
The Sanctuary of Marigolds

(WARNING! Some plot twist near the end, tell me if it's good :3)

(Aenon's POV)

I was sitting in the Marigolds, looking at the Marigolds move in the gentle breeze and gentle water noises from the nearby pond. The trees were rustling in the air as I looked around, then I felt something cover my eyes

"Guess who?" A voice said "Veran?" I said removing the hand from my eye "Heh, spot on!" Veran said, I then chuckled "Well, what are you doing here princess?" I said, Veran then blushed

"U-um, I was looking for the Sanctuary" Veran said "Would you like me to tell you a legend about it?" I said "S-sure" Veran said sitting next to me, I then began the legend:

"Long ago, there was a woman. The woman was one of the ancient Wavians traveling to Alola, she was walking along this area when she found the sanctuary. It looked so majestic the woman went near it, she asked for a wish and stairs opened leading downstairs. When she reached the bottom floor there was the Marigold of life, she asked it for a wish and then the Marigold started to glow. After the wish, the woman turned into a shadow with a cloak, she still roams around these parts at night."

"How interesting" Veran said, the thing is very strong so if it ever attacked her when I would be around, I would protect her /// ///

I saw something rapidly pass by but I ignored it, then, I decided to build up the courage to tell Veran how I feel. Now listen, I had a crush on her from the start, just that adorable face and her pinkish eyes makes me want to faint.

I mean sure, she's a robotic figure but I've never felt so wildly attracted to a robot, I saved her life because she looked like she needed a bit of help and the Gengar looked very strong.

"V-Veran?" I said as Veran was about to enter the sanctuary, she then turned around "What is it?" Veran said "Come please" I said, Veran then came closer "Come even closer" I said, Veran then came close enough to my face "W-we're too close together" Veran said with her face very red "That's a good thing" I said

*intro plays*

I could get used to this heat on my skin

I could feel every day i'm a little bit stronger

I only wish each day was longer


We're having fun in the sun

(The Alolan sun)

Week after week it feels like we're on vacation


Now the journey's begun

Friends 'til the end

Number one's our destination

Under the Alolan sun


- Episode Name: The Sanctuary of Marigolds! -

*intro ends*

"Why, I mean, isn't this awk- hmmp" Veran said, I cut her off mid sentence with a kiss "A-Aenon, did you just- mmph" Veran tried to say, I then cut her off again "You're so cute like this" I said, then I lifted up Veran

"S-stop, you're making me overheat" Veran said with a redder face "Heh, I don't think I will" I said, I carried Veran to a patch of Marigolds and set her down there. I then sat down with her and spoke with her

"So, why did you kiss me?" Veran asked "Because, when I met you, I felt wildly attracted to you, J-je t'aime" I said "Je t'aime aussi" Veran said climbing up to the level of my face, she then grabbed my face gently and made contact with my lips.

"I also had a crush on you, I just didn't know how you would react if I ever told you" Veran said with her doll eyes "Why would you think that, you know I'm crazy in love with you" I said, Veran then went 50 shades of red

"S-so am I" Veran said, then I picked up a few marigolds and placed them near Veran's Soul-Heart. Veran then went to the entrance of the sanctuary "Will you um, come with me?" Veran asked

"I would love to" I said, I lifted Veran up and walked to where the wish stand was "I-I wish..." Veran said thinking about a wish "Come on dear, ask for a wish" I said, Veran then closed her eyes

"I-I wish... for all this evil to vanish..." Veran said, nothing happened "Well, at least I tried, maybe my second wish then" Veran said, she closed her eyes again "I wish... for this Marigold to have more life" Veran said, there was a sign but, it was faded.

Just then the marigolds were moving in the wind, some of it's petals flying off and surrounding the sanctuary. We both stayed silent as we were looking at the marigold petals surround us, then, the stairs opened, leading under the sanctuary.

- Inside the dungeon -

Sanctuary of the Sacrificia, B1F

I was panicking since the room was dark but thankfully, the loose marigolds in the path lit up every time we crossed some. Then, some Floette appeared but thankfully Veran and I were able to defeat them, we kept looking around for stairs while enemies were walking their jolly way to harm us.

Most of these enemies were flower-like Pokemon like Flabebe, Floette, Liligant, Comfey, Whimsicott, etc. Most of them were either Grass, Fairy or Grass/Fairy. But the rarest was at the lowest floor, B12F.

(Veran's POV)

I decided to maybe give Mew a text so he can come with his friends so we could clear this dungeon. Seconds later everyone appeared and went with us to look for the thing near us, then, what we saw next had our jaws dropped.

The final room had papers, a computer, DNA Samples, a skeleton and a chrysalis, a chrysalis that has a Mewtwo, asleep. What was a Mewtwo doing here and why did this room look so otherworldly (At least I think)

I then assessed the computer and saw data of Mewtwo, it turned out to be a female Mewtwo named Everett. Everett had different abilities, she wasn't really like other Mewtwos from parallel universes.

When she awoke, Everett went ballistic "WHO ARE YOU AND WHY ARE YOU HERE!?" Everett said, someone needs to turn off caps lock... "Wait, Everett?!" Mew said "Lucas?!" Everett said, then she exited her chrysalis

"What are you doing here, scum?" Everett said "What are you doing in a sanctuary, rotten tomato?" Mew said "Stupid boy" Everett said "Stuck up Witch" Mew said, I saw an anger vein on Everett, Mew and Everett were enemies?

"Let's battle, see if anyone can tear through me" Everett said, she was actually Hapu's former Pokemon, and now she was literally labeled the 'Kahuna' of Poni! This sanctuary was somewhere in Poni so she was supposed to be here

- Battle begin! -

Kahuna Everett would like to battle!

Everett used Aura Sphere

Jonathan used Bite

It's super effective

Friday used Dig

Friday hid underground

Barrie used Double Kick

Barrie / Ability: Bold Spirit

Bold Spirit raised all of Barrie's stats!

Everett used Thunderbolt

It's not very effective...

Luca used Transform

Luca transformed into Jirachi!

Jirachi used Meteor Beam

It's somewhat effective...

Everett used Ice Punch

It's not very effective...

Riley: I won't stand here like this, let me at them!

Riley / Role: Bystander Ally

Riley used Surf

It's neutral on Everett...

It's super effective on Jonathan, Friday, Dellie, Barrie and Veran- okay basically almost everyone

Friday came out of the ground

It's neutral on Everett...

Mew used Focus Punch

It's not very effective

Everett used Psycho Cut

It's super effective

Barrie used Overheat

It's neutral on Everett

Everett used Ancient Power

It's super effective

Friday used Baby Doll Eyes

Everett's Defense went down!

Everett used Poison Jab

It doesn't effect Veran...

Veran used Gyro Ball

It's somewhat effective

Everett used Expanding Force

Mew used Judgement

Everett was defeated!

- ~ * ~ -

Everett: Ugh... have this Psychinium Z, like you'll have any good use for it...

Jonathan placed the Psychinium Z in the Z Crystal Pocket

Mew: Listen Everett, I hate you

Everett: I hate you too, Mew

Riley: You guys, stop feuding in a father-daughter fight

Everett: Father-what?

Riley: It says here that Mew is your biological father instead of Blaine

Everett: HUH?!

To be continued...

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. For every 400 power stone's I will add a bonus chapter

BlazeTheFlareoncreators' thoughts