
Random Reincarnation[A Litrpg Fantasy Novel]

When a 21-year-old avid reader of LitRPG and fantasy novels suddenly finds himself reincarnated as a baby in the medieval world of Panora, he faces the daunting task of adapting to his new reality. Despite his infant form, his mind retains the wisdom and knowledge of his previous life, creating a unique struggle to reconcile his mature consciousness with his helpless body. As Ethan grows, he becomes acutely aware of the world’s magical system, which shapes the lives of its inhabitants. This system grants individuals distinct traits and abilities, determined by a combination of innate potential and personal growth. Ethan quickly discovers his own remarkable traits, which provide him with extraordinary advantages over his peers. These include a natural affinity for manipulating mana and an intuitive understanding of complex magical skills. Driven by an insatiable curiosity and a desire to explore the full extent of his powers, Ethan embarks on a rigorous quest for self-improvement. His journey is characterized by an obsession with honing his skills and a relentless pursuit of knowledge. Chapters will be between 1,500 and 3,000 words, with at least two chapters published every day. Comments and corrections are welcome and appreciated.

Anunay_Kumar · Fantasía
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16 Chs

Mana Manipulation and Stat Allocation

The first rays of sunlight hit my eyes, waking me up. I stretched and sat up, feeling excited about the day ahead. Like always, I started with my meditation routine.


I closed my eyes and focused on my breathing. As I relaxed, I began mixing in Focus and Mana Sense, skills I had been practicing every day. My ability to sense mana had improved a lot recently, and I could now detect the flow of energy more clearly around the room. Although trying to map out the entire room felt challenging, I felt I was getting closer to make a mental map of my crib.


As I concentrated, I sensed a familiar tingle—Lydia was coming. I opened my eyes just as she entered the room. Her presence always felt comforting, and I could sense her mana easily now. I noticed that my Mana Sense worked well within the room but became indistinct beyond the walls.


Lydia picked me up and started our usual morning routine. She cleaned me up, dressed me, and fed me, all while humming softly. Today, I decided to ask her if I could be put down instead of staying in the crib all day.


I looked at her with my best baby face and made a small noise while pointing at the ground . She looked puzzled at first but then smiled. "You want to be put down, young master?" she asked. I nodded eagerly.


She raised an eyebrow. "But you must promise not to go outside. Do you promise?"


It was a new word for me, but I understood what she meant. "Pomise," I repeated. She laughed and corrected me, "It's 'Promise,' young master. Say, 'I promise, Lydia.'"


"I promise, Lydia," I said, and immediately, a i felt a tingle,Finally! My Literacy skill had leveled up.


Satisfied, Lydia set me down on the floor. "I'll be back soon. Be good," she said before leaving the room. I nodded, excited about the freedom to explore my room today.


I also had no eagerness to go outside today because I had been trying to grasp a new skill for many days, and I felt I was near it. So today, I would be giving my best effort to master that skill.


With Lydia gone, I settled into my usual routine of skill practice, determined to push my abilities further. Today, I concentrated on increasing my Mana Sense and attempting to manipulate the mana particles around me. Disrupting them proved to be exceedingly difficult, with no immediate results. Frustration began to creep in until a new idea struck me: what if I explored the mana within myself?


For the first time, I turned my Mana Sense inward. Initially, I could only detect faint traces of mana, but gradually, a clearer perception emerged. The mana was not just surrounding me; it was intricately woven into every part of my being. It pulsed through me, a constant, invisible presence that I had overlooked until now.


Intrigued, I focused my Mana Sense on my fingers. I combined this with my Focus skill, directing all my attention to the mana coursing within them. The process was challenging, like trying to grasp smoke with my bare hands. I felt the familiar tickle of potential skill advancement urging me to stop and level up, but I resisted. I needed to understand this new sensation fully before acknowledging any progress.


With every ounce of concentration, I visualized the mana inside me, feeling it ebb and flow through my tiny body. I focused all my mental energy on manipulating the mana within my fingers, willing it to move according to my command. Time seemed to stretch as I persisted, my breath shallow with anticipation.


Then, it happened. A subtle shift, a ripple of energy responded to my will. I felt the minute particles of mana begin to obey, aligning themselves in response to my efforts. A tingle spread through my fingertips—a delicate, electrifying sensation signaling the birth of a new skill. Elation surged through me as I immediately checked the system to see what I had achieved.


New Skill Acquired: Mana Manipulation (Epic)

Progress: Level 1/50

EXP Gained: 10000


The words appeared before my eyes, clear and unmistakable. I couldn't believe it—Mana Manipulation, a Epic skill! I stared at the glowing notification, feeling a mix of awe and exhilaration. This was more than I had hoped for. It wasn't just about sensing mana anymore; I could now influence it, control it. The implications were enormous.


I flexed my tiny fingers, feeling the mana respond to my thoughts. The skill was still new, and the control I had was minimal, but it was there. I could feel the energy flowing, bending subtly under my will. The possibilities of what I could achieve with this skill made my heart race with excitement.


With my first epic skill achieved, I realized its rarity represented its crucial nature in my journey. The differing number of levels compared to other skills further emphasized its importance. Since learning about the existence of mana in this world, I knew mastering this skill would be pivotal for my plans. Today, I had finally attained it, and I couldn't contain my happiness at this milestone.


However, more notifications awaited me. Upon checking, I discovered that both Meditation and Mana Sense had gained two levels each. Additionally, my Focus skill had maxed out. While I hadn't obtained an new skill, there was new information awaiting me.


[System Notice]


With constant use of both skills simultaneously, you have reached a skill synergy. Would you like to combine these two skills into a single skill of higher level?


[Yes / No]


This revelation caught my attention. The idea of merging Meditation and Focus into a unified skill intrigued me. The potential benefits of such a fusion were enticing, promising enhanced efficiency and effectiveness


After choosing "Yes,"


A surge of energy flowed through me as the two skills seamlessly merged into one.



New Skill Acquired: Focused Meditation(rare)

Progress: Level 6/30

EXP Gained: 5000



Skill Acquired: Focused Meditation(rare)


Description: Focused Meditation combines the tranquil focus of Meditation with the concentration-enhancing effects of Focus, resulting in a heightened state of mental clarity and control. This skill enables the practitioner to delve deeper into their inner consciousness while maintaining unwavering attention to external stimuli.



After reading the description, I realized that Focused Meditation was exactly what I needed. It would greatly enhance my training efficiency, allowing me to develop my skills with precision. Observing that the skill started at level 6, I deduced that it must have absorbed levels from my former skill, Meditation.


Returning to my new and first epic skill, Mana Manipulation, I decided to test its capabilities individually. Through experimentation, I discovered that I could manipulate mana internally, albeit in minute amounts. Intrigued by this newfound ability, I integrated Focused Meditation into my practice. I immediately noticed how effortlessly I could enter a state of meditation and concentrate on any task at hand.


Moreover, I observed a significant improvement in mana recovery during my Mana Manipulation training sessions. It seemed that Focused Meditation not only enhanced my focus but also facilitated a more efficient use of mana. With these discoveries, I felt more confident in my abilities and eager to continue my training.


To train my Mana Manipulation skill, I decided to focus on manipulating mana internally. Choosing the same finger I used to acquire the skill, I began experimenting with shaping mana into different forms. With each attempt, I could feel my understanding of mana manipulation deepening, resulting in the gain of 2 levels in the skill.


While training, I maintained my Mana Sense open, enabling me to detect mana fluctuations around me. However, I soon sensed a tingling sensation, signaling Lydia's presence as she visited me once again.Due to her interruption,I halted my training to avoid arousing suspicion.


As Lydia approached, she brought milk and a small meal, which she fed to me. After finishing my meal, she left, persuaded by my assurance that I was not feeling sleepy and did not wish to go to bed. Surprisingly, this persuasion effort resulted in a level increase in my Persuasion skill. With each activity, I continued to hone my skills, determined to master Mana Manipulation and unlock its full potential.


With each passing day, my proficiency in Mana Manipulation continued to improve. I dedicated myself to the intricate task of shaping mana particles into thread-like strands, focusing intently on the subtle movements and nuances required for success. Through persistent effort and unwavering determination, I gradually honed my skills to a finer degree.


After numerous attempts, I achieved a breakthrough—successfully crafting a larger thread of mana. The sense of accomplishment surged through me, buoying my spirits and fueling my determination to push further. However, as I delved deeper into my training, I began to feel the telltale signs of mana depletion creeping in. With one more level in mana manipulation gained, I stopped, realizing that pushing myself further could lead to exhaustion.


A wave of dizziness washed over me, a stark reminder of the toll my efforts were taking on my mana reserves. With a concerned glance at my dwindling mana pool—now reduced to a mere 6 out of 140 I realized the importance of pacing myself and conserving my energy.


Additionally, I observed that the daily use of mana had led to an increase in my Mind stat by 2. With each passing day, the gains for my Mind stat seemed to diminish, despite my continued efforts in mana manipulation. It became evident that my ability to utilize mana was limited by the constraints of my physical form—I could only push my mental faculties so far before hitting a barrier.


Reflecting on the issue at hand, I pondered the potential solutions available to me. It occurred to me that my stat points could be a valuable resource in addressing the limitations I faced. With a higher mana pool, I could engage in more extensive practice sessions, thereby accelerating my progress in mana manipulation.


Determined to optimize my stat allocation for maximum benefit, I decided to review my current status and assess how best to invest my stat points.


After assessing all my gains, I observed that my total stat points had reached 135. Previously, I had 120, with an additional 15 stats from leveling up through skill acquisitions. It was time to decide how to allocate these points wisely. Since mana was poised to play a crucial role in my journey, I made a bold decision to increase my mana stat by a significant 86 points, bringing it to a total of 100. As I infused my mana pool with these additional points, I felt a surge of tingling energy enveloping me, momentarily expanding my mana reserves before fading away.


With 49 stat points remaining, I turned my attention to other important attributes. I decided to invest 6 points to raise my perception to 20. This decision was driven by my curiosity about the potential impact of increased perception on my mana sense. Additionally, I allocated 6 points to enhance my intellect, bringing it to a total of 25.


With 37 stat points left for future use, I decided to hold onto them for now. Today had been a day of significant gains and progress, and it felt prudent to save these points for future needs. As I reflected on the events of the day, I felt a sense of satisfaction knowing that I had made substantial strides in my skill development and stat allocation.


After all these developments, I once again checked my status to review my final allocations.




[NAME: Ethan Runeblade]


[LEVEL: 9]


[EXPERIENCE: 10300/25600


[TRAITS: Foreign Reincarnator (Heretic), Fate Chosen (Absolute)]


[HEALTH: 70/70]


[MANA: 1000/1000]


[STAMINA: 80/80]










[MIND: 100]










[Literacy (Common) - Level 6/20]

[ Body Coordination(Uncommon) - Level 7/20]

[Arithmetic (Uncommon) - Level 9/20]

[Advanced Balancing (Uncommon) - Level 1/20]

[ Focused Meditation (Rare) - Level 6/30]

[Mana Sense (Rare) - Level 10/30]

[Persuasion (Rare) - Level 2/30]

[Mana Manipulation (Epic) - Level 3/50]



After all these activities, the day was already coming to a close. Soon, I felt Lydia's presence as she brought my dinner, which I enjoyed before she left me in my crib. Reflecting on all the gains and progress of the day, I drifted into a contented sleep.