
Put Together Again

Harry Potter, The savior, the boy who lived, the boy who conquered, the betrayed, the new dark lord, the destroyer, the master of death. Many titles, many names, as he sits upon his ruined world left in the wake of those who betrayed him. Broken, alone, slightly insane and talking to one of the few beings left, Death. Death offers him a deal, he’ll be able to do things differently and get revenge. The only difference is it’ll be a different world. He’ll be in the past with knowledge of the future. He must break free from his prison and help others from their prisons as well. He’ll have to break free from the shackles life has placed on him and live a life worth living. The main part of this story is Harry Potter and Marvel with some DC stuff added him. Maybe others but I’ll figure that out as I go

Panda_sword_Master · Película
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11 Chs

Chapter 6: Observation and Starting School

It's now August 26 and I have to go to the American version of Saint Mugos, Hecate's Hospital. Semi surprising fact, there is also another one on the West Coast. Both me and Wanda have to be their for a week before we can go to school. It also functions as a non-magical as well.

They weren't going to allow any weapons but the goblin healer and a goblin warrior vouched for me but even then I was only allowed to bring my killing pistol with only 2 magazines of ammo.

We were giving the same room. One the first day we had fitness test along with brain scans and x-rays for my whole body. They tried to drawl blood but they couldn't get any out of me as I'm like pure obscurus. I don't bleed if I don't want to and if for some reasons I get shot, it will go through but the parts of me that go out will disintegrate. I can control my body so the vaccines I get, I have to circulate it through my body. I also regrow those lost parts very fast but still have the scars from it. That's why I have a glamor on pretty much 24/7 and they made me take it down. They were pretty shocked at them but I liked seeing their faces scared.

Day two was more physically health on the magical side along with all my vaccinations for pretty much most every known wizarding disease including Dragon Pox.

Day three was mind healers and therapists to diagnose my stuff. It was basically just all day on a couch with sessions on a couch. Day four was more of the same but with Wanda.

Apparently I have ADHD, OCD, a Mood disorder, hyperthymesia (photographic memory), and Dissociative identity disorder but is only one other identity. It's his obscurus that talks to him and takes control when in high pressure environments and when in danger. I also am a functioning sociopath so that's, that's, I don't agree with that. I have feelings for Wanda, Death, and others.

On top of that is the regular anxiety. I also am suicidal, I don't think so I just need to feel something sometimes so that's what happened with my wrist and arms. I have problems moving on and letting go. Wanda and I both have the bond where we may as well be attached at the hip or as they put, in love?

I also have the regular stuff of lots of hated and anger and protectiveness over Wanda. Maybe overprotective but that's all in the same. She has the abandonment issues and rage regarding her family, Pietro and their adoptive father (who is actually their real father). Rage also at mutants and the x-men for shipping her to the asylum. So that was pretty much it along with some other minor issues with us. Their was probably more that they just wrote in their.

Day five was just us hanging out together and them watching us and everything before everything. They also tried to get us to sleep in different rooms but either Wanda or I teleport while sleeping to the each other and cuddle.

It was decided that I get a prescription for my magical marijuana as in I already use it, now their just allowing me to use it even though I already did. They did it for both Wanda and I.

Finally we can go to school. We have one day before and we went back to the island before school. It was snowing so we decided to have a outdoor party. I was on the grill while the girl and elves were in the jacuzzi. The music was going and I was grilling some ribeye steaks, bacon wrapped filet mignon with potatoes and onions on the grill. I also have brisket, pork belly, sausage, bear and dear jerky, and blood sausage in the smoker that going on as well.

I finished up on the grill and let the smoker keep going and served it to those in the grill while sneaking and eating from everything left. I also put bacon wrapped water chestnuts and beans in the smoker so that they can smoke along with 5 chickens. Then I went back and ate some more with everyone else. We were passing over the blunts in the jacuzzi.

Before the end of the day I apperated to England and went to Cadbury's place. I bought (stole) five tons of chocolate bars and have it store in my satchel. All I have in my food storage for it is all the chocolate, many tones of cooked meat all in the preservation and heat charms respectively, lots of foiled up potatoes, onions, and many other vegetables, magical and mundane with lots of my magical marijuana as well.

We feasted, we smoke, we drank, and we got high. It was a magical day.

Now school, we got a special portkeyed mail to us and we took that. We also grabbed our personal elves to go with us as well. We arrived into a hall and it was beautiful. Their we were made to go into lines. Their was a platform with 4 statues, Thunderbird, Horned Serpent, Wampus Cat, and Pukwudgie. When I went up All three houses except the Pukwudgie wanted me but I chose the Horned Serpent. Then I was directed to either watch more people get chosen or go to the cafeteria. I waited for Wanda and then we both went to the cafeteria.

It was a cliche school. We were walking to an empty table and passed jocks, nerds, anime people, goths, emo, hippies (smokers), satanists, jocks that are more uppidy, cheerleaders, and then the bully's. I went to the table with Wanda and lit up a blunt while I also got stuff out of my satchel and we ate some smoked bear meat fresh from the smoker.

A lot of people were looking at us like we were crazy and some of the bullies were looking at my to and her to steal it. I could tell by their greedy as eyes. Others wanted to join (hippies) and other just didn't even want to bother with firsties.

Then some more first years came into their was 2 of them, very pale like a corpse with pitch black hair. It was both a boy and a girl, the boy had a big spider on him but both me and Wanda just don't really care.

They were sitting, the boy was playing with his spider and the girl was reading a book on necromancy. I had a book out as well but on eldritch magic in Sanskrit. Wanda was reading a book on the Scarlett Witch in Sokovian, one from her own personal vault.

Soon a teacher came in and lead us to our room. Apparently Wanda and I will be in the only Co-Ed rooms. We'll be sharing it with a brother and sister called Pugsley and Wednesday Addams along with one empty room. Wanda and I have one room and then the sibling have 2 and then their one empty one.

We arrive their and it's like an apartment with a kitchenette and each room have their own bathroom. We also have a communal living room and then a house common room.

We arrive their and go to the room marked for us. We go in and I set up my trunk and our room. I also add space expanding runes for us. We got settled in and I'm sitting on the bed reading when the door opened. In came the 2 people we were sitting at earlier.

"Are you Wednesday and Pugsley Addams?"

"Yep, we're from the Addams family. *daduhda snap snap* Were kooky, spooky and altogether ooky. It's very not nice to meet you."

I realize what's going on. "It's very terrible to meet you as well." I smile my deranged smile at her and she does a creepy one at me. We have an unspoken talk between us. "I'm Hadrian and this is."

She cut me off and said, "I'm Wanda Maximoff, nice to meet you."

"So your the Obsurus that the world was freaking out about."

"Yep. All psychotic and dangerous." She laughed and just kept watching me.

Our apartment has a TV set up with all the channels. Our kitchenette has food but we're still able to go to the cafeteria and food places for food and drink as well. This whole of Ilvermorny is basically a college campus of both magical and mundane all rolled into one enclosed area.

We sat around in the living room after they got settled in. We talked and I handed out our food as well. I ate and smoke and talked a bit while it was mostly Wanda and Pugsley who talked and Wednesday did the pretty much the same as me, just adding bits and pieces to the conversation. She was drinking some cyanide and I was smoking a blunt.

"What are you thinking about right now Hadrian?"

"I was thinking about my grandfather, Gellart Grindelwald. I was think about his skull hookah and if I could make one myself. It allowed him to show others his visions as he was a true seer. I get them too sometimes but what if I made the hookah of weed that gets me high and I can show others my visions. That be boss."

"That's cool." Wednesday said as she started a fire on the table. "I heard that the British ministry is in a tizzy about you." She was shaping the flame into animals and having them run around us. "I also hear you made anti Phoenix wards as well. I want to learn, I want to get all that knowledge out of you." Then the flame transforms into a phoenix and flys into me.

I get a vision of a redhead that I recognize as Jean Gray. I see the comic entity the Phoenix going into her and of people and aliens trying to get her and use her for their own benefits while she's going through a hard time. Her powers going out of control and it roiling over the earth in a fiery wave.

I come back and do my eye moving to get my vision adjusted back. Wanda trying to steer the conversation away from me. I just grab her shoulder not very tight but to let me know I'm back. "Wednesday, I'll teach you if you teach me your ways of necromancy along with tips and tricks and you got a deal. But we warned, I can teach it but you may not be able to learn some magic like eldritch magic."

"I can live with that." Soon after that we went to bed where I cuddled Wanda.