
Re awaken

"When the cruelty of reality catches up to us, will you still choose me over duty?" Nikita Obsidian isn't your stereotypical trust fund baby. As the only granddaughter of a business tycoon, Nikita keeps her golden mask on full display, hoping to hide the filth of her traumatic upbringing from the gossipy two-faced elites of high society. Enter the Silver Prince, Ansel Xavier. As the sought-after untouchable bachelor at Nikita's new school, who would have guessed that our heroine would find a warm soul behind those silvery eyes? When the pains from the past become the very balm that soothes her tortured soul, how would Nikita react once she finds out that the very boy that first broke her became the very man that wants to help her heal?

PerditaTritonia · Ciudad
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25 Chs

Satin-veiled Cupidity

Lust-filled jeering from surrounding women annoyingly fills my ear.

Women from varying ages and all walks of life, treat me the same, wherever I may go.

Under their hormonally charged ravenous gaze, I'm nothing but a piece of prized meat.

"My precious dream is cut above the rest. Her genuine compliments revolve around me, as a human being. Though my sassy Amaris would tease me incessantly about my so-called 'pretty privilege'."

Chuckling under my breath, memories of Amaris have always been more source of strength; unbothered by the flirtatious advances of random people.

"No one compares to my Amaris" my thoughts secretly escape my parched lips as I crack my neck, hopefully easing the tension; begrudgingly earning myself another chorus of unwelcomed wanton cheering.

With the last ticket of my life, neatly tucked in my back pocket, the presence of these hormonal strangers is disgustingly too much for me to bear right now.

Desperately searching for any strategy to flee, my nose caught a whiff of my dream.

Eyes ferociously searching for any resemblance to my memory of Amaris, shaking my head left and right, standing on toes, praying my mind to not play ruthless tricks with me.

With a heaving chest, my mind took over my mouth, mumbling, "Is that really, my Amaris?"

My feet aimlessly hurry through the busy crowd, disregarding bumping shoulders in this overwhelming sea of faceless strangers; following any female with chestnut hair.

My mind was thrown into a state of utter disarray, clinging to joyous flashbacks, overcoming all sense of logic and reason.

"Is my mind cruelly playing tricks with me?!" My desperation for any remnants of hope for having Amaris had me gasping for air as I sprint indiscriminately towards the remote lane of restaurants in the airport.

Reaching the dead end of the restaurant lane, my frantic eyes wildly searched around the vicinity, pacing in circles in front of the last coffee shop, until...

I am... breathless; Truly her ever benevolent power over my cursed existence still made itself evident to this very day.

Hidden from the prying lecherous eyes of faceless nobodies, she stood in line.

Chestnut stray pieces gracefully sway to the beat she indulges on her Meze Elite headphones, with my parting gift latched on her wallet, playfully following her song of choice.

"My precious dream... my sweet Amaris..."

The sight of her all grown up into the ravishing goddess I dreamt she'd meant to become caused trails of joyous tears to embellish my flushed tan cheeks. After all, the pain life has burdened me with, the miraculous encounter with Amaris' mere existence would give me the only reason to smile in this detestable life.

To think, my anticipated intentional disturbance on Death's gates was surprisingly foiled by my only salvation, my precious Amaris.

To dare fiendishly offer at my forsaken feet, to waver my resolve for damnation, on what would have been the last day of my life, the universe that we exist in might just be conceptualized by some omnipotent sadistic trickster.

Cruel I have deemed my fate as I was used to believing that the very bane of my Dream's peaceful existence was my pathetic cursed being.

Yet Fate delights me with my embodiment of spring

Such an immaculate vision draped in creamy ethereal satin.

Amaris was..., will always be my otherwordly goddess, exuding that same addicting aura that my weary soul desperately implored; as she has always been, and forever will be, the one I call my *home*.

Spellbound by her presence, my exhausted body urges to lessen the space between my dream; my weary feet tread forward, inching closer to my tether to the land of the living.

Chestnut chocolate strands delicately frame her strikingly beautiful face; the temptation to run my fingers through her voluminous delectably silky hair had ignited audacious desire coursing through every fiber of my depleted hollow being.

I hurriedly towards the coffee shop's restroom to freshen up. Thinking of multiple ways to ensure I do not mess up the Universe's priceless miracle of redemption with my sweet Amaris.

Splashing cold water to depuff my teary tired eyes, my hands hurriedly iron out some crease on my shirt while my excited eyes anxiously check up on Amaris every few seconds.

With one last look in the mirror, wishing myself some foolish luck, muttering under my breath, "I hope she'll give me a chance. I do hope I grew up to her liking."

Willing myself to exude a healthy dose of confidence, her power over me remained absolute, the moment I caught a glimpse of her emerald eyes.

Those eyes... beaming with wonder for her wanderlust in life, brimming with the feisty fire of her unbridled truth, fused with lustrous emeralds and Kaitoke green, with flecks of glitter gold.

To come undone under her beryl gaze, in all my raw human vulnerability, would be a terrifying predicament that I would gladly subject myself to; if it meant, redeeming her imperative trust, that very treasure that my deluded immaturity, cowardly destroyed.

With newfound resoluteness, hopeful to the point of delirium, my feet found their way back home, to my precious Amaris.

Her scent, her presence, everything about her draws me in.

Caution need not exist in this very moment as every cell in my body, urges me to pull her in a loving embrace. Every fiber of my being buzzed with aroused electricity, desperate to savor her delicious glossed lips on mine.

If God would so allow me, this miraculous opportunity of salvation; if Amaris would grant me another chance, to present at her delicate feet, my unwavering loyal heart, I swear to be a better man, deserving of her priceless affectionate love.

Stepping closer, my curious ears piqued interest as she comments about a hot guy which led to a split-second fury until my raging jealously came to realize that the hot guy she mentioned was shockingly yours truly.

Chuckling yet again about her sassy compliment had me wolfishly grinning ear to ear. Filling me with overflowing pride that she finds me undeniably attractive.

Inching closer, her melodic voice filled my eager ears with every reason to live, having been heeded by the cashier, asking for confirmation of her order.

Another glimpse of her adorable smile sends my last shred of practical sanity into an erratic frenzy, causing me to chuckle unknowingly.

My astounded eyes couldn't believe the fact that Amaris was literally in front of me!

Then as she was about to pay, my trinket loosened up, almost falling to the floor.

With quick reflexes, I was about to catch it before it hits the ground.

Amaris, noticing the lack of my trinket, had her into a wailing panic.

Dropping to the floor, desperately looking for my trinket, hearing her muttering in sorrowful anxiety, catching my name lovingly escape her lush lips, filled me with bittersweet happiness.

"She loves me. Amaris still loves me." A single bittersweet tear trailed my conflicted smiling face as I was urged by the cashier forward to order.

Quickly giving my order, I offered to hand Amaris her card, waving my hands to her, hoping to catch her attention. Her emerald eyes in clear distraught with the last of my trinket broke my heart into a million pieces. Making a silent vow, "This would be the last time I'll make you cry."

I proceed to collect my composure, clearing up my throat to finally speak about my dream.

"Amaris, you dropped this." then proceed to open my hand.

"Mithras!" Eyes filled with relief and gratitude, she quickly snatched my trinket and held it lovingly with both hands to her rather voluptuous chest.

Seeing Amaris cry tears of joyous draining relief gave me all the reason in the world to look forward to a lifetime of tomorrow filled with the love of my life. Hoping one day, she would confidently deem me worthy to be referred to as her trustworthy loving loyal husband.

After all this time, now affirming my precious dream still holds me lovingly in her unwaveringly loyal heart, has left me with a crucial inquiry in mind,

"What must I do to be worthy of your love?"

To my readers,

Here is my question in this chapter:

"What can someone do to win your love?"

PerditaTritoniacreators' thoughts