
Ravenclaw of Hogwarts (HP)

Mike, formerly a career criminal, is reborn as a Muggle-born orphan in the Harry Potter world, focused on gaining power. With strategic cunning, he seeks allies and doesn't shy away from crossing moral lines for the "greater good." This tale explores a quest for power and societal change, presenting a gritty view of justice in a magical setting. Mike's journey, characterized by ruthless ambition and a merciless approach, also hints at the possibility of finding unexpected friendships along the way. "Don't call me Chen Ergou" is the author of this book. I'm just translating it and more importantly trying to make this story more "palatable" for an English audience. That means I will get rid of some of the darker and unnecessary undertones that many Chinese writers have - if you know what I mean. Also, I will be changing many of the more Chinese phrases (not all) around so that they are more understandable for us Westerners :) I plan to keep this translation going, especially if I receive help. I hope doing this will help me better my books in the future if I ever get the nerve to post them. My Patreon---- patreon.com/Lovetoread813 I will write a better synopsis soon. It should be noted that the MC is not a very good person.

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36 Chs

Chapter 5

Mike emerged from Gringotts, initially baffled by the decision of the magical community to delegate its economic management to goblins. However, his understanding deepened as he learned more about the operations of Gringotts and the capabilities of goblins.

It turned out that the average wizard lacked proficiency in mathematics and logical thinking, often to the extent of being somewhat inept. This inadequacy rendered them ill-fitted for roles within Gringotts, in contrast to goblins, who naturally excelled in these disciplines.

The currency system itself was intricate: one Galleon was worth 17 Sickles, and one Sickle was worth 29 Knuts.

Such a complicated exchange rate was challenging even for wizards of considerable power to navigate accurately, thereby creating profitable niches.

Shaking off these thoughts, Mike had another important destination in mind.

Guided by his recollection, Mike found his way to a modest, weather-beaten storefront.

The once golden lettering on the shop's sign had dulled and started to flake away, declaring:

Ollivanders: Makers of Fine Wands since 382 B.C.

Upon stepping inside, Mike saw a slender elderly man organizing wand boxes at the counter, apparently having just finished a transaction.

"Welcome, young sir," Ollivander greeted upon seeing Mike. "A new face, you must be a Hogwarts first-year. I remember every wand I've sold, and it's your first visit here. What's your name, lad?"

"Mike, Mike Tully, sir."

"And which hand do you prefer to use, Mr. Tully?"

At Ollivander's wave, a measuring tape slithered up Mike's leg like a snake.

"Right hand."

"Let's try this one. 11 inches, cherry wood with a unicorn hair core, a powerful combination."

After measuring Mike, the tape swiftly returned to Ollivander.

Mike barely had time to wave the wand before a soft white light emitted from its tip.

"Excellent! Well, not quite... Suitable, but not the perfect match."

Ollivander quickly retrieved the wand and, after rummaging around, produced a black wand.

"13 inches, blackthorn wood with a dragon heartstring core. A union of strength, a wand for a warrior."

Before Mike could even touch the wand, it leapt from Ollivander's grasp directly into his own.

The instant the wand was in Mike's hand, it emitted an orb of orange light from its tip, bursting into a cascade of sparks that filled the small shop with a cozy, orange radiance.

"Incredible! I've never seen a wand so eager to choose its master," Ollivander said, his enthusiasm palpable. "You're destined for great things!"

Mike gently touched the wand, half-wondering if Ollivander offered such enthusiastic compliments to every patron. Nevertheless, the acknowledgment brought him real joy. Compliments are always welcome, even when one doubts their complete sincerity. Possessing the wand now symbolized Mike's formal entry into the wizarding community.

After presenting the wand voucher provided by Hogwarts to Ollivander, Mike exited the premises. Ollivander's had a special agreement with Hogwarts and the Ministry of Magic, which included subsidies for each wand sold to young witches and wizards, making it easier for them to afford their first wands.

However, this subsidy was a one-time benefit; any wizard needing to replace their wand later would face the standard cost of about 50 Galleons, with prices escalating for custom creations.

Holding his new wand, Mike stepped into Flourish and Blotts with a light heart.

He had braced himself for the high prices of magical textbooks, yet the actual costs caught him off guard.

For instance, "Advanced Potion Making" was priced at nine Galleons. To give some context, a Muggle-born wizard employed at Flourish and Blotts earned a mere forty-two Galleons monthly.

Moreover, this was the subsidized price, given its status as a required Hogwarts textbook.

Books of similar caliber to "Advanced Potion Making" were often more than double that price, no wonder Ron had to use his brothers' old books—new ones were simply unaffordable for many households.

Heeding the advice of the bookstore clerk, Mike selected a few textbooks suitable for a first-year, feeling the sting of their hefty price tags yet acknowledging the importance of this expenditure. Investing in oneself is, without doubt, the most valuable investment one can make.

The wizarding world did offer the option of second-hand bookstores; indeed, the Weasley family sourced nearly all their textbooks from a second-hand store nestled within Diagon Alley. These pre-owned books were significantly cheaper, often costing just a fraction of the price of new books, albeit frequently with missing pages.

Interestingly, second-hand books that contained useful annotations by previous students and were still in good shape commanded higher prices than even the brand-new editions.

This scenario shed some light on Ron's academic struggles; envision relying on textbooks that were not only second-hand but also lacked crucial information due to missing pages.

As dusk settled, Mike, carrying a large box, made his way back to the Leaky Cauldron, choosing to forgo a return to his temporary shelter in favor of renting a room from Tom on the upper floor.

Acknowledging Mike's young age, Tom extended a special offer to him: a room for eighteen Galleons a month, meals at noon and evening included.

Mike, having just acquired his textbooks, was eager to delve into them, vaguely remembering that underage wizards were warned against using magic in the Muggle world.

Not fully sure if this was accurate, he opted to stay in the safety of the Leaky Cauldron to study magic.

Just as Mike settled his luggage in his room, Harry and Hagrid arrived at the Leaky Cauldron.

Harry, hands behind his back, seemed to be hiding something.

"Mike, Hagrid told me about what you're going through. I found out my parents left me a substantial amount of gold," Harry mentioned, his cheeks reddening, his hands nervously twiddling behind him. "We might have only met today, but I consider us friends, and... if you're in need, please accept this."

With those words, Harry presented Mike with a pouch of Galleons he'd been concealing.

Harry's attempt to use money to forge a friendship was heartrendingly innocent.

Holding the heavy pouch, Mike was at a loss for words, taken aback by Harry's gesture.

Harry's worry grew with Mike's silence.

"I... I didn't mean anything by it, just wanted to help. I know what it's like, I'm an orphan too."

Poor Harry, willing to expose his own wounds to avoid making a friend feel bad.

Mike was deeply moved by Harry's act of kindness. At such a young age, Harry's generosity and sincerity were truly endearing, marking a stark difference from how Mike himself might have responded in the same situation.

"I understand, Harry, I do. I admit I need the money," Mike said with a gentle smile. "But I can't just take it without giving something in return. I'll write you an IOU. It might take me a while to repay, but I swear I will."

"You don't have to... we're friends, and friends don't..."

"No, it's a matter of principle. I don't want your kindness to feel like charity," Mike cut Harry off.

Hearing Mike's words, Harry also smiled.

In the end, Mike accepted the money. As for the IOU? Perhaps it'd be torn up later.

That was what Harry thought.

As the evening shadows lengthened and Harry's silhouette vanished into the distance, Mike felt the weight of the Galleons in his palm. He had kept to himself the fact that he wasn't in dire need of financial aid for his school supplies, yet he chose to embrace Harry's kind offer.

Embracing assistance and reciprocating favors is a potent method to fortify connections.

This mutual exchange of support is a common foundation upon which many adult relationships are built, gradually strengthening ties.

Mike's past life taught him the effectiveness of this approach.

Feeling the cool night air, Mike returned to his room, eager to start exploring magic.

I'm not sure if the author's math adds up, but then again J.K Rowling admitted her math was bad too.

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