
Raising a Demon Empire

Being able to leaving from her past lives' grief and pain through death. Lishe Que began looking forward to being an annoying ghost. Sadly a certain god had heard of her plans and completely destroyed it by having her reincarnate in another world. Being chained to a physical body, with her trusty system (another chain)she is forced to complete missions to create the perfect demon empire. Having had so many things not going her way Lishe discovers ways on how to destroy or escape the system while having trouble becoming a ghost. It is her decisions that locks that worlds possible fate.

Scout_tag · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

12 Destination

When they neared the end of the path, they arrived at a large mansion. The color on the home was faded from age and the main door was loosly held in place by its now rusty hinges. The windows were broken with its shattered glass laying on the ground floor of the three story home along with some peices of old furniture that had possibly broken it. Dispite the homes broken appearance it was firmly held in place by the many pillars stationed in and around the home.

Lishe took in a deep breath of admiration for the homes currently dilapidated appearance. She couldn't help but imagine the excitement of the events that could have possibly lead up to the abandonment of this home. A conflict from within? An assassination? Or a monster attack could have caused the previous owners to flee for their lives.

Either way what happened in the past stays in the past there's probably no longer any living residents left in the home. With Lishes excitement quickly cooling down she was able to hear the parasites voice repeatedly sounding in her head.

*Ding* "Host we have arrived at the destination..."

Looking around her Lishe was completely confused. "What do you mean, we have arrived? Didn't you say we are looking for a pool of light magic or something like that?"

"As I was about to say! You must enter the back of this mansion and you will find the pure magic will be there. I will enjoy every second of that new update once this is over." The last sentence was said very softly but to Lishe it was heard loudly in her mind.

Lishe, completely ready to ignore the parasite and was slowly hopping past the home. That was when they heard a loud shrill scream from the abandoned mansion.

While her brothers limbs scrunched up and his eyes widened in alarm; Lishe was filled with a burst of adrenaline and excitement. As for the flashlight...it was already passed out and loosely hanging from Spot's mouth.

Lishe knew it was wrong to be excited when someone could possibly be in danger but she couldn't help it. This is a real life haunted house! How could she handle not taking notes on the senior ghosts while their in action? But, if the owner of the scream happens to be hurt she will shower them with her cuteness. Complementing herself on how sma- nice she is. Now that she has satisfied her guilty conscience.

The only question left unsaid is...should she go in? Lishe gave it a second before she sprinted into the old mansion.

Spot froze in shock when he saw his sister run into the house that held that terrifying scream and was tempted to leave as far away from this odd house as possible.

But, despite being so reluctant to enter he hopped right after her. He was the one with the glowing fairy, he can't have her getting lost again (and he doesn't wish to be out in the open all alone at night).