
Raymond Black

life is often unsatifactory. Here i write my story of how i got the oppurtunity to grab life by the balls Diclaimer I only own my own characters everything else is owned by DC and CW respectively I am of the Anti-Harem Sect English is not my ntive tongue but i think im pretty good. Enjoy the story or dont. Shoutout to all the authors who inspiered me to try this. Somenonebody, TomVanDyke, Daoist_Over_God,DemonicPanda,Soulcrystal and godfreyngsze. PinkBunny i also thank you for your part in introducing me to 'Les than Zero'

AsuraGodking · TV
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12 Chs

The Interlude

How the fuck did I get here?! Let me think. What the fuck happened today. The day began as it always does . I woke up and began what would be another tedious day of existence. I did my morning exercises, took a shower and aate breakfast like I do every morning. My names David Grey I'm 32 years old and work at the local school as a gym teacher.

I know what you must be thinking " a fucking gym teacher ?! Where'd he go wrong in life?" Now before you judge me I would like to state that there not a lot you can do in life when delt a shit hand and boat load of anger issues to boot. I was an orphan who spent most of his formative years doing nothing but causing shit and getting into fights. Sometimes i think the only thing that saved me was taking up martial arts.

Its wasnt all bad though , I was a pretty smart kid who managed to get into Harvard and MIT. Could never really take that oppurtunity though. Any and every scholarship i applied for came back as a negative. Not surprised though since i did multiple stints in juvenile correction. So any agency or gorverment that o applied to did their due diligence in the background checks and shut me down. Hahaha I guess what they say is true. Your past really does come back to bite you in the ass. Im sure right about now your wondering what I was in for right?

Well.....lets see I got into alot of fights,petty theft,gta, hell i even got charged with attempted murder once but that guy had it coming.Luckily i got an old orphan mate to pull some strings and get me this job. Well enough with my moping, as i was saying Im a gym teacher, and today i was praying that something different would happen. I felt today was my day.

After my morning routine i got on my bike and started my ride to work. Riding past all the cars hooting and speeding by i was for once happy to not own one. it was around 07h00 when i got by the shops and was assailed by the smell of morning bread fresh out the oven from the bakeries, which was only tarnished by the gas fumes from all the cars whizzing by. But this couldn't get me down . Not today!

I finally got school and brought my bike into my tiny 3 by 3 office. i didnt drink my normal cup of joe this morning so i made my way to the teachers lounge. And then it happened, as soon as i stepped in through the door i saw her, Miss Barnes. We'd been flirting for almost 3 months now and tonight was gonna be our first date. I couldnt help but notice what looked like a firm round ass. She must have heard me enter cause she turned around from the counter soon after with a smile that i swore could illuminate the sky. This radiant smile was the best part of my day.

She stood at 5'6, short dark hair ,wearing a blue loose fitting blouse that seemed to bloosom with caramel mountain peaks upon her chest and finished it off with a tight black pencil skirt which did nothing to hide her unblesmeshed legs.

As I looked into those familair hazel eyes and her glistening skin i smiled devilishly and said "Looks like i wasnt the only one who couldn't wait for our date tonight"

"Oh getting cocky before game night is not recommended Mr Grey"

"Its not cockiness when you know your gonna win my dear"

I watched in euphoria as she giggled at my response while slowly moving toward me and just as she was mere cm's from my face she whispered . "Well Mr Grey we shall just have to see how skilled you truly are tonight. " she then continued to walk past me . As she closes the door behind her she looks at me seductively and says "Dont dissapoint me Mr Grey"

God damnit if that woman isnt sexiest devil to ever walk these halls! After musing for a few more moments i resumed the initial task at hand. As i began to pour myself a cup my phone rang. "Aaaah shit its that damn prinicipal. "Goodmorning sir what can i do for you?" "Aah yes Mr Grey ive just been informed that the delivery for todays match has been delayed. Please take the school van and fetch them. The delivery guys have broken down on the corner of Gardener and Pinckett Street. And please be back by 09h00. Thanks" 'beeep'

Did the son of bitch just hang up on me?! Well there goes my good mood. Stupid fat prick. i finished my coffee and got to the school parking garage and went on my merry way. Only to arrive to see a full truck the size of a moving van. This prick expects me to get all that shit into this shitty pick up?!

The drivers must have seen me staring cause one soon approached "hey man you Grey?"

" yeah , thats me. whats wrong with this truck?"

"I think its the radiator" he answered with a confused look on his face.

"Pop the hood lemme check" the man obliged and popped the hood. Man was i pissed when i saw that it was a simple wiring problem that looked to be the cause. i quickly repaired it and told him to turn it on . 'vrrrrrrrrh'

Oh fuck yes its on . " now please deliver this to school" "yeah sure thanks man" the driver got in his truck and was on his way. After watching them leave i started walking back to my pick up. As i turn to open my door i see a truck flying towards me on the wrong side of the road might i add ."OOOOOHHH FUCK!!!" 'BOOOOM' and here am . All cause of one fuckin TRUCK!!!

Not gonna lie got lazy near the end there but i just wanted to start the story you know

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