
Showdown with Yveltal, Darkrai and the Tapus

(Luca's POV)

We then walked into the final room only to find Cresselia but… as a stone statue?! We were in shock looking at the statue, Cresselia was gone? We all sat down on the floor, discussing another way to finish off Darkrai until Riley told me something

"Mew, you never told us your past, as Mew, not as Lucario" Riley said, I then paused for a moment "Well, let me explain…" I said, then, the explanation began:

"Well, I was created by Arceus first thing, then, Arceus created the world, and Pokémon. And I created the first humans. The Pokémon were all related to me, but my own creations were Lugia and Ho-oh. About more than a million years later, the human race was blooming and I loved humans, until they decided to try and keep me in a ball. About 500,000 years ago, I had enough, so I went into the deepest trenches of my shrine for an indefinite amount of time… then, I saw that my paws always distorting into Riolu paws, so I decided that I would reincarnate into a Riolu, except the Riolu I wanted to reincarnate into would hatch in a matter of centuries so I waited, and waited, and waited. I couldn't do it when it was born so I waited for it to be 2 years old in order to reincarnate into it, and well, this is where I am now"

Everyone was in shock at my explanation "So, why do you hate humans?" Val asked

"Humans are the reason Dark Matter exists… and I hate them for it, I hate that they created my sworn enemy, I hate that they wanted to capture me, I hate… *sniff* I hate… *sniff* I HATE THAT THEY HAVE BETRAYED ME!…" I said, I then broke down into angry tears because I didn't want to bring this up

"I think you should control yourself Mew…" Nina said, I just ignored her and tried to calm down, then Marie hugged me "It's okay, everyone makes mistakes" Marie said "I know Marie but, this mistake I cannot undo…" I said

"Ay caramba you need a therapist, Mew!" Tapu Koko said, I then turned to see Tapu Koko "Oh, it's you…" I said trying to grip my paw, aiming it at the ground in case something goes haywire

"So, you wanted to find Cresselia for your 'OnLy HoPe' well, she's a stone statue! Whatcha gonna do about it, wimp?" Koko said laughing, that was when I lost control and shot a Psybeam at it, making Koko hit the wall "Stop it Koko…" I said trembling

"And what if I keep it up?" Koko said, trying to annoy me "Don't do it…" I said angrily, but of course Koko, being the idiot he was, kept pushing my Berserk Buttons (Peeving/Angering you)

*intro plays*

I could get used to this heat on my skin

I can feel every day I'm a little bit stronger,

I only wish each day was longer,


We're having fun in the sun

(The Alolan sun)

Week after week it feels like we're on vacation


Now the journey's begun

Friends 'til the end,

Number one's our destination,

Under the Alolan sun


- Episode name: Showdown with Yveltal, Darkrai and the Tapus! -

*intro ends*

"Koko, I'm warning you....." I said trying to make that thing stop, but it didn't listen and kept pestering me "I will never leave you alone, Mew" Koko said, that was when I snapped at it

"THIS IS THE LAST STRAW, TRUST ME, YOU WOULDN'T WANT TO KEEP DOING THIS!" I said in a very aggressive tone no one has heard before, everyone gasped at my tone as I looked at Koko with an angry expression. I tried to contain myself but I was so angry that I couldn't even say anything!

I grabbed loose bricks and stones with my mind and flung them at Koko, it got injured but it shot a Thunderbolt at me which frankly, stung, but I took it well, it was then my turn to attack Koko, I used Magnitude, Magnitude 7.

Koko got even more injured but surprisingly, it hung in there and used Nature's Madness, I dodged it (thankfully) and used Rock Tomb on it, Tapu Koko then formed an electro ball, aiming it at me but I destroyed it with Earthquake and finished off Tapu Koko.

"That wasn't even my full power, you're lucky I didn't use it…" I said "Well, I bet you won't find me losers, bye!" Tapu Koko said teleporting out, we then exited the final room, only to find a bridge of Marigolds? We crossed it and we were at the Ruins of Almeria, I saw Sara speaking with Tapu Bulu, she was in danger! Or that's what I thought

"Oh hello you dimwits…" Sara said in a different voice tone "S-Sara?" Leif said "What're you doing here, aren't you supposed to be with Alder?" I asked "Well, I'm telling Bulu what to do of course" Sara said "You're telling him to stop this, right!" Mist said, the next thing she said shocked me

"Pfff, no, I'm telling him to DESTROY you!" Sara said "What?!" Dellie, Friday, Val, Leif, Hydro, Mist and I gasped "I am in fact the mastermind behind all this, all for 500 more years of life, I'm actually 127 years old!" Sara said, I never knew she was the evil one all along

"So you are evil?" I said "Well, who do you think was turning everyone to stone?" Sara said holding up her paw with her dark sphere, then, all the flashbacks came rushing back to me like it just barely happened

- Flashback -

"I was the one who turned all them Pokemon to stone" Nuzleaf said "You… you betrayed me! You did the very thing I feared, become the most evil, I hate you grandfather! Or should I say, Nuzleaf…" Barrie said in an angry tone, I've never seen her like this,

Then Beheeyem tried to shoot something at Nina but she evaded it and shot an Ice beam. Barrie was battling Nuzleaf while I was fending off any extra enemies or Beheeyem, then we decided to battle the strongest, Yveltal.

WAIT, before we get into the Yveltal part, rewind a bit… and, there! Zoom in a little on Nuzleaf's hand

- End Flashback -

That sphere that Sara was holding, looked like the sphere Nuzleaf held when he was possessed! She was aiming the sphere at Dellie as she tried to leave but couldn't due to a weird grasp,

then I shoved her out of the way, grabbed the sphere and threw it back at Sara, causing her to turn to stone

(What have I done?… How could I have done this? It was for a good reason at least…)

I then witnessed Hydro battling Tapu Bulu from afar, everyone was watching the two Pokémon fight like there was no tomorrow and after the fight, Hydro won then loafed on Mist's lap, still with an angry look

(A/N) I can imagine an angy loaf on Mist's lap lmao - Raichu

I then decided to battle Tapu Lele, I walked up to her and then I heard Mist say something to me. "Mew, have this, it will help you greatly!" Mist said, I said thanks and when I looked at what the thing was, it was a Mewnium Z and a Z Ring. I put on the Z Ring and started the battle

"This is it Lele, I will have to do this by force!" I said

"Do what by force?" Lele said

"End you…" I said in a worrying tone of voice

- Battle Begins! -

Tapu Lele used Psychic Terrain!

Psychic Moves have been boosted!

Mew used Transform!

Mew transformed into Diancie!

Ability: Liosy

Diancie's Stress and Anger made it's Attack, Sp. Atk and Def rise sharply!

Tapu Lele used Energy Ball!

Diancie used Draining Fire! (A fusion of Draining Kiss and Mystical Fire)

Diancie's HP got replenished!

Tapu Lele used Confusion!

It does not affect Diancie very much…

Diancie used Gyro Ball!

It's super effective!

"Time to let my darkness take over…" Lele said in a voice tone that I was scared of, her eyes then turned Red and she became a scary shadow, now she was known as Shadow Lele

Shadow Lele used Thief!

Diancie's Control Pendant was Stolen!

"Y-You… You took my Control Pendant!" I said

"And?" Tapu Lele said in a cocky tone

"That was the pendant that I use to KEEP MYSELF CALM AND COLLECTED!" I said angrily

Diancie used Poison Jab!

It's super effective!

Shadow Lele used Shadow Ball!

Diancie used Hypnosis!

Shadow Lele fell asleep

Diancie used Dream Eater

Shadow Lele is fast asleep…

Diancie used Roar of Time!

Shadow Lele woke up!

Shadow Lele used Shadow Ball!

Mew / Ability: Illusion Break

Diancie returned to Mew!

Shadow Lele's Z-Ring crystal started to glow

Mew's Z-Ring crystal started to glow

"Over a million years have passed" I said

"I used to be the honor of Akala" Shadow Lele said

"Locked up in my shrine, Leaving my true power untouched" I said

"But then one day, An Idiot destroyed some mart" Shadow Lele said

"But now… the clocks have chimed!" I said

"It's time for my payback" Shadow Lele said

"Genesis Supernova!" I said

"Destroyer of Alola…!" Shadow Lele said in a Distorted voice

Both the attacks collided, I tried to dominate with all my force, so I could shut Shadow Lele down and it worked! Lele fired off one last Dazzling Gleam before fainting, now the three psychotic Tapus were defeated, we just needed to deal with Darkrai and an old foe, Yveltal.

- Battle, wait no, SHOWDOWN begin -

Yveltal used Oblivion Wing

Mew used Transform!

Mew transformed into Dedenne!

Jonathan used Rain Dance!

It began to Rain!

Darkrai used Blizzard!

It's not very effective on Jonathan's side...

Riley used Thief!

It's super effective on Beheeyem!

Beheeyem used Psybeam!

It's not very effective on Dedenne...

Dedenne used Discharge!

It's super effective on Yveltal!

Yveltal used Rock Slide!

It's super effective on Dellie!

Dellie used Dazzling Gleam!

It's super effective on Darkrai!

Darkrai used Dark Void!

Riley fell asleep!

Barrie: Let me in on this fight!

Barrie / Role: Bystander Ally

Barrie used Sky Uppercut!

It's super effective on Darkrai!

Jonathan used Baby Doll Eyes!

Yveltal's Defense went down!

Dedenne used Play Rough!

It's super effective on Yveltal!

Dellie used Shadow Ball!

It's super effective on Beheeyem!

Mist used Nature's Madness!

It's neutral on Beheeyem...

Riley woke up!

Riley used Thunderbolt!

It's super effective on Yveltal!

Barrie used Shadow Claw!

It's super effective on Beheeyem!

Jonathan used Shadow Ball!

It's super effective on Beheeyem!

Dedenne used Play Rough!

It's super effective on Darkrai!

Dellie used Calm Mind

Her Sp. Atk and Sp. Def rose!

Friday: Let's destroy these wimps, with a new addition!

Friday / Role: bystander Ally

Nina: This means war, but we need a complete army!

Nina / Role: bystander Ally

Darkrai used Ominous Wind

It's not very effective on Friday...

Friday used Dig!

Friday hid underground!

Beheeyem used Toxic

Friday avoided the attack!

Friday used Dig

It's neutral on Beheeyem...

Yveltal used Oblivion Wing

Mew / Ability: Illusion break

Info: It breaks the illusion of any transformation Pokemon with it's strongest move

Darkrai used Feint Attack

It's not very effective on Nina...

Nina used Icicle Spear

Hit 5 times!

It's super effective on Yveltal!

Then suddenly, the battlefield faded to black and I felt weird, but I felt like I was breaking down, breaking down into a spiraling doubt, then I started remembering all the insults i've been told

'You're not strong enough'

'Hahaha, what a wimpy dork!'

'Just face it, your dreams will never come true'

'Stop being such a suck up and leave'

'You're like humid trash'

'If i were your parent i would give you to an orphanage'

'You're just a kid, you can't be this'

'You'll never be better than all of us'

'We don't want you here'

'Nerd boy, nerd boy!'

'You're just a failure'

I felt like I wasn't capable of defeating these people, I felt like I was the weakest one of the runt, I felt like the torture I felt when I was a Riolu... Then, one by one, I began recovering my strength with the complements and nice remarks I've gotten

'I wish I could be like you'

- Petilil

'When I grow up, I want to be a member of the Expedition Society!'

- Cubchoo

'You and your team are my idols!'

- Glameow

'You're like Jirachi, Quite tired, yet strong'

- Mariel

'Y'know, you're quite reliable'

- Barrie

'Would you like to go exploring? I heard you're great at navigating caves'

- Giorgio

'You're a champion, you know'

- Jun

'No need to be so down, you're the best'

- Alder

'We love you here!'

- Audrey

'I can't believe he was a student here!'

- Wooper

'You and your friends are heroes! Hy-krah!'

- Hawlucha

'You're going to be the best when you grow up...'

- Lydia

"You know what Yveltal, you think you've scared me with all the things you've ever done, well, I wasn't, and I'm tired of pretending I was!" I said slowly transforming back into Lucario, Yveltal then gasped.

I felt like I was regaining confidence little by little "You may have shattered my self esteem but you haven't shattered my soul" I said, then a sphere started to grow in my paw

"I've been called a failure, a loser, a dimwit, a suck up and a fraud but maybe YOU are all of those things" I said with my anger bubbling up, Darkrai then froze

"To Darkrai, even though you mean no harm, you're clearly harming us." Dellie said

"To Beheeyem, you're weak, you always will be, with love" Nina said

"To Yveltal, you be destroyin' everything you ding dang see, even my relationship with my ol' gramps, see ya never fool" Barrie said, lastly it was my turn

"To Dark Matter, I detest you, I always will and even if you become Light Matter, I will never forget what you did as Dark Matter" I said

Then, the sphere started growing more each note, I then flung it at Yveltal, causing it to turn to stone

"Wha?..."I said

To be continued...

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. For every 400 power stone's I will add a bonus chapter

BlazeTheFlareoncreators' thoughts