
Quill Pen

"Impenetrable, that's how I always see it". Varick, the youngest son of Rowan, walked around the walled city of Eragon. His emerald glanced at every corner of the walled city. Being in the middle of a great city made him feel small and the fascination with the great walls had haunted him for almost three decades. And so, he remembered a story. Great men like Eragon, Riverdell, Oneison, Andor, and Eire attempted to unite the Land. Man cannot change the fate of the human race alone. These great men were once masters and leaders of their own villages but the slavery of Leuronna, a mighty civilization, is slowly devouring them. Eragon swore his oath to protect the justice of men.

Yel_lue04 · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Book 2: Chapter 16-When Duty Calls

#16: When Duty Calls


Nilfeim Village

"I cannot see the bald man with you", Magnus looked around. "I let him stay on the mines. If left bare, the scavengers will take the place", Noldorin explained. Behind him are the defects and also a non-Eire man. He doesn't have the build of being a giant and his features are more of a middle kingdom man.

"Who is this unknown man?", Magnus asked. "He helped in taking the mines. I took him here because I believe he deserves to have a place once you take over the Palace", Noldorin informed. Magnus laughed and pointed at Noldorin. "Look at you, you've been manipulating our King's mind and now you're bringing unknown people to have a share in the victory", Magnus clicked his tongue.

Declan went out of the tent and hugged Noldorin. "It's good to see you, again", he was truly glad that his friend came back. Audric also cried when he saw Noldorin.

Tent for Noldorin

Lawleit prepared his bath. The man dipped into the warm water and looked at the water. "Why did you bring me here?", Lawleit asked. "Do you really want to stay there, Lawleit? There's a difference between having nowhere else to go and being convinced of where are supposed to be. There's something good in you that Declan will be needing when he sits on the throne", Noldorin looked at the ceiling.

"I have no memories, no will to keep living, and no direction. What is good in a man like me?", Lawleit asked. "I don't know as well. Why don't you live long enough to figure out what it is?", Noldorin laughed for a while. "You're worried about your Kingdom, aren't you? Riverdellians weren't supposed to be in these lands. You should go back", Lawleit suggested. "I thought you lost your memories?", Noldorin looked at him. "I have memories left. They're mostly useless", Lawleit scrubbed Noldorin's back. "You don't have to...", Noldorin was a little hesitant to make him do it.

"In my dreams, I have been reminded of the task my late King had given to me. If I fail here, I think I'm going to fail him as well", Noldorin explained. "It doesn't make sense, why do you have to come in Eire", Lawleit asked. "I don't also have a convincing reason. I was told to come here and help rebuild a Kingdom that will support whoever should lead the whole land", Noldorin found it comfortable to say to Lawleit. "What a foolish thing. No one can unite the Kingdom unless it's Eragon", Lawleit laughed sarcastically. "That's why I'm looking for the remaining dragon", Noldorin mentioned and Lawleit felt a cold breeze on his spine.

"May I enter?", they heard a woman's voice.

"Is that you, Alyss?", Noldorin asked. "Yes, Sir Noldorin", she answered. "Come in", Noldorin invited. "Thank you for saving the ladies in the mines", Alyss bowed very low. "It's all thanks to him. He was the one who led them safely to the exit", Noldorin showed Lawleit who looked away. "He's a little shy. Alyss, would you mind if you prepare some herbs for scars?", Noldorin asked. Alyss nodded then left.

"Just like what they said, elves are so scared of having scars", Lawleit said with a straight face.

After taking a bath, Noldorin removed Lawleit's shirt. The man was startled and pushed him. "What are you doing? You shameless man", he talked differently as if he was someone of a higher status. "You are filled with scars, Lawleit. One by one, let's try to rub them out", Noldorin patted his shoulder.


Queen's Room

"Why aren't they attacking yet? Did they have us by just spreading rumors?!", Euphemia kept circling on the terrace. "You haven't slept for three nights, Your Grace", Kasper informed and passed a tea with nightshade. "Are you trying to poison me?!", Euphemia shouted. "Your Grace, you might feel ill if you don't sleep", Kasper explained. "I will get killed in my sleep just like what happened to that foolish Eragon descendant", Euphemia shook her head.

Gilbert passes by and dropped some herbs. "Your daughter prepared for this", Gilbert bowed his head. "Gilbert, if I sleep, you will be there on my side, right?", Euphemia ran to him and hugged the man. Kasper removed his bandage on the eyes. "Your Grace, it is not right for the Queen to sleep with someone who isn't the King", Gilbert stepped back. "How can you reject my offer?", Euphemia cupped his face and was about to press her lips against her when Gilbert pushed her gently. "You are tired, Your Grace", Gilbert commented. "You... You were with my daughter a while ago. Don't tell me... You have fallen with that wench!!!", Euphemia grabbed Gilbert's shirt. "No one will know. Gilbert, aren't you a man? If you just allow me, I can make you a King today", Euphemia whispered in his ears. "Just offer me your body", the Queen held his chin. "The only one whom I offer my body is someone whom I chose to be my Master", Gilbert held Euphemia's hand and knelt down. "I reject your offer", Gilbert said straight to her face. Euphemia was enraged and went out to blow the horns. Kasper was startled.

The blowing of the horns means a full attack. Soon, they heard heavy footsteps. Gilbert went out and was startled to see real giants. "We will settle this again later, my love", Euphemia said then went down.

Nilfeim Village

Someone on a horse came shouting. "The horns had been blown already".

"We are supposed to attack at dawn", Declan went out of his tent. "If we don't advance they will get the upper hand. Let's get the army prepared", Magnus suggested. Declan looked around and saw Noldorin. "Don't look at me with those eyes, Your Grace", Noldorin went near and knelt down. "Today, you shall wear that Crown", he said with confidence. "You're not supposed to be here", Declan grabbed onto him to make the man stand. "I promised you that I will help take back what was yours", Noldorin patted his shoulder.

"Prepare for the battle", Declan shouted and raised the morale of the soldiers he gathered.

Noldorin's Tent

Noldorin was trying out the armor prepared for him. Alyss entered and helped him to wear the breastplate. "It's too big for you", Alyss chuckled. Noldorin sighed and removed it.

"It doesn't suit me as well. Riverdellians aren't known for wearing too many metal plates", Noldorin fixed the armor. "Sir Noldorin, if His Grace wins today's battle, what happens to us?", Alyss asked. "You will become free men", Noldorin answered. "Please, take me as your servant. I don't need to be free. We have lived our lives under someone else's protection. If we become free people, we might not be able to know where and how to eat", Alyss begged and held onto Noldorin's leg as she knelt down.

Noldorin held her hand. "Everyone is scared once they live their nest. Alyss, there is a place I have known to be a land of free. It is called Rowan, would you like to go there?", Noldorin patted her head. "Every once in a while, will you visit to see me?", Alyss embarrassingly asked. Noldorin smiled but didn't give an answer. "Alyss, you are a lovely lady of whom men will swarm over. If I am by your side, they will be scared to ask your hand", Noldorin started to walk out of the tent. "Then, it'll be fine for me if you're going to stand with me for the rest of my life", Alyss looked at his back. "I am glad to hear that", Noldorin didn't look back and just left.

He saw Audric outside. "It's been a long journey Audric", Noldorin gave him a little dagger. "Declan said I need to stay here. He will come to fetch me after the battle", Audric's voice cracked. "Yes, he will. Isn't that great, Audric? The king will come for you", Noldorin patted his head. Audric slapped it and tears went out of his eyes. "You are going to leave me! You will go back to Riverdell and you can't take me with you because I am an outsider!!!!", Audric lost it.

"Audric, I was glad to have you by my side. That way, I was never afraid that no one is going to watch my back. Declan is a huge man but sometimes he wavers, give him strength when he is weary", Noldorin said then hugged the lad.

"The Village Master told me to be holding an ax or something", Lawleit suddenly appeared behind them. "You have a sword, use it", Noldorin passed Lawleit's sword which he borrowed during the raid in the mines.


Front Gate of the Palace

Declan went in front riding a huge horse. The Queen's messenger met them halfway. Euphemia is sitting on a beautiful couch prepared for her to watch the battle. Her confidence is all over the place. She also prepares a banquet beside her. "Are you sure you can do this?", Gilbert looked down at the number of Declan's men.

"What can defects, foreigners, and fools do to me? I am the Queen", Euphemia laughed.

"I, Declan Erythia, first son of the King's brother here to claim my right to the throne", Declan announced in his deep and loud voice. "There is nothing for you to claim here, bug", Euphemia threw a grape on the ground and her soldiers marched ahead. Declan raised his sword and have his men follow him.

After a while, three giants were released as well as wolves which they'd trained. "Do not fear!", Declan looked back and saw some of his people getting killed in an instant. Noldorin used his agility to climb one of the giants and shot an arrow in its eyes. "Go for the eyes", he shouted. Gezer's group also advanced to take down the wolves. "You're not supposed to be here", Noldorin said. "I should tell you the same thing", Gezer smirked.

Euphemia clicked her tongue and crossed her legs. She raised her hand and started to wave it in the air like watching musicians and directing them. Gilbert looked around and saw that Declan could win this battle. "You had underestimated your enemy, Your Grace", the man commented. They were able to open the gate already. They heard the screams of the people inside.

"I am betrayed by 10 houses in this Kingdom who were under my protection for years. They rejected me as their queen. You, whom I wanted to love dearly also rejected me", Euphemia laughed and went down the gate's balcony. Her king's guard followed her.

Gilbert stayed a little longer and listen to the sound of battle. He looked down once more and saw a near-ash-grey man with streaks of gold looking at him. Gilbert grabbed a bow and arrow and pointed them at him. Noldorin prepared a shield. Gilbert released the arrow and a sound of a wolf was heard by Noldorin. A wolf was about to bite Noldorin but Gilbert saved him. He left the balcony as well.

Throne room

"You have to leave, Your Grace", Kasper said with concern. "Prepare some of the finest swords we have", Euphemia ordered. Gilbert was just watching from the side.

The door opened revealing Declan and some men. The Kingsguard had a battle with Declan. Euphemia stood up and chose from the sword that Kasper brought. Declan was having a hard time with the Kingsguard. He was already slashed on the right hand. Euphemia raised and sword and pointed it at Declan. Soon, Gezer and Noldorin were able to reach the throne room. "Give up already, old lady", Gezer said while panting. He went to assist Declan. "He's tough", Declan informed.

"Gilbert, come here for a while", Euphemia said with a kind and gentle voice. Gilbert did what she said. Euphemia gave her a sword. "I would love to feel the blade that would come from you. The cold blade while I am in your arms", the Queen went closer to him.

"If they get me, who knows what they will do to me? You're skilled with painless death, right? I saw how you killed all those soldiers in the dungeon", Euphemia hummed. "No. That was...", Gilbert stepped back as if he was seeing another ghost. "That was? Oh... You've heard from them what it feels to be tortured for months? You pitied them so you killed them ahead. We're no different. I am a murderer and so are you", Euphemia grabbed his hand. "We're made for each other", Euphemia said with wide eyes. Gezer and Declan were able to behead the Kingsguard. Noldorin is watching how Euphemia is mentally torturing Gilbert. He was clearly not someone in this place like him.

"Come on. Please, they will come and get me", the Queen cried and pressed the sword on her stomach. A sword came flying towards her head. She turns around with the sword stuck on the back of her head. It was Noldorin. "This and that are different. You cannot impose a burden on someone to take someone else's life. It is for him to bear", Noldorin said. Gezer shouted in victory.

Declan walked towards the throne and held the scepter. Noldorin got the crown from Euphemia's head and rolled on the floor.

"Long may he reign, Declan Erythia, First of his name. 157th King of Eire", Noldorin announced. Gezer and the men knelt down. Gilbert also did. He was awed by Noldorin's quick judgment and as he gazed into the man's blue eyes, there was no hint of regret nor hesitation about what he did.

"It's all because of you, Noldorin. Stay and I will make you my Royal Advise-", Declan paused as he saw Noldorin's eyes. "Leave", Declan looked away. "Leave, now!!!", Declan shouted with frustration in his eyes. How could he possibly rejoice now?

Noldorin started to walk away. "But remember, that you will always have a place in this Kingdom", Declan said while watching him leave. "Come with me, I believe you also have somewhere else to go", Noldorin looked at Gilbert.

Chapter end.