
Raymond Black

life is often unsatifactory. Here i write my story of how i got the oppurtunity to grab life by the balls Diclaimer I only own my own characters everything else is owned by DC and CW respectively I am of the Anti-Harem Sect English is not my ntive tongue but i think im pretty good. Enjoy the story or dont. Shoutout to all the authors who inspiered me to try this. Somenonebody, TomVanDyke, Daoist_Over_God,DemonicPanda,Soulcrystal and godfreyngsze. PinkBunny i also thank you for your part in introducing me to 'Les than Zero'

AsuraGodking · TV
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12 Chs


As David floated or whatever it was called in this God forsaken place he thought about how if he was truly dead he'd never get his date . After what seemed like days of moping around he found anger soon replacing his morose attitude. 'Before I'm reincarnated or go to wherever it is people go when they die I need to know which asshole drove that damn truck '

Suddenly he felt his existence get warped , interrupting his thoughts of revenge . David soon opened his eyes to a room filled with light as opposed to the sheer darkness he was in before .

A woman walked in with what looked to be a very frustrated face . "Hey lady what am I doing here ? And where the hell is here , wait is this some form of Hell ? Am I Hell ?! Man this some bullshit, I was still gonna repent you know . Besides every bad thing I did I did in self defense or if someone really had it coming" suddenly David's ramblings were interrupted by a frustrated "SHUT UP!!!"

David looked her way with what he assumed would be a shocked expression. 'And they say I have anger issues , sheesh calm down lady ' thought David as he shook what he thought was his head in dissapointment. "You ok Crazy lady?" She turned to David and took a deep breathe and replied in a much kinder voice " Yeah sorry about that , I'm just under a lot of stress lately my boss is handleful. And to answer your question no this is not Hell . More of a Purgatory of sorts and right now your in spirit form . So your just a mass of energy without a real form ."

'At least I'm not in Hell, but then what am I doing here and what did she mean by her boss? ' " I can hear your thoughts you know" the lady said with a bemused expression .

" You know what , I'm not gonna give you the satisfaction of me being shocked so just tell me what's going on here please"

"Like I said my boss is a handful , I still cant believe he sent me here. In a nutshell my boss is that Truck that hit you so you can abandon all thoughts of revenge " David was once again shocked and after a moment got mad at himself for getting shocked again. She continued "he has a drinking problem but he sent me here to repay you with 3 wishes and a universe of your choosing , so please think carefully oh and theres a few rules , you cant make OP wishes or take any abilities that wouldn't naturally appear in your chosen universe. Your also not gonna get a System but your otherwise all good "

As David floated there and thought about what his new life would be he flashed back to all the DC series he watched in his free time . And made his decision to go to the Arrowverse as that was what he was most familiar with . " Ok I choose to be reborn into the Arrowverse 20 years before Oliver Queen is born"

" 1st wish - I want the flashes crazy healing factor along with 100% control over my own body and a top of the range training manual that'll allow me to train my body continuously.

2nd wish - I want a genius level intellect above Reverse Flash with an edict memory.

3rd wish - I also want to be an orphan in this life with the magical knowledge and abilities of John Constantine "

"Mmmmm well I can do the first 2 without issue but the last one about the magic . Well all I can really do is make you apart of the laughing magician's lineage as well as lock all his knowledge of magic into your soul for you to later master on your own. It will however only unlock on your 21st birthday , by then your brain should be able to handle the information dump "

After a few thoughtful moments David nodded to this .

He then shyly looked at her and asked "Could you also make me above average in the looks department?"

this got a giggle out of the woman "sure I'll make you Handsome, now begone " as the world seemed to distort he heard a voice ask "Is he finally gone Becca ? Man I really didn't see that kid hahaha but I had an epic night "

"You really have to control your drinking Truck - sama"

'That fucking bastard ' thought David as everything faded to black .