
Future Proofing

Everyone who worked at the Laertidus Farm gathered behind the house to eat lunch together, just as Sol reached its apex in the sky. Not just the farmhands, engineers, and wranglers, but anyone from the outside who just so happened to be at the farm. Goods delivery pilots, prospective clients, random solicitors, or if they had simply stopped by to say hello. All were welcome to eat.

The Laertidus were always generous with their bounty, even when things were hard. And despite all of the suffering they had just gone through, they still kept their doors open to everyone.

Interestingly, people were much cheerier during lunchtime. Their dour faces while working had all but disappeared - or at least had greatly receded. If there was a time to forget, this seemed to be it, even if it only lasted an hour or so per cycle.

It was certainly better than none.