
re: cardster

This is a world, where cards just don't have decks, but magic..... Above all odds, not even gods can look in my eye

prynex · Fantasía
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8 Chs

The beginning of a card.

Imagine a world where everything magical is beautiful*coughs*....just joking...this world was governed by tech and science, at least not until about thirty(30) years ago.... it's date still remains a national history on the birth of magic.

People who witnessed it say they saw cards falling from the sky, others say they saw just colored lights why only a few saw nothing... I was part of those who saw nothing, wanna know why... that's right I wasn't fucking born then, and now that I am...I fucking regret it.

Now the world only knows two things magic and power. magic is divided into two factions...The cardster and the casters.... the first, the cardster or the card users summons magic through their cards, the cards are man's ultimate weapon, forgetting all the atomic bombs they once adored.

Humans just awaken these cards randomly as it appears to them at an unexpected time, nobody knows the kind of card they awaken, it could be one that turns sand to stone.. pathetic.. or one that can even cause havoc on the whole milky way but all in all cards are special.

The others, who other words known as mages use what they call magic circle, this people on the otherhand are special themselves with the unique ability to use their minds rather than cards to summon magic, they posses stuffs in their body known as mana which they can use to draw magic circles and execute their attack.

The cardsters and casters despite all being humans treat themselves differently.....the casters see their selves as higher humans and even the cardsters feel that too in the raw difference in power. Casters are rare but strong, cardsters well!! to hell with them!! Even though I know I'm one of them. This is where I come in...

Meet me the average 17 year old boy who skipped school for the fact that I was constantly being bullied... even though I'm a cardster and a weak one at that... I have two cards, yep!!! but totally garbage the first card known as *detect* lets me see and know almost everything around me and that's not what I need right now.

The second *appraisal* let's me understand and know almost anything I set my eyes on, well at first I thought it was cool since I didn't need to read to pass, I literally aced all my exams, but then I realized that beeing a class star is a lot more than being smart. When I saw the rest of my classmates doing cool stuffs like fire balls or walking though walls I realized I was nothing....



In a dark lonely alley, about could be seen walking, he had short black hairs, a fair light skin which could still be seen despite how dark it was, he had a tall fairly built body wearing a blue tracksuit, That guy is no other than me.... After getting a contract by the W.M.R I can finally get some cash In my wallet.

I soon got home as I stood directly front of the door thinking how well I can convince my mum on letting me go on this new job, she is the only person I have In this world that still loves me and also the only family I have left.

I rang the door bell as I heard her sweet soothing voice. "So how was your day?" my mother asked me opening the door as I walked in, the Tv was still switched on as she was previously watching the news.

"I found a contracted job, the pay is very high and my part is easy."..."So what's the details?" she asked me with a curious tone as she turned down the volume of the Tv.

"It's a job from the W.M.R, they say a magical ruins from the past has been discovered that the treasures there are enough to fill a whole city, but the entrance is sealed with ancient text and codes....they say they need someone with skills to act as an aide." I explained to my mum but the look on her face proved she wasn't happy with me working under the W.M.R.

"Sweetie, I know you're in your prime stage in life and you need recognition and your own adventures, but it's dangerous working with the W.M.R"..I took a deep breath as I held her hands softly.."I promise to stay safe."


Back at my room I laid on my bed as I smiled at the fact that she agreed. Cards despite unique has its own flaw, a card can't be used to the peak at the beginning but after continuous use they tend to reach their climax. Like when I first started using detect, I could only detect one thing at a time and still might not had the chance to react, but later on, when using detect I can see things at snail speed making everything slow.

The grades of cards are from *F to S* while F being the weakest, *E, D, C, B, A then S* right now my Detect skill be it useless or not is already an A grade as for my analyze it's at B, making me pretty much a good adventurer, I'm gonna Ace this job....


As I walked the streets of Moonlit districts, composed myself trying not to screw up when I get to my destination, suddenly I felt a cold chill even before using my detect I already knew who it was. "Micheal" one of the top students back were I schooled with amazing talent but not a good character. I felt his cold grip on my shoulders as I could barely walk, I only pretended to go with the flow. "Hey king ice, long time now see!!", As that was the name he loved being referred to as. "It seems you still remember me, I would have shoved a whole chunk of ice than your nostrils".. I could only pretend to laugh as I cursed deep down my kind. "Boring psychopath"