
re: cardster

This is a world, where cards just don't have decks, but magic..... Above all odds, not even gods can look in my eye

prynex · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
8 Chs


"Where're you heading?" he asked as if he was concerned about my well being, I knew he only came to make trouble so I had to plan my words perfectly. "Somewhere only for losers" I said but it came out far different than I had imagine.

"hah, a loser's club, too bad I'm not buying!" Micheal said as he brought out a blue card from thin air, the mana around that card was chilling as I knew right away it was his famous ice fist card, activating the card would give him the power to freeze anything he touches, an A rank card since it was his only one.

"Alright! I'm going to a job appointment with the W.M.R" I said in. submission as I wanted to get him off my tail as soon as possible. "That's great! but, guess what!...u ain't going anywhere!." He said as immediately my shoulders strated to hurt as it froze slowly. If there was anything I've learnt in life is, being weak you have to stay away from fights, but if the fight won't stay away from you, be smart and teach it a lesson or two.

"Hey Micheal".."What!"

"your heads on the floor." Just as I guessed he bent down to look and then (Smack) I landed a heavy kick on his face as his blood from his nose left a trail on my sneaker. "Not done yet!" I said hitting him on the d*CK with my other foot giving me a chance to run why he stood there stunned.

Before he recovered I was long gone..."What an asshole hasn't changed a bit since mid-school" finally I came to a halt in front of a fancy black car with tinted glasses and a trace of magicules.

"Mr. Elias?" A voice called out from inside the car as I nodded gently while standing firm, the back door pushed open as I got in. I found myself surrounded by four people, the first was the man driving the car and according to details is the leader and also a caster, the second was another caster with a stern look on his face which gave me this creepy vibes.

The third time was a cardster, whom was also part of the team, so far the three are the main people doing the heavy works, while the last person in the car was an aide like me whose job was to heal and support the crew.

"Mr Elias, was it. I'll let you know that you claim to be very proficient in the aspect of cracking and revealing any hidden traps, I'll let you know that one thousand shards isn't a small amount, so if you screw up you're dead meat!" The second caster said with a low voice, but for some reason I could sense not only intimidation but violence In his tone.

"Don't worry, I know what I can do and cannot."... Shards are the new currencies we use on earth, it's a thing of a global value being used allover the world, it's exchange rate to dollars, should be 1 to 1000, one shard is worth one thousand dollars in other words my pay is one million, so why would I screw up?

After two hours of traveling we soon got to a stop on a wide empty plain as there were nothing but green pastures and wildlife. "So where is the place you speak of?" I asked out of confusion as to what I was dealing with forgetting I could have easily used detection. "truly inexperienced, befitting of a lowly mongrel, it's ancient magical ruins, and magical ruins are a magical parallel world which can't be accessed physically, for example I can freely walk passed the barrier, but when I use magic!" The second caster said stretching his hand as a red magic circle appeared shooting fire ball out of it which projected in mid air but suddenly disappeared with no trace of its mana.

"So this!!! Mr Elias is what you're going to help us do, find a way to the ruins."..On hearing that I composed myself as I stretched my hands causing two silver cards to appear floating on mid air.

"Detect! Appraisal!" two silver beam shock wave swept passed the entire field revealing all the hidden magic at work, I walked ten meters south as I placed my hand on the ground, it immediately collapsed revealing a magic orb which I brought out and took to the center of the field.

"(speaking in ancient dragon language) RETCEN ARCHOLLINT." I muttered leaving every body speechless as before their eyes a six meter gate leading to nowhere appeared.

"That's the entrance, my work is done." I said with a proud voice but the orb in my hand shattered as it instantly got absorbed by my cards which instantly increased in grade.

It is said that once a card reaches A grade it then not only increase in power but the name changes. [Detect A grade>>Foresight S grade]. Meanwhile my appraisal increased to grade A. All these happened in a blink of an eye to the onlookers leaving them clueless but as for me I saw it all.

The leader finally broke the silence "Alright here is your 1000shards." Just as he was about to hand them over, the second caster whispered something in his ear which made the leader withdrew the shards. "On second thought, you're rehired....20000shards for your support inside the ruin making everything in total 3000. So what do you think?"

"Fast heartbeat, increased breathing, uneven oxygen diffusion, forced smile....something's off." immediately I could tell that there was more to it than meets the eye even though I clearly heard what he whispered due to my Appraisal card, mouth reading is a piece of cake, but I can't resist them, mum was right, the W.M.R is really an evil organization."

I nodded my head as I thought of different ways to turn the tables around. "Alright, but keep me safe." I said in other to pretend naive.

we went into the ruins gate appearing in a long hallway with several drawings on the walls, they walked passed them while I secretly appraised everything gaining knowledge about the place.