
Re:Dragon Ball

I'm not good with a synopsis so I'll keep it short. --------------------------------------------------------------------- This story is about a guy who is forcefully transmigrated to the world of Dragon ball. Check out how he takes on the challenge of living in a dangerous world. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Here are some tags that I'm not able to add. #Noharem, #KindMc --------------------------------------------------------------------- The characters shown in this novel are not mine, I only own my character. If you are the owner of any material I have used in this fic, please do contact me and I'll immediately remove them.

Sleepy_Kun · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
36 Chs

Chapter 01



"Who am I?" These were the words that constantly appeared in my mind, and these words were also the sole reason I questioned my existence. I had some inkling… a feeling deep in me, that I was someone or maybe something before I stumbled into my current situation.

"Am I nothing but a merely lost consciousness?" My beliefs in my existence were slowly fading.

I desperately looked around to see something, to look for anything that could give me hope for my existence. But even with my overwhelmingly desperate efforts, I could not even perceive a single point of light, a point that could become my ray of hope.

Just as I was about to lose all of my hope, I heard a voice, a voice which gave me hope that I was not alone.

"Ah, so you woke up, great," The Unknown being said

The voice that I heard gave me hope, but also made me wonder about The Being who spoke. The reason I got confused was that the voice of The Being was a mixture of Male and Female.

"Who are you?" I asked the unknown being with hope.

"Good, I like you, you are selected," The unknown being said and I suddenly started feeling a weird sensation in me, "Here, I have returned you your vision,"

As the weird feeling subsided, a blinding white glow suddenly appeared around me, I quickly closed my eyes as the bright light irritated my eyes. I slowly opened my eyes, to let them get adjusted to the blinding white glow.

After my eyes got adjusted, I happily looked around to find and thank the unknown being for his gift, and when I found him, I got dumbfounded by what I saw. The Being was nothing like something I have seen before, he was just a silhouette, or precisely, an enormous black silhouette, and within him, multiple galaxies were floating. The Being was sitting on top of a white chair, looking straight into the unknown and endless white world we were in.

The Being then lowered its head and matched my vision, then I heard its voice again.

"Hello there," It greeted.

"Um… Hello," I responded.

"Can you please tell me who or what am I?" I asked with a hint of fear in my voice.

The Being nodded and said, "You are a soul, and you are here because you were part of the selective few I have chosen for a glorious purpose,"

Noticing that I was still confused, The Being further explained, "To put it simply, after you died and become a soul, I summoned you here to grant you a glorious purpose,"

"If I had a life before then why am I not able to remember anything," I asked with the hope to understand my situation better.

"Because I got a second late to retrieve you, your soul had already entered the reincarnation system, which is the reason why your memories were already wiped out when I summoned you here," It answered.

"I understand, can I ask you some questions?" I asked The Being with respect, as a Being who can control reincarnations should be treated with respect.

"Sure, ask whatever you want," It replied and raised its chin high with pride.

Expressing pride as soon as I gave it respect should only mean one thing.

'It can listen to my thoughts,' I thought horrified.

And to my horror, as soon as I thought that, The Being chuckled.

"S… Sorry for being disrespectful, I should have minded my words," I said guiltily.

"It's okay, I don't mind these kinds of small blunders, after all, I'm a genderless being, so, things like gender pronouns mean nothing to me, you can call me anything you want as long as you keep being respective," The Higher Being answered.

"Can you tell me, who are you, and why have you summoned me here?" I asked The Higher Being with my utmost respect.

"I'm everything that is or can exist, I'm the personification of this entire multiverse, I'm the Will of the Multiverse," The Higher Being or to be precise Will of the Multiverse answered, "You are here due to one sole reason, I am bored and I need some entertainment,"

When I heard who The Being was, I was crammed with feelings of fear, excitement, and anxiety. I was afraid and anxious because I was standing in front of the greatest being, but I was excited as well, as the reason why he summoned me here would be gloriously noble.

But, then I heard him mention the reason, and I felt outrageous, am I just a plaything for higher beings like him, is my existence nothing more than a pass time.

The Being chuckled, and said, "Mortals like you are nothing more than a speck of dust in this Multiverse,"

"What we are here for is an equivalent exchange, you receive a special life and in return, I get the entertainment, and worry not if something goes wrong with you in your new world you will be directly sent to heaven," The Being said with authority.

"What do you mean by new world?" I inquired.

The Being chuckled again, and said happily "Yes, that's what I like about you, even with limited emotions, I have seen souls showing nothing but despair, but, you, you showed reason, which is why I chose you,"

"I will be sending you to a new world of my choice and under my conditions, you won't have any say in that, but in exchange, I will grant you one wish," The Being explained to me.

"Now, I'll be returning you the memories you had about the world you're going to, along with them I will also allow you some other memories that can assist you in your new life," The Being said and raised his hand.

I was confused at his words that my previous self already knew about the world I am going to.

I was deeply thinking when all of a sudden unknown knowledge started appearing in my mind.

It took me some time to assimilate the knowledge, after which everything became clear. I was going to Dragon Ball World, a world that is packed with danger.

Dragon Ball is a world where you can only survive by getting stronger.

"Yes, you are going to Dragon Ball, now, I am giving you 10 minutes to come up with a wish, if not then I'll bestow you with anything I select and then send you the merry way,"

I was happy that I have what it takes to survive in an unknown location, I possess knowledge. But I was also worried because the world of Dragon Ball was filled with unknown dangers. Even if you possess knowledge, it won't help you as long as you are not strong enough.

"Please, Lord Will, can you change the world, Dragon Ball is too dangerous for me," I pleaded to The Higher Being

"No can do, as I have already mentioned before, you will go to the new world on my terms, so, be a good soul and start thinking about what you are going to wish for, as only 9 minutes are left," The Higher Being responded.

"Oh and by the way, there is one new thing I just decided on, you are going to be an Earthling in your new life," The Higher Being announced and shattered all of my hope in one go.

"What! Earthlings might possess great Martial Arts, but how am I supposed to protect myself with a race that has a low potential," I asked startled.

"Work Hard," The Higher Being shrugged.

I was flabbergasted at their indifferent attitude, but then again, they have already told me that I have no say in this situation.

'Wait a minute, what if I ask to be a Half Saiyan? They are known to have better potential than Pure Saiyans,' I thought with a plan to counter the low potential of an Earthling.

"If you wish to be a Half Saiyan, then you can only be a Son of the Saiyans that live on Earth, that is, Goku and Vegeta," The Higher Being suddenly answered the question I had thought.

"But… but…"

"My conditions," The Higher Being chuckled.

"Damn it," I grumbled frustrated.

I was in peril, Half Saiyans are one of the best races that possess the potential to become strongest. However, being the son of either Chi-Chi or Bulma will cause a lot of problems in my way of growing stronger. Chi-Chi won't let her son train, Bulma is okay with that, but I don't think she would let her son go train off-world.

"5 minutes," The Higher Being increased my anxiety tenfold.

"Wait," I suddenly exclaimed as all of the pressure made me remember a cheat character that I had overlooked completely.

I matched my vision with The Higher Being and said excitedly, "I wish to be an Earthling and Pure Majin hybrid, who has none of either race's drawbacks,"

Yes, this was it, my perfect way to counter all the obstacles getting in my way to be the strongest.

"Hmm, Granted, but,"

'What! No, no, no, please don't add any more obstructions, I have already done everything to counter the previous ones,' I thought as I panicked at the word 'But'.

"Stop babbling and let me speak, you idiot," The Higher Being said, annoyed.

"I'll allow you to be a quarter Pure Majin, this will allow you to acquire its race's abilities," The Being said and I felt relieved, but I was still feeling a little bit sceptical, which is why I was still on edge.


'Here it is,' I thought, frustrated.

"You will only have the abilities that are compatible with an Earthling's physic, I'll let you keep the Semi-Immortality, as Immortality is something that's just a wish away in Dragon Ball," The Being said and I sighed in relief.

'Being a quarter Pure Majin is not that bad, I will still have 25% potential a Pure Majin possesses, which is still many times better than Saiyans,' I thought happily.

"Oh, by the way, you will have the same potential as that of an Earthling," The Higher Being said with a chuckle.

'This is it, with this most of my plans are completely wasted,' I thought, saddened.

"Don't worry, if you keep working hard diligently and break through the limits, you can become the strongest," The Higher Being encouraged me.

"I have already been limited to just a couple of ways to grow strong, so I have to work hard to entertain you," I said with a sad tone.

"Haha, it's great that you know what's good for you," The Higher Being said, amused.

"Can I ask you for a favour?" I asked with hope.

"Hmm, I am listening," The Higher Being nodded.

"Can you please put a restriction on my DNA? So no one can use it for anything evil," I pleaded to The Higher Being.

This was everything I could do to make sure to keep my DNA safe from villains. This restriction could make sure that no one would be able to use my DNA to create an Artificial Being.


"Alright, I'll allow it, since you have been a very good soul from the beginning, and have also provided me with great ideas to increase the fun of your story," The Higher Being said with a chuckle.

"Now that we're done with all that important stuff, tell me do you wish to reincarnate as a newborn or 10-year-old kid," The Higher Being asked excitedly.

"I think reincarnating as a 10-year-old would be the better idea," I answered, as this way I can immediately start my training.

"Alright, off you go," The Higher Being said and waved its hand.

I immediately felt a suction, and I slowly started moving away from The Higher Being,

"Can you tell me the year I'll reincarnate?" I asked, with some hope thinking that The Being might help me.

"Hahaha," The Higher Being laughed happily and said "No," then waved at me.

"Why did I even expect him to help me," I said while shaking my head, 'I worry for my future,'

Soon darkness took over and I lost my consciousness.


{Unknown Location}

I immediately sat up as I regained my consciousness, I looked around to identify my current location, and I learned that I was in the middle of a dense forest.

I looked down to check out my clothes, and I was wearing a white T-shirt and khaki-coloured shorts, with greyish sandals.

Then I tried to stand up but fell face-first to the ground.

"Great, I am not even able to control my own body, and that Higher Being wants me to fight," I said, frustrated, then I slowly turned around to face up.

"Alright, let's do this again," I mumbled while slowly trying to stand up.

It was a very uncomfortable and embarrassing moment because I do not have proper control over my limbs. I had to go through some uncomfortable and awkward poses while trying to get used to my new short legs. It took me some time but I got enough used to my legs that I was somewhat able to move around.

Then as I was trying to think about what to do in my current situation, I heard a very faint sound of flowing water, and I decided to find it.


[Current Power Level - 20]


This chapter is rewritten, and I will soon rewrite all of my old poorly written chapters.