
Quirkless Gang - Villain Midoria

Izuku Midoriya has grown up quirkless and bullied by his classmates because of this. Inko Midoriya has been coming home drunk since Izuku was 6 and physically abusing him. He is depressed in life, the only things good are heros and a website he's found. www. quirklesspals. net The more he is mistreated the darker his eyes get and it only takes one last shove to push Izuku over the line and rebel in the name of all those without quirks. THIS IS NOT MY BOOK I JUST THOUGHT IT WAS A GOOD IDEA TO SHARE IT ON THIS website

LickSuckEatMyBut · Cómic
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58 Chs

A Quirkless Routine


Katsuki stormed up to the curly haired freaks desk and slammed his hands on it creating a small explosion. Said curly headed freak paused for a moment before slowly lifting his head to meet Katsukis face.

Katsuki grimenced. The nerd had even bigger rings under his eyes now. He didn't care what was happening at Deku's home but for the past month or so Deku had been even more tired and sunken in, if that was possible, and it caused him to react slowly like he just did. If there was one thing Katsuki hated, it was being ignored.

He slapped all of Deku's papers and pencils off the desk and into the floor before placing a hand on the nerds shoulder, smoke rising from it.

"Ignoring me huh?! You think your better than me, huh DEKU!?"

The mopes head frantically shook back and forth.

"N- no of course n-ot K- kacchan!"

Katsuki spat on his desk. "Don't freaking call me that like I'm your pet."

He shoved Deku hard enough that the boys chair tipped over and he fell onto the floor. Katsuki looked down at him.

"You're below me, bug. Trash, useless. Just a worthless Deku. Don't forget that!"

He spun on his heel and left the classroom, lackeys following suit. "Tsk." Deku was always looking at his phone now or writing up something new. He physically looked terrible. Not that Katsuki cared. The quirkless nerd could go jump for all he cared but he certainly won't have him ignoring his presence!

"Deku..." he huffed under his breath.


Izuku sighed and pushed himself off the ground. He looked at the mess Kacchan had made just now. Pulling out his phone, he snapped a picture of the thrown papers and pencils, the black scorch marks on the desk, and the tipped chair.

It was no use trying to get out before the fiery blonde, it always ended up this way so Izuku just waited for Kacchan to come to him. After gathering his things Izuku hurried back home.

He quickly finished all of his homework using the notes he got on voice recordings during class. He began taking notes that way so he could chat with his online friends from Quirkless Pals while in class. His grades weren't dropping and even if they were, the teachers wouldn't care enough to confront him about them.

The only reason he still worked to get good grades was so his mom wouldn't beat him for it.

Izuku put all his work away and speedily opened his laptop to Quirkless Pals. He was probably getting addicted to it but hey! At least it took his mind of the real world and he didn't even cut himself anymore! Well, not as often that is.

Signing in he began working on his blog, uploading the picture from earlier. He never had an actual picture of himself on it for safety reasons of course. Izuku didn't have to worry about anyone recognizing him from school since no one there cared about the quirkless enough to open up a quirkless chat site.

Izuku after school hours went something like this.


-Rush Home


-Work on Quirkless Pals Blog

-Get Beat (except for rare occasions)

-Eat Small Snack

-Chat on Quirkless Pals til 1-2

-Lay in bed til 4 am


-Wake up at 7 am

It wasn't exactly the best schedule and maybe Izuku didn't have the best habits but that was okay with him.

Izuku uploaded the blog about his day.


-November 5, 2016

Hey guys! I'm back after another treacherous day at school but hey, what can you expect when your a quirkless nobody like me???

\(-_-)/ Middle school sucks.

Soooo.... Random fact!

Did you know that cats can be allergic to human beings? While it is usually due to the type of perfume or cologne you wear, cats are living beings as well and can have allergies as well! =^-^=

OKAY! So today school went fairly well actually! ish. I ate on the roof again, looking over the railing at the beautiful ground below and thinking to myself *cough cough* nothing. :3

Mom packed me leftover Katsudon tho so that was delish! Of course, I'll forget all that niceness when she comes home tonight but that's beside the point. +_+

Blah blah blah. School ended and you know who came to say hello! He threw my papers all over, burned my shoulder, singed my shirt, and pushed me on the floor to call me names. The normal.

(insert picture of the mess)

*cries internally eternally*

Whatever did I do??? ;(

Homework was easy but that's a given. Wish me luck with my mom tonight! Until tomorrow my fellow quirkless pals!



Izuku sighed and closed his computer after hitting publish. He'd check the comments later but as for now-


"Here we go again," he grumbled as he left his room.