
Random Reincarnation[A Litrpg Fantasy Novel]

When a 21-year-old avid reader of LitRPG and fantasy novels suddenly finds himself reincarnated as a baby in the medieval world of Panora, he faces the daunting task of adapting to his new reality. Despite his infant form, his mind retains the wisdom and knowledge of his previous life, creating a unique struggle to reconcile his mature consciousness with his helpless body. As Ethan grows, he becomes acutely aware of the world’s magical system, which shapes the lives of its inhabitants. This system grants individuals distinct traits and abilities, determined by a combination of innate potential and personal growth. Ethan quickly discovers his own remarkable traits, which provide him with extraordinary advantages over his peers. These include a natural affinity for manipulating mana and an intuitive understanding of complex magical skills. Driven by an insatiable curiosity and a desire to explore the full extent of his powers, Ethan embarks on a rigorous quest for self-improvement. His journey is characterized by an obsession with honing his skills and a relentless pursuit of knowledge. Chapters will be between 1,500 and 3,000 words, with at least two chapters published every day. Comments and corrections are welcome and appreciated.

Anunay_Kumar · Fantasy
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16 Chs

A Different Perspective I

Lydia's Pov:

I have now been with Master Raven for the past seven years, since I was just 15 years old. It feels like a lifetime ago that I lost everything during a monstrous outbreak on the outskirts of my home kingdom, Valoria. I still remember the day clearly; it was the day I first laid eyes on him and truly understood what real power looked like.


I was born in a small rural village, the daughter of a farmer. My understanding of power was limited to a pasiing healer, who had once miraculously restored the village chief's son's arm. That act of healing had seemed like the pinnacle of magic and strength to me back then. But the day the monsters came, my perception of power was shattered and redefined.


We were completely unprepared for what we were about to face. The monstrous outbreak descended upon us with terrifying speed. In mere minutes, my village was in ruins, and the peaceful life I knew was obliterated. The beasts tore through everything—houses, livestock, people—leaving nothing but destruction in their wake.


I don't even know how I survived. My left arm was ripped apart by a beast's teeth, and I was tossed aside, discarded like refuse for the other creatures to feast on. The pain was excruciating, and I lay there in the dirt, feeling the cold grip of despair. I knew death was near, and I had accepted it.


I didn't know how long I lay there, time blurring into a haze of agony and resignation. The end was near—I could feel it.


But then, I heard it. A simple "shing" cut through the chaos, clear and precise. In an instant, the roar of the beasts was silenced. I could hardly believe my eyes; the village, moments before alive with violence, fell into an eerie stillness. The beasts that had wreaked havoc on my world were now lying in pieces, vanquished by a single, impossibly powerful strike.


That was the moment I saw him—Master Raven. He stood there, an unyielding force amidst the carnage. His presence alone commanded the world around him. His power was something beyond anything I had ever imagined.


Despite being on the brink of death, I found myself wondering if only he could have come a few minutes earlier. Was I angry at him? Or at my own powerlessness? I didn't know. As I lay there, half expecting to die, I thanked the divine that my village was at least avenged.


But my story didn't end there. I felt a surge of energy flow through me, and in an instant, my body was whole again, without pain or blemish. I had never felt such power in my life. But just as quickly as it came, the feeling vanished. What remained was a void in my heart and the voice of Master Raven asking if I was okay.


I turned my head and saw my family, my friends, all lying dead before me. At that moment, I should have been grateful to my saviors who were still searching for survivors. But instead, overwhelmed by grief and confusion, I asked, "Couldn't you have come just a few minutes earlier?"


I realize now how absurd that question was. Looking back, I understand that it wasn't about blaming them. I think I just wanted to die then,well only a person so consumed by despair would question the intentions of those who wield such power.


In that moment, I feared reprimand or worse, but instead, I felt a comforting hand on my shoulder. A voice, calm and filled with profound understanding, who I would later find out belonged to Master Raven's right-hand man, Sir Magnus, said, 'I know how you feel after losing everything. I won't console you by saying everything will be okay, because it won't. Life won't be the same. But you must take this moment within you and live for your family and friends. I can say with certainty that they would want you to live.'"


Those words felt absurd at the time. How could I go on? How would I get past this when I had lost everything? I felt I had nothing left to live for. Yet, amidst my despair, a spark of determination ignited within me—a resolve against the beasts that had so callously ended lives in moments. But what could I do? I knew nothing of fighting; I had no power. Even a glance at my gift from Mother System showed I had no fighting skills. I didn't even possess a single uncommon skill.


But what could I have done with such skills ? I just needed a path to live again. So, I did something absurd—I looked to my right, into those violet eyes that had ended everything with a single attack. I wanted to see a glimpse of that power, so I asked, "Help me, please. Help me become strong, so I can take revenge for my family." For a moment, I heard nothing, and then just one word: "Okay."


I was dumbstruck. Even today, when I think of that moment, I laugh at myself. But in no life would I choose a different path. Reminiscing about those days, my thoughts come to the present.


Today, I find myself thinking about the child my master entrusted to me, asking me to care for his own blood. The day I heard this, I was utterly shell-shocked. We all were. Master Raven returned unexpectedly with a baby in his arms, leaving everyone stunned. Except for Master Magnus, of course. He always seems to know what's happening, though he never reveals anything to us. His loyalty to Master Raven is unshakeable. Observing Sir Magnus, we all strive to emulate his unwavering dedication and remarkable power. To outsiders, it might seem impossible that someone so powerful could be so devoted to another, but Sir Magnus is unique. I only hope that one day, I can achieve even a fraction of his loyalty and effectiveness.


But, setting that aside, my thoughts wander to the child I was handed ten months ago—a mere two-month-old baby at the time. Initially, I suspected that Master Magnus might be aiding someone else with their child due to his inherently helpful nature. However, the first time I looked into the baby's eyes, I knew beyond doubt that he was Master Raven's son. His eyes bore the same captivating violet hue, and his hair was the darkest shade of black, mirroring Master's own.


As I cradle him each day, his small, fragile form nestled against me, I am constantly reminded of the responsibility I bear. This child, with his innocent gaze and quiet demeanor, represents the future of Master Raven's legacy.


Soon after being entrusted with the care of Master Raven's child, I noticed that he was different right from the start. The baby was unusually observant, his violet eyes always scanning his surroundings with a focus that seemed beyond his tender age. He listened intently to every sound and often smiled as if he understood more than he should. Remarkably, he rarely cried—only during the first six months, and even then, it was only when his diapers needed changing or when he was hungry. Those moments were few and far between because I made it a point to anticipate his needs. I wanted to ensure that he never felt the absence of a motherly figure, striving to be there for him as much as possible.


I often wondered about his mother, but it was a topic shrouded in silence. Before Master Raven departed, I gathered the courage to ask about her. His reply was brief and heavy with sorrow, "She is gone," he said, his tone dark and somber. It was one of the rare moments when I saw him overwhelmed by sadness, a profound grief that was normally well-hidden beneath his stoic exterior. His words left a deep ache in my heart.


How could she be gone? I pondered this question over and over, especially considering Master Raven's immense power and Sir Magnus's extraordinary healing abilities. I had seen Magnus perform miracles, saving lives from the brink of death with his unparalleled healing skills. In all my years, I had never seen him fail to save a life if there was even a single breath left in the person. The idea that someone close to Master Raven could be lost despite all this power was almost unfathomable to me.


This child, now entrusted to my care, was not just any child—he was a legacy, a living testament to both Master Raven's might and the sorrow of his loss. As I watched him grow, each day brought a deeper sense of responsibility


As time went on, I realized that the young master's rapid development wasn't merely a sign of intelligence—it was something more extraordinary. His abilities were not unheard of but were rare, typically seen only in children of high elven lineage or those with a significant natural affinity for mana. This realization brought a sense of relief; understanding that his precociousness had a reason rooted in his inherent potential.


His curiosity blossomed into babbling and an eagerness to understand his surroundings. He began pointing at objects, seeking names and explanations. One memorable day, I brought him to my room, a place filled with books and scrolls. To my amazement, he pointed at the books with keen interest. I showed him pictures, explaining them in simple terms, and he seemed to grasp their meaning, his eyes shining with understanding. It was a delight to watch him engage with the world, absorbing knowledge like a sponge.


During this time, I often conferred with Rodrick. As my senior, he had been with Master Raven for four years before i joined them. Rodrick joined master at the tender age of thirteen, brought in by Sir Magnus. His story was a tragic echo of my own—Rodrick had lost his entire family during a monstrous attack. Sir Magnus, upon hearing of the disaster, found Rodrick among the ruins of his hometown. Despite the sorrow of his loss, Rodrick was determined and resolute. He insisted that Sir Magnus train him, driven by a burning desire to become a knight and protect others from suffering the same fate he had endured.


Rodrick's experiences and wisdom, despite his young age, became invaluable to me. He understood the complexities of serving Master Raven and navigating the challenges that came with it.


His insights also provided me with a sense of direction as I cared for the young master, helping me appreciate the depth of the responsibilities we shared.


Initially, Rodrick dismissed my observations as overthinking, attributing the young master's behavior to mere coincidence. However, the dynamics shifted one day when young master asked me to place him on the ground. Perplexed, I queried if that was what he desired, to which, to my astonishment,young master responded with a clear "yes." I was taken aback. Could Ethan truly understand me? I posed the question casually, receiving an unexpected affirmation: "Ethan understands." The implications of his responses left me dumbfounded. Was it normal for a child to comprehend and articulate to this extent? Puzzling over this newfound realization, I cautiously complied with his instruction, gently lowering Ethan to the ground.


He attempted to stand on his own but struggled, so I offered him a guiding hand. With my support, he managed to stand and take his first wobbly steps. Pride swelled within me, mingled with a hint of concern that must have been evident on my face, for he approached me and wrapped his tiny arms around my legs.


Gratefully, I maintained my composure; otherwise, I might have succumbed to overwhelming emotion. Other thoughts receded into the background as I marveled at his determination. Of course, he would excel in everything i thought —he was Master Raven's son. I eagerly anticipated Master Raven's return and envisioned the immense pride he would feel upon seeing his child's progress.


Days turned into weeks, then months, and before we knew it, Ethan was celebrating his first birthday. I couldn't contain my happiness for the child, and I felt a growing desire to do something special for him. For weeks, I had noticed his longing to venture outside, and today, I resolved to grant him that wish.


I approached Rodrick and explained my plan. Thankfully, he agreed to accompany us. With his assistance, we could easily slip past unnoticed and reach the town square without arousing suspicion. Within the protective confines of our walls, we were shielded by an array of runes, half of which I had personally inscribed. It was a laborious task, but one I had undertaken with determination and skill, thanks in part to Master Raven's guidance.


I took pride in the fact that our defenses surpassed those of even the noble houses in the capital city. Rune engraving was a highly specialized and challenging craft, requiring precision and expertise. Master Raven's teachings had elevated me to a level where I felt confident in my ability to protect myself and those under my care.


Observing the nature of young Master Ethan, I took additional precautions. I inscribed the doors with a basic fear rune, designed to evoke a sense of trepidation in anyone attempting to cross its threshold. Additionally, I embedded a sensing rune directly linked to my mana, enabling me to receive immediate alerts of any disturbances. With these additional measures in place, I ensured the safety and security of our home and its occupants.


Our manor was fortified with sturdy walls, their surfaces adorned with carefully inscribed runes that I had painstakingly etched myself. Each tile bore the mark of my craftsmanship, imbued with protective magic that safeguarded our home.


Additionally, Master Raven had woven a veil of concealment, a barrier that only those bearing Master Raven's unique mana signature could penetrate.


As the day unfolded, Rodrick joined us, and like me, he was captivated by the intelligence displayed by young Ethan. It was evident that the child possessed a keen intellect far beyond his years.


The day passed with young Master Ethan eagerly exploring every corner of the manor. His keen interest in the library didn't surprise me in the least; his thirst for knowledge seemed insatiable. Rodrick, on the other hand, seemed taken aback by Ethan's newfound interest. I couldn't blame him; I knew I wouldn't be able to keep young Master Ethan away from the library for long.


After our tour of the manor, we ventured into the square. Passing through the gate, which was protected by Rodrick's wards, we entered the bustling square. Rodrick veiled us with his skill, ensuring our presence remained concealed from prying eyes. Everything was going smoothly until Rodrick suddenly turned with a start, sensing something amiss. I was confused, Rodrick began asking young master about sensing something unusual. However, instead of answering, the young master started asking me about the fountain and various buildings around the square.


We continued our stroll, but I couldn't shake the feeling that Rodrick's eyes were constantly on Ethan. I decided to set aside my concerns for the moment and focus on caring for Ethan. As the day passed, I couldn't help but feel excited about Ethan's future. His intelligence and curiosity were remarkable, and I eagerly awaited seeing what he would achieve with them. However, the wait for Master Raven's return weighed heavily on my mind. His current mission was in an undiscovered zone, where a dangerous dungeon had been uncovered. Dungeon experts had deemed it highly perilous, warning that an outbreak could result in the loss of millions of lives. Additionally, it was a time distortion dungeon, meaning the duration of the mission was uncertain. Many had been assembled to clear it, and Master Raven had left with Sir Magnus to confront this looming threat.