

Chapter 414: Lunatic?

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Han Sen was scared by the idea that Shura might be able to survive in God's Sanctuary.

Shura's physique was much better than human in the first place. If they were able to survive in God's Sanctuary and gain geno points, the consequences would be dire.

Shura had always been conducting research in this aspect, but they had not made much progress. Meanwhile, the Alliance was doing its best to prevent Shura from entering God's Sanctuary.

Because of the damages Shura would suffer from entering God's Sanctuary and human occupation of most of the shelters, Shura had almost no chance at it.

Some Shura had risked their lives and tried to enter God's Sanctuary, but they were doomed once spotted by human. After all, Shura almost had no ability to fight was entering God's Sanctuary. The moment they were seen, they would be killed.

Even if they were not found, they would die of sickness in a couple days.

"Maybe Shura had overcome the issue of surviving God's Sanctuary?" Han Sen felt a chill. If that was true, then a disaster would fall on human.

An ordinary Shura adult had the same physique as a human evolver. And a strong Shura fighter would be the same as a human surpasser. With such physique, it would be easy for Shura to kill all creatures and leave none for human.

Among black, white, golden, and purple horns, purple horns were the Shura royalties who had the strongest physique. Once older than ten, they could be over 100 in fitness index.

Although Han Sen did not know how old this Shura woman was, she must be more than ten years old, which meant she definitely had a fitness index beyond 100.

Once Shura like her entered in First God's Sanctuary and started a fight with human, Han Sen could imagine what would happen.

Even Han Sen who only had a fitness index below thirty could already become invincible in First God's Sanctuary. Ordinary super creatures only had a fitness index over forty.

If the number became over 100... Han Sen was covered in cold sweat on the thought as unspeakable fear filled his heart. It was beyond his personal interests. If Shura were able to survive in First God's Sanctuary, it would be the nightmare for the entire mankind.

Han Sen could not bear to think of that kind of tragedy. He was a man, with his family, friends, and loved ones in God's Sanctuary, so he had to think of the worst possibility.

The Shura woman got herself a bowl of meat with soup and realized that she still had her mask on when she tried to eat. She took the mask off and put it away.

Han Sen then saw her face and was dazed. Although judging from her small purple horns, Han Sen knew she was probably young, he did not realize how young she was. She was about fourteen or fifteen years old, her face round and skin so fair that it was almost transparent. The look in her eyes was quite innocent. Because Shura girls developed early in general, she had a curvaceous body, which made Han Sen feel she was older.

Her waist-length black hair was tied back. If it was not for her purple horns, she would just be considered a pretty girl.

However, because of the horns, Han Sen did not dare to consider her as a girl. Even though she was just around fifteen years old, her fitness index was definitely over 100 as a Shura royalty.

This sweet girl was actually as fierce as Queen, more destructive than super creatures in First God's Sanctuary.

As Han Sen was checking her out, she sat down on something covered by a piece of cloth and started to gobble from the bowl in her hand as fast as the holy angel did.

In a short while, she finished all the food in the bowl. When she got up to get more, the piece of cloth was moved, unveiling what was underneath.

Han Sen was shocked with just a sneak peek.

Under the cloth was a shining yellow crystal the size of a boulder. Han Sen was very familiar with this kind of crystal. He had seen many of these recently, which were the life essence of super creatures. Although Han Sen only caught a glimpse, he was certain that it must be life essence. Judging by the shape of the cloth, there were at least two pieces of life essence underneath.

Han Sen stared at them without a blink. Although he now had the ability to kill a super creature, it took him a lot of time to find one. He wanted life essence bad.

Looking at the Shura girl, Han Sen gave up the thought. Han Sen could not understand why the Shura girl did not eat the life essence. However, there was no way Han Sen could beat her. Not even with the holy angel and the golden rock worm king helping him. A fitness level of over 100 was simply matchless in First God's Sanctuary.

Han Sen was always decisive. Although the temptation was huge, he merely hesitated for a moment before he decided to leave quietly. He had to report the existence of Shura to the Alliance, making sure that the Alliance was prepared.

Han Sen alone could not stop something as big as this. If Shura was really able to overcome the damages they suffered from God's Sanctuary, then the entire Alliance must be rallied up against them.

In addition, this Shura girl was even able to control a super creature, which was shocking.

As Han Sen was trying to leave, to his surprise, the Shura girl suddenly let out a scream. He turned to look at her and saw her kneeling on the floor, moaning in pain.

Her body kept shaking as she huddled up.

The evil goblin and the white rhinoceros seemed to be so scared that they each ran away into a stone channel like rabbits. However, they did not dare to go far, but stayed in their own place shivering, checking on the Shura girl from time to time.


Han Sen heard a loud noise. The Shura girl who was holding her head and moaning in pain suddenly started to bang her head against the floor, smashing the rock into pieces. Although the rock was broken, her head was not even red, but only got dirty with some dust on it.

Bang bang bang!

Han Sen watched the girl hitting her head against the rock repeatedly and was shocked.

It is Shura girl a lunatic? Watching the Shura girl banging her head on the floor, Han Sen could not help feeling an urge to kill her. She looked like she was having a reoccurrence of some disease. Maybe he could take the opportunity to kill her.

Chapter 415: Human?

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

On another thought, Han Sen was not even sure if he could hurt her with the cursed wolf dagger, given how strong she was. The gap between himself and someone with a fitness level over 100 was simply too big.

Han Sen watched the Shura girl banging her head against the floor in pain with a complex look. He suddenly found that the cave seemed to be very well lit. As he took a closer look, he saw the full moon was shining through the cave from the crack above.


With another hard bang, a large pit was formed as all the rocks within a range of a dozen feet were crushed.

After that, the Shura girl did not move anymore, but fell in the pit and fainted.

The evil goblin and the white rhinoceros then came out of the stone channels. The evil goblin approached the unconscious Shura girl, hesitated, and suddenly opened its mouth and bit at her.

Han Sen was dumbfounded. He did not know what was going on. A moment ago, the evil goblin was following the Shura girl like a puppy dog, while all of a sudden, it was about to eat her.

Maybe this creature was extremely intelligent and knew how strong she was, so it pretended to be enslaved by her until it could find an opportunity to eat her alive.

The evil goblin snapped at her body and threw her into the air, using its thousands of hands to tear her apart.

Although Han Sen was happy to see that, he was shocked when his gaze fell upon the Shura girl.

The evil goblin caught half of the Shura girl's body, so her hair was falling in the air. Han Sen saw clearly that the pair of purple horns were gone.

Han Sen could not believe it and rubbed his eyes. As he looked at her one more time, he still did not see the purple horns that represented Shura royalty.

"What has happened? Did I make a mistake earlier?" Han Sen was filled with doubts, but the evil goblin was already ready to swallow the girl like a snake.

If she was Shura, Han Sen would hope this to happen. However, the girl now looked like a completely normal human girl, which made him hesitate.


Seeing that the evil goblin king was about to eat the girl, Han Sen gritted his teeth and summoned the holy angel and the cursed wolf dagger, dashing at the evil goblin king.

The evil goblin king knew how strong the holy angel was and dodged her attack immediately. However, Han Sen was already in its face. He wielded the cursed wolf dagger and made several cuts on the head of the evil goblin king, making it seethe in pain.

The girl fell from its mouth. Han Sen caught her in the air and flew away, dodging the splashing poisonous blood.

The white rhinoceros roared and quickly threw itself at Han Sen, running with its six hooves.

As Han Sen pointed at the rhinoceros, the golden rock worm king flew at it.

Taking this opportunity, Han Sen stepped aside and touched the head of the fainted girl, trying to make sure whether she was Shura.

Han Sen felt nothing. The pair of purple horns simply disappeared without leaving any trace.

Han Sen felt her head again and again. He could not believe what had happened. He was sure that he did see a pair of purple horns shaped like crescents. However, they were gone just like that.

Shura's horns could not be retracted. Otherwise, there would be a million for Shura spies among human.

The horns of Shura were connected to their brain. Even if they cut the horns off, there would still be scars where the horns used to be. It was easy to tell when touched.

In addition, no hair would grow where the horns were broken, so it was easy to tell.

However, this girl was different. Her scalp was smooth and her hair was thick. There were no proof of previous horns, so it was impossible that the horns were knocked off by herself.

"What could this possibly be? Were the horns just some decoration she was wearing and were smashed just now?" Han Sen had never heard of such a thing and could not decide what to do with her.

"I'll leave her alone for the moment," Han Sen decided, thinking of the evil goblin, white rhinoceros, and the life essence covered by the cloth.

He wanted to leave the girl alone, but there was no safe space in the cave given four monsters were fighting inside. Han Sen had to hold her in his arms for the moment.

The evil goblin was almost beaten by holy angel. Lots of its hands were cut off. Although they were both super creatures, the holy angel was obviously the top of the top, even comparable to the adult golden growler. The evil goblin, however, was more or less on the same level as the aqua reaper. In addition, the evil goblin was hurt in the first place, so it was no match of the holy angel.

On the other side, the golden rock worm king was against the white rhinoceros. To Han Sen's surprise, the rock worm king was at a disadvantage. In terms of both speed and fitness, the rhinoceros was stronger.

Han Sen put the super Pat armor on the rock worm and enhanced its defense. This way, it could compete against the white rhinoceros.

Han Sen rushed over to fight the evil goblin with the cursed wolf dagger in his hand and his wings flapping. He decided to take the weakest link out first and leave the tough ones for later.

The evil goblin was dodging here and there from the holy angel's attack. Han Sen took his opportunity, used the both Heresy Mantra and Overload, appeared behind the evil goblin, and cut off its triangular head.


The giant body of the evil goblin suddenly became limp. It fell to the bottom, making the entire space shake.

"Super creature evil goblin killed. No beast soul gained. Life essence available. Meat inedible."

The voice suddenly sounded in Han Sen's mind, but Han Sen had no time to lament the lack of beast soul. He commanded the holy angel to take care of the six-legged white rhinoceros.

On the other hand, Han Sen went to the disappearing body of the evil goblin and seized a red crystal the size of a football.

Chapter 416: A Fortune

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Han Sen glanced at the girl in his arms who was still unconscious. Her clothes were a bit ragged, while she did not get injured at all, and only had some red marks.

Han Sen frowned and checked on the white rhinoceros under the siege of both the holy angel and golden rock worm king. It seemed there was no need for Han Sen to do anything.

Holding the girl under one arm and the life essence of the evil goblin in the other, Han Sen dashed to the tent which was already damaged by fallen stones. He found a quilt in the tent, took it out, and placed the girl on it. He then ran toward the life essence covered under the piece of cloth.

As the piece of cloth was lifted, Han Sen was bedazzled by the splendid view. Three crystals were placed together. One was yellow and the other two were blue. The yellow one was the biggest piece, about the size of a boulder. One of the blue ones was the size of a drum, and the other the size of a basketball.

"Fortune... Such a fortune..." Han Sen almost jumped up, unable to believe his own eyes.

Han Sen bent over and licked at the yellow crystal, trying to make sure that it was life essence. As the yellow liquid was swallowed by Han Sen, he suddenly heard the voice.

"Life essence of super creature earth dragon beast consumed..."

Han Sen was overjoyed. He was finally relaxed as these were truly life essence.

"Mine, they're all mine." Han Sen summoned Meowth in its transformed state, put a bag around neck and started to fill it with life essence.

The golden growler was too big in size, so it would be inconvenient for it to leave the cave. Han Sen had to put the burden on Meowth.

Three life essence crystals, in addition to the ones from the evil goblin and the white rhinoceros which was about to be killed. Han Sen was almost certain that he would be able to gain five crystals of life essence at once.

These five crystals might even make him max out on super geno points. It was such a huge pie in the sky, which fell right into Han Sen's mouth.

"La di da... la di da... I love moving..." Han Sen paused as he suddenly felt something was wrong when moving the crystals into the bag.

Han Sen turned around and was suddenly dumbstruck. The girl had already sat up. She tilted her head and regarded Han Sen with her wide eyes blinking.

Han Sen was so happy that he had forgotten about the girl. Seeing she had woken up, Han Sen suddenly remembered that she was possibly a Shura royalty and was then covered in cold sweat.

"Hello!" Han Sen forced a smile and said hi to the girl, thinking, I should not have such bad luck... She does not look like a Shura royalty either.

The girl did not respond, still staring at Han Sen with her eyes wide as if she had never seen human before.

Han Sen's heart sank. He wondered what she was thinking. At this point, Han Sen was holding a blue crystal of life essence in his hand. He was not sure whether he should put it into his bag or put it where it used to be.

However, Han Sen had already put away the other two pieces. It was too late for him to do anything. Anyone could tell he was stealing.

"This thing... You have no use of it... So, I will take it away..." Han Sen said to the girl, holding the blue life essence high.

This time, to Han Sen's joy, the girl unexpectedly nodded. He put the life essence away and said, "You were unconscious just now. That creature tried to eat you and I saved you..."

The girl was so strange that Han Sen did not know where she came from. It would not hurt if he started to sweet talk.

As the saying goes, no one would slap a smiling face. At the very least, Han Sen had saved her, although she probably did not need to be saved.

The hard snap from the evil goblin did not even break her skin as fair as milk, but only left some red marks on it, which was about what would happen if she scratched it with her nails.

The girl blinked and said nothing, watching Han Sen transferring the life essence to his bag.


The white rhinoceros suddenly screamed. Han Sen saw the head of the white rhinoceros sent into the air by the holy angel.

The golden rock worm king was still clinging to the body of the white rhinoceros, its tail digging into the rhino's meat and its claws holding the rhino's stomach.

"Super creature white jade six-legged rhinoceros killed. No beast soul gained. Life essence available. Meat inedible."

Han Sen heard the voice again. It was the first time that he had killed two super creatures in one day, which no one could believe even if he were to tell someone.

The next moment, Han Sen became pale, because the girl suddenly moved.

She was so incredibly fast that even with Han Sen's eyesight, he almost lost track of her moves. As the girl stepped forward, she almost appeared in front of the golden rock worm king instantaneously, throwing a punch at the pet.

She was so swift that the golden rock worm king had no time to dodge, and Han Sen did not even manage to take back his pet in time.


The tender fist of the girl hit the golden rock worm king hard. The hole was left on both the super pet armor and the worm king.

It was so easy that it looked like the creature and the pet armor were made of paper.

Han Sen took the golden rock worm king, holy angel, and Meowth back in his mind and ran away immediately, letting the life essence drop on the floor.

At this point, Han Sen still did not know whether the teenage girl was a Shura royalty. However, there was no doubt that her fitness index was over 100. Since she had made a move, Han Sen did not have any thought other than running for his life.

Unless an evolver like Queen came here, it did not matter how many people came to his rescue. However, in First God's Sanctuary, it was impossible that an advanced evolver could appear. There would be at most some rookies who had just evolved.

Han Sen just started running when the girl stood in front of him in the blink of an eye, her face almost hitting his.

Chapter 417: A Mentally Troubled Girl

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Han Sen was shocked and quickly stepped back. He was about to summon the holy angel and the golden rock worm king which was severely injured. Han Sen decided to buy himself some time. After all, nothing mattered more than his own life.

As Han Sen stepped back, the girl did not attack him, but stared at him with her big eyes. There was no hostility on her face.

Han Sen suddenly had a thought and did not summon the worm king and holy angel.

If this girl was trying to attack him, she should have done that a long time ago. However, she did not attack Han Sen who was the closest to her but hit golden rock worm king. That probably meant she had no intention to hit Han Sen.

Therefore, if Han Sen were to antagonize her with the worm king and holy angel, he would definitely be doomed.

Although Han Sen was having a thought like that, his eyes were fixed on the girl, still alarmed.

Although the girl did not look hostile, it was just the look. One could never predict another person's thought, not to mention how weird this girl was.

The girl did not lay a hand on Han Sen, but stared at him. It seemed that she was curious.

"Sister, my name is Han Sen. How shall I call you?" Han Sen asked with a forced smile, as he felt awkward but did not know what to say.

"Zero." Han Sen did not have much hope, but to his surprise, the girl answered him.

The voice of the girl had a pleasant tone. Han Sen was not sure if she was answering his question.

"Zero?" Han Sen asked her with doubt.

"Zero." The girl said and squatted down, writing "Zero" on the floor with her finger, which turned out to be standard Alliance language.

Seeing the word written by the girl, Han Sen felt more relaxed. The Alliance had fought Shura for many years, which was why human would learn Shura language and Shura culture.

Shura had also learned human language, but even ordinary Shura did not deign to use the language of human, let alone a Shura royalty.

The girl naturally used standard Alliance language, which made her more likely to be a human.

"Zero, this is your first name, right? What is your last name?" Han Sen asked.

"Just Zero," the girl said without explaining further. She was still staring at Han Sen as if there was something on his face.

Han Sen thought Zero did not seem to be too intelligent. He licked his lips and said with a fake smile, "We are friends, not enemies, right?"

"Friends, not enemies," Zero nodded and said.

Han Sen was overjoyed, spread his hands and said, "We are good friends, so we don't fight, right?"

"Good friends, no fight." Zero nodded again, agreeing with Han Sen.

Han Sen was even more pleased as he felt Zero was indeed a bit dumb, like a three-year-old.

"Did she hurt her brain when she bangs her head on the floor?" Han Sen was secretly happy. He walked two steps and pointed at the life essence on the floor, asking, "Tell me, can I take these?"

This time, Zero did not speak but nodded. Obviously, she had agreed.

Han Sen was on top of the world. Originally, he thought there would be no gain this time as both golden rock worm king and super pet armor were severely damaged, and it was still questionable whether he could survive. Life essence was out of the question.

However, things suddenly took a turn. He still had a chance to take away all the crystals of life essence, which was a great surprise to him.

"Can I really take these away?" Han Sen pointed at the life essence and then himself, confirming it with Zero again.

"Yes." Zero nodded heavily. She seemed to be quite serious.

"Thank you... You are such a good person..." Han Sen was eventually able to make sure that Zero was out of her mind. She must have hurt her brain just now. Otherwise, who would give life essence away?

Han Sen still felt a bit anxious. He tried to walk to a crystal of life essence, lifted it up and checked on Zero, who had sat down on the boulder nearby, resting her chin in her hands and watching Han Sen with great interest. It seemed that she did not want to fight at all.

"Since you gave it to me, I will eat it?" Han Sen reached out his tongue, pretending to be licking at the life essence.

Zero regarded him without speaking, her eyes smiling.

"I will begin then?" Han Sen licked the crystal. Zero was still smiling at him. It seemed that she was very happy.

Han Sen saw that Zero meant him no harm and was okay with him eating the life essence and started to lick faster.

Zero was still just watching, making Han Sen completely relaxed.

It seems that she's really hurt her brain. That's much easier. Han Sen no longer held back and started to lick away.

"Life essence of super creature crystal spirit beast consumed. One super geno point gained."

Very soon, the better half of the smaller piece of blue life essence was swallowed by Han Sen. To Han Sen's excitement, the voice kept telling him how many super geno points he had gained.

At this point, Han Sen was certain that Zero who seemed to be troubled mentally did not mean him any harm. In fact, with her ability, if she were to fight him, Han Sen could not think of a single way he could save himself from her.

The difference in their fitness levels was too big. Even among evolvers, a fitness index of over 100 was the absolute top, not to mention Han Sen was still unevolved.

This was what was confusing Han Sen as well. If Zero was human, with her super geno points maxed out, it will still be impossible for her to have a fitness index over 100. Han Sen knew that very well, because according to his estimate, even after he finished evolution in the evolution pool and became an evolver, he would still just be around 60 to 70 in fitness index, which was still much less than 100.

Although Han Sen did not understand, he had no trouble taking advantage of the situation. Zero seemed to have a troubled mind and meant him no harm, so he could just take the life essence for himself.

Han Sen summoned Meowth again and picked up the life essence of the white jade six-legged rhinoceros. He put all the crystals of life essence on Meowth's back.

"Thank you, beauty. So long and I will buy you dinner next time." Han Sen waved at Zero, walking out with Meowth.

Although Zero meant him no harm, Han Sen did not know where she came from, and she was troubled mentally. Who knows if she would become mad again? Han Sen decided to be as far away from her as possible.

However, when Han Sen arrived at the channel where he came from, he found Zero right behind him. It seemed that she was following him silently.

Chapter 418: Tattoo

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

In his room at Steel Armor Shelter, Han Sen felt a strong headache as he looked at Zero who was sitting opposite him.

Back to the day when they were in the cave, Zero insisted on following him in silence. She would walk as Han Sen did and stop when he stopped. When Han Sen could something, she would eat it without apologies. When Han Sen asked her something, she would just nod or shake her head.

Han Sen fished no information out of her and had to accept this tail.

Han Sen even tried to run away on the back of the golden growler during the middle of the night while she was sleeping. However, after riding the golden growler nonstop for more than half a day, as he started to cook lunch, Zero was already waiting next to his pot with her eyes wide.

Han Sen had thought of all kinds of methods, trying to get rid of her. In his eyes, she was a huge time bomb, which he could not keep around himself. However, after using all he got, he failed to lose her.

The only possible way to get rid of her must be violence. However, thinking of the way she left a hole in the super pet armor and golden rock worm king, Han Sen dismissed the idea immediately.

Han Sen took Zero back to the shelter. His original thought was to export the crisis. There were so many people in Steel Armor Shelter, so Zero might focus her attention on someone else and follow that person instead. He could maybe call the police for that person and let the Alliance step in.

However, Zero did not follow anyone else other than him. She would go wherever Han Sen went like a tag-along.

She did not seem to be completely dumb. At least when Han Sen went to the bathroom, Zero would not follow him.

In the end, Han Sen had to take her back to his room in Steel Armor Shelter and watch her with a headache.

He had found out nothing about her. Before leaving the cave, he had checked on Zero's belongings, which were just ordinary man-made products. There was no way he could tell where she came from and why she would follow himself by examining those things.

"We are already in the shelter, so you can teleport back home yourself," Han Sen said to Zero helplessly. Zero looked back at Han Sen and blinked her dark eyes, "I'm hungry."

Han Sen couldn't help holding his forehead, feeling like he had found himself a lot of trouble.

"Little sister, I'm telling you, I will evolve and leave First God's Sanctuary very soon. Even if you stay here, it will not make a difference." Han Sen was telling the truth.

He was eating the life essence he picked up on the way back to the shelter. At this point, he had eighty-two super geno points and still had two and half crystals left. Once he finished everything, he should be maxing out on his super geno points.

Zero remained silent. Her eyes were as clear as spring water with no impurity. She gazed at Han Sen like that and repeated, "I'm hungry."

Han Sen felt like he was about to go mad, but he had to start cooking.

As they were eating, Han Sen asked Zero who was filling her mouth with food, "So, why did you choose to follow me?"

Surprisingly, Zero put down the bowl in her hand and stood up. Then Han Sen saw her unbutton her blouse and pull it down.

"Don't. I'm not that kind of person. You think you can tempt me with your beauty? I'm telling you there is no way you could achieve that. I am a..." Han Sen covered his eyes with both hands and said, while peeking through his fingers.

Zero had already pulled her blouse down. She was wearing nothing underneath. However, she had already turned her back to Han Sen. Han Sen suddenly widened his eyes.

On the gorgeous and flawless back of Zero, Han Sen saw a tattoo, a red tattoo.

The tattoo was the shape of a beast which looked like a cat or fox. As red as fire, the head and tail of the beast were connected into a circle. Han Sen was naturally familiar with this print.

The red pendant Han Sen had was exactly the same. Han Sen told him that the beast was called nine-life cat. The pendant used to belong to Han Jingzhi, who never went anywhere without it.

On the body of this weird girl, Han Sen saw this beast once again, which made him feel surprised.

Zero pulled her blouse back to cover her nude body up, walked to Han Sen, and reached her hand toward Han Sen's chest.

"What are you doing?" Han Sen was startled, trying to jump back.

However, Zero was too fast. She immediately reached into Han Sen's collar and pulled the nine-life cat pendant Han Sen was wearing. She then released it and stepped back, pointing at the pendant.

"You're saying you followed me because of this pendant? What do you have to do with it?" Han Sen looked at Zero incredulously.

Zero did not talk to Han Sen again but sat back to eat, as if he had heard nothing.

Han Sen strongly suspected that Zero was not dumb at all. Han Sen had never managed to get any information that she did not want to share. Seeing Zero's face, Han Sen did not even want to ask again.

"What is this about? Why would there be a nine-life cat on the back of Zero? Is that related to this pendant? What's the relationship between her and Han Jingzhi?" Han Sen looked at the nine-life cat dependent with complex emotions.

However, Han Sen felt like there was no way for Zero to be connected to Han Jingzhi. Han Jingzhi was someone who lived centuries ago, while Zero was so young. The connection was simply impossible.

"Maybe it's just a coincidence. Nine-life cat should not be anything unique to Han Jingzhi." Han Sen had to comfort himself.

"I'm leaving now. You can stay here or teleport back yourself." Han Sen used the teleport device in his room and teleported back to the teleport station.

He still had the memory card he gained from the cave in his pocket. Maybe he would know something after seeing what was inside.

Han Sen believed it would not be a coincidence for that alloy case to appear in the cave. Maybe there were some clues about Zero stored in the memory card.

Just when Han Sen walked out of the teleport device and tried to access the memory card with his comlink, he was suddenly appalled.

From the same teleport device, a beautiful girl who had a gorgeous face and long black hair walked out in ragged clothes. It was no other than Zero.

"Something is definitely wrong..." Han Sen gazed at Zero, feeling like he had seen a ghost.

Chapter 419: Firebird Again

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The rule about teleport was that you would go out through the same teleport device used to enter God's Sanctuary, no matter where you had been in God's Sanctuary.

If the teleport device was damaged, then the person would be teleported to a device nearby. The rule never changed. Han Sen did not believe there would be such a coincidence that Zero teleported into God's Sanctuary via the exact same device as he did. It was simply unbelievable.

Han Sen thought he was able to get rid of her once he left God's Sanctuary, but it seemed that she could follow him out as well, which made Han Sen frown.

This girl was a super timebomb, so Han Sen did not dare to take her home. However, if he claimed that she was Shura and turned her to the Alliance, judging by her look which was 100% human, the Alliance would only think Han Sen was mad or was trying to frame Zero.

Han Sen was dazed, staring at Zero. Then he suddenly had an idea and decided to turn back to the teleport station, going back to God's Sanctuary.

Standing in his room at Steel Armor Shelter, Han Sen closely watched the teleport device in his room. Then, what he worried about the most happened.

With a whirl, Zero quickly appeared in the teleport device and came out as her beautiful self.

The teleport device in the room of a shelter normally could only be used by the owner of the room. If one did not have a room, one had to use the public teleport device on the Plaza. However, Zero was able to use the teleport device in Han Sen's room and ended up in the same spot as he did. When he came back, she was still able to follow him back to his room.

"Dammit! Why is this happening?" Han Sen cursed inwardly. But there was nothing he could do about Zero. Han Sen teleported once again to the Alliance and was followed by Zero as expected. Although Han Sen knew this would happen, he still felt quite upset.

"It seems that I could only get rid of her as I evolve to Second God's Sanctuary." Han Sen entered a lounge, trying to read the memory card via a comlink to get some useful information.

Very soon, Han Sen was disappointed. Although there was a lot of information stored in the memory card, it was mostly about how to manufacture geno solutions. There was hardly anything else than technological information.

Han Sen was not really interested in geno solutions. It was not his specialty, so he did not understand much of it.

He found no information on Zero and could not take her home, so Han Sen had to return to Steel Armor Shelter.

Han Sen decided to take Zero to hunt some creatures, since he still needed three more sacred geno points. With three more sacred geno points and the remaining crystals of life essence, Han Sen could probably evolve and become an evolver.

Han Sen wondered whether he had run out of his luck, or maybe it was because Zero was following him and brought him bad luck. For several days, Han Sen wandered around in Devil Desert, but found no sacred-blood creature at all.

After he finished eating the life essence, he eventually had ninety-nine super geno points, one point from maxing out. What back luck! However, Zero was following him quietly like a shadow. She did not speak or get in trouble at all. Even if Han Sen wanted to on scold her, he had nowhere to start.

In addition, with Zero's physique, Han Sen did not there to piss her off. Once she got mad, God knows what she would do.

Han Sen had to wander around in Devil Desert. It might be that his luck was finally here. Han Sen saw a mountain from afar which looked like a volcano covered with white snow on top. It was exactly the mountain where he had seen the phoenix-like creature.

Han Sen became overjoyed. As long as he killed the creature, he would be able to gain the last super geno point that he was missing and evolve. At that time, he could get rid of the horrendous timebomb, Zero.

The golden rock worm king and super pet armor were almost destroyed by Zero. Currently, they were restoring in Han Sen's mind and could not be used in a short amount of time.

Han Sen quickly summoned the holy angel and sent her to probe on the mountain. Han Sen still had a lot of reservations about the firebird and did not want to take the risks himself.

The holy angel flapped her wings and went to the top of that mountain. She suddenly heard a shrill bird song from the mountaintop as she approached. The strange bird burning with golden and red flames came down from the mountain at the holy angel like a phoenix.

The long wavy hair of the holy angel was flowing in the wind. There was a grim look in her golden eyes. She flapped her wings and moved away from the incoming firebird.

The firebird tweeted and came after the holy angel. The girl and the bird started to fight in the air. The holy angel kept dodging the attacks from the firebird, unwilling to catch on the flames. On the other hand, the firebird was also being very cautious, unwilling to show any weakness in front of the holy angel.

Although the fight seemed to be rather fierce, the two did not exchange too many movements. Han Sen saw that even the holy angel was afraid of the flames of the firebird and did not dare to take the risks himself.

Han Sen had a fitness level even lower than a super creature. Since even the holy angel did not want to catch the flames, it would be even more dangerous for Han Sen. So, even if he were willing to go, he might not be of much help.

However, Han Sen was anxious seeing the holy angel and the firebird were pretty even. It seemed that it was hard for them to fight it out. They were both quite conservative and could not beat the opponent quickly.

However, Han Sen had no solutions to that. If the super pet armor had not been damaged by Zero, the holy angel could simply put on that armor, which might defend her from the flames of the firebird. The firebird might have been killed already if that was the case.

"Such bad luck." Han Sen shot a glance at Zero who was standing next to him and felt quite upset.

After seeing Zero, Han Sen's eyes suddenly lit up. He thought, I wonder if he would help me if I ask her to kill the firebird. She is not interested in the life essence anyway, so I don't need to worry about her keeping the life essence for herself.

"Ahem, Zero. Can you do me a favor?" Han Sen cleared his throat and asked.

Zero did not even look at Han Sen. She suddenly jumped up and reached the mountain in just a few moves. With a long jump, she reached out a hand and grabbed at the firebird that was fighting the holy angel.

Chapter 420: Preparation before Evolution

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

After Zero threw herself at the firebird like a cannonball, she went through the burning body of the firebird and appeared on the other side. Landing heavily on the mountain's feet and even broke a part of the mountain.

In Zero's hand, there was a red and golden spirit wiggling like flames. The firebird quickly issued a scream, as its body made up of flames simply exploded and turned into fireworks.

Zero jumped back to Han Sen and threw the spirit at him without saying anything. She then stood next to Han Sen like she always did.

"Ahem. Thank you so much!" Han Sen flushed. He never treated Zero well, while Zero finished what he was trying to accomplish for a long time, which embarrassed him a bit.

Zero did not reply and gave Han Sen a sweet smile, her teeth glistening through her soft lips.

Han Sen did not have any time to speak, because the red and golden spirit in his hands was scorching, almost turning his hands into barbecue. Han Sen quickly summoned the cursed wolf daggers and slashed it at the spirit.

"Super creature desert bird killed. Beast soul of desert bird gained. Life essence available. Meat inedible."

As the voice sounded in Han Sen's mind, he almost screamed out of excitement. Another super beast soul! How lucky!

He caught a red and gold crystal the size of a bullet in his hand and threw it in his mouth without hesitation.

Although it was kind of a waste, he had no use of the life essence even if he saved it for later. There was no way he could sell it to someone else either. Therefore, Han Sen simply ate the whole thing.

"Life essence of desert bird consumed. One super geno point gained... Super geno points maxed out." Han Sen realized that he had finally maxed out on his super geno points, even earlier than he maxed out on sacred geno points.

Han Sen looked to his mind with joy and saw his newly gained super beast soul.

Type of beast soul of super creature desert bird: aura

Han Sen almost laughed out loud. It was a beast soul aura, which was very rare.

Han Sen had felt the effect of flame lieutenant was somewhat lacking. Having gained a super beast soul aura, he had something to replace it with.

Although he was about to be ready to evolve, Han Sen did not rush. After all, he still had more than two months left before he had to report to Daphne. He could still do a lot of things during this period of time.

Han Sen summoned the golden growler and took Zero to those locations indicated by Nina. Then he indeed found a lot of super creatures.

Ninety percent of the creatures found by Starry Group were super creatures, which was surprising. Only a few were special sacred-blood creatures.

Although super creatures were rare, they could still be spotted. The only reason that no one had discovered their existence was that nobody was able to kill them.

The reason Han Sen went to seek those creatures out was not to kill them.

Han Sen who had already maxed out on his super geno points did not need to hunt super creatures anymore. The biggest benefit would be superb beast souls. However, even with super beast souls, he would not be invincible in Second God's Sanctuary. Even if he killed those creatures, he might necessarily gain their beast souls.

However, Han Sen still looked for all the creatures one by one. He found all the super creatures he could find and defeated them one after another. Han Sen had two purposes. First, he would like to practice his fighting skills. Second, he would like to lay a good foundation for Han Yan.

Hailey was so young that she would not come to God's Sanctuary for years. It would be impossible for Han Sen to wait for her, so he had no chance to transfer the super beast souls to her. In the future, she had to kill super creatures on her own.

Han Sen had already learned the strengths and weaknesses of the super creatures, so he could teach Han Yan all about them in the future, if she had that kind of ability to hunt them down.

If Han Yan did not have that kind of ability. There was no need to expect her to max out on super geno points.

If I am here, I will never let Han Yan suffer. If she could max out on super geno points, that would be the best. If not, that's quite okay as well. Although Han Sen thought that, he would still do everything he could for Han Yan.

In the central office of the special squad, Zhong Zhenhong was handling some urgent files when he heard a knock on the door.

"Jiang Sheng, if it is not important, don't disturb me today," Zhong Zhenhong said after seeing it was his assistant Jiang Sheng.

It was not easy to be the director of special squad. Not only did he have to manage his crew well, but he also needed to handle some stupid business, which made him so impatient that he almost wanted to scold someone.

"Director, the head of a special squad submitted a beast soul trade application," Jiang Sheng said with a complex expression.

"Don't bother me with this kind of thing. Ask him to do it on the internal platform by the rules. Do I need to teach you that?" Zhong Zhenhong was quite upset that Jiang Sheng would bother him with such trivial matter and said harshly.

"The head of that special squad wanted to trade for a quota of protection for his family member." Jiang Sheng knew Zhong Zhenhong's temper quite well and understood he was under a lot of pressure, so Jiang Sheng was not upset, but maintained the complex look on his face.

"Everyone needs protection. Do they think the action team of the special squad all have six arms?" The matter troubling Zhong Zhenhong initially was about protection as well, which made him even more and angry when hearing Jiang Sheng.

However, Zhong Zhenhong had nothing against Jiang Sheng, so he calmed down and said, "Because he is one of us, we should give him priority. However, recently we are short of good men since we lost a few brothers in order to protect those bastards. Ask him to wait. We will figure it out later."

Jiang Sheng continued with an even more odd look, "Director, that person did not want protection at the moment, but a few years later."

"Nonsense. Why would he apply for something coming into effect in a few years? Is he trying to add to our workload?" Zhong Zhenhong thumped the desk in madness.

"Director, I think you should probably first look at the list of beast souls he submitted." Jiang Sheng placed a document in front of Zhong Zhenhong.

"What is there to... look at..." Initially, Zhong Zhenhong was quite annoyed. However, after glancing at the list, he swallowed his words back and widened his eyes.

Chapter 421: Biggest Problem

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"Sacred-blood beast soul aura... Sacred-blood beast soul add-on... Sacred-blood shapeshifting beast soul... Sacred-blood beast soul weapon... Sacred-blood wings..." Zhong Zhenhong could not help reading the beast soul list out loud. His voice became more grim every time he finished reading one. Even his hand holding the document was shaking.

He knew very well what these beast souls meant. Although humans had developed in God's Sanctuary for almost 2 decades and there were more and more who could kill a sacred-blood creature, it did not mean it was an easy thing to hunt sacred-blood creatures. More than 90% of humans could never hunt a sacred-blood creature, let alone gain a sacred-blood blood beast soul.

However, the beast souls listed in this document were almost all the most outstanding sacred-blood beast souls. Especially the sacred-blood beast soul aura, which was the blessing of any team.

Other beast souls were also highly coveted. Although all Zhong Zhenhong saw were names on the list, they were enough to make him feel shocked.

So many top-notch sacred-blood beast souls all belonged to the same person. He could not imagine who this person must be. Even if he was the descendent of some impressive figure, it was still very hard to collect all these beast souls.

If these sacred-blood beast souls were used on a special squad, Zhong Zhenhong could imagine how awesome the special squad would become. It would be much easier for them to hunt sacred-blood creatures in the future.

In Zhong Zhenhong's eyes, these top-notch sacred-blood beast souls could be used to make an elite team.

If Zhong Zhenhong were to learn that all he had seen was only a part of the beast souls Han Sen owned, while the rest were sold to Lin Beifeng and Su Xiaoqiao, his chin might even fall to the floor.

Zhong Zhenhong quickly turned the document to the last page, because he could not wait to see who it was to own all these sacred-blood beast souls. He could not believe that someone like this was in the special squad, and he could not put a finger on someone immediately.

Normally speaking, those who worked for the special squad would not be the descendent of a celebrity. People with prominent backgrounds would more likely be those who enjoyed the protection from the special squad and never needed to protect anyone else. Therefore, Zhong Zhenhong could not imagine who would have such impressive collection in the special squad.

"Han Sen!" Seeing this name, Zhong Zhenhong couldn't help feeling dazed.

"Director, do you want to speak to him? He is still waiting for a reply," seeing that Zhong Zhenhong had finished reading, Jiang Sheng followed up.

"Of course. These beast souls are crucial to us, and we must have them. What are his requests?" Zhong Zhenhong said seriously.

"He is asking for a quota for his sister to be protected starting from the moment she entered God's Sanctuary. In addition, he had asked us to send sacred-blood beast souls of four specific types to his sister as soon as possible after she entered God's Sanctuary..." Jiang Sheng explained Han Sen's request in details.

After hearing that, Zhong Zhenhong pondered and then said, "With Han Sen's background, I am surprised that he is able to earn such a fortune. Contact him and agree to what he asked. Prepare a contract and sign it as soon as possible."

Because of Qin Xuan, Zhong Zhenhong had paid attention to Han Sen before. However, previously he was still doubtful about Han Sen's ability, especially when Han Sen disappeared in God's Sanctuary for a long while, which made Zhong Zhenhong quite disappointed in him.

However, after seeing the beast souls of Han Sen, Zhong Zhenhong found that he had given Han Sen too little credit. The man discovered by Lady Qin was indeed extraordinary.

"It seems that Han Sen is indeed a rare talent. I wonder where he would end up after entering Second God's Sanctuary. I hope that he could return to the special squad as soon as possible, because it would be such a waste for a talent like this to be wandering around." Zhong Zhenhong made a note in his comlink and wrote down Han Sen's name, which meant he would pay special attention to Han Sen.

Han Sen did not sell most of his beast souls but used them to purchase an insurance for his sister, helping her grow fast. In Han Sen's eyes, there was nothing in the world more important than the safety of his family, so the beast souls were quite well spent.

In addition, the four types of beast souls he requested for his sister would be immensely helpful when she was about to kill a super creature, so it was a good deal after all.

However, Han Sen did not know where he would be assigned in Second God's Sanctuary, so it was impossible for him to trade his beast souls for some beast souls of Second God's Sanctuary. He had to arrange for that after she evolved.

But Han Sen had no use of mediocre beast souls. Although he traded away most of his sacred-blood beast souls, he still had all the super beast souls and the sacred-blood beast souls that were indispensable to him.

Currently, Han Sen had seven super beast souls in total. They were: water reaper, cursed wolf, bloody slayer, golden growler, golden rock worm king, holy angel, and desert bird.

The sacred-blood beast souls would not be that useful in Second God's Sanctuary, so Han Sen traded most of them away, only keeping beetle knight, fairy queen, and Meowth.

Initially, Han Sen also wanted to keep purple-feathered dragon and color shifter. However, after looking through the information about Second God's Sanctuary, Han Sen found that there were a lot of flying creatures in Second God's Sanctuary, many of which had much higher speed than the wings he had currently. Therefore, the sacred-blood wings were not that valuable anymore. In addition, he had two super pets which could both fly. He could totally do without the beast soul wings.

Color shifter was not that useful in Second God's Sanctuary either. If he was to hide himself, changing the color alone was no longer enough in Second God's Sanctuary, where there were many creatures that had very strong sense of smell and perception. They could probably sense his body temperature. In the end, Han Sen gave up the color shifter as well.

Keeping Meowth was simply for sentimental reasons. He had really considered Meowth as his own pet. The doppelgänger that the beetle knight could turn into would still be very useful in Second God's Sanctuary, so he decided to keep it as well.

As for the fairy queen, it was not easy to find a humanoid shapeshifting beast soul like that, not even in Second God's Sanctuary. In addition, it was Han Sen's reward of the contest, so he kept it as well.

At this point, Han Sen was still faced with one difficult problem. Without solving that problem, he could not evolve with a peaceful mind.

The problem was not Zero of course. Although Zero was also a problem, Han Sen believed he should be able to get rid of her after he evolved to Second God's Sanctuary, which was why he was not that worried about it.

The thing worried Han Sen the most was the black crystal. It could even feed and help creatures evolve. If he could continue to use such a treasure in Second God's Sanctuary, it would be very helpful to his cultivation.

If he was able to farm a super creature in Second God's Sanctuary, or even just a few of sacred-blood creatures, he would become strong much faster. If he was able to get some beast souls out of it, it would be even better.

The only issue was that Han Sen was not able to take back crystal out of God's Sanctuary.

It was part of the rules of God's Sanctuary. Except for beast souls, nothing in God's Sanctuary could be brought out. Han Sen had tried for a lot of times, and unfortunately, the same rule applied to the black crystal.

Chapter 422: Evolution

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

If Han Sen could not take the black crystal out, then the black crystal could only be kept in his room in Steel Armor Shelter.

However, after Han Sen evolved, once he teleported out of God's Sanctuary, he would appear in Second God's Sanctuary the next time he teleported back. In other words, First God's Sanctuary would have nothing to do with him, and the room at Steel Armor Shelter would no longer belong to him.

There was no way Han Sen would let go of such a treasure. Watching the archer crow that had just became a sacred-blood creature, Han Sen kept thinking.

If he were to take away the black crystal, Han Sen could only think of one possibility, which was to swallow it, like eating the meat or life essence.

Although he might not succeed, that was the only way left.

However, Han Sen was not sure whether the black crystal would harm his body after he swallowed it. Although it was beneficial to creatures, it did not mean it was the same case for humans.

The plants in God's Sanctuary were the same way. Eating those plants might be helpful to super creatures like the turtle, but it might have strong side effects on humans. If one were to try the plants out, one would very likely die from them. Even if something was not harmful in the first place, there could be too much of a good thing.

The black crystal could make a super creature easily, which meant it had immense energy inside. Han Sen's body was not strong enough at the moment, so if the energy of the black crystal exploded after he swallowed it, maybe he would die as well.

It was impossible for him to give it up, while the only possible method was very risky. Even Han Sen was usually quite decisive, he became hesitant this time.

Han Sen looked at the archer crow. There was no need for him to wait for the bird to evolve into a super creature anymore. It would be pointless for him to do that, and he did not have time for waiting either.

Han Sen killed the sacred-blood archer crow and cooked it. After eating the creature, he had filled up the last three sacred geno points, maxing out on his sacred geno points as well.

Ordinary, primitive, mutant, sacred-blood, super, all five types of geno points were eventually maxed out. He might be the first person in human history who had maxed out on all the geno points for real.

Han Sen could clearly feel the immense power in his body. He was certain that all aspects of his fitness were over thirty. Once he evolved in the evolution pool, his fitness would have another leap.

"Should I eat it or not?" Han Sen took the black crystal in his hand, unable to decide.

After a long while, Han Sen still put the black crystal away. Even if he were to eat it, he would do that after he revolved. At least he would be much stronger and more capable to cope with any accident.

There was a detailed description of evolution process on the Skynet. The process itself was basically risk-free, so Han Sen was not really worried. He wanted to finish evolution before registering at Daphne so that he could become a sacred-blood aristocrat in the Alliance immediately, which would give him a lot of benefits the commoners did not have.

These days, Han Sen had been searching for more information about Shura on the Skynet. According to the research in the Alliance, it was not only difficult for Shura to survive in God's Sanctuary, they could not gain geno points like human either. Even after eating the meat of creatures, their bodies would not become stronger like human.

In addition, Shura could not use a beast soul either.

If Shura wanted to enhance their fitness, they could only do so by practicing Shura martial art, and there was no other way. However, human could use God's Sanctuary to improve their genes.

In that aspect, Zero was similar to Shura because she had no interest in life essence.

However, judging by Zero's appearance, she was 100% human. Han Sen regarded her and could not see Shura in her.

"Forget about it. After I enter Second God's Sanctuary, I will no longer see her, so whatever." Han Sen walked out of his room and entered the Evolution Palace in Steel Armor Shelter.

In the Evolution Palace that looked like an ancient temple, there was a deep rectangular pond located in the center of the palace. A mysterious statue of beast head was guarding the pool from each corner, spouting liquid that was almost transparent from their mouths.

Without hesitation, Han Sen took off all of his clothes off and walked into the pool, immersing his body in the lukewarm liquid in the evolution pool.

In the liquid, Han Sen felt he had become an embryo. He felt like an unborn baby, all of his body cells developing joyfully, bringing him to a rebirth.

The feeling was hard to describe. There was no heat or coldness, and no stimulations. The growth was so natural that it felt a part of his own growth. It felt like puberty again, but it was not a real puberty.

The growth was inside out. In the liquid, he did not feel suffocated at all, but extremely comfortable.

The newborn strength grew in his muscles, bones, veins, and cells, making him feel like he could destroy the whole world with just one punch.

Han Sen understood that it was a hallucination brought by the rapid growth of strength. However, the feeling was fascinating.

All of his spores were open. The waste and dirt seemed to have left his body, making Han Sen feel more and more light and relaxed.

The impurities of his body fell deep down the pool. Han Sen felt like he was a sacred soul that had reborn with all his sins purified.

The feeling was so wonderful that Han Sen almost moaned out loud.

No wonder so many people are pursuing evolution of the body. The feeling of evolution is magnificent. It is almost like a rebirth, making the old body shine with youth again. Han Sen thought.

However, he knew it was not finished yet. He had to wait until he heard the voice, which would tell him this evolution was successful.

In addition, Han Sen wanted to enjoy this fantastic feeling for a while longer. It was as good as having sex with the woman he loved, but it was a completely different feeling.

It was more like a person who had been sick for a long time was suddenly cured. All the pains and sickness went away in a moment. The cleanse was so thorough that one might even cry.

Han Sen did not cry, but he totally enjoyed it.

"Evolution successful. Status of evolver gained. 100 years added to lifespan. Super body king spirit gained."

Han Sen:

Super body — king spirit

Status: evolver

Lifespan: 300

Requirement for next revolution: 100 geno points

Geno points gained: 0

Chapter 423: Black Crystal

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Han Sen was dumbstruck by the two words "king spirit." There were many evolvers among humans. In fact, the majority of humans were evolvers. Unevolved persons were usually between sixteen and thirty years old, while the majority of humans between 20 to 300 years old were evolvers. Most people would stay in this status their whole life, and only a few could become surpasser.

It was not because average evolvers could not gain 100 geno points, but because Third God's Sanctuary was too dangerous. If one's fitness index was too low, it was very likely for one to die in Third God's Sanctuary.

There had been so many lessons that most people would rather stay in Second God's Sanctuary all their life, which made evolvers the majority among human.

There were hundreds or even thousands of billions of revolvers. However, among all of them, including those who had evolved with their sacred geno points maxed out, Han Sen had never heard their gained body had a name.

An evolver with mutant geno points maxed out would gain a mutant body, while an evolver with sacred geno points maxed out would gain a sacred body. There was no other name to it.

However, after Han Sen super body, there was a name, which was "king spirit." The two words made Han Sen feel surprised and excited, not knowing what it meant.

He checked the introduction of super body "king spirit," which was so concise that it was just one sentence.

King spirit: king rules the world; all spirits shall bow.

The simple sentence suddenly made Han Sen change his look, because he thought of many things all of a sudden.

Second God's Sanctuary was vastly different from the first. There were no natural human shelters for humans to rest inside. There was nothing around the teleport devices. Other than that, humans needed to fight on their own for everything.

Creatures in Second God's Sanctuary were more organized than in the first. And there were many spirit shelters ruled by spirits.

Spirits were different from creatures. Most of them looked similar to humans. They could be male or female, but their body was not made of flesh. Unless their spirit stones were destroyed, they were basically immortal.

As long as the spirit stones were there, a spirit could always be reborn in the spirit stone even if he or she was killed.

In addition, spirits had the ability to control creatures. As long as there was a spirit shelter, most of the creatures in the region would be attached to the spirit and form a creature troop.

Of course, advanced creatures would not be controlled by less advanced spirits. The status and ability of spirits determined their ability to control creatures.

Under the control of spirits, there had been many incidents of creatures attacking human shelters. If humans were not strong enough, it was normal for them to be killed in Second God's Sanctuary.

One must truly kill a spirit by going into the spirit shelter and crushing the spirit stone. Of course, one could also take ownership of the spirit stone and gain the allegiance of spirits.

However, spirits rarely showed obedience to humans. The more advanced the spirits were, the harder it would be for humans to gain their allegiance. Most of the spirits would rather detonate their own spirit stones before they bowed to humans. Therefore, not a lot of people had spirits in Second God's Sanctuary.

Spirits were different from beast souls. Beast souls were merely tools that needed to be controlled by humans. However, spirits had their own thoughts and intelligence and could fulfill tasks on their own. In addition, the spirits that had shown allegiance to humans would lose the ability to control creatures while gain the ability to use beast souls like humans. In addition, once the spirits swore allegiance, their life and death would be determined by their masters.

Many humans thought of the ownership of spirits something to brag about and something to symbolize their social status. If the "spirit" in "king spirit" referred to the same spirit, did it mean Han Sen could ask any spirit to give him allegiance? That would be an incredible ability.

However, it was just Han Sen's own guess. He still had no idea whether it was true. He had to find out when he went to Second God's Sanctuary and saw a spirit.

Although Han Sen was happy, he was not too excited because he was still worried about the black crystal.

Han Sen wanted to teleport to the Alliance right away to test his current fitness. However, before solving the issue of the black crystal, he could not go out yet.

After leaving the evolution pool, Han Sen felt the air seemed to have become heavy. The impurities started to enter his body like dusts.

Han Sen suddenly understood why evolvers could not stay in First God's Sanctuary for long. After the evolution, one's body became so pure like spring water. The longer an evolver stayed in First God's Sanctuary, the more impurities would enter his body, making his body more and more dirty.

If the impurities were a small amount, his body could reject them. However, if an evolver stayed too long, his pure body could never be recovered.

Han Sen was unwilling to stay in First God's Sanctuary for too long. He had finished all the business he should attend to. At this point, he had only one last thing to do.

After returning to his room, Han Sen held the black crystal in his hand. After long while, he gritted his teeth and put the black crystal into his mouth.

Han Sen was standing in the teleport device. Once anything happened, he would teleport immediately back to the Alliance. Since Qin Xuan was the stationmaster of the teleport station, he would seek her help immediately. There was a medical team in the teleport station who might be able to save him.

Of course, that was the worst-case scenario. Even if someone found out about the black crystal, it would still be better than death.

However, the scenarios Han Sen was imagining did not happened. He swallowed the black crystal as if he had swallowed an ordinary stone, feeding nothing.

There was no heat or coolness or swelling. It was almost like the black crystal had no use at all.

Han Sen did not dare to be careless. There were many radioactive minerals in the universe that might affect the functions of one's body in the long run. One might get severely sick or even die.

Han Sen took a deep breath and looked around in the room. Making sure that he had nothing left except for Zero, Han Sen smiled to Zero who was regarding him with wide eyes and teleported out of Steel Armor Shelter.

Zero followed Han Sen out, but Han Sen paid her no mind. He ran to the self-service scanner at the teleport station, swipe the card for a scan, and then scanned his own body.

After seeing the holographic image in the scanner, Han Sen was dazed. He scanned a couple times more and the result was the same. There was no black crystal in his body.

"Maybe I still failed to bring the black crystal with me?" Han Sen became extremely disappointed. In the past, many people teleported immediately after swallowing the meat of an entire creature, wishing to bring the meat to the Alliance. However, although they were teleported back to the Alliance, the undigested meat was still left in the shelter. Han Sen thought the black crystal was also left in his own room at Steel Armor Shelter.

However, Han Sen immediately felt something was wrong. He had been paying attention to his own body and did not look at his mind. Feeling disappointed, he no longer paid special attention to his body and felt something unusual in his mind.

Chapter 424: Unsettling in the Mind

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Han Sen looked to his mind and saw the cursed wolf, golden growler, holy angel, and other super beast souls were sitting in a circle, staring at one thing greedily with fierce looks.

Meowth and beetle knight were standing afar, clearly coveting the item as well. However, they were afraid of the seven super beast souls and did not dare to come any closer.

Han Sen's eyes fell on the item in the center of the super beast souls and became overjoyed. The black crystal which he failed to find in his own body had somehow entered his mind and hovering there. What the beast souls were eyeing was exactly the black crystal.

"How did this end up in my mind? Can I still take it out?" Han Sen focused his mind on the black crystal, but it did not move at all. Obviously, it was not like a beast soul which would respond to Han Sen's thought.

Han Sen frowned slightly. Since the black crystal could not be moved at his thought, it would be difficult to get it out.

Glancing at the beast souls that were trying to take the black crystal for themselves, Han Sen suddenly thought, maybe this black crystal could be fed to not only creatures, but also beast souls?

Han Sen looked around and found that he had sold most of his beast souls, except for the super beast souls, Meowth, and beetle knight, as well as a few primitive beast souls that he did not manage to sell.

Those primitive beast souls were shivering far away from the crystal, unable to bear the horrendous aura of the super beast souls. If they could, they probably would have wet themselves already.

Han Sen controlled a primitive copper-toothed beast to walk toward the black crystal. The primitive beast soul looked incredulous and surprised. However, it was quivering under the glare of the super beast souls.

Even the super beast souls could not disobey Han Sen's order. They had to watch the primitive beast walking toward the black crystal.

Han Sen was simply testing on the copper-toothed beast to see if the black crystal could be fed to beast souls the same way it was fed to creatures. Once Han Sen made sure there was no risks, he would then feed the black crystal to the advanced beast souls.

As the copper beast was walking toward the black crystal in fear, a figure suddenly moved on its own, grabbing the black crystal before the primitive beast. It was the holy angel.

Han Sen frowned. Ever since the holy angel swallowed the meat of the golden growler, she became somewhat different. Sometimes she would act voluntarily, although it was still within certain boundaries.

Han Sen initially wanted to order the holy angel to let go of the black crystal but hesitated as the holy angel looked at him expectantly with puppy eyes, yearning for the black crystal.

Thinking of the fact that the holy angel could further evolve, Han Sen decided to let her have it. Since she wanted it so much, it should not be harmful to her.

With Han Sen's order, holy angel became overjoyed and swallowed the black crystal in her hand.

Han Sen was dazed. If he knew this was an option, there was no need for him to take the risks and swallow the black crystal. He could have fed it to one of his beast souls.

Indeed, I am still too young. In the future I must think twice before I act. Han Sen criticized himself inwardly. Luckily, nothing went wrong this time.

After the holy angel swallowed the black crystal, she suddenly huddled up, her body glistening with holy aura as if she were in heaven. The aura quickly turned into a gigantic cocoon of light, hugging the holy angel. And then everything became calm again. The cocoon of light was hovering in Han Sen's mind, throbbing with a special rhythm of life.

All the other beast souls became disappointed and scattered. The most disappointed among them was the copper-toothed beast.

Han Sen looked at the cocoon of light, which did not seem to be changing anymore. Han Sen decided not to pay attention to his mind for a while.

"I wonder what the holy angel would become after another evolution?" Han Sen felt expectant and excited.

The black crystal could be fed only to the creatures but also the beast souls. If the black crystal could make primitive beast souls turn into sacred-blood beast souls, and even super beast souls, then its ability was simply appalling.

Although Han Sen was strong in fitness, it will still take him some time before he could kill a sacred-blood creature in Second God's Sanctuary. It was certain that the sacred-blood creatures in Second God's Sanctuary all had a fitness level above 100. As for the super creatures in Second God's Sanctuary, since no one had ever killed one so far, Han Sen had no idea how strong they were.

If the black crystal could be fed to beast souls of Second God's Sanctuary and turn them into super beast souls, then Han Sen would not suffer as much on his way to hunt super creatures in Second God's Sanctuary.

However, it was just Han Sen's own wish. He did not know how effective the black crystal was yet.

After going out of the scanning device, Han Sen looked at Zero who was waiting for him outside and thought, this time I enter God's Sanctuary again, I will appear in Second God's Sanctuary, so there would be no way for you to follow me anymore.

In order to get rid of Zero, Han Sen directly walked toward the teleport device, took a deep breath, and chose to teleport.

This was his first time to enter Second God's Sanctuary, so the location he would be teleported to was random. Han Sen was praying that he would be sent to somewhere ruled by humans, which would be much more conducive to his cultivation.

If unfortunately, he was sent to a place where there were all creatures with no human, or where there was a large spirit shelter, it would be difficult for him to even survive.

Whichever God is listening, please give me blessings to end up in a nice spot. Han Sen was praying to all the gods in the world before he started the teleport device.

After a temporary lightheadedness, Han Sen was no longer in the teleport device. What he saw was a huge ice cave.

The ice surround him was as tough as glass, probably having been frozen for centuries. Ice cones and columns were hanging from the ceiling of the ice cave. There was nothing but coldness, except for the teleport device under Han Sen's feet.

"What is this damned place?" Han Sen looked around and only saw one hole leading to the outside. He wondered what was outside.

It was impossible for human to build a shelter in such a place. Even if there were humans, it was highly unlikely they would live in this cave. Han Sen still had hope and wanted to crawl out of the hole to have a look.

Before Han Sen acted, he suddenly saw a blur in the teleport device, and someone else appeared there.

Chapter 425: Second God's Sanctuary

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Han Sen looked at the person and became surprised. The gorgeous figure of Zero appeared in the teleport device.

No... It is impossible that she's an evolver. How can she end up here? Even if she was an evolver, it is highly unlikely for her to end up at the same spot as me. The chance is so slim and there must be something wrong... Han Sen was lost, gazing at Zero.

Han Sen believed there were only two possibilities. One was that Zero was abnormal; the other was that his nine-life cat pendant was problematic. Otherwise, how could Zero end up here?

Zero still acted the same way, standing next to Han Sen like a shadow, her eyes blinking from time to time.

"Okay, you win." Han Sen said with a wry smile, knowing that his beautiful wish to get rid of Zero was wasted.

In fact, Han Sen did not really dislike Zero after spending some time with her. She was someone hard to hate. With a sweet face, she rarely spoke or did anything annoying despite being a tag-along. Han Sen even felt accustomed to her existence. It was just her weird background that made Han Sen feel reluctant to accept her.

However, when he thought about it, Zero had never harmed him. In addition, Zero would probably be a huge help to Han Sen.

With her ability, she could probably even fight sacred-blood creatures in Second God's Sanctuary. Such a strong and obedient fighter was definitely a great assistance to Han Sen who had just entered Second God's Sanctuary.

I have a fitness around sixty or seventy, so it would be easy for me to break 100 if I gain some geno points. At that time, I would be able to match Zero's ability, and then it would no longer be an issue for me to keep her around. Han Sen thought about it, decided to let it go, and crawled out of the hole.

The hole led to a path that was quite twisted. Han Sen and Zero walked for a long while before they saw the light. The moment he saw what was outside, Han Sen was dazed.

All he could see was icebergs and peaks covered in snow. It was also snowing heavily. The world was all white.

On the top of the largest mountain, he could see a white fairytale-like castle vaguely through the flying snowflakes. Because the snow was too heavy, he could barely see the details of the architecture. However, he could still feel how dedicated and beautiful it was in the silver storm.

Han Sen's face suddenly became grim. Although he could not see any details, it was not a building made by man. Otherwise, there would be some modern materials and practical designs, which the castle did not have.

"Spirit shelter!" Han Sen suddenly had an idea, which was not good news to him. Since Han Sen had not spotted a human building but saw a spirit shelter, it was unlikely for him to meet any fellow man. Judging from the looks of the castle, it was probably owned by advanced spirits. If the spirits were too strong and had a large troop of creatures, Han Sen believed he would suffer in his early development.

"Why are you standing there?" A hasty but low voice sounded from Han Sen's back.

Han Sen turned to look and saw a man with his full body covered in Arctic suit waving at them from the depths of the hole. Han Sen suddenly felt a bit pleased to finally see a human.

He took Zero to walk over to the guy. When he was ready to speak, the guy suddenly pulled them inside the ice channel. Before Han Sen even said anything, the guy looked them up and down and said, "you must be new here."

"We just teleported over today," Han Sen answered and check the guy out.

The guy was over twenty the should be less than thirty. He looked quite handsome, but there was a deep exhaustion and helplessness on his face.

"Then you have terrible luck. It would be very hard for you in the future," the guy smiled wryly and said. "Let's go. Let's talk inside so that we don't alarm the ice-armored beasts. They have sensitive ears and could hear a voice a thousand feet away in snowstorm."

"My name is Xu You, and I came here more than a year ago, so I have more experience than you. Here's a piece of advice: do not wander around." The guy was quite easy-going, talking to Han Sen and Zero as he walked.

"Brother, what is this place? Is there a human shelter?" Han Sen asked.

Xu You curled his lips and said, "A human shelter can never be built under such circumstances. Even one could be built, it would be useless because of the spirit shelter in the mountains. It is a shelter of an aristocrat spirit. In addition to aristocrat spirit, there were a dozen mutant creatures and hundreds of primitive ice-armored beasts. Let me put it this way, all the humans here combined would not be an adequate meal for those guys."

"Is there no evolver with fitness index above 100?" Han Sen asked.

Like creatures, there were four levels of spirits: squire, night, aristocrats, and royalty, which could be king or queen. The four levels corresponded to ordinary, primitive, mutant, and sacred-blood creatures.

An aristocrat spirit was about as strong as a mutant creature. However, because spirits had higher intelligence and the ability to control creatures, they were greater than mutant creatures.

"How could we ever reach 100 in such a shithole? Only seven or eight guys would be assigned here randomly all year-round. Because we are so close to the spirit shelter, we have to travel far to hunt any creatures so that we don't rattle those guys in the spirit shelter. In addition, the creatures nearby were extremely lacking, so we might not even be able to find a creature that falls behind in days. It is difficult to kill even an ordinary creature, so how could we have enough geno points to strengthen our fitness?" Xu You whined.

"Apparently, even the strongest evolver among us only had a fitness level of a little more than sixty. The good thing is that we stick together. Because we help each other, we are able to hunt some creatures. However, it is not likely that we can make any significant achievements. This damn place is hell. Whoever sent here are just down in luck."

"Haven't you thought about leaving here?" Han Sen asked.

"How do you propose to leave? This place faces the ocean in three directions, only the direction of the spirit shelter leads to land. Besides, we don't even know where we are. Even if we bypass the spirit shelter, it would be hard for us to locate a human shelter. We would be more than likely to die on the way."

Xu You paused and said, "Don't get ahead of yourself and don't rush anything. Wait here for a couple of days. When more people arrived, we would be able to go farther to hunt. People here are nice, so as long as you do your part, the meat would be shared to you. So stay and gain some geno points, Know this place better, and then consider hunting on your own."

"Thank you so much for the instructions, friend," Han Sen thanked Xu You for being so straightforward.

"Call me Xu You," Xu You smiled and said.

After going back to the ice cave, Han Sen chatted some more with Xu You and got the basic idea about the place. Then he teleported back to the Alliance together with Zero.

Han Sen decided to get certified as a sacred-blood aristocrat. In addition to all the benefits he could get, he would be able to let his sister continue her study at the posh school with confidence.

Chapter 426: Hiding Away the Beauty

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Before getting certified as a sacred-blood aristocrat, Han Sen first needed to make arrangements for Zero. It was almost impossible for him to get rid of her at this point, so he must consider how to deal with the issue.

Because Zero did not have any legal status, it would be hard for him to put her in the hotel. Han Sen hesitated and decided he had to take her home. It was impossible for him to avoid going home forever.

After spending more time with her, Han Sen was certain that Zero had no trouble in intelligence, nor was she a lunatic or idiot. In addition, she seemed to be quite smart, just did not know much about how to interact with people, which made her look odd.

Before taking Zero home, Han Sen took her to the testing hall. He planned to do a simple strength test himself and ask Zero to take the test to determine how strong she was.

It was easy to do a strength test. If one punched at the device as hard as one could for 3 to 5 times, the device would come up with an accurate average of one's strength score.

Han Sen picked an empty room, pointed at the device and said to Zero, "Hit it with all you got."

Zero followed instructions as always, walked to the device, raised her tender fist, and hit the target hard.

Han Sen quickly looked to the numbers, 97.0472, which was lower than what Han Sen had thought. He thought Zero's fitness should be over 100, while it was less than 100.

Han Sen asked Zero to give it a few more shots, and the number was lower than the first one. The second shot showed 96.8964, and the rest were between the two numbers. It seemed Zero's strength was a bit lower than 100.

However, that was still very impressive. Han Sen walked to the device himself and hit it hard. When he looked at the number, it kept go up and the stayed 70.0006, which made Han Sen quite pleased. This was his maximum estimate.

He then made a few more punches and found that there was almost no variation between the numbers, with the largest difference being 0.0002.

"A fitness level of 70! What a great super body! The sacred bodies would be 30+ at best." Han Sen felt exhilarated. With such a fitness, his cultivation would become much easier.

Han Sen hesitated and summoned the fairy queen to shapeshift. Then he used Heresy Mantra and Overload to hit the target with all he got.


With a huge sound, the number kept flipping up and ended at 81.6735, which made Han Sen overjoyed.

Han Sen's number was not that far from Zero's. Although there was still a difference of a dozen points, Han Sen had already got the ability to fight her. Even if she suddenly went mad, Han Sen still could handle it to some extent.

Furthermore, he had become an evolver, which meant not only his fitness was enhanced greatly, his potentials were also increased. He believed he could make Overload work even better.

In addition, the third phase of Heresy Mantra, longevity, was almost completed. If he could make progress in these two aspects, maybe Han Sen could approach Zero's level even without gaining any geno points.

Also, he could start to practice hyper geno arts on the evolver's level. Thinking of the hyper geno arts that could change the structure of his body cells, Han Sen almost wanted to trade for one at the Saint Hall immediately.

Those kinds of hyper geno arts could increase his strength significantly. Evolvers who had practiced those hyper geno arts were significantly different from those who had not. Han Sen was very happy with this test result and became more familiar with his own fitness level, which would be very helpful in his future hunting endeavors.

According to the investigation conducted by the Alliance, in Second God's Sanctuary, an ordinary creature had a physique between 0 to 20, a primitive creature had a physique between 20 to 50, a mutant creature had a physique between 50 to 80, while a sacred-blood creature had a physique between 80 to 100 plus.

Spirits had about the same level of physique as creatures, which meant an aristocrat spirit should have a strength between 50 to 80.

Although the numbers could be off, it would not be too much off. The most unstable were the sacred-blood creatures, since many were so strong that their strength was off the charts. Han Sen suspected that those might be super creatures of Second God's Sanctuary.

With Han Sen's ability so far, he could totally fight a mutant creature or aristocrat spirit alone. Of course, it would be even better if he could practice a few hyper geno arts designed for evolvers beforehand.

In addition, he also had Zero who was approaching 100 in her fitness, so Han Sen could totally wipe out the aristocrat spirit shelter. The restrictions in the growth of Xu You's group was no big deal to Han Sen.

However, Han Sen did not have enough time to do that. He took Zero back to his home, which was not the old house of his family, but a three-bedroom penthouse Han Sen bought himself. Originally, he planned to use it with his girlfriend, but it turned out to be vacant.

A few days back, Han Sen regretted that he had bought this penthouse. Currently, it became handy to accommodate Zero. Han Sen would not feel safe for Zero to live in the old house.

Looking at the ragged clothes Zero was wearing, Han Sen felt he was being inhumane. The girl was following him anyway, so she deserved some decent clothing. Dressing like a refugee was a pity for such a beauty.

Han Sen bought something to wear and a comlink for Zero on the Skynet and asked her to take a shower and change into the new clothes. Zero suddenly turned into a modern sweetheart and fashionista.

"Can you stay here alone? Call me with comlink if you need anything?" Han Sen taught her how to use the comlink and regarded her, fearing that she might insist on following him. He was about to report to Daphne, and she could not appear in the military.

"Okay," Zero replied and nodded.

Han Sen suddenly felt reassured. Eventually he was able to accommodate this mysterious girl and get down to his own business.

Han Sen taught Zero some more common sense and how to search information on the Skynet, asking her to search whatever she did not understand.

Zero was indeed very smart. She almost understood everything after watching Han Sen do it, which made Han Sen feel more assured. This way, she will not create any trouble staying here.

Does it count as keeping a mistress? Han Sen touched his chin and thought to himself.

Considering that Zero looked only about fifteen years old, not even an adult yet, Han Sen felt his thought was too evil. He shook his head and dismissed the thought.

The next morning, Han Sen left to get certified as a sacred-blood aristocrat, which was the last important matter he needed to tend to before serving.

Chapter 427: Certification as Aristocrat

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

It was very crowded in the Certification Bureau. All the service windows had long lines in front of them, but the majority of the people were there for the certification as mutant evolvers and primitive evolvers. Although the mutant evolvers also had the status of aristocrat, their status was significantly lower than sacred-blood aristocrats.

Men were doing better and better in First God's Sanctuary, and more and more people were able to kill a super creature. However, those who could max out on sacred geno points were still quite limited.

Seeing how crowded it was, Han Sen joined a shorter line and waited there. The line was moving rather slow, and there was nothing Han Sen could do other than keep waiting.

Because some tests must be run, there was no way for him to apply online. Han Sen had to come in person and wait.

"Brother, you are so young to become an evolver. You must be less than twenty-three?" Someone in front of Han Sen, who looked around thirty years old was quite talkative and started to chat with Han Sen, seeing that the line was not moving.

"Almost." Han Sen smiled. In fact, he had not even had his twenty-first birthday yet.

"You must have maxed out on your primitive geno points already?" The guy asked again.

"My primitive geno points are maxed out, yes." Han Sen nodded.

"The young people nowadays are so great. Maxing out on primitive geno points at such a young age. Back when we started, there were very few master fighters. Every time we killed a primitive creature, we had to work together, and a few of us would always get hurt..." The guy felt nostalgic.

"Brother, you must have maxed out on mutant geno points?" Han Sen quickly asked.

The guy straightened up his back and said contently, "After so many years, I have eventually maxed out. Brother, you should stay there for a few years more. There is a huge difference between maxing out on mutant geno points and primitive geno points. The status of mutant aristocrat could make your life much easier..."

A lot of people near them started to cast envious glance am the guy. Maxing out on mutant geno points and becoming an evolver around thirty years old was something heavenly for ordinary people. After all, for modern humans, thirty years old was just a beginning, with a bright future ahead.

Four mutant evolvers, thirty years old was young. There were many patient people who would wait to max out mutant geno points when they were forty or fifty years old. Since evolvers had a lifespan of 300 years old, it was okay for someone to become a mutant evolver when they were fifty or sixty.

Of course, there were many young people who could not wait. And many of them would choose to evolve with just primitive geno points maxed out. People had different strategies and plans about life, and there was no right or wrong about it.

"What is to brag about? Isn't it shameful to evolve on mutant geno points when you're already thirty years old. If I were you, I would not even show face in public for the shame," snorted a young man waiting in line, annoyed at the guy's words.

The guy suddenly flushed and exclaimed madly, "What's wrong with thirty years old? I am a mutant evolver after all, which is much better than a primitive evolver like you."

"Who told you I'm a primitive evolver? You think everyone is as dumb as you and evolve so late? Have you ever seen a twenty-year-old guy who had already maxed out on mutant geno points? I am a decade faster than you are," said the young man with his nose in the air.

The guy suddenly became silent, his face flushed and fists clenched. However, he felt powerless to argue.

Other evolvers in line all felt envious about the young man, hearing he had already maxed out on his mutant geno points. A few girls even started to wink at him.

A mutant evolver as young as twenty years old had a bright future ahead of him. Successful men like this were very popular among girls.

"Friend, you can't put it that way. If there were no previous generations that had fought and learned about the creatures in God's Sanctuary, if it were not for the meat and beast souls that they brought back, how would we have meat to eat, beast souls to depend on and experience to learn from? And how could you have maxed out on mutant geno points so soon? We are only making these achievements on the shoulders of them. You don't have to be grateful, but you can't disrespect them," Han Sen couldn't help saying.

Thanks to the previous generations, humans were able to make today's achievements. The earlier people entered God's Sanctuary, the more they had suffered. People in First God's Sanctuary these days were already very blessed.

"Brother, well said," said the guy.

The older people all felt touched by Han Sen's words. Two or three decades ago, the environment of First God's Sanctuary was much worse than it was at this point. At that time, not to mention sacred-blood creatures, people would even need to take tremendous risks when hunting mutant creatures.

Circumstances had been much different. As long as one was patient, it would be easy for someone to max out on mutant geno points at 30 to 40 years old.

"The week or the week. Cut the crap. What's the point of acting nice when you are just a primitive evolver?" The young man gave Han Sen a stare and said, disdained.

"No matter strong or weak, you must have basic politeness. Otherwise, what's the difference between you and those creatures?" Han Sen said quietly.

The young man's expression changed. He felt embarrassed and said with his eyes fixed on Han Sen, "Scums always have all the excuses in the world. If you're capable, we should argue this out with fists. If you can beat me, you can say whatever you want. Otherwise, shut up."

Han Sen shrugged and said nothing. He had been through so much that he was no longer interested in such meaningless argument. Not interested in wasting a single minute on this young man, Han Sen would never fight him physically.

Seeing that Han Sen had not responded, the young man felt Han Sen must be scared of himself. He made some sarcastic remarks, and Han Sen ignore them.

The guy could not stand watching any longer and wanted to argue with the young men. However, Han Sen pulled him aside and said, "Brother, it is almost your turn. Just focus on the business and did not get serious with a kid."

"Scums are full of excuses," the young man said sourly.

Han Sen did not pay him any mind. People like this young man only dared to be so arrogant in the Alliance, was put on the gladiator, he would definitely have some punching coming. If he acted this way in the God's Sanctuary, he would probably have died already.

The young man seemed to feel uncomfortable under such public attention and did not say anything more. Everyone went back to waiting.

After a long while, the guy in front of Han Sen had finished his certification as a mutant evolver, and it was Han Sen's turn.