
Queen of his heart

"You love me?", She asked with doubt. "Or else?", He answered with a lazy tone while leaning on the couch. "You know I just turned 18 today. And you are 24. We have six years of a gap. You have to wait for at least four years to marry me." "I am in no hurry." "My father won't agree with someone like you.", "Do I look like I care?" When she was called to leave, She just smiled at him and left. Since then, she can be seen many times in the Garnet Elysium, which holds its secret just like its owner. The employees treat her like a Queen. Why can't they when she is the Queen of their boss's heart? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Liang Wu Rui, who was a ordinary high school student suddenly became the most important person of the mysterious person who runs a clubhouse in the city. Their relationship grew deeper and deeper by every passing day. Though they barely know eachother and he look aloof, cold and seemingly hide something, she never thought of these things. To her he is the as important as her life and to him she meant the whole world. Just pampering was not enough, he let her rule him and the empire he is trying to build.

kate_23 · Ciudad
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5 Chs

Like is obviously different from Love

Wu Rui's evening at Garnet Elysium was a delicate balance of self-indulgence and restraint. She had ventured into the heart of the city's most vibrant nightlife alone, a silent rebellion against the constraints of her overbearing father. The strawberry limenode in her hand was a sweet testament to her autonomy—non-alcoholic, yet daringly vibrant.

The music from the stage, performed by an independent band whose name she didn't know, vibrated through the air, a pulsating backdrop to her people-watching. She observed the crowd, a kaleidoscope of lives unfolding in laughter, dance, and conversation. Each person was a story, and Wu Rui, a silent reader, sipped her drink, savoring the anonymity.

Her father's voice, a constant echo of disapproval in her mind, was drowned out by the bass and the beats. She reveled in the small acts of defiance that had become her signature. The Short Navel Cross Straps and Short-Sleeved Crop Tops she is wearing now was a flag of rebellion, each inch of exposed skin a victory against her father's archaic views on modesty.

She has always been quite rebellious especially when comes to the things her father hate. If her father says that girls can't wear more revealing clothes,she will go shopping to get the mini skirt and will wear it to the next family gathering. If her father says that she should rank first, of course, the last place in the grade is reserved for her.

She doesn't have any specific reason. She just wanna see that man fume with anger. That doesn't mean that she is a sadist or have a kink for this. She just want to irritate the man. Who asked him to curb her wings?

The atmosphere is enjoyable with the upbeat music that is playing on the stage by the band. Looks like they are an independent band. The song is something that Wu Rui never heard.

When she is still enjoying the mood and her glass of strawberry lemonade, a tall figure came and sat near her. The figure is quite close to her yet maintained his distance. At first Wu Rui didn't give any attention. The man who sat near her was staring at her. She took a peak of sight with the corners of eyes every now and then just to see if it was just her imagination or is he really staring at her.

Wu Rui felt a prickle of awareness at the stranger's persistent gaze. She glanced sideways, her calm eyes meeting his intense stare. He was tall, his features chiseled from the same stone as the statues that adorned the ancient temples of her homeland. His proximity was a silent challenge, his gaze an unspoken question that lingered in the space between them, commanding attention without effort.

Suppressing the urge to roll her eyes, Wu Rui took another sip of her strawberry limenode, letting the tangy sweetness distract her from the unwanted attention. But the man didn't seem deterred. If anything, his gaze intensified. She was accustomed to attention, but there was something different about this man—something that made her heart beat a rhythm akin to the music that filled the room. His stare was intense, yet not invasive; it was as if he sought to understand her, to peel back the layers of her defiance and glimpse the soul beneath.

Unable to ignore him any longer, Wu Rui turned to face him fully. "Can I help you with something?" she asked, her voice tinged with a hint of annoyance.

The man's lips curved into a half-smile, and he leaned back in his chair, resting his arms casually on the couch almost covering the entire distance till her shoulder. It was as if he is declaring his interest and wanna claim sovereignty. "You could start by telling me your name," he said, his voice smooth and deep.

Wu Rui arched an eyebrow, unimpressed by his attempt at charm. "And why would I do that?" she replied, a touch of defiance in her tone.

He shrugged nonchalantly. "Just curious. You seem like an interesting person."

She scoffed, her lips quirking into a smirk. "Flattery will get you nowhere."

He chuckled softly, the sound sending a shiver down her spine. "Fair enough. How about a trade then? I'll tell you something about myself if you do the same."

Wu Rui hesitated, weighing her options. Despite her reluctance, there was something about him that piqued her curiosity. "Fine," she relented, crossing her arms defensively. "But make it quick."

His grin widened, revealing a dimple on his cheek. "My name's Li Wei," he said, his eyes holding hers captive. "And I like you."

Her breath caught in her throat at his bold declaration. She searched his eyes for any hint of insincerity, but all she found was unwavering honesty. It was unsettling, yet strangely exhilarating.

"I'm not sure what you're playing at, Li Wei," she said cautiously, her guard still firmly in place. "But liking someone isn't enough to earn their trust."

"That's not the first thing you should say. As per the deal, You should tell me your name." He interrupted after shhing her.

"Wu Rui. Enough.", she said to Li Wei who was feeling smug with the sweet smile of a smitten man. "Back to what I said, I'm not sure what you're playing at, Li Wei, but liking someone isn't enough to earn their trust." She repeated her words.

He nodded understandingly, his expression earnest. "I get that. But give me a chance to prove myself to you."

Wu Rui scoffed incredulously. "And how do you plan on doing that?"

Li Wei leaned forward, his eyes locking with hers in a silent challenge. "By showing you that there's a difference between liking someone and loving them," he said softly.