
Put Together Again

Harry Potter, The savior, the boy who lived, the boy who conquered, the betrayed, the new dark lord, the destroyer, the master of death. Many titles, many names, as he sits upon his ruined world left in the wake of those who betrayed him. Broken, alone, slightly insane and talking to one of the few beings left, Death. Death offers him a deal, he’ll be able to do things differently and get revenge. The only difference is it’ll be a different world. He’ll be in the past with knowledge of the future. He must break free from his prison and help others from their prisons as well. He’ll have to break free from the shackles life has placed on him and live a life worth living. The main part of this story is Harry Potter and Marvel with some DC stuff added him. Maybe others but I’ll figure that out as I go

Panda_sword_Master · Película
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11 Chs

Chapter 3: Meetings and Nana Shimura

I was laying in bed with Wanda. We have just finished lunch and we're full but still holding each other.

"That was really good Had." She was rubbing her belly.

"It was, that red bread was the best to me though. Even though it was spicy it still filled me up and mine had little pieces of meat and onions inside of it."

"Then the actual slap of meat, my god it was so tender and just melt in your mouth good. It was awesome."

I hugged her tighter against me, "Yeah it was."

She hugged me tighter as well. "You got me out."

She starts crying, "Hey hey, I got you. Now you know what that means."

She looks at me with tears in her eyes and falling down her face. I hear a quiet, "what?"

"Now that I got you, I'm never letting you go." She starts crying harder and just pull her tighter as she cries into my shoulder getting it wet but I don't care. All I care about is I have her with me and we're free and able to live our lives.

Soon I feel her breath even out after she stops crying and just hugs me. I know she's fallen asleep and I go to bed as well. I try to fall asleep but I just lie in bed going over everything.

The year is 1988. I'm the the body of the boy who lived to be abused and used. The world is dangerous and beautiful. I'm a Grindelwald, Potter, and more. I'm still the master of death even though it's an empty title as no one can control death, the closest thing you can get is to be friends with it.

I need to get my stuff in the vaults and get Wanda situated. I need to make my own company and with my knowledge I could make a company that sells revolutionary medical stuff along with games that I played in the future. I could use the goblins help for it though they would get real greedy but they still be on the helpful side if we still fight.

I need to make my way in the world so that they can never put me in jail or back into the asylum or anything. I need power and wealth. Not just regular power, I need an army, I need contacts, friends. I need my own place. I have all the knowledge on and of space in the books, if I can get space and get mining asteroids and then to Mars, I could potentially terraform it and have that as my base of operations while human and humanity squabble amongst themselves.

I fall into Morpheus grasp as I think about abandoning humanity and letting it fall into ruin and nature taking back over.

(Waking up)

I wake up to the sound of a shower going and some soft singing. I open my eyes and look around. Wanda is not in my arms anymore and theirs a pain of new clothes for me. It's just some jeans with a longs sleeve blue shirt and underwear and fluffy socks with moccasins as the shoes.

I hear the shower turn off and the singing stop. Then I hear some shuffling and out steps Wanda in a flowing red summer dress and some undershirt and shorts on. She looks at me while I'm looking at her.

"Your turn for the shower. They have soap and everything that you'll need in their." I get up and bring my clothes.

I take a shower with just base sport body wash and use a shampoo and conditioner mix of 'winter smell.' The water is warm but not hot or cold. I get out, dry off, and get dressed as well as put on anti perspirant deodorant with the same winter smell.

I get out and Wanda's looking at me the same way I looked at her. I didn't do my hair as I just have it in a big man bun with a metal dagger in it. She braided her hair with 2 French braids that meld into one in the back.

I walk over to the 2 dagger they left for us as everyone not a slave was supposed to wear one. It signify that they can defend themselves and this have freedom. I transfigured the sheets in a sash of leather with the space for the dagger, some potion slots, some bullet slots along with some holes where I can put hatchets onto as well.

I also have a mind to get another letter sash so I can get a pistol holster and extra ammo magazines with some more throwing dagger and hatchets along with some metal needles to throw as well.

I put the sash over me and transfigured Wanda in a belts with the dagger as the centerpiece of it. She puts in on over her dress and we wait. Not long before a goblin comes in to take us to a breakfast. I don't know what's going on but theirs more guards around now than their was before.

We get to the hall and the king motions for us to sit by him. Their was a oriental looking woman seated at his side dressed in a long black sleeve shirt and jeans. She looks bigger than most any Asian looking person and taller than all the goblins, almost twice as tall except for the king. If my guess is right she's around six four.

We sit down and the king starts talking to us while woman is just watching us. I look over the food and do a nonverbal wand less detect charm over the food of both me and Wanda.

"My name is Jaroth and you know, their is a world wide manhunt for you and her right now. The footage of your escape has gone viral. News channels around the world are showing it along with video and physical evidence of the, 'abuse' as I would say you suffered under their."

He was started laughing while looking at my perplexed face and continued, "Hell, even the magical governments around the world are condemning MACUSA and trying to get you. They are even trying to buy you off the goblins as if we own you. Even Dumb-as-a-Dore is trying to use his ICW position and powers to get you."

He was laughing again at my still perplexed face. "Your a friend and and fighter. We won't turn you in. If your wondering how the word got out about what happened. Lets just saw a friend found out and blackmail pretty much everyone he knows." The king was looking towards the goblins arms I broke yesterday and I look at him and smile. Of course it was my deranged one but he smiled right back and winked.

"Who is Dumb-as-a-Dore?"

He looked at me and got serious for a second, "we'll talk after we eat. The woman is a relative that you were supposed to go to but didn't. She's also a goblin friend of the Grindelwald line."

I looked at her as she was looking at me and we both nodded. Then I dug in and Wanda was watching and listening to the conversation as we were speaking English. The breakfast was this blue eggs, the red bread but a smaller piece, glowing fruit, and either chocolate milk or apple juice with water as well.

We eat and the king leads us, the woman, a few of the kings, my account managers, and guards into a conference room, or at least it looks like it. It is ostentatious. The wood for the table is mahogany or at least it is very dark with groves in the wood where their is bioluminescence coming thorough the natural cracks. The guards went around the room while King and other kings got the thrones. Then the account manages and the very last 3 on the end of the table are for me, Wanda, and the lady.

She was looking at me and smiling with a actually nice smile. No derangement detected yet.

We sit down and the king asks, "is it ok if I show the inheritance test as well as the checkup."

"Sure," I look at him as it put both mine and Wanda name up on the screen and shows are respective stuff.

Name: Hadrian Samael Noir Grindelwald-Potter

Status: Pureblood


Magical Guardian: Albus Percival Wolfric Brian Dumbledore (Illegal)

Nana Shimura (Rightful)

Father: Thesues Gellart Grindelwald (Father) James Flemont Potter (Blood-Adoption)

Sirus Arturus Black (Blood-Adoption)

Mother: Lily Rose Potter nee Evans neé Emrys

Godfather(s): Sirus Black (Imprisoned (no trial) Remus Lupin (Werewolf (Capable) Frank Longbottom (Magically Insane) Severus Snape (Capable)

Godmother: Nana Shimura (Capable) Alice Longbottom (Magically insane) Minerva Mcgonagall (Capable)

Core: Rainbow And Black (beyond Merlin level) 95% blocked (broken)



The Abused

Master of Death

Destroyer of Worlds

Builder of Worlds

Friend of the Concepts (Abstracts)


Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Potter

Ancient and Noble House of Gryffindor

Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Perevell

Most Ancient and Most Noble Line of Grindelwald

Ancient and Noble House of Ravenclaw

Ancient and Noble House of Hufflepuff

Ancient and Noble House of Slytherin (Conquest)

Ancient House of Gaunt (Conquest)

Most Ancient House of Emrys

Most Ancient and Most Noble House of LeFay (Magic)

Most Ancient and Imperial House of Pendragon (Worthy with Blood and Actions)


Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Black


Core 98% (Broken)

Seer 100% (Broken)

Parseltongue 95% (Broken)

Parselmagic 100% (Broken)

Deathspeak 100% (Broken)

Death Magic 100% (Broken)

Nature's Gift 100% (Broken)

Photographic Memory 98% (Broken)

Familiars 100% (Broken)

Natural Occulmens 100% (Broken)


Submissive (everything) - Broken

Loyalty to Albus Dumbledore, Weasley's, Light side, Gryffindors

Hate to Voldemort, Severus Snape, dark side, Malfoys


Laziness potion (cleared)

Forgetfulness Draught (cleared)

Love potion level 2 (cleared)

Attack Bad Luck (Cleared)


1,000,000 Galleons to APWBD monthly from Potter Vault

250,000 Galleons to Weasley's Yearly

50,000 Galleons to Ronald Weasley Trust Vault Monthly

5,000 Galleons to Ginerva Weasley's Trust Vault Monthly

Various Family heirlooms including Invisibility Cloak took from Potter Vaults to APWBD

5,000 Galleons to Griphook (Potter Manager) Monthly

All transactions approved by Goblin Potter Manager Griphook

Marriage Contract to Ginerva Weasley (Illegal)

Name: Wanda Maximoff

Status: Halfblood


Mother: Iryna Maximoff

Father: Erik Lensherr

Oleg Maximoff (adopted)

Magical Guardian: None

Core: Scarlett (Beyond Merlin Level)

Title: The Scarlett Witch

Empress of Magic


Witches Coven of Maximoff


Natural Legilimens

Natural Phobiamancy

Natural Occulmens

Blocks: Chaos Magic 35% Broken


Acting crazy (Broken)

Letting Magic loose (Broken)

I start letting my power go out at full force once I've seen everything I've been put under. My obscurus is ready and rearing to tear anything and everything apart.

Nana and Wanda put their hands on my shoulders to calm down but even that doesn't help. I look King Jaroth in the eye and say, "everything, every last Galleon and every last treasure, call back everything. The keys, my money, my treasures with interest. And I'd not, enslave them, every last one."

Jaroth looked me in the eyes and nodded. He started yelling command at the guards including a torture and kill mission on my old manager that's still back at the England branch of Gringotts.

"Hey, do you want to live with me. I have an island. It's Alaskan but I got a warm house with beds and house elves along with modern comforts."

Jaroth is still giving out orders. "I want to have a look at it and Wanda has to agree to stay as well."

"We can do that. I have some stuff you may want as well."

Jaroth finally gets back to it. "Nana, would you like to be the Magical and Legal guardian of both Wanda and Hadrian? We need Dumbledore out."

"Ya, I have to teach the kid how to fight and forge. I'll look after them."

"Thank you, is that agreeable to you kids?"

"I reserve the right to kill or mangle if she pisses me off." Wanda punches my arm.

"I'm fine with it."

"I'd like to see you try kid."

The meeting went on and I had the goblins start and investing and medical company. The investing I gave them thirty five percent of the profits as well as thirty five percent of the company. I am the CEO and they are the board of directors. I have them put twenty five percent of my wealth to invest in both magical and muggle worlds for maximum profit. It's called Grindelwald and Gold Investing. I'll have the medical stuff come out later.

Their is also many house that have bloodline vassal oaths for my houses. Pendragon is the major one, which include the 5 founding houses which include the Potters, Blacks, Emrys, and then their are bloodline and vassal paths to those family's which I am also a part of. Their are also houses outside of England and branches of the family's. All of them owing fealty to me. Apparently if I called all of the bloodline oaths and such I could start another world war and be a new dark lord with a very real possibility of winning.

Soon afterward the meeting we had lunch in the meeting. At the end the king shows me my hidden vault of Goblins friend and the vault for the master of death. In the master of death one I got all the stuff from my past life in the trunk. In the goblin friend I just got some rare weapons and ores that I can make all my weapons out of including some special powder that I can use for my bullets.

Then Wanda and I with Nana sent off to her island. It's winter out so it'll be cold. I put a coat around Wanda and we apparated their. Onwards to a new and better life.