
Raising a Demon Empire

Being able to leaving from her past lives' grief and pain through death. Lishe Que began looking forward to being an annoying ghost. Sadly a certain god had heard of her plans and completely destroyed it by having her reincarnate in another world. Being chained to a physical body, with her trusty system (another chain)she is forced to complete missions to create the perfect demon empire. Having had so many things not going her way Lishe discovers ways on how to destroy or escape the system while having trouble becoming a ghost. It is her decisions that locks that worlds possible fate.

Scout_tag · Fantasía
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14 Chs

11 Parasi(te)

With the fairies and small rabbit so focused on splashing and dodging, both parties failed to notice the now soaked rabbit right next to them.

The soaked rabbit looked at the happy scene in front of it with dead eyes and squished the flashlight fairy into the ground. After a few minutes of squishing the fairy, that clearly laughed at her misfortune, Lishe found that it was midday and would be best if they found the bridge before dark.

With the fairy in her mouth she hopped over to her brother to signal that they had to leave. Before the little rabbit left, it puffed up his chest as a goodbye to his new friends and then hopped off after his sister.

When the sun was setting they arrived at an old rotting bridge covered in vines and had some moss sticking to the wood but it was still sturdy enough to walk across it.

*Ding* "Host just has to follow the path ahead and we would reach the center of the forest of light."

"Alright. Umm... can para-system tell me why this forest is called the forest of light?" Since she first entered the forest of light she didn't see anything that was unique or different from the forest they just left. Did a unicorn live on this side of the forest or something?

"Since, Host is following the task. This system will tell you." With the tone of a benevolent emporer the system continued on to explain.to Lishe the history of the two forests and blah blah blah.

Lishe ignored the systems lecture the moment she heard the annoyingly childish voice talking to her like she was a lowly subject. She still half listened to the system in the end as she hopped along the path.

From the bits and pieces she did hear she was able to understand that each forest has a pool of pure magical essence that provides its magic to the surrounding forest. There are only two kinds of pure magic: dark and light. The magical elements commonly used in this world, were formed by the pure magic. The way people can differentiate the two forests is by digging up a section of dirt and wait until there is smoke wafting from the dirt that was dug up and check if the smoke is pitch black or a silky white.

Happy with the information she got, Lishe decided to make this an even better evening. So, using her most business like voice she then spoke softly. "System..you seem to always be calling yourself as simply a system. Do you happen to not have a name?"

"This system is of course called system.This systems name is used by a long line of honourable that..." Before the system could continue on a tangent on how great systems were, Lishe was quick to interupt.

"But shouldn't an honourable system such as yourself have a unique name as to distinguish this systems honourable acheivements!!"

"This system does believe...its achievements should be seen as its own...but there is no names in this systems data base that this system finds suitable..." The system was hesitant but slowly lured into the trap.

"You don't have to worry about that! This lowly host has heard of many names that were held by many honourable beings." Lishe's eye moved in slight irritation when she called herself a lowly host but she had to hold onto this act until the finale in order to get her moneys worth.

"Really? Then host must tell this system the name that most suits it!" If the system had the ability to see Lishe's wide smile at this moment it would have never let her name it. Too bad that update was lost along with its other updates.

" This host believes system should use the name Parasi. It is the name used by the strongest leader there ever was! They once lead their troops in a firm and orderly fashion. Parasi's solders followed his every command as though they were possessed and would even follow him to their death without question!"

"Ah! Yes, your right! I'm an amazing leader! From now on this system shall be called Parasi!"

As the system continuously called out its new name. Lishe once again ignored the system and went into deep thought.

Systems usually had numbers that would identify them but why hadn't Parasi(te) said anything? *sigh* it's probably best leave this question for another day. Twisting the things she once knew about parasites into good(?) things took way too many brain cells to word out.

Now that she has mentioned names. Lishe looked towards the rabbit hopping next to her in silent contemplation.

When the little rabbit looked at its sister that was currently looking at him with an odd expression. All he was able to do was tilt his head in question but all he got from her was a slight smirk before she turned her head away from him. All he thought as he shook his head was 'Sister is acting weird again.'

Lishe didn't know about her siblings thoughts as she resolutely declared in her mind.

'You, my dear brother, shall be called Evan Spot!'