
Quiz Game system: starting from Marvel Universe

[Please answer the question. Who is Ironman?.] A: Tony Stark B: James Roddy C: Ivan Vanko D: Pepper Pott Tony Stark:"It's me, I am Ironman." Bruce Wayne:"How can a Playboy like you be a superhero?" Live stream+multiverse madness+good plot (hello guys I am just translating this novel. all the credit goes to the real author) author name:The left ear has a cat

translator_sama72 · Película
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612 Chs

Did the Joker Get Caught?

The mad Joker seemed determined to meet his end, but Batman ultimately couldn't bring himself to kill him. In a moment of urgency, he swerved away, even if it meant knocking himself out, rather than ending this madman's life.

Many in the audience witnessing this were furious. Why spare a lunatic like this? Is the no-killing rule so important?

Even though Batman upholds this principle, he's still not recognized by the official public as a true hero. After all, he's been involved in quite a few illegal activities, so what difference would it make if he took a life?

However, those who truly know Batman understand how vital the "no-kill" principle is for him. Just as he once said during the League of Shadows' initiation, if he starts killing, how is he any different from the villains? This is Batman's self-imposed bottom line, his moral compass on his journey of justice. If, one day, Batman truly crosses this line and loses his way...

In other words, what would a Batman who's fallen into darkness look like?

Bruce Wayne dared not even think about it, and this might be the reason Joker was so eager to meet his end.

In any case, Joker survived, but disappointment was evident on his face. Batman lay unconscious on the ground at this moment.

One of his henchmen approached, attempting to lift Batman's mask and reveal his true identity. However, the moment he touched Batman's suit, he was instantly electrocuted and collapsed.

Clearly, Batman had set a trap. Joker, despite his madness, exhibited an unexpected caution. He was more curious than anyone about what lay beneath Batman's mask, but he waited until his henchman ventured forward before attempting to unveil it.

Joker let out an odd cry and even stomped on the fallen Batman. Then, he urgently tried to remove Batman's mask.

"Let me have a look..."

But just at that moment, a gun was pressed against his head. He couldn't help but complain, "Can you give me just one more minute?"

"We finally got you, you scoundrel!"

Surprisingly, behind Joker was Commissioner Gordon, who had blended in among the police officers guarding the convoy earlier. He revealed himself at this critical moment and apprehended Joker on the spot!

Upon witnessing this, Peter Parker exclaimed, "That's fantastic! Mr. Gordon, it turns out this was all part of your plan!"

At this moment, Commissioner Gordon was somewhat puzzled. In the video, Joker had shot the mayor and then he made a selfless sacrifice to save the mayor's life in the future by taking the bullet.

Back then, Commissioner Gordon genuinely believed it was a premonition of his own death. He appeared nonchalant on the surface, but deep down, he was somewhat saddened. After all, with a wife and children, he worried about what would happen to them if he were to die.

Now, as Commissioner Gordon felt a mix of surprise and relief, he shook his head and chuckled, "What plan? To be honest, Future Me was still terrified by Joker. Faking my death was just to protect myself and my family from further attacks by Joker."

"Don't say that, Commissioner Gordon. In the end, you caught this Joker!" Peter Parker gave him a thumbs up.

Bruce Wayne spoke in a deep voice, "Something doesn't feel right. Joker shouldn't have been captured so easily."

As an observer, he had a clear view of Joker's madness and cunning. This was a formidable opponent and criminal, a terrifying blend of rationality and recklessness. If he were a mere lunatic, he wouldn't pose such a threat to society, but Joker was different. He was a rational lunatic. Although his actions seemed illogical, they always had a strong underlying purpose.

However, Joker wasn't like typical gangsters who committed crimes for wealth and profit; he wanted Batman.

"A lunatic, no matter how brazen, is still just a lunatic. We can handle him!" Commissioner Gordon felt that Bruce Wayne was overthinking.

With the man apprehended and placed in a holding cell, Joker remained quiet, which was unusual. He didn't cry or shout in anger; he seemed out of place.

After Gordon was appointed as the new commissioner, he received praise and recognition from the mayor. The busy Batman quietly departed, just as he always did. He cared little for accolades.

Joker was locked up in the police station, waiting quietly in the holding room. He didn't cry, nor did he show anger; he seemed out of place.

As Commissioner Gordon returned home, he proudly told his son that this time, it wasn't Batman who had saved him, but he who had saved Batman. But as soon as he finished speaking, he received an urgent call: Harvey Dent had gone missing!

Joker's fingerprints were all over this. It was evident that Joker was responsible for Dent's disappearance.

Off-screen, Commissioner Gordon's face darkened, and he couldn't help but curse, "Damn traitor!"

Earlier, when the police were preparing to strike the mob's bank, the information had leaked, allowing the criminals to move their ill-gotten gains. Now, it seemed there was a mole within the police force, and they had sold out Harvey Dent, who was once Gotham's shining light.

After venting his frustration, Commissioner Gordon sighed, "Bruce, you were right."