
Ranking and Reward in Naruto World

A man died and reincarnated into the world of Naruto, as Naruto's twin brother. He also got the system and the knowledge of a certain Ranking and Reward system. With this system and knowledge, will he become one of the best Shinobi in this world, or will he stay as an ordinary person? Follow the journey of Zokuto in his endevour in the world of Naruto.

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56 Chs

Chapter 7: Rank 10 to 6

In Konoha.

"Hey Kurama, this Bijuu Kata is really hard to train. Do you have any idea on how to learn it?" Naruto talked to You Kyuubi, trying to gain some of the beast advise. Right now, he was on the verge of giving up his training. He has been trying to learn the technique that he received from Zokuto. However, he was unable to make any progress.

Last year, the Yin Kurama in Naruto's body also saw the golden screen. He also saw the golden screen displayed a scene, where Zokuto performed the Bijuu Kata. When he saw this, he knew that the Yang Kyuubi is already has a good relationship with Zokuto.

To perform the Bijuu Kata, it needed someone to be a perfect Jinchuuriki. First of all, the technique needed a Jinchuuriki to have a good relationship with a Bijuu, in order for them to gain access to the Bijuu's chakra energy. Secondly, they needed to be able to wield those chakras proficiently, and without any disturbance from their Bijuu. Moreover, they needed to balance those Bijuu energy into their own chakra, and on top of that, balancing it with natural energy that they absorbed into their body. Only after that will a Jinchuuriki be able to use the Bijuu Kata.

Kurama did not know what happen, but if the Yang Kurama can be in good terms with Zokuto, then he should also be good to his own Jinchuuriki, who is also Zokuto's brother.

After that, Kurama started to help Naruto to practice those three jutsu. At first, Naruto did a good job, training the Twelve Perfect Gates and the Advanced Gentle Fist. However, he did miserably when practising the Bijuu Kata. Training the jutsu seems to be near impossible for him.

"Listen, Uzumaki brat. You needed to first be able to wield my chakra. After that, you have to absorb nature energy, and balance it with your own chakra and mine. Only then you can do the Bijuu Kata." explained the strict Kurama.

"You know that I already tried that. Your chakra energy will always make me lost control. For nature energy, I don't even know how to absorb it. How did Zokuto managed to do that anyway?"

"Don't look at me. Go ask your brother. As for the effect of my chakra, I think you should try to understand and accept you own emotion. After that then you should be able to wield my chakra without your emotion being negatively influenced." explained Kurama.

"I see. But I still need to be able to absorb the nature energy. Sigh, where did my brother go?"

Suddenly, Naruto saw a golden light appearing on the sky.

"That's the golden screen. It's appeared again!"

The golden screen once again showed up in the shinobi world. This time, it is not only shown in the sky above Konoha Village, it also appeared in the other villages.

When the golden screen appeared, it alarmed the people in the other villages. It is especially true for those kages and the higher-ups. However, they calmed down when they saw that the screen just stayed on the sky, and showing up information, without showing any tendency to create any harm to the villagers.

- The [Genin Fighter] rank will now be announced. Due to some technical issue, the golden chat has been muted.

'Huh!? There is such a thing?' Zokuto who was looking at the golden screen was confused with the change. He curiously contemplated and thought in his mind, did the creator scolded the System, causing it to mute the chat? He could only make his guess.

In Konoha, some kids are protesting on the muted chat. This is especially so for Natsu who liked to challenge others. Without the chat, he will not be able to send his challenges directly to other rankers.

On another matter, there is a problem with his summoning contract. With his little chakra as an eight year old kid, he only managed to summon a just-hatched baby dragon from the realm of fire dragon. This however did not make Uchiha Natsu sad. He believe that in the future he can summon a more powerful fire dragon. As for the [Genin Fighter] ranking list, Natsu believed that he is definitely in it!

#Rank 10: Uchiha Natsu. Capable enough to be a Genin, has natural talent in fire jutsu and awakened one tomoe sharingan. Konoha Ninja.

"What? I'm only ranked tenth?" Natsu was stunned and felt dejected. He contemplated, while murmuring, "So there are so many Genin out there that are more powerful then me. Now, this is interesting."

A moment later, his competitive soul was awakened. From his previous dejected self, it turned into one that eager to throw away some challenges.

When Uchiha Saka, Natsu's father saw his son ranking, he felt happy. It seems like his son is ready to graduate early from the academy. 'I should talk to him about this. However, where the heck did that brat run off to? Did he cause more trouble outside?' thought the indignant father.

His son is really addicted to challenging someone who is powerful. He already got his little nickname, Uchiha Little Maniac. This has really angered Saka, but at the same time make him worry about the future of his son. 'Hopefully, he will change in the future'.

#Rank 9: Yuki Haku. Capable enough to be a Genin, and has awakened the Hyoton kekkei genkai. Nin of Kiri.

In Kirigakure, a woman was surprised when she saw the golden screen mention a ninja from Kiri.

"Ao, go find out about this Yuki Haku. If he is not yet sided with Yagura, try to rope him in to our group. If he is already with Yagura, then you know what to do."

"On it Mei - sama."

On a certain street in Kiri, a kid can be seen fleeing hastily from some pursuers, without caring for the pouring rain that wetted his clothes.

"Over here! That Yuki kid is here!..Ah!!"

A pursuer suddenly saw him and shouted to inform his friend. However, a mirror suddenly appeared on his back. Instantly, the Yuki kid come out of it, and stabbed him on his neck. The stab not only injured his neck, but also froze his entire neck. Not long later, the man died of suffocation and neck injury.

After killing the man, the kid continued his escape. Before long, he reached some forest and disappeared in there. Sometimes later, two man reached the forest.

"Where is that Yuki kid?"

"Look, the blood is still there. I think he just run that way."

They then entered the forest to pursue the kid. However, because of the rain, they did not notice a transparent mirror was hanging not far infront of them. Once they walked past the mirror, a kid with a kunai appeared, and stabbed the head of one of the pursuer, who is walking at the back.


The injured man shouted in pain. However, his scream did not continue as the kid delivered another stab that punctured the head of the man, from the back through the front, which happen to come out at his mouth.

The other pursuer was alerted. He jumped to the side and avoided a shuriken throwed to him, avoiding the same fate as his friend.

This however, did not let him out of danger. He instead was rained by a barrage of ice needles. He collapsed on his knees after getting stabbed by these needles. This small chance was not wasted as the kid once more appeared at the back, and stabbed the man on his neck. The man collapsed and died not long later.

After the kid killed his last pursuer, he stared at his hand blankly. This is the first time he killed a human. Moreover, it was a group of human. If it's not because of his survival instinct, he would not be able to get out alive from those who want to kill him.

Turning back time to a couple of hours ago, The kid was still in his mother's care. He was happily helping his mother to cook some meats and hot soup.

Suddenly after that, his father brought some man and tried to kill him and his mother. The so called father also personally killed his mother who was trying her hardest to protect him. He even saw his father slit the throat of his mother.

This drove the kid to go insane, and turn berserk in great anger. Without caring for his own safety, he fought those man crazily.

Although he managed to kill his father, the people that was brought by him were too many for him to fight alone. In the end, he chooses to run away, while killing his pursuers using a sneak attacks. Thus the even ended here in this forest.

'Why did this happen to me?' tears involuntarily fall out from his eyes. He looked at the sky, and want to ask why but suddenly some answers came to him in the form of a golden screen. The golden screen stated that he awakened the 'Hyoton kekkei genkai'.

'Did they want to kill me because I have Hyoton? Is there any point for me to live?'

While he was looking at the screen, a scene where he performed the Hyoton kekkei genkai was on display.

"Sensatsu Suisho!"

In the scene, he showered Naruto with a barrage of ice needles. Right before the needless fall onto the boy, Sasuke suddenly stoop up in front of him, shielding Naruto from those needles. However, doing that cause him to get stabbed by the needles all over his body. The scene then ended there.

'Is that the future me? So, I didn't die here. In that case, I shall live to see the future then.'

The kid then walked away, and soon disappeared inside the forest.

#Rank 8: Kamizuru Kurotsuchi. Genin of Iwagakure, has awakened the Yoton kekkei genkai.

"Gah! Damn you golden screen! Why do you have to let the world know about my granddaughter's secret?" shouted Onoki.

"Grandpa, look! Look! I'm rank 8!" said Kurotsuchi excitedly, while pointing to the golden screen.

"Brat don't be happy yet. You are just rank 8. There are still more talented, and powerful kids above you. Ah!" Onoki hurriedly sat down as his back pain hurt him so much.

'Damn you my back.' grunted Onoki. While sitting, he still look at the golden screen, and making up a conclusion, 'Those screen seems to be able to show a glimpse of the future. That name on the ranking is certainly my granddaughter's name, but the one displaying the Yoton skill is an older version of her.'

Onoki was showing some worries when he saw those scene. At the same time, he was happy to be able to see his granddaughter grow up.

#Rank 7: Chojuro. Genin of Kirigakure, and wielder of Hiramekarei, one of the Seven Sword of Mist. Highly talented in Water release ninjutsu.

The thing that worried Mei Terumi, the leader of the mist rebel, finally happened. The golden screen exposed Chojuro's identity. On top of that, the whereabout of the sword Hiramekarei is also exposed. The only redeeming feature is that an adult Chojuro was the one who displayed his skills with Hiramekarei on the screen.

'Well, whatever. At least he is in the rank.' Terumi Mei tried to comfort herself.

#Rank 6: Uchiha Izumi. Genin of Konoha. Proficient in genjutsu, and has awakened three tomoe Sharingan.

This time, it was Konoha's turn to be shocked, especially those higher-ups from Uchiha Clan. Without their knowledge, one of their Genin managed to awaken three tomoe sharingan.

"Hiruzen, it seems that that Izumi girl is as talented as Itachi. I know that you already have the intention to take Itachi into the anbu. So, let me have Izumi join my root." said Danzo. Seeing another Sharingan with high potential making him want to goug...improve the girl's potential as a root.

"Danzo, you should refrain yourself from having some issues with the Uchiha. I don't want a war to happen inside this village. You should understand that, right?"

"You are too soft on handling this Hiruzen. Listen, putting her into the root is for the betterment of this village."

"No. Let's stop this topic."

Danzo frowned, but did not argue further.