

Chapter 399: A Crazy Auction

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The four items that Han Sen gave Su Xiaoqiao were sacred-blood black beetle armor, bloody slayer, Meowth, and spinning spear.

Too many people knew that Han Sen had made the last shot at the purple-feathered dragon and claimed to not have gained the beast soul, which was why Han Sen did not give the pair of wings to Su Xiaoqiao.

Before the auction started, Han Sen felt he was being watched. He resisted the temptation to look back. When Qing came over to say hi, Han Sen stood up and glanced casually to the back.

"Ning Yue is also here?" Han Sen greeted Qing as if nothing had happened but felt slightly surprised.

Although Ning Yue was covered in beast soul armor and his face could not be seen, Han Sen had a deep impression of him and still recognized him.

"He recognized me," Ning Yue said quietly.

"Really?" Liu Lin looked to Han Sen who was talking to Qing incredulously.

Han Sen only glanced at them and did not even look twice. Since Ning Yue was dressed like this, Liu Lin did not believe that Han Sen could recognize Ning Yue. In addition, Han Sen did not look like he had seen Ning Yue given how calm he was.

Ning Yue smiled and did not say anything. However, he took back the beast soul armor and revealed his face.

Ning Yue is probably here to kill me. Han Sen thought after sitting down. However, he did not know what Ning Yue was about to do. It was Steel Armor Shelter and Han Sen was at home. Would Ning Yue harm him in public?

After the auction started, Han Sen had not been able to close his mouth. His initial plan was to purchase all the beast souls himself. It was his money anyway. Su Xiaoqiao would get a small cut was all.

He did not expect the prices would go so high though. Even the black beetle armor, which was of the lowest value, was already worth five S-Class licenses of the evolver level and more.

"Qing, are you crazy? Although the sacred-blood armor is precious, I'm sure it's not so precious." When Qing bid eight S-Class licenses of the evolver level, Han Sen thought he was out of his mind.

"Ha-ha, brother, it is more than just sacred-blood armor. This is Dollar's signature and only his name would be worth this much..." Many people around Qing seemed to agree with him, especially Hai Yun who was standing S-Class licenses like water. When he bid ten licenses, everyone was silent.

Han Sen was dazed and thought, ten S-Class licenses of the evolver level? It must be billions of dollars, while the sacred-blood armor would probably only be worth 200 to 300 million.

Han Sen wanted to purchase his own beast souls back initially, but he was having second thoughts. S-Class licenses were rare items that could hardly be purchased. Even if he had no use of them, he could always trade them for beast souls in Second God's Sanctuary. Ten licenses were a price that Han Sen could not say no to.

Having given up the idea of purchasing the black beetle armor, Han Sen decided to let Hai Yun keep it.

The bidding for the bloody slayer was even more heated. Hai Yun had raised the price to fifteen licenses without even blinking.

Han Sen felt what had happened was beyond his understanding. He even doubted whether the S-Class licenses had been depreciating.

"Hai Yun, are these beast souls really worth it?" Han Sen asked Hai Yun.

"These are Dollar's, so they're different." Hai Yun was overjoyed that he won the auction of the bloody slayer.

"Hai Yun, you already have two. Do not try to steal the last one from us," said Qing half seriously.

"Whoever gives the higher price would win it. If you pay more, you can have it," Hai Yun said.

During the auction of Meowth, Han Sen felt torn. Although Meowth was no longer that useful to Han Sen, it was his pet for the longest time. Han Sen did not want to let Meowth go. Very soon, Meowth's price was raised to 15 licenses by Hai Yun. Everyone became silent. Few people had that many S-Class licenses, which could not even be bought with money.

Lin Beifeng was also quite rich, but he could not even come up with five S-Class licenses.

"Four universal S-Class licenses," Han Sen gritted his teeth and said a price. He resisted the temptation of fifteen S-Class licenses and would like to get Meowth back at all costs.

"Universal S-Class licenses? Han Sen, you would pay this much? Are you also a fan?" Both Yuan and Qing were shocked.

"Not really a fan. I am just into pets," Han Sen smiled and said.

"Twenty S-Class licenses, which should have a higher value." Hai Yun still would not give up.

"That is hard to say..." Su Xiaoqiao hesitated.

"Universal licenses win." All of a sudden, a voice came from the gate of the venue. Everyone turned and saw someone wearing a mask.

"Dollar?" Su Xiaoqiao was surprised to see the person.

The person looked exactly like Dollar when he was giving Su Xiaoqiao the beast souls. Su Xiaoqiao naturally recognized him.

Dollar left after saying that. After all, it was just a doppelgänger created by Han Sen using beetle knight. The shorter it appeared in front of people, the better.

"Should we follow him?" Liu Lin looked to Ning Yue.

Ning Yue shook his head and said, "No need. Our target is Han Sen."

Han Sen saw someone following the beetle knight but paid no mind to it. The beetle knight was a sacred-blood beast soul and was controlled by Han Sen, so it was not difficult to get rid of the followers.

"I'm so sorry Mr. Hai Yun. Dollar had said himself that he prefer universal licenses." Su Xiaoqiao looked around and said, "four universal licenses from Han Sen... Going once..."

Eventually, Han Sen won the auction of Meowth and had his beloved Back.

Even the sacred-blood gear spinning spear was bought by Hai Yun with two sacred-blood licenses. Han Sen did not expect this guy to be such a diehard fan of Dollar.

Han Sen had earned twenty-seven S-Class licenses of the evolver level, and all he paid was two sacred-blood beast souls and one sacred-blood gear. The price was simply unimaginable.

Chapter 400: Surrender

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"If I was not afraid of his family, I would never have let Hai Yun taken the two beast souls of Dollar. I should have bought at least one..." Qing couldn't stop complaining after the auction was concluded.

Han Sen felt shocked. It turned out the price was not high enough in the rich kids' eyes. They gave up only because they did not want to cross Hai Yun.

Han Sen knew that the two beast souls were expensive because of the fame of Dollar instead of their real worth.

"Han Sen, you should have purchased the armor or the shapeshifting beast soul. Although the pet was strong, the other two items were the signatures of Dollar..." Qing lamented.

"Brother, would you like to sell the pet?" Hai Yun still did not want to let it go. He was obviously a perfectionist who had to have the whole set.

"Hai Yun, I am so sorry. I need that pet and do not plan to sell it for the moment," said Han Sen.

"If you would like to sell it in the future, you have to come to me first. I am easy on the price," Hai Yun said and left with regret.

When Han Sen, Qing, and Yuan just walked out of the venue, a dozen people laid siege to them.

"Are you looking for trouble?" Qing frowned and exclaimed.

Ning Yue walked out and said calmly, "Qing, Yuan, this has nothing to do with you. It is personal between Han Sen and me. Feel free to leave and I will apologize to you later."

"Ning Yue, what did Han Sen do?" Qing and Yuan both frowned.

"Han Sen snatched our creature," Ning Yue said quietly.

"It is just a creature. Name the price and I will pay for him," Qing said immediately.

"It is not about money, but about getting things straight. I hope you can understand," Ning Yue said with no emotions.

Qing and Yuan felt they were in an awkward position and both looked to Han Sen.

"Han Sen, what had happened?" Su Xiaoqiao rushed out with his men from Steel Armor Gang. The special squad and the steel armor gang were closely connected and could be considered a family. Seeing Han Sen in a siege, the gang members came to his rescue.

"Are we bullying them with number? Count me in."

"Look at where you are. How dare you try to cross Han Sen here?"

"You must be blind. This is Steel Armor Shelter and you should go back to where you are."


Very soon, the gang members had besieged Ning Yue's men.

"Thank you so much. I will always remember how good you are to me. If you ever need me in the future, I'll be there. However, this matter is between Ning Yue and me, and I will take care of it myself," Han Sen quickly stopped the Steel Armor Gang.

Although others cannot tell, Han Sen had known evolvers very well and could tell that the men Ning Yue had brought were all evolvers with their sacred geno points maxed out.

If they were really in a fight, although there were more people in the gang, the gang would still suffer a greater loss.

"Qing, Yuan, let me handle this myself," Han Sen said to his two friends.

"If you need anything, just say the word. I will never see you being bullied," Qing raised his voice and said.

"Han Sen, what do you say?" Ning Yue paid Qing no mind and asked Han Sen with a smile. Thirteen evolvers with sacred geno points maxed out plus himself, he was determined to capture Han Sen, no matter who was present.

He was constrained by rules and laws in the Alliance, but in God's Sanctuary, no one could do anything as long as he did not kill Han Sen in public. In addition, Ning Yue did not plan to kill Han Sen anyway.

He had so many doubts about Han Sen that he had to figure out.

"Let's find another place to have a talk," said Han Sen calmly.

"So brave," Ning Yue said and commanded the evolvers to force Han Sen out of Steel Armor Shelter.

The Steel Armor Gang, Qing, and Yuan were trying to follow them. However, Han Sen asked him to go back. On one hand, Han Sen did not want them to be injured. On the other hand, Han Sen had his own plan.

When they had reached a desolated spot in the mountains, Han Sen stopped walking. The group of people were still surrounding him, not giving him any chance to escape.

"Han Sen, what do you plan to do?" Ning Yue looked at Han Sen.

"I'll let you capture me. What do you think of this plan?" Han Sen said calmly.

Everyone was dazed. Even Ning Yue was surprised. After a while, he looked at Han Sen and asked, "Are you sure?"

"So many evolvers with sacred geno points maxed out. I don't think anyone else could gather so many talents in the First God's Sanctuary. I don't think I could escape alive. Rather than taking some beating, I would surrender myself." Han Sen reached out his hand, looking like he had given up.

Ning Yue was still suspicious and ordered his men to tie Han Sen up. Han Sen did not resist and let the guys lock him down with special locks.

"You're not afraid that I'll kill you?" Ning Yue looked at Han Sen with his brows knitted.

"I know you will not kill me, at least not before you have your answers," Han Sen said while thinking, you really think you could kill me if you lock me down? If I am not trying to fish information from you, I would have summoned my two super pets to teach you a lesson.

"You still had an opportunity to run away while you were in Steel Armor Shelter," Ning Yue said.

"I am a member of the special squad after all. My mission is to protect others, not to let others sacrifice themselves for me. Even if I could run away, I would be too ashamed to live." Han Sen said calmly.

"Give me your dagger, and I will let you walk free." Ning Yue pondered and said.

"If it was the first time, I might consider your words. However, I am certain that if I do not give you my dagger, I will not necessarily die. If I gave you my dagger, I will die for sure," Han Sen said with a smile.


Liu Lin threw a hard punch at Han Sen's face, knocking him down on the ground. Blood started to flow from Han Sen's mouth.

"I will show you what it's like to pray for your death." Liu Lin sounded cruel. He took out a dagger and slashed it at Han Sen.

Liu Lin did not push the dagger into Han Sen's vital organs, but where it hurt most. He was also doing it as slow as possible and dragging the blade back and forth.

Han Sen's face became pale immediately, covered in cold sweat. However, he managed not to make a sound.

"I don't believe you are made of iron." Liu Lin took a black leather bag at his waist and opened it. There were many odd-looking utensils. Liu Lin picked one and tried to use it on Han Sen.

"That is enough. Take him to No. 107," Ning Yue stopped Liu Lin, gazed at Han Sen, and ordered his men.

Chapter 401: No. 107

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"Where is No. 107?" Han Sen spitted out some blood in his mouth and asked quietly.

"You will know when we get there." Ning Yue did not talk to Han Sen again and hit the road.

Ning Yue never expected to get much from Han Sen's mouth. And there was no way he would let Han Sen off the hook at this point.

Han Sen was curious about the No. 107 Ning Yue mentioned. However, the group of people did not speak about it at all. All they did was traveling. It seemed that they were in a hurry.

Han Sen understood the reason. All of them had evolved and could not stay too long in First God's Sanctuary, otherwise their bodies would not be able to take it.

Under this circumstance, Ning Yue still insisted to take him to No. 107, which made Han Sen even more curious about it.

Very soon, Han Sen's question was answered. The group of people traveled across Devil Desert on sacred-blood mounts and entered an arid mountain.

There was only a very narrow path to enter the valley. Only one man could pass at a time. A couple of men took Han Sen to enter the valley. When they approached the valley, Han Sen saw everything.

He could barely see any other creature. White rocks and sand were everywhere. In the middle of the valley, there was a giant blooming red flower that looked like a rose facing upward.

Around the flower, there were many vines and leaves covered with thorns. The vines almost covered the entire valley, making it look like a greenhouse for the flower.

Han Sen looked around. In addition to the red flower and the vines, he did not see anything else, let alone any creatures.

"Is this No. 107?" Han Sen asked, surprised.

"That's right. This is No. 107," Ning Yue answered him, to Han Sen's surprise. Ning Yue then continued, "Every time Starry Group finds a creature that is suspected to be something beyond sacred-blood creatures, we would give it a number and record it. This is No. 107."

"You mean this giant flower?" Han Sen checked out the red flower, which looked like a plant in every way. Although it was huge in size, there was no way it could be a creature.

"You will know that very soon. Enter the valley." Ning Yue asked his men to aim their arrows and weapons at Han Sen, forcing Han Sen to go inside.

"Go inside." After Liu Lin unchained Han Sen's legs, he pushed Han Sen hard.

"What is in there?" Han Sen almost lost his balance, but he did not pay Liu Lin any mind.

Ning Yue did not ask for his beast souls. Although there were a lot of vines growing in the valley, as long as he had sacred-blood wings, it would be easy for him to fly away. He could not see how the valley could trap him.

"Give me the dagger now, and you don't need to go inside," Ning Yue said calmly.

"I do not want to give you my dagger, and I don't want to go inside either," Han Sen replied.

"You can try to kill us all and run away," Ning Yue said with a smile.

Ning Yue's words made the evolvers laugh. They all pointed their weapons at Han Sen, indicating that they were could take Han Sen's life anytime.

No one believed that Han Sen could run away under the siege of fourteen evolvers.

In addition, Han Sen's upper body was chained with the special Z-steel locks on his joints. Even an evolver could not get rid of this kind of locks.

Only those strong evolvers with their fitness level around eighty could break free from the locks with their own strength.

"Young master, why do you have to kill me. If you resent me for killing your doppelgänger, I could pay you." Han Sen stared at Ning Yue.

"If you have just crossed me, I will never try to kill you. Unfortunately, you gained something you shouldn't have. Give me the dagger or go in the valley, your pick," Ning Yue said quietly.

"I choose to kill." Han Sen shook his body and twisted in the weirdest angle. All the locks that were on his joints fell from his body. Han Sen had been practicing Jadeskin for a long time and was better and better controlling his own body. Moving his bones and muscles, he felt the locks were completely useless on him.

After removing the locks, Han Sen quickly summoned the cursed wolf dagger and stabbed it at Ning Yue.

Ning Yue did not look surprised. He summoned a slim sword and wielded it at Han Sen. The thirteen evolvers also summoned their own weapons and started to attack Han Sen.

If Han Sen insisted to kill Ning Yue with his dagger, he would be facing thirteen weapons himself. Therefore, he had to go backward and waive his weapon at other people.

The fitness level of Han Sen was slightly weaker than the sacred-blood evolvers. Although he could increase his strength and speed using Heresy Mantra and Overload, his original fitness was not improved. When cutting by the evolvers, he would still get hurt, which was why Han Sen was still trying to dodge their attacks.

This way, however, Han Sen felt himself trapped. Even with Heresy Mantra and Overload and the cursed wolf dagger, he still found it difficult to get rid of the evolvers.

Han Sen could not even hurt an individual or damage a single weapon. Thirteen different weapons came at Han Sen continuously, leaving him at an absolute disadvantage. Han Sen had to retreat into the valley.

It was not because the thirteen evolvers were strong, but because of Ning Yue.

The sword skills of Ning Yue did not seem very impressive. Instead, it was somewhat irrational. Sometimes, the sword did not even come at Han Sen, but toward empty space.

However, it was exactly the sword skills that connected the attacks from the thirteen people together, making it into a trap which Han Sen could not run away from. Han Sen did not even have an opportunity to fight back. Although he had a sharp weapon, he had to retreat again and again.

Chapter 402: I Choose to Kill

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The sword skills called Que Yi focused on sacrificing oneself to complete other people's attack. The thirteen evolvers were from different shelters and did not have much time to practice their collaboration. However, with Ning Yue present, they were connected into one killing machine. Even Han Sen could not find any cracks.

Ning Yue looked extremely calm. All his moves looked effortless but followed some incredible rules. Although his attacks were not aggressive, he managed to turn the moves of the other thirteen evolvers into a part of himself, forcing Han Sen into the vines.

Ning Yue did not want to kill Han Sen in the first place. He only wanted to see for himself the fights between Han Sen and those incredibly strong creatures. Either Han Sen killed the creature or got killed, his doubts would be answered.

"Young master, do we really need to fight this out?" Han Sen asked while retreating, as he understood Ning Yue's intentions.

"If I am alone, I would be glad to be your friend and never hurt you. However, ..." Ning Yue said and never stopped his sword, forcing Han Sen to touch the vines.

"What a shame. I did not want to kill, but..." Han Sen sighed and said. He was speaking his mind.

Before figuring out the relationship between the Nings and the Hans, Han Sen did not want to kill. However, he was left with no choice. Same as Ning Yue, Han Sen was the kind of person that would leave no mercy when he decided to kill.

"Kill? You? You think you are good with that sharp dagger? That doesn't do anything. You are merely a beast trapped in a cage. Your life and death depends on our wish," exclaimed Liu Lin fiercely.

"Is that right?" Han Sen curled his lips. Watching the weapons coming at himself, he did not go further back, but pointed at Liu Lin.

"Retreat." Ning Yue suddenly had a bad feeling. Although there was no way that Han Sen could block so many weapons, for some reason, Ning Yue felt danger.

As the weapons were about to reach Han Sen's body, it was too late for Han Sen to run away and for the evolvers to take back their weapons. Despite Ning Yue's command, his men could no longer stop themselves.


A giant monster in jade armor that looked like the cross between a scorpion and a bee suddenly appeared next to Han Sen, knocking away all the weapons about to hit Han Sen.

The weapons used by the sacred-blood evolvers were top-notch in First God's Sanctuary, but none of them could hurt that monster. Instead, the evolvers were knocked back.


A pair of claws that looked like the sickles of the death crossed above Liu Lin's shoulders, sending his head into the air. Liu Lin's eyes were stared wide even after death, filled with terror.

The fierce super Golden rock worm king killed his way into the group. Its four wings buzzing, the worm king danced with its eight claws moving up an if d down.

It was a true slaughter. Wearing super pet armor, the super golden rock worm king did not even look like something that belonged to First God's Sanctuary. Even the sacred-blood evolvers could not hurt it. Instead, anywhere the worm king went, limbs would fall, and blood would jet out. In front of absolute strength, even the Que Yi sword skills were completely useless.

At this point, the super golden rock worm king was even stronger than the turtle. After all, its speed and strength were the same as the turtle. And what the turtle was best at, defense, was not as strong as the pet armor.

Paired with its flying ability and sharp claws, it was as easy as slaughtering a dog for the golden rock worm king to kill the sacred-blood evolvers.

There was no chance for the evolvers to retreat as well. The path connecting the valley and outside was so narrow that only one man could pass at a time. In addition, their speed was far worse than the golden rock worm king. As the group of people reached the path, a better half of them had already been killed by the super golden rock worm king. Only three men made it to the past.

As tough as Ning Yue, he felt shocked when seeing the sacred-blood evolver's that Starry Group took a lot of time and effort to cultivate slaughtered like this. What shook him even more was the existence of the super golden rock worm king.

"Could it be something beyond a sacred-blood pet?" Ning Yue regarded the worm king which was too huge to enter the narrow path with complex emotions as he walked out of the path.

Han Sen quickly took the pet back and entered the path himself with the cursed wolf dagger. There was no way he could let Ning Yue run away like this.

Using Heresy Mantra and Overload, Han Sen's speed was much better than the three survivors. It only took him a moment to catch up with them.

The two sacred-blood evolvers falling behind Ning Yue tried to defend themselves, but there was no space for them to dodge in the narrow path. In addition, their weapons were slashed in half by the cursed wolf dagger.

Hearing two screams and seeing the blood, Ning Yue knew that he was all alone, and Han Sen was in his face immediately.

Ning Yue knew there was no way he could get out of here alive. After all his calculation, he did not expect Han Sen to have such a frightening pet. Ning Yue sighed and gave up, standing still and waiting for death to come.

"Ning Yue, what's so special in this valley?" Han Sen asked, with his dagger on Ning Yue's neck.

"Just kill me. Don't ask." Ning Yue did not move a muscle, not even opening his eyes.

"It is not that easy to die either," Han Sen said calmly. Suddenly, a beast soul was summoned and rushed to Ning Yue.

Ning Yue's expression suddenly changed after he heard what Han Sen said. He quickly opened his eyes and saw an ugly dark purple beast soul that looked like an alligator in his face.


The beast soul did not pause and entered Ning Yue's body. The giant creature sent itself into Han Sen's chest with ease.

Ning Yue felt his whole body was stabbed and impaled, like someone was slicing his muscle. However, that feeling only lasted for a second. Shortly, the ugly beast soul came out of Ning Yue's body and curled up next to Han Sen, its spooky eyes fixed on Ning Yue.

Chapter 403: Nine-Life Cat

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

For some reason, Ning Yue started to shiver when watched by the ugly beast soul. It felt like his soul was shaking.

Without hesitation, Ning Yue turned his sword around and stabbed it at his own chest, trying to kill himself.

"Roar!" The ugly beast soul opened its mouth. Suddenly, Ning Yue lost the control of his body. He spread his hands and dropped the sword on the ground.

Watching Ning Yue who as pale as a sheet of paper, Han Sen said quietly, "I told you that it is not that easy to die. Answer a few questions, then maybe I will let you die.

"What beast soul is that?" Ning Yue coughed but did not answer Han Sen's question.

"Aqua reaper, a parasite beast soul," Han Sen said.

Han Sen had been looking for the information on beast soul parasites on the Skynet, but he failed to find any. After doing a lot of tests, he finally understood how the beast soul parasite is used.

The aqua reaper could inhabit on any creature or man and share its or his life. At this point, Ning Yue's life no longer belonged to himself as the aqua reaper could also control his body. How much control it had depended on how much strength the beast soul and its host had respectively.

There was no doubt that the aqua reaper as a super beast soul was much stronger than Ning Yue. Therefore, the aqua reaper naturally had the priority to control Ning Yue's body.

Ning Yue's moves and even thoughts could be sensed by the aqua reaper and sent to Han Sen. Therefore, Han Sen could tell partially what Ning Yue was thinking.

The beast soul parasite also had its shortcoming. If its strength was weaker than its host, it would be controlled by the host in turn.

Of course, if the host was stronger than the parasite, or as strong as the beast soul parasite initially, it would be difficult for the beast soul parasites to inhabit on the host if the host resisted it.

Once it settled down, the beast soul parasite would start to absorb the strength of the host's body. The stronger Ning Yue got, the aqua reaper would also grow with him. It would be difficult for Ning Yue to ever get rid of the aqua reaper.

In First God's Sanctuary, Han Sen did not think there was any human who could be stronger than a super beast soul, so inhabitation would almost always be successful, unless the host was a super evolver. So far, in First God's Sanctuary, there was no such person. Han Sen had not even maxed out on super geno points himself.

Han Sen asked a few more questions, but Ning Yue answered none. Using the aqua reaper, Han Sen only got very limited information. Ning Yue's will was too strong.

What a man. It is so impressive that he had such strong will. Han Sen gazed at Ning Yue and met his eyes.

"Kill me. It is impossible that you get anything you want from me," Ning Yue said calmly.

"Ning Yue, do you recognize this?" Han Sen realized that ordinary questions could not shake Ning Yue's will. He pondered, took out the red crystal pendant that looked like a cat or fox, and showed it to Ning Yue.

The moment Ning Yue saw the pendant, his expression suddenly changed. From what the aqua reaper had read from Ning Yue's mind, Han Sen heard crazy exclamation, "Nine-life cat... How could it be the nine-life cat..."

"It is impossible... I have investigated into your background... There is no way that you are the offspring of Instructor Han..." Watching the red pendant in Han Sen's hand, Ning Yue spoke.

"Why is it impossible?" Seeing that Ning Yue's guard was down, Han Sen asked immediately.

Ning Yue seemed to be dazed by Han Sen's question. A long while later, he suddenly stammered, "Yes, you should be his offspring ... Yes, you are... Otherwise how could you be so strong... And how could you..."

Ning Yue suddenly looked up at Han Sen with a complicated look, "If you showed me the nine-life cat earlier, we would never end up this way. Instructor Han is a benefactor of the Nings. If I knew earlier that you are his descendent, I would never dare to disrespect you."

Han Sen snorted and said, "Even if he had saved the Nings, it was a long time ago. If I don't have the strength to defend myself, I don't think you would mind killing me."

Ning Yue shook his head and said, "We have a family instruction saying that if we meet any descendent of Instructor Han, we have to treat the person as a benefactor. The Nings would never dare to be disrespectful to you..."

Han Sen was very surprised. He could sense what Ning Yue was thinking with the aqua reaper. Han Sen knew that Ning Yue was telling the truth. However, Han Sen could not ask why the Nings would never dare to be disrespectful to the descendent of Instructor Han. If he had asked that, Ning Yue would probably question whether he was really related to Instructor Han. In that case, Han Sen would not be able to get more information from him.

And Han Sen was not so sure that he was actually related to Instructor Han. After all, the whole thing was rather strange. With the Nings' power, there was no way that they never found out the great-grandfather of Han Sen was the same Han Jingzhi as Instructor Han. Han Sen was wondering himself whether the two were the same person. After all, they did not seem to be of the same age.

As Han Sen was wondering what question he should ask, Ning Yue smiled wryly and continued to say, "If I knew you are related to Instructor Han, I would never have spent so much effort and lost all the good men the Nings cultivated. It is just so predictable that someone of the Hans could kill those strong creatures..."

"It seems that you know a lot about what happened in the past," Han Sen responded. He wished that Ning Yue could continue to speak. When it came to someone like Ning Yue, if he did not want to tell you something, you would not be able to get half a word even if you killed him.

"The old people in the family were reluctant to talk about what happened in the past. I don't know a lot, but since Instructor Han was a benefactor to my ancestors, we have a family instruction that was passed down from previous generations to never forget about the favor. That's the only reason that I know about it." Ning Yue sighed and said, "I have heard a lot about Instructor Han's deeds since I was a kid. I have always wanted to become someone like him and repay him. I never expected to antagonize his descendent before I thanked the Hans."

"Oh? Tell me about it, what did the Nings say about him?" Han Sen asked, trying to learn more about the past.

Ning Yue did not try to hide anything and started to talk. However, the deeds of Instructor Han Ning Yue mentioned made Han Sen feel utterly surprised. He could not believe that he had such a person as great-grandfather.

Chapter 404: Early Days

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The Secret Service were the first men who ever used the teleport technology. The very first who came to God's Sanctuary were not Han Jingzhi and the ancestor of the Nings, but ordinary crewmembers.

After they arrived at God's Sanctuary, they found something and had a few accidents. Only two persons made it back to the Alliance.

Those two persons reported what they found on the other end, which made everyone overjoyed. Very soon, the second unit was sent through the same way.

This time, the personnel dispatched were no longer ordinary crewmembers, but a unit made up of elite. There were eleven in total, which included the instructor of the Blueblood Special Force, Instructor Han.

That unit was Unit 7.

The unit stayed in God's Sanctuary for less than seven days. Less than half of them made it to the Alliance, which included Han Jingzhi and the ancestor of the Nings.

After teleporting back, they were investigated respectively. No one knew what was asked and answered. However, since then, the experiments were no longer conducted with human beings. Instead, the teleport device was redesigned. A few years later, the modern teleport device was invented and the news about God's sanctuary was published.

The survivors of Unit 7 all died in a weird way shortly after they returned.

Before they died, maybe it was for the surveillance on them, they did not say much about what had happened in God's Sanctuary. However, they still left some messages.

For example, the ancestor of the Nings said to his family that Han Jingzhi had saved the unit from a monster and described Han Jingzhi as a true qigong master. In his words, Han Jingzhi was a super hero.

The nine-life cat was Han Jingzhi's belonging. Han Jingzhi was always taking it with him, so everyone in Unit 7 knew about the nine-life cat.

Because he was under the surveillance of the Alliance, the ancestor of the Nings did not say much in the first place, and less was passed on to the younger generations. After the ancestor died, the Alliance loosened its control on the Nings. At that time, they found the hidden messages left by the ancestor and learned some things.

The Nings did not know much, and Ning Yue knew even less. That was basically all he could tell.

From the aqua reaper, Han Sen knew that Ning Yue was telling the truth. The Nings were indeed thankful to Han Jingzhi, and to some extent, they feared him.

After all, the ancestor of the Nings described Han Jingzhi as a very strong qigong Master, which made the Nings terrified of the guy.

"You have looked into my background, so you should know about the acquisition of my family business by Starry Group. Why have you targeted us?" Han Sen stared at Ning Yue and asked. Han Jingzhi's deeds were ancient history, but he had to know about his father's death.

Ning Yue paused and said, "You are not saying that my family murdered your father? Whether you believe it or not, I can tell you for sure that there is nothing of the sort. To be blunt, Starry Group had too many means to acquire your family business that did not involve killing.in addition, if it was my family that killed your father, my brother would have killed you as soon as he saw you the shelter. No one would let the son of his victim hang around."

Han Sen frowned slightly. In fact, what Ning Yue said was what had always puzzled him. Son of Heaven had looked into his background a long time ago. If Starry Group had murdered his father, there was no way that Son of Heaven would let him live. After all, it was a piece of cake for Son of Heaven to kill him at the time.

"Why did the Nings acquire my family business?" Han Sen asked again.

"I have reviewed the materials carefully. The business decision was made mainly because your factory was producing several types of alloy more efficiently than the Starry Group. All the procedures of the acquisition were in compliance. Although we had some difficulties in the middle, because of your father's accident, everything became smooth. We did not even need to use the agenda that we had prepared."

Ning Yue continued, "However, your father's accident had nothing to do with Starry Group. Even the manager who was in charge of the acquisition felt surprised about your father's accident. However, even without the accident, Starry Group had prepared a lot of financial means to acquire your family business. If Starry Group needed to kill someone for such a small acquisition, then it will have nothing to do all day but murder."

Ning Yue paused and said, "I'm not saying this to beg for my life. It is simply something that we are not responsible for."

Han Sen frowned at Ning Yue for a while, pointed to the vines and flower, and asked, "What is that about?"

"The giant flower and its vines are a strong creature. Initially, I wanted to force you fight it. If you managed to kill it, I could take the opportunity and gain its body. However, if you are killed, I would be able to get rid of a huge threat and learn more about the creature," said Ning Yue.

Han Sen looked at the flower and vines again with interest and asked Ning Yue with his eyes squinted, "Do you want to live?"

"Do you dare to let me live?" asked Ning Yue.

"This is No. 107. Your family should know a lot of places like this. Give me the information and I will let you go," Han Sen said.

"Okay." Ning Yue did not even ask whether Han Sen would let him go after receiving the information before telling Han Sen all the locations.

This information was what Han Sen needed the most. Only when he maxed out on super geno points could he evolve. If he were to rely on himself, it depended a lot on luck whether he could find a super creature. With the information accumulated by the Nings for generations, Han Sen could easily locate the super creatures.

"You can go." Han Sen commanded the aqua reaper to loosen the control on Ning Yue. However, the aqua reaper was still inhabiting on Ning Yue. Unless Ning Yue strength surpassed the aqua reaper, Han Sen could still order the aqua reaper to control Ning Yue to commit suicide from a thousand miles away.

Ning Yue was dazed. He did not expect Han Sen to let him go for real. Momentarily, Ning Yue knew what Han Sen was thinking but did not react. All he said was, "The offspring of Instructor Han would only be a friend of the Nings and never an enemy."

Ning Yue turned to leave without explanation.

Chapter 405: The Power of Angel

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

If Starry Group did not do it, how can I explain my father's accident? Han Sen felt puzzled. Although Ning Yue must still be hiding something and could not be trusted completely. He could not have lied because of the aqua reaper.

In addition, before the accident, his father did ask them to find the Nings, which meant the Nings were unlikely to be responsible for the accident. It also seemed that Han Sen's father already knew something was going to happen.

"However, under that kind of circumstances, even if the Nings were not behind the accident, would they help us because of a favor that long ago? Is my father such a gambler? Unless..." Coldness flashed in Han Sen's eyes. "Unless the people behind the accident are the enemies of the Nings, and the Nings would antagonize them anyway."

Although Han Sen had guessed something, it was difficult for him to find out more. The reason he did not kill Ning Yue was that he wished he could use this connection to get more clues. With the aqua reaper on Ning Yue's body, Han Sen could decide the life and death of Ning Yue. Meanwhile, Han Sen could learn a lot of information from him.

For Han Sen, Ning Yue was more valuable living than dead.

Han Sen turned his eyes to the giant flower and vines in the valley. He did not mean to take the risks himself. Han Sen raised his hand and summoned the holy angel. He had always been wondering how strong holy angel was, and this was the perfect opportunity.

At Han Sen's command, the holy angel quickly transformed. Her armor, hair, and eyes all turned golden. Flapping her golden wings, she flew toward the giant flower. Her speed was not fast. The moment she reached the vines, all the vines in the valley started to shake. Hundreds of vines as thick as arms swept over at her at an incredible speed.

Holy angel suddenly moved. She flapped her wings hard, and the hundreds of vines suddenly looked slow in comparison as the gorgeous figure flashed across.


As the holy angel brushed by the vines, they broke one by one. The giant flower quickly shrank and made spooky noises. The remaining vines started to shake and came at her again like the chains of death.

However, that was completely useless. As the holy angel flew by, she waved her hand and the vines were cut off as if they were grass.

Instantaneously, the holy angel had made her way to the flower with ease.


The flower suddenly turned into the mouth of a beast with fangs bared. It quickly swallowed the holy angel that was approaching.

Han Sen regretted that he did not put the super pet armor on the holy angel. After all, this was very likely to be a super creature. If the holy angel who had just evolved was swallowed like this, it would be a gigantic loss for Han Sen.

In addition to being a super pet, such a pretty humanoid pet was extremely valuable itself.

As Han Sen was regretting, he suddenly saw the flower split from the middle. The gorgeous figure came out of the flower as regal as a queen. Her body was not even colored by the gushing blood.

"Super creature purgatory flower killed. No beast soul gained. Life essence available."

Surprisingly, the voice sounded in Han Sen's mind, making him feel emotional.

Back in the days, he could not even break the eyes of the baby golden growler, while now even his pet could kill a super creature like killing an ant, which made Han Sen felt unreal.

"Amazing... Truly amazing... This girl is even more incredible than the golden rock worm king, which is also a super pet..." Han Sen did not come back to himself until the holy angel returned to him. He hugged her in excitement and was about to kiss her on her cheeks.

Han Sen did not have any lewd thoughts. It was just an unconscious move. However, although the holy angel let Han Sen hug her, she raised her hand to Han Sen's lips, so Han Sen only kissed her cold armor.

Han Sen was dazed and looked at her gorgeous face, which was completely emotionless.

Han Sen frowned and took back the holy angel. Walking deeper into the valley, Han Sen saw a basketball-sized green crystal, which was the life essence of the disappeared purgatory flower.

Han Sen took the crystal up and started to lick. The cool liquid turned into a coolness and filled Han Sen's body as he drank.

Han Sen felt like his whole body was cleansed.

"Life essence of purgatory flower consumed. One super geno point gained."

Shortly, Han Sen heard the exciting voice, which drove him to lick the life essence harder.

After consuming the entire piece of life essence, Han Sen had acquired eight more super geno points. At this point, he had sixty-eight super geno points in total.

Although Han Sen had not been to a test center for a while, he estimated that his fitness index should be approaching thirty, which was the same as a sacred-blood evolver. Before Han Sen even maxed out on the super geno points, he had already come close to this number.

Han Sen was really looking forward to gaining his super body in the evolution pool. At that point, his body must become incredibly strong.

"If you come too late, you would not even be a worthy enemy, let alone friend." Han Sen suddenly thought of what Son of Heaven said and smiled.

Although Son of Heaven evolved earlier, it was not easy for him to get his fitness index over 100.

In comparison, according to the speed at which Han Sen was improving, when he maxed out on super geno points and entered Second God's Sanctuary, all he needed to do was to acquire some random geno points to be over 100 in fitness index.

An evolver with the fitness index over 100 would be considered a top evolver anywhere. And for Han Sen, that was already within his reach.

Chapter 406: Special Assignment

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Han Sen summoned the golden growler and had an even better same experience then driving a top sports car. As the mount ran, Han Sen felt the objects next to him were going back like a blur. In addition, on the golden growler's back, Han Sen felt absolutely no bumps.

Within less than an hour, Han Sen had already returned to Steel Armor Shelter. This trip would have taken him one or two days before, and this was not even the full speed of the golden growler.

Han Sen was overjoyed. With the speed of the golden growler and the locations of the super creatures that he learned from Ning Yue, he could easily kill a lot of super creatures in a short amount of time, so that he could evolve as fast as possible.

Although Han Sen wanted to hunt the super creatures on the back of golden growler immediately, he held back his urge. Before long, he would have to take a graduation test. There was also a decision to be made on his military rank and position. These all had a tremendous influence on Han Sen's future, so Han Sen planned to max out on his super geno points during the break before he served in the military and after graduation.

After returning to the shelter, Han Sen contacted Lin Beifeng as he had promised to sell Lin Beifeng the phantom ant armor, which he no longer needed.

Lin Beifeng was overjoyed getting his hands on the phantom and armor. It would still be 2 to 3 years before he maxed out on sacred-blood geno points, so he could use the armor for a long time. The practical reasons notwithstanding, Lin Beifeng was happy with how it looked anyways.

Han Sen did not take cash from Lin Beifeng, but asked Lin Beifeng to collect some sacred-blood meat so that Han Sen could fill up his sacred-blood geno points which he now had eighty-five.

Currently, Han Sen had no time to hunt sacred-blood creatures given how much he had on his plate.

Lin Beifeng could not collect so much sacred-blood meat on such short notice. However, Han Sen was not in a hurry and asked Lin Beifeng to give him the meat when Lin Beifeng had it. Han Sen had to prepare for the graduation test and other procedures, so he would to stay in Steel Armor Shelter for a while.

That Phoenix like creature is the closest to Steel Armor Shelter. I will kill it when I have time. If I put the super pet armor on the holy angel, she should be able to resist the flames. If I could have a beast soul from that creature, then it will be so good. Han Sen thought to himself.

When Han Sen returned to Blackhawk, his roommates were all in the dormitory. It was rare that none of them was in God's Sanctuary, so they went to the cafeteria to hang out. They had agreed beforehand that none of the guys could bring a plus one.

"Han Sen, where do you plan to go after graduation?" Shi Zhikang asked Han Sen with one arm throwing around Han Sen's shoulders, tipsy.

"I will let the AI decide for me," Han Sen said helplessly.

Although Han Sen wanted to serve on the warship where Ji Yanran was even if he had to be just a soldier, he could not even find out which warship Ji Yanran was on.

Han Sen did not plan to have a career in the military, so it did not matter where he went if he could not see Ji Yanran, as long as he was not sent to the front to become cannon fodder.

Even if he was sent to the front, he was still an elite who graduated from military school, so he would still be an officer instead of a common soldier.

In addition, he was the head of the special squad, which would also be taken into consideration by the AI.

Of course, he could use connections to decide on the exact position he served. However, that did not mean much to Han Sen and would take some effort.

The roommates were talking and laughing, chatting about their dreams and ambitions. They didn't return to the dormitory until midnight.

Han Sen rarely had time to enjoy school life. In these days, he was focused on learning theoretical knowledge as well as the ancient language.

To learn the ancient language seemed easy. However, if he were to really understand the meaning of Dongxuan Sutra, it would take him a lot of time and energy.

Han Sen did not feel like it was a tough mission. He was so curious about Dongxuan Sutra. A martial art that allowed a human being to break the vacuum with his own body and teleport to God's sanctuary sounded like a fairytale to him.

Even in such an era when martial arts had been highly developed, none of the demigods dared to say they could tear apart the vacuum with their own body.

If I could practice Dongxuan Sutra, no one in the Alliance would be my match. I don't even need to be as good as Dongxuan. If I am half as good as him, I would be invincible in the Alliance still. Even demigods meant nothing to me.

Every time Han Sen had such thoughts, his blood would start boiling, which motivated him to learn the archaic characters.

Fortunately, as the genes of mankind were highly developed these days, everyone had stronger brains than previous generations. Many unevolved persons with their geno points maxed out had strong memory skills, and Han Sen was especially outstanding. It did not take him much effort to learn.

It took patience to learn the ancient language. But once he mastered the language, he could actually read Dongxuan Sutra.

Han Sen enjoyed a few days without hunting and killing. All he did was teleporting to the shelter to enjoy the sacred-blood meat Lin Beifeng sent him and studying at Blackhawk. Soon, it was time for the graduation test.

Although Han Sen had controlled his strength very well, he was still the absolute number one in the test and became a major in the military.

Each military school only had a few quotas for that kind of honor. However, based on Han Sen's grades and his contribution to the school, his rank was well-deserved.

In forty-eight hours, the AI would make a decision about his assignment.

"Brother Han, I'm sorry." When it was time for Han Sen to check where he was assigned, Wang Mengmeng came to him with her head bowed. Han Sen felt she did not dare to look at him. Her voice was so low that Han Sen could barely tell what she was saying.

"What's wrong?" Han Sen smiled and rubbed Wang Mengmeng's head. Although Wang Mengmeng was twenty years old, Han Sen felt she was still a little girl.

"Brother Han, I'm sorry. I used my connections to assign you to the warframe force where I'm about to go to without your consent. Brother, I'm so sorry..." Wang Mengmeng was basically whispering. Her face was red, and she was avoiding eye contact.

"That's no big deal. The warframe force that you will go to is definitely a good one. I probably should thank you for that," said Han Sen, searching for his assignment information.

However, the information shown on the display made Han Sen pause.

Chapter 407: Daphne

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"Sister, is the warframe force you're going to join called Daphne?" Han Sen looked at the information AI displayed incredulously.

"Daphne? We're supposed to go to the royal warframe force." Wang Mengmeng looked to the display without doubt and was also shocked by the information.

It clearly said that Han Sen was assigned to the cookhouse of Warship Daphne.

"So strange. Did they make a mistake?" Wang Mengmeng became anxious and dialed a number with her comlink. Shortly, Wang Mengmeng had an odd look on her face.

"Who did this?" Han Sen asked calmly.

The information displayed was very weird. It did not tell him about the exact location or even the number of the troops. All he knew was that he was going to serve at the cookhouse of a warship called Daphne.

A major who graduated from a military school was assigned to a cookhouse. That was rare but possible. However, it was only possible for the several top warships in the Alliance, which did not include Daphne.

Han Sen would not believe it if no one had tempered his assignment.

"I don't know. The connections I used were not able to do anything. Your assignment was decided by the central AI. No one could change it without top authority." Wang Mengmeng suddenly stared her eyes wide and looked at him, "Brother, did you ask anyone to do this?"

"If it were me, I would not have asked you who it was." Han Sen pondered and asked, "Is it possible for me to find out who did this?"

Wang Mengmeng shook her head, looking confused, and said, "We do not have enough authority to access that information. However, only a few people would be able to do this."

"Is it possible that Starry Group was behind it?" Han Sen asked again.

"That is unlikely. Although the Nings had some influence in the military, they would not have such high authority. And we would be able to know it if it were them," Wang Mengmeng shook her head and said.

"Then there is no need to think about it. I'm okay with any post. If someone wanted me to go there, I'll go have a look." Han Sen had a relaxed attitude about it, since he would not be able to resist someone who could pull this anyway. In addition, the authorities of the Alliance were always law-abiding. He did not worry that anyone would harm him.

"Even the cookhouse needs a major. I wonder what kind of place Daphne is." Han Sen even felt expectant.

He still had three months before registering at his assigned post. Han Sen planned to utilize the period of time to max out his super geno points. It would be ideal if he could evolve before serving in the military. Fortunately, Han Sen was only three sacred-blood geno points away from maxing out, thanks to the meat Lin Beifeng provided him with.

During the three months, Han Sen could choose to stay in Blackhawk or go home. The roommates of 304 had a last supper with Wang Mengmeng and her friends.

Everyone was feeling a bit sentimental. In the end, they went to a holographic karaoke. Shi Zhikang sang a song called "The Brother Who Shared My Bunkbed," which made the girls wet their eyes.

"Brothers, our time had just begun. On the way to conquer the universe, we will meet again. When we see each other, I hope you will still remember my face, because everywhere else of my body would be decorated with medals..." Zhang Yang jumped on the table and exclaimed in the microphone.

All Han Sen remembered was that he had a lot to drink and so did everyone else. In the end they hugged each other, shouting and jumping, singing the song called "My Future Is Not a Dream." Han Sen did not remember much other than that.

Although he was able to stay sober using Jadeskin, Han Sen chose not to do that. Sometimes, he did not need to be sober in life, and this was one of those times.

I know my future is not a dream

I care for each minute

My future is not a dream

My heart beats with hope

I know my future is not a dream

I care for each minute

My future is not a dream

My heart beats with hope


When Han Sen left Blackhawk, he did not tell any of his friends, but walked out of the gate alone. Looking back to the place where he had studied and lived for four years. Even Han Sen felt emotional.

The sadness of leaving and the eagerness of reuniting with his family made it hard to tell whether he was happy or sad.

"My life has just begun..." Han Sen turned and left, walking into the space harbor and boarded the spaceship that was going to take him back home.

There was no place like home. Han Sen felt the saying was so true, as the days he spent at home were the most comfortable in years.

Eating and chatting with his mother and sister, watching games with Zhang Danfeng, Han Sen felt on top of the world. There were some people in the world that could still be the most intimate ones in his life despite the longest separation.

Initially, Han Sen was worried that the Nings would look for trouble, but they did nothing. Han Sen had been using the aqua reaper to watch Ning Yue and had some ideas about what the Nings were doing. After learning about the relationship between Han Sen and Instructor Han, the entire clan were surprised. They only did some investigation and forbade anyone to mess with the Hans.

Han Sen was very curious what Instructor Han did back in the days to make the Nings terrified of him until now.

Thirteen sacred-blood evolvers were not easy to cultivate even for a large corporation such as Starry Group. They must have spent a lot of money and effort on it.

The disappearance of thirteen good fighters did not even make the Nings retaliate. They even asked everyone to avoid conflicts with Han Sen, which made Han Sen feel quite surprised.

However, Han Sen also felt more at ease. At least he did not need to worry about the safety of his family when he hunted super creatures in God's Sanctuary.

The first target was naturally the fire bird on the snow mountain. Before leaving, Han Sen still made a lot of preparation. He had to max out his super geno points as much as possible before registering at Daphne, which would take more than just the fire bird.

"Little birdie, here I come." Han Sen set out on his way riding the golden growler, feeling quite excited.

When there was no one around, Han Sen commanded golden growler to turn into its largest form and run at full speed. Han Sen could not even begin to describe how fast it was. Each step it took would bring Han Sen 50 feet closer to his destination. Han Sen felt the golden growler was some kind of ancient monster.

With the golden growler, Han Sen was confident that he could hunt a lot of super creatures within three months. Otherwise, it would take him a lot of time to just travel.

Chapter 408: Iron Fist Demigod

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The white sand desert looked desolate and dismal under the moonlight. Occasionally, some howling could be heard. The firewood was crackling. Next to the fire, Han Sen was barbecuing some meat with the bony fish arrow as the skewer.

Meowth was lying on Han Sen's legs in its untransformed state, its eyes fixed on the sizzling barbecue, trying to reach out its paw at times. However, it seemed to fear the fire and quickly withdrew its paw.

"Don't hurry. It will be ready very soon." Han Sen was amused by Meowth.

Initially, Han Sen was going to hunt the phoenix-like creature, but he had only been there once. Last time he was here, they went to the carbonized tree first and then found the snow mountain. However, when Han Sen reached the area, he did not see any burned tree or other familiar signs. Then he had to look for the snow mountain according to his vague memory. After an entire day of searching, he did not spot any mountains. He had to rest for the night and continue the next day.

When the barbecue was ready, Han Sen gave half of it to Meowth. As the man and the cat were enjoying themselves, messy hoofbeats came from afar and became louder and louder. Han Sen heard people talking as well.

"Fire... There is fire... It looks like someone is over there..."

Han Sen looked up and saw four mounts coming his way. On the back of the mounts were two men and two women. Judging from the mounts and their armor, they were not ordinary people.

"Whoever dares to come to the Devil Desert should be extraordinary anyways." Han Sen took a look and bowed his head, enjoying the barbecue with Meowth.

The four rides quickly came close to Han Sen. After seeing Han Sen, they looked excited and got off their mounts, walking toward the fire. A young man with thick eyebrows like caterpillars asked, "Friend, can you sell us some of your water?"

The other two women and one man stared at the water bags next to Han Sen, licking their dried-up lips. It was easy to find food with lots of creatures around in the desert. However, water was rare.

Although the blood of the creatures could provide some liquid, but it was like seawater. The more you drank, the thirstier you would get.

The group of people had been lost in the Devil Desert for a month, and it was the first time they saw someone. The first thing they were asking was not the way out, but water.

The four knew very well that no ordinary guy dared to enter Devil Desert, so they never thought of robbing Han Sen. In addition, they still needed to ask the man how to go out, which was why the young man with thick eyebrows named Jia Changfeng was being very polite.

Without speaking, Han Sen threw the bag of water at Jia Changfeng and continued to eat.

"Thanks so much!" Jia Changfeng was overjoyed. Initially, he planned to pay a lot for the water. They were in a desert after all, where water meant life. Jia Changfeng did not expect the guy to be so generous.

"Don't." Jia Changfeng took the water back and was about to share it with the rest. The other guy, who was thin, stopped them. He then took out some test paper and dipped it into the water to see if it was poisoned.

When he saw the result, the thin guy named Xiao Lingfeng let out a sigh of relief and let everyone drink.

"Friend, thank you. How shall I call you?" After Xiao Lingfeng drank some water, he asked.

"Han Sen," replied Han Sen, caressing Meowth on his laps.

Xiao Lingfeng searched that name in his memory, and it did not ring a bell. Xiao Lingfeng continued to ask, "Friend, do you know how to get out of the desert? If you could take us out, I can pay you well."

"The payment is unnecessary. I need to hunt here so I'm not going out. Follow that direction and you could get out of the desert in three to four days," Han Sen said, pointing at a direction.

"Friend, if you are willing to lead the way, I can pay you a sacred-blood beast soul," Xiao Lingfeng said.

Han Sen did not look at Xiao Lingfeng, but fed a piece of barbecued to Meowth.

Even without thinking, Han Sen knew that Xiao Lingfeng was afraid Han Sen was giving them a wrong direction. It was okay to be wary, but Xiao Lingfeng seemed to be too nervous and have poor judgment about people. Han Sen did not want to bother to talk to him.

A sacred-blood beast soul was valuable, but Han Sen did not want to waste his time on a beast soul that would mean nothing to him.

Seeing Han Sen was unimpressed, both Xiao Lingfeng and Jia Changfeng were surprised. The two girls also looked to Han Sen, feeling incredulous.

A sacred-blood beast soul was always a treasure. Even they themselves could not stay so calm in front of a sacred-blood beast soul.

All Han Sen needed to do for the beast soul was to lead the way, but Han Sen was not considering the option at all. He even seemed to have a look of contempt on his face, which made them regard Han Sen more carefully.

The name "Han Sen" was well known, but only in military schools and Steel Armor Shelter. Among the aristocrats, few people knew about him.

Obviously, Xiao Lingfeng and Jia Changfeng were not from Steel Armor Shelter, so they had never heard about Han Sen.

The four people looked Han Sen up and down for a while, but none recognized Han Sen's origin.

"Friend, have you heard about Iron Fist Demigod?" Jia Changfeng and Xiao Lingfeng exchanged a look, and the latter asked Han Sen.

"Jia Sidao?" Han Sen looked at Xiao Lingfeng in surprise.

Iron Fist Demigod was quite famous as one of the oldest demigods. Rumor has it that the Jias had the heritage of martial arts and was great at fist skills.

Iron Fist of the Jias was said to be the best hyper geno art in fist skills. Han Sen did not know if that claim was true, but Jia Sidao used those skills to gain his demigod status, which made his family and skills known in the entire Alliance.

Jia Sidao did not become a politician but started a business of martial hall to teach students.

Different from Ares Martial Hall which took everyone in, all the students of the martial hall run by the Jias were children of prominent families and politicians.

"His name is Jia Changfeng, and Jia Sidao is his grandfather. Lead the way for us and we can make sure you join the Iron Fist Martial Hall. Iron Fist Demigod will instruct you himself," said Xiao Lingfeng, pointing at Jia Changfeng.

Chapter 409: Not Interested

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Being able to be instructed by Jia Sidao himself was the dream of many among the celebrities and aristocrats. However, Han Sen was not really interested in it.

If it was before, Han Sen would consider it. Jia Sidao was a demigod after all, and Iron Fist was one of the most well-known hyper geno arts.

However, since he got his hands on Dongxuan Sutra, Han Sen had been studying the ancient language. Although he still did not understand everything, the parts that he understood made him overjoyed.

Rather than wasting his time on learning Iron Fist, Han Sen would rather spend his time on the ancient language. If he could understand Dongxuan Sutra, it would be very easy for him to become a demigod himself.

However strong Iron Fist was, it could never make him tear the vacuum apart, let alone teleport to God's Sanctuary using his own body.

"I thank you for that. But I really have my own thing to do. I think you should leave on your own," Han Sen spread his hands and said.

The four were even more surprised hearing Han Sen's words. They did not understand someone would turn down the offer to become a student of a demigod.

"Friend, maybe you don't believe me. That is okay. I will teach you some skills in Iron Fist right now. How about you lead the way after learning?" Jia Changfeng thought about it and decided that Han Sen must think they were lying, which was the only explanation for him being dismissive.

Han Sen was speechless, as he was really not interested in learning Iron Fist.

However, since the group of people did not mean him harm, Han Sen did not want to let them down. He asked Jia Changfeng, "On your way here, have you seen a snow mountain? I'm looking for that mountain, and if you could take me to find it, I could take you out after finishing my business."

Jia Changfeng was dazed, and then understood that Han Sen was sincerely not interested in learning Iron Fist. He blushed.

"Snow mountain, are you talking about that one?" Hearing Han Sen's words, one of the girls suddenly looked at him and asked, "Are you talking about a large mountain with only its top covered in snow?"

"Yes. Did you see it?" Han Sen was overjoyed. He was only trying his luck, because if they had approached the mountain and ran into the fire bird, it was very unlikely that they could survive.

"We did see it, but there were some strong creatures nearby, and we did not dare to approach..." said the girl.

"That is great. If you take me there, we could go out together after I finish my thing," said Han Sen hastily.

"Friend, you're not trying to hunt those evil goblins? I think you should forget about it. There are at least a thousand of them, among which at least twenty are mutant and one is sacred-blood. Such a group would take more than just a few people, not to mention you are all alone," said Xiao Lingfeng.

Han Sen frowned. Last time he was there he did not see any other creatures. However, according to the four, there were also a group with a sacred-blood king.

It was the same for Han Sen either way. He would be happy to see a group of creatures there since he still needed three more sacred-blood geno points.

"If you're willing to take me there, I will be very grateful. If not, you could show me the direction and I will be equally grateful." Han Sen did not want to go together with the group.

Although their mounts were good, compared to the golden growler, they would be too slow. It would be a waste of time for him to slow down for these people.

"We could take you there, but do you have enough water for all of us to get out of the desert?" After some discussion, Jia Changfeng asked Han Sen.

"Water is sufficient." Han Sen patted the water bags piling up next to him.

He had brought a lot of water because he planned to go to one of the locations Ning Yue told him directly after killing the fire bird.

Since Han Sen had enough water, the group of four felt relaxed. After resting for a night, they were about to set out on the road the next morning.

"Friend, you have so many luggage. It must have taken you several mounts to bring all of this with you, right?" Xiao Lingfeng asked, seeing all the things Han Sen had brought.

"Just one," Han Sen said and summoned the golden growler. He did not want to scare the group and used the smallest form of the lion, which was the size of an elephant.

"What a magnificent mount!" They were still surprised by the golden growler.

Han Sen smiled and did not speak. He lifted everything to the back of the golden growler and mounted the lion himself.

The five of them started to travel. Because the group of four only had one sacred-blood mount, and the other three were mutant, their speed was not that great.

Feeling upset, Han Sen had to control the speed of the golden growler to follow the group.

Fortunately, the location of the snow mountain was not that far. It only took them one day to get there, which was why Han Sen was not too worried about time.

Han Sen got to know the group of four a little better. Jia Changfeng was the grandson of Jia Sidao. Xiao Lingfeng was a student of Jia Sidao. As for the two girls, the plump one was named Jia Yan, and the slim one was named Xiao Wei.

Jia Yan was Jia Changfeng's younger sister or cousin, and Xiao Wei was Xiao Lingfeng's older sister.

"Han Sen, your mount must be a sacred-blood beast soul?" Jia Yan rode next to Han Sen on a mutant antelope beast, asking curiously while checking out the golden growler.

"Yes," replied Han Sen casually.

"You must be from a prominent family to have such a mount. How come I have never heard of you before?" Jia Yan asked, blinking.

"I am from an ordinary family instead of a famous or aristocratic one. I'm just luckier than others." Han Sen was speaking his mind. Although he was hard-working, his success was largely due to his luck.

Hearing that Han Sen was not from a prominent family, Jia Yan was even more curious and asked, "Then why are you not interested in becoming the student of my grandfather? Don't you know what it means to be a student of Iron Fist Demigod?"

The other three also listened carefully, wanting to know why Han Sen would turn down an offer like that.

"I am a free spirit and do not like to go by the rules. If I piss your grandfather off and get my ass kicked, it will do me no good," Han Sen answered with a smile.

"You're funny," Ji Yanran grinned, hearing Han Sen's words.

Because Han Sen was easy going and they were all of the same age, they quickly started to chat as they marched toward the destination.

"Look. It's right there!" After traveling for a day, Jia Yan suddenly exclaimed, pointing at a mountain far away.

Han Sen had much better eyesight than Jia Yan. In fact, he had seen that mountain a long time ago. However, Han Sen frowned because the mountain looked different from the one he remembered.

Chapter 410: Evil Goblins

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Although this mountain was also covered with snow on the top, but it was much higher and steeper than the one Han Sen remembered.

Where the Firebird was seemed to be a volcano, while this one was much rockier.

"Is it a mistake?" Han Sen felt upset because he wasted all they and ended up in a wrong place.

"We can't go any farther. It is the habitat of the evil goblins in front of us." Jia Changfeng was leading the way stopped and asked everyone to pause. Han Sen got off the back of the golden growler, climbed up a dune with the rest and looked toward the mountain.

The mountain was arid. No plants were growing on it. Even in the desert, it was still an uncommon scene.

Different from the white sand in the desert, the rocks on the mountain were black. Only the top of the mountain was covered in white snow.

On the black mountain walls, there were many thickly dotted holes, which would make a person with trypophobia vomit.

There were many red centipedes as thick as arms climbing out of the holes. The centipedes were about 6 feet long and looked extremely ugly, crawling around on the mountain walls.

Han Sen took a closer look at them. Although they looked like centipedes, they had a triangular head on each end of their body which was made of red bones. Connecting each bone was a pair of red hands with only three fingers. As they moved, the small hands were moving like the feet of centipedes, which was creepy to look at.

Some of the holes on the mountain were especially wide, about 3 feet in diameter. Han Sen was staring at a big hole and saw a giant evil goblin slithering out of it. The evil goblin was as thick as a barrel and more than 30 feet long. A part of its body was still in the hole, so Han Sen could not tell how large it actually was.

The giant evil goblin twisted its body on the mountain wall as the hands on its body moved, which was sickening.

"Han Sen, that evil goblin king is very scary. I suggest you think twice before trying anything," Xiao Wei whispered. Han Sen nodded but his gaze was still lingering on the giant evil goblin.

It looked quite strong. Could it be a super creature? Han Sen pondered and summoned the horn bow and bony fish arrow, trying to take a shot at it.

If it was just a sacred-blood creature, it would not be able to block a sacred-blood arrow with the spinning force.

"What are you doing?" Xiao Lingfeng quickly held Han Sen's hand down seeing what Han Sen was doing.

"Since I'm already here, of course I am trying to kill the sacred-blood evil goblin," said Han Sen matter-of-factly.

Xiao Lingfeng became annoyed and said, "Their bony bodies are as tough as metal. It is difficult for one to hurt them with beast soul weapons on the same level as the creatures. Even if the bow and arrow you're holding are both sacred-blood beast souls, the distance is too long for you to hurt the king, not to mention your weapons might not be sacred-blood. These creatures are very petty. If you started to attack them, the whole group will come this way. You might be able to run away on your sacred-blood mount, but we will die for sure."

"You're right. Since that's the case, you can leave first. I will join you after I kill them," Han Sen pondered and said.

"You don't think you can really kill the king alone, do you?" Jia Yan stared at Han Sen with her eyes wide.

"Here's the water. Leave now. If I fail and die here, you will have enough water to go out." Han Sen threw the majority of the water bags to the guys, only saving a few for himself.

The group looked at Han Sen in surprise. Han Sen had given the majority of his water to them. If they took the water away, it would be difficult for Han Sen to leave the desert with the remaining water after killing the evil goblins, if he could kill the creatures at all.

The four persons were all confused, not understanding what Han Sen was thinking.

They had no idea about the golden growler's real speed. If the mount went at its full speed, the remaining water was enough for Han Sen to come and go several times.

"Han Sen, if you really want to kill the evil goblin king, maybe we can work together to do it." Xiao Wei felt reluctant to leave Han Sen alone since he had given them most of his water.

"There's no need. Go ahead. I could do this alone." Han Sen did not want to waste more time. He would kill this goblin king first and then hurry to find the fire bird.

"Han Sen, think about it. These creatures are very fast in the desert. Even with your sacred-blood mount, you might not be able to outrun them," Jia Changfeng also said.

"If you don't leave now, I will start to shoot." Han Sen aimed his arrow at the evil goblins.

"Let's go. This guy is crazy." Xiao Lingfeng did not think Han Sen was joking and quickly pulled his sister away.

Jia Changfeng also pulled Jia Yan away with him. They did not want to cross the evil goblin king.

They had once met an evil goblin in the desert, which was only a mutant one. Even so, the situation was extremely risky, not to mention this one was definitely a sacred-blood king.

In addition, the sacred-blood king was also leading an entire group of twenty mutant creatures and a thousand primitive creatures. Once trapped in the group, it did not even matter however good a fighter one was. All of the creatures were poisonous. Once injured by them, one would die most of the times.

"Be careful. Even when cut in half, the evil goblins would not die immediately. They could still launch deadly attacks. And try not to touch their blood, which is poisonous," Jia Yan said to Han Sen before she left.

"Understood." Han Sen's gaze was fixed upon the giant evil goblin king. When the group went far, he pulled the bow to the fullest.


Without hesitation, Han Sen shot the arrow at the evil goblin king.

Chapter 411: Killing Goblin King

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The bony fish arrow flashed across the sky and reached one of the two heads of the giant evil goblin king.

The evil goblin king quickly stood up like a snake, all the three-fingered hands under its body facing the incoming arrow.

A pair of hands grabbed the bony fish arrow, which continued to spin, making strident noises.

However, momentarily, many hands covered the arrow and held it down. Even with a strong spinning force, the arrow was caught by the creature.

"Cheep!" The evil goblin king squeaked with its head facing where Han Sen was standing. The sound was so penetrating that even people miles away would feel a headache.


As the king squeaked, the evil goblins started to crawl out of all the holes in the mountain wall, which looked like a red waterfall, flooding toward where Han Sen was standing.

Hearing the sound made by the evil goblin king, the group of four covered their ears and turned back to look at the mountain.

"The guy really did it!" Jia Changfeng muttered to himself, looking in the direction of the mountain.

"He has saved our lives. Should we really leave him alone?" Jia Yan was hesitant.

"What can we do? You all know how strong the evil goblins are. They are so hard to kill and poisonous as well. Even if we could cut them, we would die if we touch their blood," said Xiao Lingfeng.

Xiao Wei said helplessly, "Even if we want to save him, it is too late now. Let's wait right here. He has a sacred-blood mount, so maybe he could run this far. And maybe we will be able to help him at that point."

Jia Changfeng nodded and did not speak. All four of them were staring at the mountain, hearing the noises getting louder.

Han Sen was more happy than surprised to see his arrow held by the evil goblin king. An ordinary sacred-blood creature would not be able to stop his arrow, which meant this evil goblin king was very likely to be a super creature.

Although he was in the wrong spot and failed to see the fire bird, another super creature would be more than welcome.

Seeing the evil goblins coming toward him like red flood, Han Sen quickly summoned the golden rock worm king and put the super pet armor on it. The pet quickly flew toward the evil goblin king.

Han Sen did not dare to be careless. There were simply too many of the creatures. It would take him a long time to wipe them out. He jumped on the back of the golden growler, which shook its body and roared, growing into a small hill and rushing at the group of evil goblins.

The giant body of the lion stamped on the evil goblins, killing countless creatures as it ran. The group of evil goblins were like a red pond in the eyes of the golden growler.

Although the golden growler was a mount and did not have the ability to attack, it was so huge in size and so tough that even the walls of the shelter could not withstand it. In that sense, it was a weapon of mass destruction as well.

Han Sen was pleased to see the golden growler crushing the group of evil goblins. Hearing the voice telling him creatures killed, Han Sen occasionally gained a few beast souls.

The seemingly impressive evil goblins were even weaker than earthworms under the paws of the golden growler. There was no need for Han Sen to move a muscle.

The poisonous blood of the dead evil goblins had no effect on the super mount, and there was no way they could reach Han Sen who was sitting high.

Holding Meowth in his arms, Han Sen looked at the golden rock worm king fighting the evil goblin king.

Circling around the goblin king in the air, the golden rock worm king attacked it with eight sharp claws. The evil goblin king had extended the better half of its body out of the hole, squeaking with its head high. Moving its hands, the evil goblin king was trying to capture the super pet.

However, the golden rock worm king was fast and flexible. Although the evil goblin king tried a few times, it failed to capture the super pet and lost a few hands to its sharp claws instead. This way, the evil goblin king became agitated and threw itself at the super pet.

Although the super pet hurt the evil goblin king a couple of times, it did not have the absolute advantage. The two monsters kept fighting each other, squeaking at times.

With the super pet armor, the evil goblin king could only manage to scratch the armor and could not hurt the super pet. If the fight went on, the super pet would win sooner or later.

Han Sen was very pleased that the evil goblin king was the match of the super pet. It was almost certainly a super creature.

However, Han Sen did not want to watch the fight anymore, so he summoned the holy angel and ordered the golden rock worm king to go harder at its enemy. Although the sharp nails of the evil goblin king were stabbing at the super pet, it could not hurt the worm king because of the armor.


The gorgeous figure of the holy angel flashed on the mountain wall. She waved her hand and cut the evil goblin king which was held down by the golden rock worm king in half.

Half of the body of the evil goblin king quickly fell from the mountain and made a huge pit in the sand. However, when it landed, the half of the body was still moving. With poisonous blood flowing, it threw itself once again at the golden rock worm king, and even the super pet armor was left with some marks.

The holy angel used her hand like a sword. Momentarily, the half of the body was sliced into pieces and stopped moving. The triangular head was even cut into four pieces and exploded. This time, the evil goblin king was completely quiet.

Watching the evil goblin king killed, Han Sen looked to the hall on the mountain wall, upset. The other half of the evil goblin king's body had disappeared, and Han Sen did not hear the voice telling him the creature was killed.

And the pieces of the body in the sand were corrupting quickly, which seemed abnormal.

Without any hesitation, Han Sen took the golden growler and the golden rock worm king back and entered the hole with holy angel.

Chapter 412: Alloy Case in the Cave

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"Why has it become quiet?" Jia Yan looked to the mountain with doubts.

"It's probably finished," Xiao Wei sighed and said.

"I'll go back to have a look," Jia Changfeng said and rode toward the mountain.

"Let's go together. Be careful not to attract the attention of the evil goblins." Xiao Lingfeng followed him.

The group of people returned to the area of the mountain. What they saw made them feel so appalled that they could not shut their mouths.

The bodies of evil goblins were everywhere. The blood had formed a river and the bodies had become a hill. White sand was colored into burgundy by the poisonous blood.

Half of the evil goblin king's body was lying on the ground. Although corrupted, it still looked shocking.

"These... he killed them all..." Jia Changfeng did not know what to say.

Who is this person? Xiao Lingfeng thought with complex feelings. Someone as strong as this was simply beyond his imagination.

"Where is Han Sen?" Jia Yan and Xiao Wei had come back to themselves. They looked around but did not see Han Sen.

The two guys also looked around and did not see Han Sen either. They all had a strange feeling.

Initially, they thought they just ran into an ordinary guy, yet the guy was so impressive that they could not even begin to describe it.

At this point, Han Sen had already gone deep into the hole on the mountain wall. Inside the mountain, the channels were interconnected like a labyrinth.

Han Sen commanded the holy angel to scout for him, following the blood of the evil goblin king.

After a while, they were still unable to catch up with the creature. If Han Sen did not see the blood, he would wonder if he was in the wrong direction.

"Quite fast, this guy." Han Sen put the super pet armor on the holy angel and ordered the holy angel to follow the traces of blood. The super pet in super pet armor was almost invincible in First God's Sanctuary. There was nothing she would fear.

After 3 to 4 hours, Han Sen eventually entered a large space, which was a cave shaped like a cylinder. The cave looked like the inside of a church tower. The ceiling was about half a mile high, and the stone walls were dotted with holes of different sizes.

The traces of blood had disappeared at this point. Han Sen frowned at the countless holes on the stone walls. Without any clue, it was impossible to find the evil goblin king with so many holes.

Han Sen lighted a torch and looked around in the cave. He suddenly saw an alloy case in the corner.

"Someone had been here before!" Han Sen was surprised. The case looked like it was the advanced product from the Alliance. It was made of top-notch Z-steel that was not only tough but also light in weight, making the case more portable than Z-steel armor and weapons. The case was a bit deformed. It looked like it had been hit hard. The lid was slightly open. Covered in dust and speckles, the case looked quite old and probably had something spilled and tried on it.

Han Sen checked the style of the case, which looked expensive but old. He did not think it was produced recently.

"Who could come to this place with the group of evil goblins outside. Or does the mountain have a different entrance elsewhere?" Han Sen squatted and checked the case carefully.

Although the lid was slightly open, Han Sen still could not see what was inside. It looked like there was something though.

Although modern technology was useless in God's Sanctuary, Han Sen did not dare to be reckless. He stepped back and asked the holy angel to open the case.

The holy angel was fearless. She reached her hand in the gap and pulled the case open.

Nothing weird happened. In the case, there were three bottles and a crystal card.

"Geno solutions?" Han Sen looked at the three bottles and felt surprised.

Han Sen had seen a lot of this kind of bottles. They should be the bottles of geno solutions paired with hyper geno arts. These bottles were specially made to contain the geno solutions, which had been this way for generations.

However, although there were three bottles, only one of them was filled with purple geno solution. One of the bottles was empty, and one was broken.

Han Sen took the full bottle and regarded it. He did not find any notes.

Normally speaking, a bottle like this would have a tag to indicate what kind of hyper geno art this solution belonged to. However, this bottle did not have any writing on it.

"Is it geno solution or not?" Han Sen frowned and examined the crystal card.

It was a memory card, which was still intact. However, he could not check it in God's Sanctuary. Han Sen put the crystal card and bottle away.

He looked around and did not see bodies or inscriptions. He wondered why the case ended up here.

Han Sen walked around in the large cave but did not find anything else. He felt quite upset to let the evil goblin king run away.

However, there was no way that he could tell where the evil goblin king was. Even if he wanted to chase after it, he did not know how.

As Han Sen was hesitating whether he should leave already, he felt the giant cave was shaking and then heard noises like thunder.

The rumbles became louder and louder, sounding quite scary.

"What is it?" Han Sen listened carefully, trying to tell where the sound came from. However, there were too many caves, so the echo was too loud for Han Sen to tell that.

He was sure about one thing: something was coming at him, and it was something big.

Chapter 413: Weird Woman

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Han Sen pondered and took back the holy angel. He shapeshifted into the color shifter and leaned against the mountain wall, turning into a part of the rocks. No one could tell he was there

The rumbling continued for a while before it softened. Very soon, Han Sen saw the evil goblin king came from a wide hole.

The huge body slithered out, which was still more than 60 feet long. The injury on the end of its body was still there but had already healed.

What a large creature. It is still this long when cut in half. It must be at least 100 feet long originally. Han Sen regarded the creature, not understanding why it still dared to come out.

As Han Sen was suspicious, he did not move but watched the creature moving in the cave. The creature did nothing special, but Han Sen felt something must be wrong, so he stayed still and watched.

Suddenly, he saw something else coming from the same hole where the evil goblin king was. It was a creature that looked like a white rhinoceros with three pairs of legs, looking magnificent.

On the back of the white rhinoceros sat a person.

Han Sen was shocked to see someone else riding a creature in this place, who was also getting along with the evil goblin king. Everything seemed so odd.

Han Sen could tell that the white rhinoceros was definitely a creature instead of a beast soul pet. A creature had a murderous scent which the pet did not have.

He looked carefully at the person sitting on the back of the white rhinoceros. It should be a woman. However, she was wearing a black cloak with a hood, so Han Sen could not tell what she looked like.

"How come there is no human?" The woman looked around and muttered to herself before she rode the white rhinoceros back into the hole.

Han Sen was dazed. The woman sounded like she was not a human herself, but Han Sen had never heard a creature would look exactly like a human and could talk.

The evil goblin king which only had half its body left followed the woman into the hole. Han Sen had now understood that the goblin was a bait the woman sent.

Who is that woman? She is so strange. I have never heard that human could control a creature, which is also a super creature. How is that even possible? Han Sen felt confused. A long while after the evil goblin king disappeared, he slowly moved his body toward that hole.

Han Sen carefully entered the hole which was rather wide. When he walked deeper inside, there was a fork.

Han Sen observed the surroundings and followed one path. The evil goblin king barely left any traces as its three-fingered hands were quite small.

However, the white rhinoceros left some footprints. And he could even hear the hoof beats.

Deep inside the mountain, Han Sen carefully walked in the labyrinth. After an hour, the hoof beats could no longer be heard. Han Sen became alarmed and slowed down. He pondered and shapeshifted again into the color shifter.

Very soon, he saw the evil goblin king again when he entered another big cave. Although it was still inside the mountain, there was a crack on the ceiling where the sky could be seen and light could come through.

In the big cave, there was even a stream of water. Han Sen saw the woman and the white rhinoceros again.

In addition to the woman and the white rhinoceros, many man-made tools were laid around, such as tents, woks and bowls. It seemed like the woman had spent quite some time in the cave.

Han Sen stopped breathing and integrated himself with the stone wall, observing the woman, someone who could command a super creature. Even Han Sen felt surprised by his discovery. It was hard to believe that such a person even existed.

If she had been around for a while, then super creatures should have been known to human a while back. How come there was absolutely no news about it? Even the Nings were merely guessing and had never killed a super creature.

The woman set up the wok and started to burn a kind of vines underneath. It looks like she was cooking.

Then she opened an alloy case filled with bottles and cans. When she started to pour the content of a bottle into the wok, Han Sen realized it must be spice.

Very soon, Han Sen smiled food. He wondered what meat she was cooking which was making him drool.

Seeing the meat was about ready, the woman took off her back cloak and got up to fill her bowl.

Han Sen was eventually able to see what her face, which made him stare his eyes wide and almost scream out loud.

There was a white mask made of bones on the woman's face. And a pair of purple horns were standing in her long hair like crescents.

"Shura royalty... How can this be..." Han Sen was so shocked that he was speechless, unable to believe what he had seen.

As the biggest enemy of human in the universe, Shura almost looked the same as men except for the horns. The purple horns were the characteristics of Shura royalty. A royal Shura man had single horn, and a royal Shura woman had double horns.

None of these mattered though. What shocked Han Sen was the fact that a Shura had made her way into God's Sanctuary, which was not supposed to happen.

It was not to say that Shura did not have teleport devices. Even if they had none, it would be easy for them to grab one from human in the wars.

However, Shura was rejected by God's Sanctuary itself. Even with a teleport device, no Shura would choose to enter this space. Human had conducted an experiment to teleport Shura prisoners into God's Sanctuary, who immediately got sick with the symptoms of flu. As their immune system went down, they all died in God century within three days, adults and children alike, no matter how strong they were. However, this Shura royalty seemed to have lived in God's Sanctuary for a long time already.