
Quill Pen

"Impenetrable, that's how I always see it". Varick, the youngest son of Rowan, walked around the walled city of Eragon. His emerald glanced at every corner of the walled city. Being in the middle of a great city made him feel small and the fascination with the great walls had haunted him for almost three decades. And so, he remembered a story. Great men like Eragon, Riverdell, Oneison, Andor, and Eire attempted to unite the Land. Man cannot change the fate of the human race alone. These great men were once masters and leaders of their own villages but the slavery of Leuronna, a mighty civilization, is slowly devouring them. Eragon swore his oath to protect the justice of men.

Yel_lue04 · Fantasía
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35 Chs

Book 3:Chapter 1-Places Where We Belong

#1: Places Where We Belong

Entrance to Eire City

Gilbert and Noldorin already prepared their horses. "You have my thanks for saving me from the wolves", Noldorin said while looking behind the Palace. "Why did you leave? It seems that the new King favors you", Gilbert asked. "This is not where I should stay. I have something else to do but before that...", Noldorin held unto his pendant. "There is still so much time to talk on the road. I am headed back to Oneison. Whether you'd allow me or not, I would like to give my thanks by accompanying you to Riverdell. I need to pass there anyways", Gilbert stated. They heard the sound of horses running. They prepared their swords.

"Lawleit, why are you here?", Gilbert asked.

"One kid in the village kept crying that it broke my ears. He told me that someone needs to watch his back. He was so angry that he's not strong and big enough to aid him wherever he's going this time", Lawleit narrated. "Audric must have lost a lot of water", Noldorin sighed. "But then Lawleit, there is nothing I could give in return", Noldorin bowed his head. "Who said I', doing this for you? I also have my reasons", Lawleit looked away. The three felt the awkwardness of silence.

"My name is Noldorin from Riverdell".

"I am Gilbert Water from Oneison".

"I am Lawleit, I came from the mines".

The three said in unison and were startled. They heard the horn blowing loud from the palace. The three lads felt a nostalgic sound of victory. "If we continue to stay here, it's either that the huge man will drag you back into the palace or take your head", Lawleit looked at Gilbert as he said the latter statement.

Baiso Town

A few miles from the capital of Eire would be a nearly desolate place with huge stone rocks carved by the ancestors as a roof over the head of the descents. Although looking around, there's nothing more than a scrape of visible rocks. It was as if there were little hills of snow piled in a circle position. Noldorin pick-locked one of the doors and they were able to enter.

The smell was neutral. It was neither putrid nor fragrant. The distinct smell would be the molds having an earthy scent. Gilbert stepped back upon seeing two intact skeletons on the bed keeping close to each other. "Declan told me a story before. There were rumors that one of the places in Eire would have skeletons moving around during the nighttime. At this point in time, I don't feel like he's telling a lie", Noldorin studied how the skeleton's hands are intertwined.

"The sun is setting", Lawleit saw some firewood on the side and started to light a fire. "Did that story scare you?", Gilbert felt like picking on the lad. It had been a long time since he spent even just a minute with someone who is younger than him. "Who is?", Lawleit returned a question with a poker face. Noldorin still hasn't taken his eyes away from the two. "They might have died freezing on a cold winter night", Noldorin guessed.

They sat around the fire with their eyes focused on the flames. It grows bigger then will soon subside. "It's not that every day that I am favored to see a Riverdellian. What does your place look like?", Gilbert started the conversation. "It's true that Andor was the one whom nature chose to bless but since Riverdell holds a special place in Eragon's heart, it was built beautifully", Noldorin closed his eyes. "The river was always clean and fresh. The trees yield their fruit all year round. There aren't many animals in Riverdell but fireflies and a few other bugs which the witches use to interpret signs. The moon shone brightly and the clouds do not dare cover the stars. It rarely rains and the sun in kind to our skin", Noldorin opened his eyes and the gentle expression on his face faded into a saddened one.

"It sounds like an impossible place", Lawleit commented. "Could somewhere so peaceful such as your place exist?", Lawleit had a tint of bitterness in his voice. More of it, his expression slowly turned into anger. "But even a peaceful place has chaotic people with troubled hearts", Noldorin's words assured Lawleit that there is a commonality to all human beings.

"By the way, you have to remove your shirt. We have to apply herbs to your scars", Noldorin remembered. "Do we have to? I told you, I don't need it erased. Sooner or later, there might be another wound", Lawleit tried to escape Noldorin but Gilbert stood and pushed him down. He found Lawleit interesting and someone he can also take care of just like how Nymeria took care of her.



Hick offered his hand as Nymeria gets off the boat. "I can do it on my own", Nymeria furrowed her brow. "Sure you can", Hick grabbed her hand and insisted on assisting her.

Swords were pointed at Hick as soon as they landed on the shore. "This man is one of the Bithen Commanders. I've seen him before", one of the pirates informed. "Our main task is to take back Port Royal and the Palace. What we do with him comes next", Nymeria said with authority. Soon, a group of people wearing cloaks approached them. Leurona soldiers surrounded Nymeria. John Stane removed his hood, he was the one who helped the two escape. "I know these people, put down your swords", Nymeria raised her hand.

"You came back, Captain's daughter, Nymeria or should I already call you the Captain?", John Stane bowed. "I am no Captain for a woman cannot be a leader of men", Nymeria looked away. "I cannot see Gilbert with you. Did something happen to him?", John asked. Nymeria dared not to speak. "He was taken as a political hostage in Eire. In his place, I come here to escort the Princess", Hick raised his hand. "You are a Bithenian. I can see in your eyes and your accent", John noticed. "I made some dealings along the way. First, we take back Oneison. Second, we take back Bithen. Lastly, we open the waters", Nymeria said without hesitation. "Open the waters?!", another man removed his hood. It was Vane. "With your revolutionary numbers, you cannot even enter the Port Royal. I bring with me 20,000 soldiers from Leuronna. These men are trained to battle, not just for murdering, stealing, and defiling", Nymeria said with disgust in her tone. "A woman like you will never be a leader to the pirates", Vane smirked. "Who is in that larger ship?", John Stane asked. Nymeria didn't give an answer and just proceeded to walk.


The round table was filled with familiar and unfamiliar faces. A bithen commander, the first mate, the quartermaster, the pirate princess, and two commanders from Leuronna.

"So, we're going to sit here and just look at each other", Hick crossed his legs. "The Port Royal is surrounded by pirates who sold their loyalty to the Ravens in order to keep their wealth. They hired skilled assassins from all over the Pirate Captains. Plus, there are over thousands of Raven soldiers guarding the Port Royal by itself", John Stane reported. "For the time being, they are using Bithen soldiers to build another rock castle. Most of them are already weak and old. We cannot rely on their help", he added with decency in his tone in order not to offend Hick.

"Who is guarding the Rock Castle?" Nymeria asked. "The rest of the Treasury. All of them had bent their knee to the Raven King to maintain their positions. You know how powerful they are Nymeria. Jean by himself is the lord of the powdery. Peter is the lord of the papers... And the rest", John shook his head.

"You mean, they hold explosives? If we attack with our swords and spears, we'd turn into ashes right away", Hick chuckled.

"I didn't get the help of Leuronna for no reason. For centuries, they have gathered up all their lands because of their battle strategy", Nymeria stood up. "Leuronna is known for its tactics of using a shield. We will use them as the first line of defense", Nymeria added.


Middle Palace

Finally, the three reached their destination. Noldorin's heart sank as he stands in the middle of the rubble. "It turned into a ruin in just a few days, the proud kingdom of Riverdell", Lawleit said without reservation. Though only rubbles stood in the once renowned Kingdom, he was still in awe of the three high towers. "We're going to look for any survivor", Gilbert grabbed Lawleit to allow the Riverdellian to be given some time to wallow. They had walked from the entrance to the Palace and saw countless bodies scattered around. The mighty towers were painted with blood. Noldorin's eyes widened as soon as he remembered Faelar. He ran towards the left tower and saw how devastated the place is. He went to the lower ground and saw the fountain crushed into powder. Blood is also scattered on it. He saw Faelar's cloak and knelt down. He picked it up and hugged it tightly. "It can't be, Father. I was too late", he gritted his teeth stopping himself from crying. Something fell on the cloak. It was the wooden leaf that Noldorin made for Faelar.

Mom left during spring, while she's not yet around. Hold unto this.

Was I actually feeling guilty for leaving? Was I even more guilty for not coming back earlier?

There was no one to blame. He couldn't put the blame on Aragon for the quest to find someone who can maintain the balance between the Kingdom just like how Eragon did it. Could he blame himself for staying at Eirie? He could but he gave a promise to a friend. Is Declan to be blamed? He never asked for Noldorin to stay. He was full of confusion and frustration during that time.

Noldorin stood up and saw two shadows at the door. They shook their head. "According to the thickness of the blood, it seems that they're dead for quite some time. If there were survivors, they might have been captured to be slaves. I heard Riverdellians are expensive in the underground markets", Lawleit watch Noldorin kneeling down. "They are using carriages, the track is still clear, we can catch up", Gilbert went inside and walked towards Noldorin. "Leave it be, Gilbert. I will be the one to track them down. For coming this far with me, I truly appreciate it", Noldorin bowed very low.

Lawleit marched towards him and grabbed his collar. "Are you just going to give up like that?", the raven head clenched his fist. "I wasn't meant to come back here, anyway", Noldorin held his hand. "Aren't you going to go after them? With your strength and mine, we could at least take back if there are prisoners", Gilbert asked. Noldorin gave a weak smile even if his heart is breaking. "I am unworthy of becoming a Riverdellian. One must never leave the nest, nor be involved in the queries of the outside world", Noldorin closed his eyes. "You're not. I think you're a great leader. For you to conquer the mines with few men is amazing by itself. You have something that people would yearn and that's why people will follow you. You're strong and yet you recognize that you cannot do it alone. I think you're a great person. I just don't understand why you are hesitating to save your own people", Lawleit lets him go. "My King, King Aragon who made me the Captain of Haven gave me a precious prophecy that needed to be fulfilled. For a soldier, there is nothing more satisfying than to accomplish a mission given by your master", the Riverdellian breathed deeply. "I understand you", Gilbert seconded and offered his hand. Noldorin took it and stood.

"I also think you're a great man, Noldorin. For the first time, there was actually someone who saved me from the burden of taking someone else's life. Whatever mission you are about to fulfill, I am rooting for you", Gilbert gave a salute.

"Now this is farewell, a few more miles and it's the boundary to the Outside", Noldorin stepped outside and the moon already shone brightly. "My father had always told me that the moon in Riverdell is so different from the rest of the world", Noldorin suddenly remembered. "He was such a liar. Whether in Eire or in the middle Kingdom, the moon will always be the same", the man had a small laugh. He felt warm water streaming down his cheeks.

They rested for the night. Noldorin couldn't even close his eyes for so long. He sat down and watch the two sleep. They are younger than him. Gilbert seems to be close to his age but he's already past fifty. Lawleit is obviously younger than Gilbert for probably five years. He watched their faces and felt extreme sadness. It feels like they were all chained to a burden that they never chose on their own. When the morning comes, they will have to go their different ways.

Boundary to the Outside

"Where will you be going this time?", Gilbert asked while watching Noldorin climb his sword. "I need to find someone", the blonde answered. "How about you?", Gilbert looked at Lawleit. "I am supposed to follow this man", Lawleit answered with a bored tone. "I'll be headed south. Till we meet again. Noldorin, Lawleit", Gilbert climbed his horse and went the opposite way.

The two rode a few miles away. "How are you going to find that person?", Lawleit asked. The man didn't answer. "I will know at the right time", Noldorin replied. They heard the rustling of the bushes. Noldorin held his sword and went down the horse. "We have to make it fast, we're almost there", the voice made Noldorin's eyes widen. He waited and anticipate to see someone. The golden-haired lady finally reached the edge of the bush and was startled to see the man in front of her. "Nol...", she cried and covered his face. "I'm so glad that you're alive", she knelt down. Reinys' dress is all muddy and torn. "I'm the one who's glad that you are safe", Noldorin hugged her. He never thought that he'll be able to see someone in the same golden locks so soon.

Chapter end