
QT: World Breaker System

"A world's destruction may not really mean the end. Instead, it may actually be the dawn of a new beginning." ~~~ Bai Xinfei, an unfortunate soul got bound to the system known as System 001 or 'The Plot'. 'The Plot' or System 001 is the most loyal subject of the main power that created it. Its power is to tamper with the plot or change the plot's supposed trajectory while it's mission is to make the plot progress smoothly. System 001 requested for the core to find a host for it to bind so it could control the plot better using it's new puppet called Bai Xinfei. Stripped off of his freedom to move on his own accord, Xinfei became a spectator to all the wicked and vile things he was forced to do without control as he played different roles from a villain, to a Cannonfodder, and to an insignificant extra. He felt an insurmountable dispair every time he was forced to watch and endure torture without being able to do anything as he felt his hopes crushed everytime a mission was completed. But his hopes for freedom was eventually repaid because after completing the 14th world, an error occured and Bai Xinfei was unbound to system 001 only to be bound to System 009. System 009, also known as 'The Rebel' system or simply 'Worldbreaker' System has a mission to free the souls tied and bound to the main core. And Bai Xinfei was the first soul it freed from the clutches of its evil creator. And to achieve this success, it bound itself to Xinfei in order to remove the strings that bound his soul to the core system. After finally regaining back his lost freedom, Xinfei burst into tears as he thought it was all over. But as he saw another entity other than himself, he was plunged back to despair and though that his freedom is actually just an illusion. That is, until the 'Worldbreaker' system gave him a contract. A contract that allows him freedom in exchange for help. Help that requires him to travel through the worlds again to free the bound and imprisoned souls within. And help... To destroy the worlds. --- Hi! Author Here! There are grammar, spelling, and some typos contained in this story! Also, author is still just a newbie writer so don't expect much of a professional writing. ... ;-;

x_MoonLight_x · LGBT+
Sin suficientes valoraciones
3 Chs

Chapter 1: System 009

Bai Xinfei opened his eyes only to meet an empty white space full of bleak nothingness that stretches endlessly into the distance. Standing in an upright and balanced posture, he tried to move his limbs, thinking he would feel the constricting binds on his body that rendered him unable to move. But, to his surprise, the air gave way to his movement and he was able to shift the way he wanted to.

His eyes widened in disbelief, wondering if his mind or the system was once again playing tricks on him. A few seconds passed, but he noticed that nothing seemed to be obstructing his movements. Then, with a faint thud, Bai Xinfei dropped to his knees while one hand covered his eyes, fingers splayed. He was overwhelmed by a sudden rush of emotions, not knowing what to feel.

"I'm... free," he cried silently inside as tears fell from his face onto the strange and blindingly white floor. The corner of his lips started to turn upwards, forming a faint smile. Though filled with tears, his eyes looked as if free from burdens that has been shackling him. Just as the turmoil of emotions he felt dissipated and happiness started to bubble up from inside him, he suddenly heard a voice that echoed through the white space.

["Form a contract with me."] A grand voice rang out.

Hearing the voice ringing through his ears, Bai Xinfei froze. Startled, both his eyes widened as he stared at the figure hovering within reach. His face contorted in his grief, and the white world around him turned blurry as the tears he shed became that of his grief rather than the joy he formerly felt.

"Why?" He managed to choke out. He felt a lump forming in his throat, preventing him from uttering any more words. His shoulders slumped, and his newly gained hope started vanishing in a snap.

["You don't have to worry, I'm not like them."] The voice claimed.

Bai Xinfei shook his head, "And why would I trust you?" He paused, slowly raising his eyes to meet the gaze of a miniature black dragon floating in the expansive white space.

His lackluster eyes looked directly at the dragon's dark red orbs. Within the dissolution he was feeling at the moment, Bai Xinfei sneered, "A contract... for freedom? Heh, more like a contract for imprisonment. All you systems are the same, tempting us with promises worth nothing and giving us false hopes just to snatch it away."

The black dragon went silent after hearing his words, as it didn't know what to reply. A few minutes later, it continued. ["Not all systems are the same. Some of us may not be what you think we are... maybe a system like me?"]

"Like you? Then how come all the others I've ever seen are ones that use their 'hosts' like puppets or marionettes to have fun with? For them to decide their fates and lives in every world? Besides, when have I ever known you? You do realize that we've only just met?

Once again, the dragon got struck dumb before continuing where it left off. ["That's why, I'm here to give you a choice, a choice to bind and to sign a contract with me to free those unfortunate souls bound to the system."]

"But why do you think I would trust you?"

["It's up for you to decide if you'll trust me or not. But if you do accept my request for help then I'll provide you with a way to return and restart your life in your own world."]

"I don't need to return to that hell of a place. I want to help free those unfortunate souls trapped within the worlds and bound to the core for the sake of the plot's continuance." Bai Xinfei paused for a moment before continuing, "So I accept. It doesn't matter if you are what you've claimed yourself to be. The only thing that matters is that you've given me my freedom so I'll give you my trust."

["Then the contract shall be made."] And just as the dragon announced, the space distorted. An old and ancient-looking scroll with letters written in ancient text formed in the white space. And, for some reason, Bai Xinfei could clearly understand what was written.

After reading the content of the scroll, Bai Xinfei couldn't help but let out a heavy sigh. Compared to the original contract he was forced to sign, this new one is indeed a lot better. It allows him more freedom and didn't prevent him much from deviating from the plot.

Lifting his hand to grab the quill that appeared after he finished reading, he signed his name at the blank space left in the bottom of the contract.


Bai Xinfei found himself inside a closed-off room with grey walls and a monotone colour scheme. He was sitting on a cushioned chair and a book featuring fantasy and magic sat on his lap.

Reaching down, he picked up the book that was situated on his lap. Closing the pages, he stood up and placed the book on a small table at his left before he continued walking towards the door. Not bothering to inspect his surroundings.

Once he arrived in front of the exit, Bai Xinfei reached out his hand and opened the door. As soon as the door opened, his eyes grew wide in astonishment. The marble hallways and adjacent walls lined with frames of people from the past generations of the body he was in, seemed intimately familiar to him.

The reason why this mansion was familiar to him was due to the fourth world he got transported to. It was post-apocalyptic, and he was tasked with scavenging the Xia family's estate, having been rumoured to be rooted in the underworld.

It was for that reason that he and his team had to scavenge there, in hopes of a possible payout of arms and weaponry.

Bai Xinfei stared at the system floating by his side that he had come to know as the "Worldbreaker" system or system 009. As for why it was named "worldbreaker", he had no clue. Bai Xinfei paused as he asked the system, "Why am I here? I've already completed this world before when I was still bound to the plot. Why do I have to do it again?"

In a puff of smoke, the chibi black dragon teleported above Bai Xinfei's head with a pout. ["The timeline isn't similar but the world is the same. It has just experienced another wave of reset. Also, I advise you not to speak out loud when conversing with me."] And stop looking at me like that! this form... is embarrassing! But system 009 didn't dare voice out it's thoughts. It still wanted to keep it's 'cool' facade a little while longer.

Bai Xinfei's brows furrowed in confusion as he connected to System 009 via a mental link and asked, ~"But there isn't anyone here. Moreover, am I not in a post-apocalyptic world?"~

After conveying this message, a short silence fell upon them and the chibi dragon freezed in mid-air as if lagging. Bai Xinfei wondered if he said something wrong which caused the system to be silent that he didn't even notice it's current state. But before he could do anything else, the system replied, now in a normal state.

["You are not and, as I said, we are in a different timeline after the plot achieved completion and experienced a reset."]

Bai Xinfei frowned, ~"A reset? How is that possible? Can't the plot proceed even further?"~

["It's to prevent something. And that's all you need to know right now. What you should focus on now is this world and how to prevent the upcoming events from happening."]

Bai Xinfei nodded as he stroked his chin in thought, ~"Right, I should focus on the plot. But why do I have to prevent the upcoming events?"~

The black dragon yawned as it flapped it's small wings. ["You don't really need to prevent all of the events. You just have to take charge of it."]

Bai Xinfei tilted his head in confusion. "Take charge? How?"

As if in thought, the dragon steepled it's claws and tilted it's head upwards. ["Well that's simple."] It expressed, before continuing. ["You just have to keep the two leads from falling for each other."]


I've always wanted to write a QT novel.

I hope the prologue is fine!

PS, sorry for the grammar (and etc.)

Next chapter for the next week.

(Possibly slow updates??)

x_MoonLight_xcreators' thoughts