
Ranking and Reward in Naruto World

A man died and reincarnated into the world of Naruto, as Naruto's twin brother. He also got the system and the knowledge of a certain Ranking and Reward system. With this system and knowledge, will he become one of the best Shinobi in this world, or will he stay as an ordinary person? Follow the journey of Zokuto in his endevour in the world of Naruto.

Thundertroy · Fantasía
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56 Chs

Chapter 8: Rank 5 to 1

A/N: Hi guys. Something comes up this morning which delayed my story. Hope you can forgive me for the delay publishing. Here's the second chapter for today.


#Rank 5: Sabaku Kroku. Genin of Sunagakure. Prodigy of Sabaku clan, has awakened the Saton (sand) kekkei genkai.

'That is just a kid version of that sand Sichibukai in those pirate world. He is also here huh.' Zokuto can instantly identify the skill performed by Kroku in the golden screen.

In Sunagakure.

"This golden screen sure is able to know my secret. It's as if it is watching me perform those skill." said Kroku.

"Nii-san, can you teach me those skill? It look so strong."

"No Gaara. That skill is too chakra consuming. Instead of that, let me teach you this."

"Desert Grande Espada!"

A sharp blade of sand suddenly jutted out of the ground some distance away from Kroku.

"Wow! Nii-san, that awesome. How did you suddenly made the blade come out over there?" said Gaara happily.

"That is what I am about to teach you."

"Kroku! What did I tell you about not being too soft on Gaara?" shouted Rasa, the Fourth Kazekage.


"I ask you to let him kill those bandit."

"He is not ready yet father. Once he is, I will let him do so."

"Then make him ready fast." said Rasa. He looked at Gaara for a moment, before he left them.

'Fucking old man. One of these days, I will let you experience being a dry corpse.' thought Kroku.

"Nii-san, did...did I just caused trouble for you?" asked Gaara.

"Nah. That is nothing."

"I...can try to kill that bandit."

"Forget about that. Let's train those new skill." Kroku then Started to teach his skill to Gaara.

#Rank 4: Kaguya Kimimaro. Capable enough to be a Genin. Born with Kaguya clan's Shikotsumyaku kekkei genkai. Nin of Kirigakure.

"There is actually still a Kaguya who are still alive?"

"Mei-sama, he should be the Kaguya kid who escaped from his clan prison. According to our intel, the Kaguya people doesn't like him as he is different from them. He does not seems to inherit the crazy trait of his clan."

"Then, let's rope him in, and join us."

"But Mei-sama..."

"No but. Just send someone to find him."


Somewhere on the outskirt of land of Mist, a nine year old Kimimaro was wandering aimlessly without much of a purpose. When he saw his own rank, he did not show much of interest. However, he suddenly got intrigued when he saw the scene where the older him displayed the Camellia Dance (Tsubaki no Mai) when fighting Naruto's clones.

'Did I eventually find a purpose to my life?' a spark of hope was ignited inside of him. 'I should live then, until I find that purpose in the future.' After that, he continued looking at the golden screen.

#Rank 3: Hyuuga Neji. Capable enough to be a Genin. Wielder of the dojutsu Byakugan, and a perfect Jinchuuriki with a two tailed Bijuu, Inugami. Nin of Konoha.

"This is going to be troublesome." said Hiruzen. "If other villages know that we got more than one Jinchuuriki, they will definitely plan another war toward Konoha. Hopefully, Naruto is not in the rank."

#Rank 2: Uzumaki Naruto. Capable enough to be a Genin. Perfect Jinchuuriki with nine tailed Bijuu, Yin Kurama. Nin of Konoha.


"Damn! I should not have said that. I really jinxed it. Curse you golden screen!!!" Shouted Hiruzen. His chair was now broken. After the appearance of golden screen, it seems to be a trend for him to break his chair with a punch.


"Here!" An anbu appeared in front of the Sandaime.

"Call all of Konoha's higher up. I need to have a meeting with them." commanded Hiruzen with a very serious attitude.

"Hai!" The anbu quickly left to his task.

'Whether we will be facing any war soon or not, we need to prepare. This is all the fault of this golden screen.' thought the Hokage, cursing the golden screen.

#Rank 1: Uzumaki Zokuto. Very much capable to be a Genin. Due to not yet attended any promotion to become Chuunin or Jonin, he is still qualify as a Genin. Perfect Jinchuuriki for a total of five Bijuu - Yang Kurama (nine tailed), Nero (seven tailed), Saya (nine tailed), Mora (six tailed), and Gurr (seven tailed). Missing nin of Konoha.

"WHATT!????" all people of shinobi world was shocked.

"How is that possible that he got so many Bijuu with him? And he is also a perfect Jinchuuriki?" Somewhere in Amegakure, Obito was shocked when he saw Zokuto detail as the first rank.

"Obito, I think we should just catch him and hand him over to Nagato. This will certainly quicken our pace of collecting bijuu." said Black Zetsu.

"Let's find him first. Catching him should not be an easy task. He got too many Bijuu." replied Obito. "It seems like his Bijuu are different from the nine bijuu that we know. Are there any other ten tailed beast that got divided and become several bijuu?"

"It might be possible. But we haven't heard anything like that, not even any rumors of it." said Black Zetsu, a bit confused and worried. 'Is there another Otsutsuki that came here from the Otsutsuki? I need to find out about this. Otherwise it will disrupt my plan to release mother.'

"Let me find h then" the black white Zetsu then submerged into the ground.

In Kumogakure.

"Raikage-sama, do you think the golden screen is telling the truth?"

"Mabui, have you confirmed the appearance of the golden screen in other village?"

"Yes Raikage-sama. According to our spy, there have seen a similar golden screen at the sky of Konoha. Also, we already know that the Jinchuuriki of Konoha, Zokuto really fled from that village. However, we are not able to find out where he run off to."

(A/N: Just assume that their search or suspicion did not reach Hacho Village or Tonika Village where Zokuto is currently staying.)

"Then, we can assume that what the golden screen tell us is true. Although, why is there no one from our village that qualified in those ranking?" wondered A. "Call for a meeting."

"Alright Raikage-sama."

In Konoha, Hokage's office.

"Sandaime-sama, are we not going to wait until the ranking reward came before we have this meeting?" said Hyuuga Hiashi.

"Well, we still can wait here while we have the meeting." replied Hiruzen. He then added "You all know that our secret of having multiple Jinchuuriki has already been exposed to the world by that golden screen. Tell me, do you think the other village will compromise with us when we have more than one Bijuu?"

"I don't think the other village want us to have more Bijuu. They might plan an upcoming war once the know that we have two Jinchuuriki. We already have the Kyuubi, the strongest Bijuu. Having another Bijuu will certainly worried them. This is also equal to breaking the promise between village that was made by Shodaime long ago." said Homura, pointing his view.

Nara Shikaku also made his point "We also should consider the information given by the golden screen."

"Shikaku-san, what do you mean by that?" asked Hyuuga Hiashi.

"The golden screen stated that we have seven Bijuu including the five in Zokuto's possession. Some of these Bijuus is also a different Bijuu from the one we used to know. This will only made the other villages to assume that we have the ability or ways to gain more Bijuu." explained Shikaku.

This explanation silenced the room.

"If what you said will really be the assumption of the other village, then..."

"It will definitely cause the other villages to declare war on us." this time, Hiruzen is the one stating the hard fact. "I assume that the Raikage and that old Onoki is already making their own war preparation. We might even face the coalition of all four other village, including our current ally, the Sunagakure."

"We should hurry the plan of defending our village then." suggested Tsume.

"I think instead of us waiting to be attacked, why not we select one of those four village and attack them?" Advised Danzo.

"That will make the Konoha a target while we attack other village." Said Hiruzen. He added "And then again we need both attack and defend strategy. Shikaku, let us hear your thought on this."

Before Shikaku got the chance to speak, an anbu appeared in the meeting room.

"Hokage-sama, forgive me for the intrusion. I have an urgent news." said the anbu in a hurry.

"What happen?" Hiruzen signalled for the anbu to continue his report.

"Naruto escaped from the village."

"WHAT!!??" all the people in the meeting room were shocked.

"There is more."

"What do you mean" Hiruzen suddenly felt nervous.

"Neji also run away."


"What did you say!?" This time, Hiashi was panicking.


Suddenly, the door of the meeting room was forcefully opened by a Hyuuga guard.

"Hiashi-sama! Hinata-sama is gone missing!"

"NANNI!!!???" Hiashi was now very much shocked after getting the news.

"This is a mess. What a headache." said Shikaku Nara.

"Hokage-sama, forgive me. I need to check on my clan. Also, I want to request help to search for Hinata and Neji, in case they are really missing." said Hyuuga Hiashi, asking permission to leave. Hiruzen just nodded, and Hiashi followed his guard toward his Hyuuga compound.

"Hiruzen, didn't you tasked Kakashi to watch over Naruto?" questioned Danzo.

"Hokage-sama. Actually, Hatake Kakashi is the one who helped Naruto escape." the anbu added more oil to the flame!

"HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?" Hiruzen screamed in disbelief.

"Naruto with the help from Kakashi, and followed by Neji, managed bypass the Konoha guards, and successfuly escaped the village. I also think that that Hinata followed them using the teleportation ability of her kunai." reported the anbu.