like a heavenly celestial that was in control of everything. He pointed with his finger and the Finger of Death shot out. This finger of death contained powerful lightning, so it was several times more powerful than man. If one looked at it carefully, it would make one feel like they were facing divine retribution.

Chapter 674 - Smell the Wind and Listen to the Rain. The Soul Knows and Remembers All

The Finger of Death turned into a ray black light as it shot out. Ripples appeared around it, and even the ripples had lightning crackling along them.

The sound echoed and continued to expand before becoming bursts of thunder that were descending from the sky. The power of thunder around the Finger of Death was even more powerful; it was as if it was the wrath of the divine retribution lightning.

With one finger, the light around Huan Dong's body disintegrated without any resistance. His expression immediately became pale and he quickly retreated. The power of that finger was too strong, to the point that even with his cultivation, his heart trembled.

However, that ray of black light was like a black dragon. It charged directly at the retreating Huan Dong.

Huan Dong slapped his bag of holding and a metal sword came out. At the same time, his right hand formed a seal and he pressed it down on the sword. He shouted, "Might of metal!"

The metal sword flew directly at the Finger of Death.

An earth-shattering explosion suddenly erupted in the sky. A series of crackling sounds occurred when the Finger of Death collided with the metal sword before the metal sword shattered inch by inch until the sword disappeared. The Finger of Death pierced through space like a ray of lightning and arrived before Huan Dong. In the moment of crisis, Huan Dong's hand formed a seal and collided with the Finger of Death.

A thunderous roar echoed throughout the area. Huan Dong's body trembled and he coughed out a mouthful of blood. He retreated like he was a meteor, and as he did so, lightning flickered all over his body. Every time the lightning flickered, his injuries became worse. This lightning was extremely strange, as a portion of it surrounded his origin soul, making his origin soul struggle with extreme pain.

His face was pale and filled with terror.

"What kind of thunder is this?! What kind of cultivation does this person have!? If just one spell was enough to seriously injure me like this, then this person is definitely not from planet Ran Yun. I can't fight; I must quickly leave and report this back to Miss!" Huan Dong slapped his leg and white light immediately began to shine from it. He became even faster, to the point that half of his body had already disappeared into the void and he was just about to teleport away.

When Wang Lin was at the early stage of Ascendant, but his spells had already surpassed those of mid stage Ascendant cultivators. The gap between the late stage of Ascendant and the earlier two stages was too great, but he could fight against mid stage Ascendant cultivators.

Now, although he was still at the early stage of Ascendant, the amount of celestial spiritual energy in his body was infinitely close to what mid stage Ascendant cultivators had. He only needed an enlightenment in his domain to break into the mid stage of Ascendant.

Therefore, killing this Huan Dong was as easy as waving his hand.

Wang Lin's eyes became cold after seeing Huan Dong trying to escape. Since he took their payment, he would need to get rid of the disaster. Sometimes it was impossible to tell what was right or wrong.

Wang Lin gently slapped his bag of holding and the Seven Star Sword Formation flew out as seven rays of light. The Seven Star Sword Formation was created by Sword Saint Ling Tianhou, so how could anyone defend against it? In the blink of an eye, the seven swords charged out and arrived before Huan Dong the moment he was about to disappear into the void. The seven souls from the swords immediately appeared and fused into one. The fused beast let out a roar and fiercely clawed at Huan Dong.

A sound like mirror breaking echoed across the sky. Inside the void, Huan Dong's eyes were filled with terror, and the beast forcibly pulled Huan Dong out from the void. When he was out, the seven swords surrounded Huan Dong, their tips pointing close to his body. If he moved even the slightly, the swords would penetrate his body and destroy his soul.

From the moment Huan Dong appeared to when he was captured, everything happened extremely quickly; only several breaths of time had passed.

The Ran family's ancestor sucked in a breath of cold air. Although he had personally felt Wang Lin's spells and knew that they were powerful, watching one as a third party was a completely different experience.

There was dread in his eyes. Before, when Wang Lin attacked him, there was only the flash of a black shadow and he almost died. Now he realized that the black shadow wasn't Wang Lin's only spell. It seemed like every spell Wang Lin used was extremely terrifying.

He completely made up his mind that he would never make an enemy out of his Xu Mu!

The terror that Carefree Shenren felt in his heart wasn't any weaker than what the Ran family's ancestor felt. He looked at the Seven Star Sword Formation and took a deep breath. At this moment, he had no doubt that if Xu Mu wanted to kill him, he wouldn't be able to resist at all.

"I'm afraid his cultivation might be at the peak of the late stage of Ascendant!"

Relatively speaking, Sun Xi was much more calm. In his heart, he thought that Wang Lin's cultivation level was extremely high. At this moment, he felt better and thought, "If this Xu Mu is this strong, I need to make sure I have a good relationship with him."

Huan Dong's scalp went number. The seven swords around him were like knives of death hanging above his head that could fall at any time. He stared at Wang Lin but also saw the other three behind him and shouted, "Ran Xuefeng, Sun Xi, Zhao Chuawen, are you guys looking for death?!"

The three silently pondered but didn't speak. However, there was a flash of coldness across their eyes.

Huan Dong saw this cold light and secretly realized that something was wrong. He shouted, "I'm only here on orders of the Huan family. If you kill me, the Huan family will send others to come. Do you think you can kill them all? With your mere power, if you resist my Huan family, you will die for sure!

"Release me and I'll seek a fair judgement for all of you!"

Although Huan Dong's words were to the Ran family's ancestor and company, his gaze would occasionally sweep to Wang Lin. It seemed like he had a certain amount of fear of the person who had captured him. He was also guessing what background he might have.

After the Ran family's ancestor heard this, there was a hint of hesitation in his eyes, but it was immediately replaced with determination. He calmly said, "Fellow cultivator Huan, I wonder why you came to planet Ran Yun."

Huan Dong stared at the Ran family's ancestor and then looked at the other two. Huan Dong smiled. "So the Huan family member was really killed by you three four years ago. Ran Xuefeng, Sun Xi, Zhao Chuawen, your families' bloodlines have reached their end!"

The Ran family's ancestor's expression became gloomy as he turned to Wang Lin and said, "Fellow Cultivator Xu, how about handing this person over to us?"

Wang Lin's expression remained the same and he nodded.

"Named Xu! Who exactly are you and why do you want to get involved with my Huan family's matter?!" Huan Dong suddenly turned toward Wang Lin and snapped, "My Huan family's ancestor has already returned; do you really think you can fight against my Huan family's ancestor? I'll let you go, and I promise not to mention you to my lady; I will definitely not drag you into this matter!"

"The Huan family's Miss?" Wang Lin looked at Huan Dong.

Sun Xi explained, "Fellow Cultivator Xu, you don't know about this, but the Huan family's ancestor brought back a woman from the Alliance Star System. He accepted her as his disciple and will be using the bloodline ritual to change her bloodline."

Wang Lin's eyes narrowed and asked, "What's the Huan family's ancestor's cultivation level?"

Huan Hong relaxed a bit and said, "The ancestor's cultivation has already reached the second step. Several thousand years ago, he was already at the Yin and Yang stage!"

Wang Lin looked at the Ran family's ancestor and company with a smile that was not a smile. There was a hint of mockery in his gaze, causing the Ran family's ancestor to lower his head.

Wang Lin calmly said, "I'll be handing him to you guys. This has nothing to do with me anymore." Then he waved his hand and the Seven Star Sword Formation circled around Huan Dong, sealing his origin soul. Then the swords flew back to Wang Lin's side.

"I still have important matters to attend to and will return in a few months!" With that, Wang Lin turned around and left.

Huan Dong's eyes revealed despair and he shouted, "If you kill me, my miss will not let you guys go. Lady Huan Mei is the ancestor's only disciple, and she will be my Huan family's head in the future!"

Wang Lin suddenly stopped and turned around. He looked at Huan Dong and calmly asked, "Huan Mei? What was her original name?"

Huan Dong sneered and said, "If you let me go, I'll tell you…"

Before he could finish, Wang Lin frowned and reached out. Huan Dong's body immediately flew into Wang Lin's hand. Wang Lin pressed his hand on Huan Dong's head and then a ray of lightning flashed across his eyes. The shadow behind him quickly moved through his arm and completely surrounded Huan Dong's body.

"Soul Search!"

Huan Dong's cultivation was, after all, at the mid stage of Ascendant, so if he wanted to use the Soul Search spell, he had the borrow the power of the celestial guard.

Huan Dong's memories were like pieces of fragments as Wang Lin looked through them with the help of the celestial guard. As he looked, Huan Dong's body began to shake violently and his eyes revealed a painful struggle.

As he searched through the memories, Wang Lin suddenly locked onto a beautiful woman, and his expression became gloomy. He loosened his hand and hit Huan Dong's body. Huan Dong's body collapsed and his origin soul was caught by Wang Lin. Wang Lin threw Huan Dong's origin soul into the one-billion-soul soul flag.

The sudden scene caused the Ran family's ancestor and company to become startled, and they each had their own thoughts.

"Liu Mei…" Wang Lin frowned, and scenes from back on planet Suzaku flashed across his eyes, including what happened back in the Suzaku Tomb.

"That woman had a great stroke of luck and came to the Allheaven Star System…" Wang Lin silently pondered for a long time. He looked up at the sky and didn't speak as he left.

The Ran family's ancestor and company no longer dared to block him. They helplessly looked at Wang Lin's figure gradually disappear.

After leaving the atmosphere, Wang Lin slapped his bag of holding and the star compass appeared. It turned into a silver dragon and disappeared into space.

Wang Lin sat in the lotus position on the silver dragon and muttered to himself, "This Liu Mei woman doesn't have any deep enmity with me. If she knows what's good for her, everything will be fine. If she still acts like she did back on planet Suzaku, then I can only kill her. As for the Huan family's ancestor, I don't have to fight him to the death. If he appears, I can just leave with the help of the celestial guard. Also, I'm by myself, while he has a family. If I can't kill him, I'll kill some of his family members for revenge."

After he made up his mind, Wang Lin no longer thought about Liu Mei's matter but focused on the map in his mind. He was heading toward planet Yun Xia.

"The metal element flame metal vein on planet Yun Xia is extremely important to me, as it is a perfect opportunity to complete the heaven defying bead. I won't allow anyone to stop me. If anyone dares to try to steal it, I'll kill them!" Wang Lin's eyes became cold as he flew through the stars.

Along the way, Wang Lin didn't rest at all. One month later, planet Yun Xia appeared in this divine sense far in the distance.

Chapter 675 - Situ Nan Enters Closed Door Cultivation Once More

Huan Dong's death was detected right away by the Huan family. As a great family on a main cultivation planet, a family member being slaughtered caused quite a stir.

The Huan family's ancestor was furious when he heard this; however, his eyes suddenly lit up and he suppressed the Huan family's proposal to get revenge on planet Ran Yun. Instead, he pushed up the date for the bloodline ritual.

"The family member who was killed was under Huan Mei, so after the bloodline ritual, let Huan Mei personally handle it!" No one dared to opposse the Huan family's ancestor. Although everyone knew that it was the ancestor letting Huan Mei show her might, none of them dared to say more

This matter was settled.

"Seal planet Ran Yun with a planet sealing formation so that no one can escape! Huan Mei will deal with this after the bloodline ritual."

The moment Huan family moved, the sky changed colors. With the planet sealing formation, planet Ran Yun was a caged bird.

As for Liu Mei, after hearing that Hua Dong had died, there wasn't any change to her expression. It was as if the person that died was merely an ant.

Liu Mei looked up at the blue sky and whispered, "Planet Ran Yun… Is it a battle to show my might to the Huan family… According to Master, during the bloodline ritual, he will transfer me some of his cultivation. At the price of lowering his cultivation by one grade for two hundred years, he will help me reach the peak of the late stage of Ascendant. As for entering the Yin and Yang stage, it will depend on my own understanding.

"After that, the difference between me and that man from Suzaku will become larger. In the later years, once I reach the second step and see that person again, I don't know what kind of mood he will be in. However, by then he will be an ant, just like that Huan Dong…"

Liu Mei faintly smiled. Her smile was very beautiful and would make anyone's heart skip a beat. A pair of guards that were patrolling by saw her smile and were both startled. Obsession and fanaticism suddenly filled their eyes. These looks were shockingly similar to Huan Dong's.

"The Ten Thousand Illusion Heavenly Devil Dao can put anything in the world under an illusion…" The gentle breeze blew by, causing her black hair to flow. She raised her finger to grab hold of her hair.

Just at this moment, waves of fluctuations came from inside her bag of holding. Although the fluctuations were confined inside the bag of holding, they were filled with resentment. This resentment slowly filled up the bag.

Liu Mei lowered her head and touched her bag of holding. The fluctuations inside lessened, but the resentment inside became even stronger.

Liu Mei softly said, "Be obedient. You can't come out right now…" She bit her finger, stuck it inside the bag, and then revealed a painful expression.

The fluctuations gradually disappeared completely, and the resentment inside was forcibly suppressed.

"You, why do you do this…" An ancient voice came from behind Liu Mei. The Huan family's ancestor slowly condensed and appeared. He looked at Liu Mei's bag of holding and frowned.

"I've already told you before that it is too vicious and you shouldn't touch it!"

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Liu Mei pondered and didn't speak.

The Huan family's ancestor shouted, "Kill that thing right now and don't raise it anymore. If you continue to act like this, you will ruin your dao heart. How will you get past the first step and get through the Yin and Yang stage!?"

Liu Mei raised her head toward the Huan family's ancestor and softly said, "Master, Liu Mei knows what to do. Please don't talk about this anymore, alright…"

The Huan family's ancestor looked at Liu Mei. After a long time, he let out a sigh and said, "Why, why must you be like this?!"

As for Wang Lin, the silver dragon was charging straight toward planet Yun Xia. From a distance, planet Yun Xia was dark grey due to a veil of thick fog covering it. It was so thick that divine sense couldn't pierce through it.

In addition, there were bursts of roars coming from the fog, as if warning everyone who was passing by to not enter.

The silver dragon brought Wang Lin outside of planet Yun Xia and stared at the thick fog. Wang Lin's eyes lit up, then he slapped his bag of holding and the Seven Star Sword Formation flew out. They began to rapidly rotate, creating a powerful, spiral force.

Surrounded by this force, Wang Lin took a step forward and put the star compass away. He entered the fog with the Seven Star Sword Formation piercing through it like a stake. The sword formation spun rapidly, pushing away all the fog before Wang Lin.

However, this fog was too thick; even with this method, the fog before Wang Lin looked endless. If one was looking from the outside, it looked like the fog had swallowed Wang Lin.

Even if someone passed by, they wouldn't notice that there was someone rapidly descending through the depths of the fog.

Wang Lin's expression was neutral. With the vortex created by the sword formation, none of the fog could get close to him. However, at this moment, his surroundings were completely grey and he couldn't see a thing. His divine sense was also blocked, so he could only rely on his instincts and continue flying down.

After a long time, the fog before him gradually thinned out. Wang Lin's eyes narrowed and he immediately accelerated. He charged out of the dense fog like a meteor, and the scene that came into view before him caused his pupils to suddenly shrink.

The sky was covered in dense fog, so no sunlight could get through, making the earth completely dark. However, this didn't affect the sight of a cultivator.

The earth was filled with cracks, making it seem like there were many big mouths trying to devour everything.

A powerful aura of death filled the heavens and earth. This death aura wasn't coming from one person or thing, but from the entire planet!

The crack-filled ground was covered in these almost rotten tentacles that were slowly swaying. At first glance, it looked like the earth was covered in hair.

This sight would make people's hearts become heavy and suppressed.

Waves of roars were coming from planet Yun Xia, and a majority of them were coming from underground.

"This is a completely wasted cultivation planet…" Wang Lin silently pondered as he flew forward with his divine sense spread out, looking for the metal vein. As he flew, he saw the ruins of several cities. It was obvious that this place was once an extremely prosperous place, but everything was in ruins now.

The tentacles from the ground were wrapped around the ruins of the cities. One couldn't help but feel their hair stand up when taking in this sight.

As he silently flew across the sky, Wang Lin's gaze looked across the cities. At this moment, all of the tentacles, which were originally swaying, suddenly stopped. Then they all rapidly shrank back and disappeared from the surface.

At this moment, a heaven-shattering roar came from the distant horizon. A red cloud that covered everything charged toward Wang Lin like crazy.

There was a massive fierce beast riding on the red cloud. This beast looked like a dragon, but it wasn't a dragon. Its long body was tens of thousands of feet long and its head was triangular. It could be said to resemble a snake, but its whole body was covered in hair.

As this beast roared and quickly rushed over, even the fog in the sky split apart as if there was a pair of invisible hands opening a path.

When Wang Lin saw the beast with his divine sense, his expression changed greatly and he exclaimed, "Moongazer Serpent!"

The ancient god had a very deep impression of this beast. Wang Lin sucked in a breath of cold air. Without a word, he immediately descended and went underground through one of the cracks.

At the same time, the information about the Moongazer Serpent from ancient god Tu Si flashed through his mind. Wang Lin's eyes suddenly revealed a mysterious light.

"A Moongazer Serpent isn't something born from nature, it's a unique parasite that lives in an ancient god's body. When an ancient god is alive, they absorb the blood of the ancient god to survive, but they can't leave the ancient god's body. Sometimes they were used like magical treasures by the ancient gods.

"Once an ancient god dies, the parasite dies as well. However, there is a rare chance that the Moongazer Serpent doesn't die but is able to leave the ancient god's body. The stronger the ancient god, the stronger the Moongazer Serpent."

"All of the Moongazer Serpents inside ancient god Tu Si died, so they didn't appear. However, a Moongazer Serpent appeared here. Could… could this place have the remains of an ancient god!?! But if that is really the case, this makes no sense either. How could no one in the Allheaven Star System have recognized it? If a powerful cultivator saw this creature, they wouldn't simply let it go."

Wang Lin was inside the crack in the ground, looking at the red cloud in the sky. The Moongazer Serpent's giant gody gradually flew off into the distance, and he began to silently ponder.

At this moment, on a very ordinary-looking cultivation planet in the Alliance Star System, two women wearing colorful clothes entered the capital of a mortal country.

Each of the women had a ball of bright light floating above their right hand. These balls gave off a powerful killing aura.

While the two women were floating in the sky, one of them shouted, "Situ Nan, come out here!"

A curse came out from the capital, followed by a man in purple rushing out. He didn't even look at the two women and immediately fled.

"Situ Nan, the sect master has already given the order. You are wanted on planet Luanfeng and all the planets under it. You won't be able to escape!"

That man was Situ Nan. He was currently in a sorry state and shouted back, "Tell that smelly girl that if she keep forcing this old man, I will engrave the scene of her flirting onto ten thousand jades and spread it across the Alliance Star System. Damn it, chased me for almost a century; it's so vexing!"

"Hmph!" The two women immediately fused the two balls of light in their hands. The balls immediately melted together and turned into the figure of a very attractive woman.

"This time I won't let you escape!" The woman's figure took a step and raised her jade-like hand. The sky suddenly darkened and even the earth began to shake. The heavens and earth were quickly compressed.

Situ Nan let out a strange cry and a flame seemed to burn inside his body as he charged out. Although he had charged out, he coughed out a large mouthful of blood and his face immediately became pale.

"Smelly girl, just you wait! This old man will make sure that all the cultivators and mortals in the Alliance Star System see your flirty behavior! This old man will make you very famous in the Alliance Star System! This old man will keep his word!" Situ Nan coughed out another mouthful of blood and fled like crazy.

"At most I'll just go into closed door cultivation again, you just wait!" Situ Nan's eyes were bloodshot. He had already made up his mind to go into closed door cultivation again. If he couldn't reach the Nirvana Scryer stage, he wouldn't come out!

Chapter 676 - Huan Mei Approaches

The southern part of planet Thousand Illusion belonged to the Huan family. There was a deep pool there called the Illusion Moon Pool, and the bloodline ritual was going to be held here.

The water in the pool had already been taken away by the Huan family's ancestor, leaving behind only a deep pit in the ground. He was currently floating above the pool with a very serious expression on his face.

Below him were tens of thousands of Huan family members. They were all silent; the entire area within dozens of kilometers was completely quiet.

Each of the Huan family members went up one by one to the edge of the deep pit and cut one of their arms to release blood. Once they released enough blood, their faces would turn pale and they would retreat with gloomy expressions.

As the clan members went up one by one, blood gradually began to fill the deep pit. The dark red blood gave off a thick scent of blood that surrounded the area.

The blood of tens of thousands of clan members wasn't enough to fill the pit with blood. However, there was still a lot of blood inside. The last person was the Huan family's ancestor. He didn't hesitate to cut his own wrist and let out a large amount of blood. He released the most blood, and his expression gradually turned pale. Eventually, he withdrew his wrist, formed a seal, and softly said, "Melt!"

With one word, a vortex appeared inside the pool and slowly rotated. The blood of tens of thousands of people was gradually merged together until it was impossible to separate it.

The bloodline ritual refines the purest Huan family blood from of tens of thousands of Huan family members, turn that into one thousand blood runes that will imprint on a person, and then finally extract all of the blood in that person's body.

The Huan family's ancestor's eyes revealed a profound gaze and he said, in a serious tone, "Huan Mei!"

"Stepfather." Liu Mei walked out from the crowd. Her white dress gave her a feeling of holiness.

The Huan family's ancestor slowly said, "Enter the blood pool and cultivate attentively."

Liu Mei nodded and walked toward the blood pool. As she entered the pool naked, the smell of blood rushed toward her. She frowned slightly but decisively stepped into the pool. As she continued to enter the blood pool, the blood gradually submerged her knees, waist, chest, and eventually completely submerged her entire body.

Inside the blood pool, one could only see the vortex and not even a hint of Liu Mei.

The Huan family's ancestor took a deep breath and then his hand quickly formed different seals. Many seals flew from his hand into the blood pool. A powerful aura began to pour out from him and slowly spread out.

As he made seals faster and faster, the blood pool seemed to boil and the vortex spun even faster.

After a long time, the Huan family's ancestor's eyes suddenly lit up and he shouted, "A long time ago, the Huan family's ancestor was a celestial of the Thunder Celestial Realm. Although the Celestial Realm was destroyed, the bloodline still remains. Today's bloodline ritual is going to refine the Huan blood so that one more person can be added to my Huan family's future glory."

A complex spell came out from the Huan family's ancestor. The spell immediately turned into imprints the moment it left his mouth, then it entered the blood pool.

"Bloodline, appear!" the Huan family's ancestor shouted, and the entire blood pool suddenly stopped. Then there was a loud rumble and the blood pool became a blood pillar.

In an instant, the blood pillar collapsed, turning into blood runes that floated in the sky. Inside the pit sat Liu Mei. She was sitting in the lotus position with her eyes closed.

The Huan family's ancestor took a deep breath, then his right hand formed a seal and he pointed at Liu Mei. In an instant, a wound opened on Liu Mei's forehead, and blood constantly flowed out of it. As blood continued to flow out, Liu Mei's expression grew paler.

Just at this moment, one of the blood runes in the sky suddenly landed and imprinted on Liu Mei's body. Following that, a large number of blood runes descended and imprinted on her body.

As blood runes continued to descend, almost every inch of Liu Mei's body was filled with blood runes. The Huan family's ancestor's eyes narrowed and then he took a step forward. He arrived before Liu Mei and raised his right hand. A mysterious light appeared in his hand. This light changed tens of thousands of times. Anyone who looked at it would immediately see all of the possibilities in their life, from being born to their death. All of the sickness, love, and hatred of one's life were all within this illusion.

This was the Huan family's ancestor's dao, the Ten Thousand Illusion Identityless Dao!

He pressed his palm down on Liu Mei's forehead. The powerful dao of the Huan family's ancestor directly entered Liu Mei's origin soul. At the same time, his own celestial spiritual energy poured into Liu Mei without any reservation to help her increase her cultivation level.

The amount of celestial spiritual energy needed to reach the peak of the Ascendant stage was extremely large, so no first step cultivator could do this; not even cultivators in the Yin and Yang stage could do this.

Only those who had truly entered the second step would have this kind of heaven-defying power.

The Huan family's ancestor was a powerful cultivator in the second step; his cultivation level was early stage Nirvana Scryer!

Vast amounts of celestial spiritual energy and endless amounts of dao fused together and was transferred into Liu Mei's body by the Huan family's ancestor. The Huan family's ancestor obviously care a lot about this disciple and his intent for her to take over the Huan family. Otherwise, he wouldn't be willing to damage his own cultivation to help Liu Mei increase her cultivation level.

Liu Mei's body trembled, then all of the blood runes around her suddenly entered her body and turned into the Huan family's blood. It flowed inside her body and forced out all of her own blood.

At the same time, her origin soul started glowing brightly and was rapidly growing stronger.

Early stage Ascendant, mid stage Ascendant, late stage Ascendant, peak of late stage of Ascendant!

Jealous gazes came from the tens of thousands of Huan family members nearby. Their jealousy was reasonable. Ascendant was a powerful realm; how many cultivators were stuck at the Ascendant stage? How many cultivators had to spend thousands of years to reach the peak of late stage Ascendant on their own?

This Liu Mei had only taken less than half of an incense stick of time to reach many people's life goal.

The Huan family's ancestor's arm shrank and he instantly became a lot older. He retreated a few steps, and even the color in his eyes dimmed. He looked at Liu Mei and softly said, "From today onwards, you are a member of the Huan family. The Huan family blood flows through your body. Your father need to go into closed door cultivation now. During this time, you have to strive to reach the Yin and Yang stage as soon as possible."

Liu Mei turned around and quietly looked at the Huan family's ancestor. She didn't say anything and merely nodded.

"Ten Thousand Illusion Heavenly Devil Dao. This old man really wants to know what kind of change the Ten Thousand Illusion Heavenly Devil Dao will have at the second step!" The old man laughed and didn't seem to care the slightest about Liu Mei's indifference. He waved his sleeves and disappeared.

The old man's voice echoed, "Go to planet Ran Yun. Huan Mei, this is your first battle as a member of the Huan family. Slaughter a name for yourself!"

Liu Mei raised her head. She didn't even look at the tens of thousands of clan members. Instead, she floated into the air like a celestial. Her target was planet Ran Yun.

She didn't even bring any attendants and went alone.

Inside the crack in the ground, Wang Lin withdrew his gaze from the Moongazer Serpent. There was still shock in his eyes.

"This Moongazer Serpent is tens of thousands of feet long, and its power isn't any weaker than Nirvana Scryer cultivators. If there are no ancient gods, then its offensive abilities aren't strong. As long as I don't take the initiative to provoke it, it should maintain its first form."

Wang Lin pondered for a bit. According to the memory of the ancient god, these parasites that lived inside the ancient god had three forms. The first form was like the one that just passed by; it had no offensive capabilities.

As for the second form, all of the hairs on its body would shrink and it would morph into various

shapes inside the ancient god's body. This second form usually meant that it was sleeping.

The third and final state was shown when it attacked. Their hairs would extend our and could reach up to the same length as its body. If one encountered a Moongazer Serpent in that state, they should immediately run, or they would risk being attacked.

As Wang Lin pondered, he went deeper into the crack. He spread out his divine sense, looking for the metal element vein.

"It is a bit strange for a Moongazer Serpent to appear here. This is not a beast I can provoke, so it is better to ignore it and focus on finding the metal vein."

Wang Lin's speed was extremely quick, and he continued to move deep underground. Soon, he reached a dead end, but he didn't pause; he charged into the wall. His body entered the wall and he continued to descend using the earth escape technique.

As he moved, Wang Lin slightly frowned. There was a sticky fluid that kept coming out of the dirt around him. If it wasn't for the fact that he had his celestial spiritual energy around him, he would have already been covered by that liquid.

"This place is very strange!" Wang Lin's eyes lit up and his divine sense spread out farther and farther. He sometimes felt some powerful fluctuations, and every time he did so, he would go around it.

His divine sense continued to spread out until it had almost completely swept the planet. Wang Lin's eyes suddenly narrowed. At the deepest part of this planet he saw a metal vein that stretched for endless kilometers.

This vein was deep inside the planet, with an end of it slightly breaking out from the ground on the other side of the planet. This was how the Huan family member had found this metal vein.

Wang Lin frowned harder and harder. He didn't immediately move but began to ponder.

"If this metal vein was hidden extremely well, then it would make sense. However, this vein isn't hidden at all; any Ascendant cultivator that passes by here should immediately find it. There is something strange about this." Wang Lin carefully checked the vein, but he wasn't able to find anything.

After pondering for a while, Wang Lin revealed a decisive gaze. He waved his right hand and tore apart the earth before him. Then he charged directly into the deepest part of the metal vein.

It didn't take long before he arrived at the vein. What appeared before him was a huge vein with specks of golden light. The huge vein was like a dragon coiling around planet Yun Xia.

After pondering a bit, Wang Lin slowly moved forward. He felt like something was wrong. After seeing the Moongazer Serpent, a cloud had been hovering over his heart.

Chapter 677 - Smoke Signal

"Why would the Moongazer Serpent appear here? Why has no one taken the metal vein after all this time when it's out in the open…" One by one, these riddles entered Wang Lin's mind. He stared at the vein and didn't make any rash decisions.

Years of caution made him develop a habit of questioning everything. There were too many mysteries here; if he was careless, he might face unimaginable crisis.

While suppressing his heart's urge to immediately take the metal vein, Wang Lin carefully walked around the vein. The confusion in Wang Lin's mind gradually grew stronger.

In his opinion, this metal vein was a bit too neat. The vein was almost the same thickness from beginning to end.

"If it was a naturally formed vein, it would absolutely impossible for it to be like this. This vein looks more like long sections of bones."

Thinking about this, Wang Lin's body suddenly stopped and his eyes revealed a strange color. As he stared at the vein, his heart was in turmoil.

"Bone… Could it really be a bone left by a unknown force and this is its remains?!" Wang Lin gasped. He couldn't imagine what kind of beast would have a metal vein as its bone.

He pondered a bit before continuing to follow the metal vein. At this moment, the ground suddenly shook and Wang Lin immediately felt waves of fluctuations coming from all directions. All of these fluctuations were going upwards.

Wang Lin condensed all of his celestial spiritual energy, and his eyes were filled with horror. His divine sense was still spread out, and he clearly saw countless tentacles coming out from the vein and extend into the earth. Finally, they extended out from the cracks on the surface and began to sway back and forth.

Wang Lin was startled for a moment, but he immediately lowered his head to look at the metal vein. The strangeness in his eyes became even stronger.

"This scene is somewhat familiar…"

Staring at the metal vein, Wang Lin's eyes suddenly lit up and he muttered, "This place is covered in tentacles, which makes the entire planet look like it has hair growing out of it…

"The second form of the Moongazer Serpent is when all the hairs on its body are withdrawn, so it is in a state of slumber… Could it be that… Where I am at, planet Yun Xia… Is an extremely large Moongazer Serpent!?"

Wang Lin gasped and stared at the metal vein not far away.

"This isn't a metal vein, it's really a bone. However, it's not a bone of any beast but… the bone of a Moongazer Serpent!" Wang Lin's heart became cold.

"If I had just taken the metal vein, I'm afraid I would have immediately awakened this Moongazer Serpent. As a result, I would have died. It would be unlikely for this Moongazer Serpent to completely awaken, but it would only need to be awake for a moment to kill anyone who tried to take the bone." Wang Lin finally understood why none of the powerful cultivators had come to try and take this bone. It wasn't that they didn't want to, but they didn't dare.

"I believe that others have come here before, but they all died. In a way, the person from the Hua family was very smart. He only took a bit from the surface and immediately left. If he had taken a bit more, he would have stimulated the Moongazer Serpent enough to awaken it. There might also be luck involved. If it was anyone else, even a tiny bit could have caused the Moongazer Serpent to awaken."

Hundreds of thoughts flashed through Wang Lin's mind. He knew that he should quickly leave this place and no longer think about it. However, he looked at the metal vein and felt extremely unwilling to just leave.

"What I want is this entire bone, but the Moongazer Serpent will completely awaken if I try to take it. If I do that, its body will change into attack form and I'll definitely die… However, I'm unwilling to just give up like this! Ah!" Wang Lin let out a sigh and his eyes lit up. He recalled everything about the Moongazer Serpent from the ancient god's memories.

"There is no other existence that knows these parasites as well as the ancient gods; that is my advantage. This Moongazer Serpent lives off the blood of the ancient gods…

"The tentacles are their most sensitive organs… What method can I use to take the bone but not wake it up…"

Wang Lin's eyes were filled with a mysterious light as he muttered to himself, "Back when I devoured all those Celestial Ascension Fruits, I was filled with a sense of madness. At that time, even if someone took my bones, I'm afraid I wouldn't have felt it. If I can put this Moongazer Serpent into a state of illusion while it's still asleep, perhaps I can then take its bone…"

Wang Lin pondered for a moment as he looked at the metal vein with reluctance and let out a sign. With one step, he was already aboveground, then he teleported in mid air and reappeared outside of planet Yun Xia. The star compass appeared and quickly took him away from planet Yun Xia.

From far away, Wang Lin looked back at planet Yun Xia while riding the star compass. His eyes revealed a decisive gaze.

"I must obtain that Moongazer Serpent's bone! I can refine the drug to numb the Moongazer Serpent. However, I will need a lot of it to make this huge Moongazer Serpent enter a state of illusion."

If it was anyone else, even if they thought of the method and obtained a large amount of the drug, they wouldn't be able to make the Moongazer Serpent absorb it.

An ancient god's Moongazer Serpent wouldn't absorb anything besides the blood of an ancient god unless someone used the ancient god tactic to command it.

Only Wang Lin had the ancient god tactic.

As the silver dragon flew across stars, Wang Lin sat on its back with a gloomy expression. This trip that had taken several months was a complete waste of time. He thought he would be able to complete the heaven defying bead, but it turned out like this.

"Forget it. I have already waited more than eight hundreds years, so I won't mind waiting a bit longer. As long as I obtain enough Celestial Ascension Fruits to refine, I can just come back.

"However, I didn't expect to find a large Moongazer Serpent… Just how many stars could that ancient god have had to carry such a large Moongazer Serpent… And this thing has obviously been sleep for countless years, because there are even ruins of cities on its surface."

Wang Lin's expression loosened and he began to ponder.

"This Moongazer Serpent is in the form of a planet, so once it awakens, I wonder what kind of strength it will have… I'm afraid even Ling Tianhou, the All-Seer, and them would immediately flee in terror! Unfortunately, it won't listen to anyone but its master. Even if my original body was here, it would be useless.

"Otherwise, if I could control it and lead it back to Alliance Star System, wouldn't it be a joyous event?"

Wang Lin let out a bitter smile as he steered the star compass straight toward planet Ran Yun. As the silver light flashed, he was gradually getting farther and farther from planet Yun Xia.

On planet Ran Yun, the Ran family's ancestor, Carefree Sanren, and Sun Xi looked at the sky. Their expressions were deadly grim.

"Planet sealing formation…" Sun Xi's face was filled with bitterness.

Carefree Sanren said, "The Huan family would never do things like this. If they had the time to set up the planet sealing formation, they would have already descended on planet Ran Yun."

The Ran family's ancestor pondered for a long time and said, "I'm afraid that this matter was prepared for the Huan family ancestor's new adopted daughter, Huan Mei, to show her might."

"The Huan family wants to wipe out our three families and is using the formation to prevent us from escaping." Sun Xi's eye became cold.

The Ran family's ancestor said, "They won't be able to wipe out our families. In these past several years, the three of us have secretly sent the talented family members out of the planet. As long as they exist, our families' flame will continue on."

"Unfortunately, our roots are all on planet Ran Yun, so how could we have moved our whole families in a short period of time? If we had moved too fast, it would have caused this matter to blow up early." Carefree Sanren bitterly smiled.

Sun Xi hesitated and said, "Maybe Fellow Cultivator Xu Mu will make it back…"

The Ran family;s ancestor gritted his teeth and said, "Hmph, if he doesn't come back once the three of us are captured by the Huan family, I'll drag him into this matter. How can I let him take all those celestial jades for free?! He promised to protect us but left at the moment of crisis. Despicable!"

Carefree Sanren silently pondered.

Sun Xi let out a sigh and said, "Forget it. Even if he comes back, what can he do? The Huan family's ancestor has already reached the second step, so who can stop him? Rumor has it that the Huan family had two ancestors in the second step. One of them died in the fight for the Thunder Celestial Realm, so only one remains. Although he wasn't as strong as he was before, as long as he comes, then everything will be pointless."

The three of them silently pondered. They were filled with remorse about the matter from four years ago. This was karma.

Just at this moment, the Ran family's ancestor's expression suddenly changed and he exclaimed, "They came!"

Sun Xi and Carefree Sanren raised their heads. They felt the danger coming from the sky, and their expressions became even more gloomy.

Waves of fluctuations came from the sky as an almost endless pressure descended from above.

Outside planet Ran Yun, Liu Mei stepped toward the planet while wearing white. She spread out out her divine sense after passing the planet sealing formation and locked on to the Ran family's ancestor and company.

Her expression was as calm as water as she slowly closed in.

"Brother Sun, Brother Zhao, the three of us have spent most of our lives fighting. Now that we have already settled all future matters, why not let the three of us go all out? Even if we die, we will die without regrets!" Although his voice was low, it contained battle intent. As he looked up at the sky, his eyes contained a burning flame.

"Brother Ran is heroic. Since you are burning your soul, then let me accompany you!" Carefree Sanren let out a laugh and a burning flame also appeared in his eyes.

Sun Xi's eyes revealed a decisive gaze and he smiled. "Forget it. To cultivate all my life means I'll dare to enter the heavens and scold the celestial generals. How can I back down now?"

Monstrous battle intent burst from the three of them like giant flames had suddenly ignited on planet Ran Yun. An ordinary flame could create a signal smoke.[1. The raw for this basically means a smoke signal that warn enemies are coming. I guess the intent usage is to show battle intent created when an army see a signal telling them the enemies are coming.] Although cultivators burning their souls couldn't create a signal smoke, they could create battle intent ten times, a hundred times, a thousand time stronger than signal smoke.

This powerful battle intent reached its peak when Liu Mei's beautiful figure appeared.

Liu Mei's body descended from the sky as she looked at the three of them and muttered, "Burning their origin souls…" Her voice was very beautiful, like the spring wind sweeping past the earth. There was also a mysterious force within her voice.

Carefree Sanren stared at Liu Mei in the sky. The flame in his eyes gradually dimmed and was replaced with a hint of fanaticism…

Chapter 678 - Coming…

Looking at Liu Mei, who had descended from the sky like a celestial, not only Carefree Sanren, Sun Xi also lost his battle intent and began to struggle.

Only the Ran family's ancestor, whose cultivation had reached the mid stage of Ascendant, was barely able to keep his mind clear, but he couldn't do it for long. In his mind, the voice from the woman in the sky was like a song of the heavens. The words seemed to enter his mind, and they even created a trace of mortal feelings.

"Ten Thousand Illusion ruthless domain!" The Ran family's ancestor's expression changed greatly and a flame began to burn within him. This flame came from the fusion of his origin soul and origin energy. This caused his cultivation to improve leaps and bounds.

He then let out a roar. This roar was like thunder that rumbled across the sky and moved the heavens and earth.

Sun Xi's eyes regained clarity and he felt terror in his heart. Just at that moment, he had a feeling like he was facing his own loved one, and he didn't have the heart to attack at all.

Liu Mei's expression was neutral as she closed in and softly said, "The three of you are not my match. If you come back with me to the Huan family, you might have a chance of living."

The Ran family's ancestor's body was now covered in flames, and he took a step forward. His hand formed a seal and then he pressed his hand down. The Ran family's palm thunder immediately appeared and a burst of lightning shot out from his hand directly toward Liu Mei.

Liu Mei revealed a look of helplessness and gently played with her hair. Her jade hand moved forward, and there was a flash of ruthlessness in her eyes. The tip of her finger touched the thunder, causing it to tremble and suddenly dissipate.

Liu Mei softly said, "Since you are going to burn your souls, then burn it a little more thoroughly."

After she said that, the fanaticism in the eyes of Carefree Sanren behind the Ran family's ancestor became even stronger. There was even a sense of obsession within them. He was already in a very chaotic state. In his eyes, the heavens and earth no longer existed; the only thing that remained was the figure of the woman before him.

Without any hesitation, he took a step forward and blocked the Ran family's ancestor. The origin soul in his body suddenly ignited. This kind of burning wasn't just his origin soul but also his physical body.

"There is also you." Liu Mei's gaze fell on Sun Xi.

Sun Xi had just suppressed his heart, but after hearing Liu Mei's words, it completely collapsed. His body trembled and fanaticism appeared in his eyes just like Carefree Sanren. He burned his origin soul and body without any hesitation in exchange for a moment of peak power. His finger formed a sword and he pointed it at the Ran family's ancestor without any hesitation.

The Ran family's ancestor revealed a pitiful smile and said, "Zhao Chuanwen, Sun Xi, I feel sad for the two of you!"

However, Carefree Sanren and Sun Xi seemed to have not heard him at all and released their spells without any hesitation. Then they began their battle to the death with the Ran family's ancestor. Burst of thunderous rumbles and flashes of spells caused the earth to shake and the sky to darken.

Carefree Sanren and Sun Xi's bodies quickly dissipated. However, every bit of their bodies that disappeared made their cultivation get stronger. They battled like madmen against the Ran family's ancestor.

Liu Mei revealed a faintly smile. She really didn't need to bring anyone because as long as she was here, there would be countless cultivators willing to fight for her.

This was the Ten Thousand Illusion Heavenly Devil Dao. Everything in the world could be used by it. The Huan family's ancestor was willing to pay the price and perform the bloodline ritual for Liu Mei because of this. He wanted to see what kind of power it would have once it reached the second step.

The entire planet was in an earthquake-like state. Loud rumblings would constantly come from the ground. The Ran family's ancestor's heart was filled with despair, and he also began burning his body. He was doing his best to exchange it for the most amount of power. As both his origin soul and body burned, his cultivation level rose like crazy. He managed to reach the power of a late sage Ascendant cultivator without a domain.

His cultivation level was raised too quickly, so his domain couldn't keep up, making him only a pseudo late stage Ascendant cultivator. Even so, he was extremely powerful.

As he let out a roar, his body quickly dissipated and his hand quickly formed seals. He suddenly closed his hands and then a dazzling light surrounded them. He wasn't using a spell, it was the most direct method to use the origin energy inside his body. The origin energy turned into this golden light. As he suddenly opened his hands, the golden light shot out like sharp swords in all directions.

At this moment, Sun Xi and Carefree Sanren's bodies were about to dissipate. They only had half of their bodies left, and the rest had disappeared into the void. The fanaticism in their eyes became even stronger, and without any hesitation, the two decided to self destruct.



The self destruction of Ascendant cultivators who were burning their origin souls and bodies caused a great catastrophe for planet Ran Yun.

The sky seemed to collapse and the earth burst open. The seas of planet Ran Yun rose up hundreds of feet and slammed down on the earth as if the planet was angry.

The spirit veins in planet Ran Yun were like gunpowder and all began to explode with the guidance of the self destruction.

Sun Xi and Carefree Sanren's origin souls and bodies dissipated. Even at the moment of their deaths, they were still not sober.

The Ran family's ancestor was at the center. Although he was able to resist it with his powerful cultivation, he still ended up covered in blood. His bloodshot eyes stared at the still calm Liu Mei before him and he snapped, "What a disgusting b*tch. This battle is between you and me; why did you spread it to the mortals and this planet?!"

Liu Mei faintly smiled and softly said, "I haven't attacked at all… The three of you were fighting amongst yourself; what does it have to do with me…"

The Ran family's ancestor raised his head and laughed out loud. This laughter was filled with despair and sadness. While he laughed, tears came from the corners of his eyes and he looked down at the earth. The originally beautiful planet was already in ruins. He knew that if he were to self destruct to injure her, planet Ran Yun would become a wasted cultivation planet.

"This is my home…" His face was filled with bitterness as he looked at Liu Mei and said, word for word, "I, Ran Xuefeng, will use my current cultivation to curse you to die without a grave! Also, the person that killed Huan Dong wasn't the three of us. There is another person named Xu Mu!"

As he spoke, he raised his right hand and hit his forehead. There was a cracking sound as his burning origin soul immediately collapsed and spread to his body. His entire body slowly dissipated before Liu Mei's calm gaze. Eventually, it turned to dust and landed on the ground.

"I was born on Ran Yun and will die on Ran Yun. All I, Ran Xuefeng, can do is my best to protect planet Ran Yun. As for you, Xu Mu, you despicable man, I curse you to die together with Huan Mei!"

Liu Mei's eyes showed a hint of indifference as if nothing in the world could affect her mind. She looked at the earth below her, and with a step she headed down toward the ground.

"The Ran family, Zhao family, and Sun family need to be wiped out… This is Master's request, and it has nothing to do with me. There was also that Xu Mu. That person is a little strange…" Liu Mei thought to herself, then she suddenly frowned. Her divine sense spread out and stopped at the extreme southern part of the planet.

"There is a clone… That Sun cultivator is interesting. This means that the Ran family's ancestor and the Zhao cultivator also have a clone." Liu Mei chuckled. This clone was hidden very well. If it wasn't for the fact that the clone had released a fluctuation when the main body died, Liu Mei would not have found it. After all, without specifically looking for it, she would have completely ignored it after one sweep of her divine sense.

In the city in the southern part of planet Ran Yun, a youth sat inside a house. This youth looked exactly like Sun Xi, and his face was filled with a bitter expression.

Since four years ago, after realizing that they had made a big mistake in killing the Huan family member, the three of them had concentrated all their efforts into refining clones. There were no special methods used, and the clones were so weak that they couldn't battle at all.

However, it was still a method of keeping themselves alive.

The Ran family's ancestor had been secretly refining a clone for hundreds of years, and it had already reached the level to leave the planet. It had left the planet with the other clan members in secret two years ago. As for Carefree Ranren, his methods were a bit lacking, so he couldn't split his origin soul, meaning he couldn't refine a clone. However, he had other means. As for exactly what, no one else knew.

Although this Sun Xi was able to refine a clone, its cultivation was only at the Core Formation stage, so it simply couldn't leave the planet. Before, when he looked for Wang Lin, he was going to ask for help on this matter. However, before he could ask, he was refused by Wang Lin.

Also, this matter was of great importance, so after hesitating, he didn't continue asking. Otherwise, if Xu Mu had figured out that the three of them all had their own means of staying alive and were only dragging him into this to be a scapegoat, he was afraid that no matter how much celestial jades they offered, Xu Mu wouldn't have agreed. In fact, Xu Mu might have attacked them in anger.

Liu Mei teleported and arrived in the southern part of planet Ran Yun. Just as she was about to step into the city, she suddenly jerked her head to face the sky. Her eyes were filled with a never-before-seen mysterious light.

"This aura…"

A silver light crossed through the stars and arrived outside planet Ran Yun. Wang Lin was sitting on the star compass. He collected the three's celestial jades, so he had to at least do as he had promised. Otherwise, there would be no reason for him to return.

His expression was originally neutral, but when he saw the powerful sealing formation around planet Ran Yun, his eyes narrowed. He stood up from the star compass and stared at the restriction with his eyes glowing.

"When I left, this restriction wasn't there!" Wang Lin had a very good understanding of restrictions. Although he couldn't break this restriction in a short period of time, he could enter without damaging it.

He pondered a bit before the star compass under him charged through the restriction and flew straight at planet Ran Yun.

On planet Ran Yun, as Liu Mei raised hear head, the mysterious light in her eyes became even stronger.

Chapter 679 - Ten Thousand Illusion Heavenly Devil Dao

Wang Lin put away the star compass and stepped into planet Ran Yun. At the moment he entered the atmosphere, a flash of coldness appeared in his eyes.

When he was outside, he noticed that the planet was in ruins. Waves of celestial spiritual energy were echoing in the area. It was clear that a great battle had just occurred here.

He took a deep breath. His divine sense had already seen Liu Mei's figure in the southern part of planet Ran Yun.

Liu Mei's appearance had changed somewhat. It could be said that she looked even more stunning than before.

Frowning slightly, Wang Lin took a step forward and disappeared. When he reappeared, he was in the southern part of the planet, only one thousand feet from Liu Mei.

Liu Mei stared at the figure that appeared one thousand feet from her, and the mysterious light in her eyes became even stronger. She had noticed him when he was approaching the planet. She felt that he was vaguely familiar, but his appearance was completely foreign to her.

She didn't speak. Instead, she silently looked at Wang Lin.

Wang Lin looked at Liu Mei and calmly said, "You have already killed them. You can leave."

He came here wondering why Liu Mei was at the southern part of the planet. When he spread out his divine sense, he immediately saw Sun Xi's clone. After pondering for a bit, he was able to understand what had happened.

Since the three of them had lied to him about the clones, then there was no need for him to stick his neck out for them anymore. As long as he tried his best, it was enough.

In addition, what made Wang Lin's heart sink was that this Liu Mei's cultivation had already reached the peak of the late stage of Ascendant. This kind of cultivation caused Wang Lin's pupils to shrink imperceptibly.

"How could this Liu Mei's cultivation have reach such a level? Could it be related to the Huan family's ancestor… It must be so!" Wang Lin's gaze swept Liu Mei's body and revealed a hint of clarity.

"There is still some celestial spiritual energy around her. I assume someone has forcibly raised her cultivation level. However, this kind of forced raise in cultivation is only in celestial spiritual energy. It's be impossible for her domain to have reached the same step!"

Liu Mei stared at Wang Lin and softly said, "Have we met before?"

Wang Lin calmly said, "No!"

Liu Mei looked at Wang Lin for a long time before she revealed a smile that was like the spring wind. However, what it got in return was Wang Lin's always calm-as-water gaze.

"Enough. Leave now before I change my mind!" Wang Lin's voice turned cold. This smile of hers disgusted him a lot. Back on planet, Suzaku she was like this as well.

Liu Mei's eyes exposed a trace of complex emotion and she softly said, "I didn't expect your cultivation to have already reached such an incredible degree. Even I can't see through it…"

Wang Lin frowned and coldly looked at Liu Mei before turning around to leave. Since the three people on planet Ran Yun had lied about their clones, there was no need for him to continue to participate in this matter.

"Wang Lin, do you really think I can't recognize you?!" Liu Mei's voice contained a trace of coldness.

Wang Lin stopped and turned around. Then his eyes turned cold and he said, "There is no need to test me. I'm Wang Lin. If you continue to bug me like back on planet Suzaku, then don't blame me for killing you!"

Currently, the inside of Liu Mei's heart was very different from her appearance. Right now her heart was in turmoil. She could have never imagined that she would meet Wang Lin in the Allheaven Star System, and his cultivation was even strong enough to the point where she couldn't see through him.

Scenes from the past suddenly flashed across her eyes. As she stared at Wang Lin, the complex emotions in her eyes became even stronger, and she softly said, "Aside from you, no one else has such a cold gaze. You changed your appearance, changed your everything, but you can't change your gaze. I'm afraid you changed yourself because you don't want me to recognize you."

Wang Lin frowned as he coldly looked at Liu Mei and said, "I'll say it once more: scram!"

Liu Mei revealed a beautiful smile, then the complex emotion in her eyes disappeared. Instead, it was replaced with indifference, and she gently said, "You cultivation level is definitely not higher than mine. You must have some kind of treasure that can hide your cultivation. Today, you will not be leaving."

There was a burst of wind and the Finger of Death shot out. Liu Mei's expression remained neutral as her jade hand quickly formed a seal and a spell appeared. A lightscreen appeared before her as the Finger of Death collided, causing a loud rumble. Lightning flickered everywhere and countless cracks appeared on the light screen.

Liu Mei shook her head and softly said ,"I didn't guess wrong. Your cultivation is only at the early stage of Ascendant."

Wang Lin's voice was filled with indifference as he slowly said, "A cultivation risen by force has too many drawbacks. I'm afraid your master has other motives!"

Liu Mei faintly smile and said, "So what? Today, you won't be able to escape. If you hadn't reached the Ascendant stage, then it wouldn't have mattered, but since you did, let us finish our feud from planet Suzaku. Let me send you to reunite with Li Muwan…"

"You're courting death!" Wang Lin slapped his bag of holding and the Seven Star Sword Formation immediately flew out. It turned into seven rays of light and flew straight at Liu Mei.

With a neutral expression, Liu Mei pointed to the spot between her eyebrows with her jade hand, then a ray of red light came out from between her eyebrows. The red light suddenly wrapped around her body and turned into the appearance of a woman.

This woman was very arrogant, her eyes were fierce, and she was beautiful. A pair of phoenix eyes looked at Wang Lin with killing intent.

"Red Butterfly!" Wang Lin's eyes released a burst of golden light.

This woman was red butterfly!

Red Butterfly stared at Wang Lin and calmly said, "Our feud needs to be dealt with as well!" With that, she slapped her bag of holding and a red rose appeared. She threw it forward and all the petals scattered. The petals floated toward Wang Lin with a mysterious force.

"What kind of spell is this?!" Wang Lin's pupils shrank imperceptibly. The Liu Mei before him suddenly turned into Red Butterfly. Thanks to Wang Lin's divine sense, he confirmed that this was the real Red Butterfly without any of Liu Mei's aura.

Facing the petals, Wang Lin's right hand forced a seal, and with a thought, the Seven Star Sword Formation closed in. The seven swords formed a circle and rapidly rotated, creating a powerful sword wind that crushed the flower petals.

The arrogance in Red Butterfly's eyes became even stronger as she flicked her finger and the flower's stamen flew out. Her left hand pointed a few times, then the flower stamen suddenly combined to form a rune. She pressed down her hand, causing the rune to immediately fly out. The rune continued to expand until it was more than one thousand feet wide and pressed down on Wang Lin like a giant mountain.

Wang Lin's eyes became cold as he raised his hand and pointed at the sky. A thunderbolt flashed across the sky as a long underworld river suddenly appeared and crushed the rune. The underworld river was filled with bloodlust. Under Wang Lin's control, the underworld river moved like a roaring dragon and immediately surrounded Red Butterfly. It was about to pull her entire body into the underworld river.

Red Butterfly's eyes shined brightly and she calmly said, "Dao intent! You actually have your own dao!"

Wang Lin let out a cold snort. As the underworld river moved, the sky darkened. There were flashes of lightning inside the underworld river, making it even more powerful.

Red Butterfly felt a sense of crisis as her right hand pointed between her eyebrows once more. This time, a yellow light surrounded her body, and when it disappeared, it revealed a small and thin figure.


That word contained a mysterious power that caused Wang Lin's underworld river to suddenly pause.

"Zhou Ru…"

That small figure was Zhou Ru. She timidly looked at Wang Lin with her eyes wide open and her face filled with terror.

"Uncle, I finally found you. Please don't abandon me, OK?"

Wang Lin's eyes revealed a painful expression and he shouted, "Enough, Liu Mei!"

The underworld river churned and Zhou Ru was immediately pulled into it. Zhou Ru's eyes were filled with fear and confusion as he looked at Wang Lin. A tear came out from her eyes and she softly said, "Uncle, are you going to kill Ru Er?"

"This is fake…" Wang Lin took a deep breath and his heart became determined. The underworld river went for the kill and rushed into Zhou Ru's body. It was about to completely submerge her.

Just at this moment, a low and weak voice echoed.

"Tie Zhu…"

This voice was like a bell echoing inside Wang Lin's body. He saw the mother that he had been separated from for eight hundred years looking kindly at him from inside the underworld river.

Wang Lin's heart trembled.

His hand trembled, then the underworld river collapsed and disappeared into nothingness.

"This is also fake." Wang Lin's eyes glowed red.

"Fake… Wang Lin, thanks to my Ten Thousand Illusion Heavenly Devil Dao, they are both fake and real!" Liu Mei's voice was illusionary and came from all direction.

Zhou Ru and Red Butterfly appeared from the void. At the same time, Wang Lin's father appeared and looked at Wang Lin with a gentle gaze.

"Wang Lin, do you still remember me…" Wang Zhuo walked out from the void. He was no longer an old man but a high-spirited youth.

"Disciple, you have to remember to pass on the legacy of the Soul Refining Sect…" Du Tian's ancient figure walked out from the void.

Shortly after, figures familiar to Wang Lin walked out one by one. Each of them silently looked at Wang Lin. Their gazes were all different; some complex, some filled with loss, some filled with joy, some filled with sadness…

A flash of blue light appeared in the sky and turned into a woman. This woman was Li Muwan!

Li Muwan looked at Wang Lin with a gentle gaze and softly said, "Wang Lin, am I also fake…"

She stood beside Wang Lin's mother. It was as if they were mother and daughter as they calmly looked at Wang Lin.

"Ten Thousand Illusion Heavenly Devil Dao…" Wang Lin looked at the familiar figures before him and his eyes revealed pain. He closed his eyes and softly said, "The Ten Thousand Illusion Heavenly Devil Dao is like the heavenly devil; it invades the body and ignites one's origin soul to burn the mind and body… Liu Mei, how much hatred is there between us for you to collect so much of my past…"

Every figure around him suddenly turned into green smoke and rushed into Wang Lin's body.