
Protectors : Human & Demon

Faust, a talented human, has his life sorted out by being one of the best Hunter in humanities' fights against an invader from an unknown origin. One day, Faust stumbled upon a sealed demon when he's on the verge of death and makes a contract with the demon named Angra Mainyu to save his life in return for sharing his body with the demon. When they thought that everything will go smoothly, a powerful creature arrives from the void and killed them. Fortunately, death was not the end for them. Faust and Angra are reincarnated in a world of magic where everybody has an RPG system! And they're also reborn as twins! Will they be able to adapt to this new world and live their life peacefully? Or Is there a reason why they are brought into this world? Follow the twins' journey together in this new world to see the answer for yourselves! This is my first novel so please have mercy on this author :(( Please give this novel a try and perhaps this novel will be an interesting read~ COVER ART BY: Martina Stipan

darran_ · Fantasía
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55 Chs


"Isaac! Aiden! Come here!" (Lily)

Isaac was trying to communicate with the spirits following him. Because all of them was a soul of an animal from the Forest of Beast, since the start, the only possible method of communication is only Faust giving them command and the spirits comply. Faust is trying to have a conversation with them to ask about the forest's condition.

It is hard at the start because of course, Faust can't understand animal language, but over time he is starting to make progress on a way to somehow understand their intent by connecting to the spirit he wants to communicate with using his death mana.

When they are connected, Faust can somehow understand their intent. Even though it's not really communication but it is still a progress. He also hasn't found any human souls, so maybe communicating with them will be easier.

While Faust is busy with his spirit friends, Angra is experimenting with his fusion skill. He uses fire fusion and made a fire sword by projecting the mana outside of his body. Even though it is harder to conjure something outside his body, Angra is starting to grasp how to do it.

When Lily called them, they dropped what they're doing and come straight to their mother.

"What's up mom?" (Isaac)

"Yes mom?" (Aiden)

Looking at the twins' behavior, a smile appeared on Lily's face, she finds it adorable that her kids immediately dropped what they were doing and come straight to her when she called them.

"Do you guys want to learn an awesome magic?"


"I'm curious as well mom." (Aiden)

"Alright let's go outside first." (Lily)

Lily then took them outside the house. In their backyard, she searched for a clear patch of grass and take the kids there.

"Now look at this boys!"

Lily then channels the mana throughout her body and focusing in on her index and middle fingers. Instantly after that, sparks of electricity appeared between her two fingers. She pointed her 2 fingers at the patch of grass in front of them. When she released the spell, the lightning traveled through the air straight to the ground with a speed that even Faust's gun-javelin can't compare, making the ground scorched black.

"Wow....." (Isaac)

"...." (Aiden)

Lily stood there with a proud smile as if being satisfied at herself for making her two genius sons amazed by her skills.

"Amazing isn't it?" Lily said with a smug


'damn Faust always went back to a 3 years old mental age when it comes to magic...' (Angra)

'Shut up Gra, it is really amazing!' (Faust)

"Do you want me to teach you?" (Lily)


"Okay so what I just showed is lightning magic!" (Lily)

"Is it one of the elements?" (Isaac)

"Well yes, but no." (Lily)

"As you know, lightning magic is an advanced version of wind magic." (Lily)

"Advanced magic is where you get a deeper understanding of the basic elements, and combining them with each other or finding different ways of handling the basic element, can give you the ability to use advanced elements."(Lily)

"For example, Ice magic is the advanced version of water magic. By condensing the water element until they are squeezed with each other, they will become ice." (Lily)

"With lightning magic, it is a little bit different." (Lily)

"You can't just condense and squeeze the wind attribute with each other to make lightning." (Lily)

"So how can we do it? Do we need to combine the wind attribute with another attribute?" (Isaac)

"A for the effort, but unfortunately this time you're wrong Isaac" (Lily)

"Many people know how to use ice magic, but lightning..." (Lily)

Lily said while producing another spark of electricity between his left and right hands.

"Condensing the element in the air is only the first step." (Lily)

"To make lightning appear, you have to have condensed the air elements in 2 opposite sides. The easiest is to use your right and left hand. By condensing air elements in those separate places lightning will appear between them. The more you condensed the elements the stronger the lightning will be."

"And if you can do it with 2 hands, the more you get better at it, you can do it with 2 fingers just like me."

Then she released the lightning between her fingers into the sky.

"Alright boys, that is enough clue from me, you guys practice and figure out how to do it on your own, and remember what you need to do is condense the elements by adding more mana, not expanding them."

"Alright, mom thank youu! Just wait for a few hours and I will master it" Isaac said with determined eyes.

"Yes I'll be waiting then, good luck boys!" (Lily)

'There's no way he will be able to do it that fast, it even took me months to figure that out!' Lily thought to herself while she is on her way back to the house to wash their clothes.

While washing the clothes a thought crossed her mind ' I mean they are both geniuses but it's not possible that a few hours is enough ri...'


"What is that? Isaac, Aiden are you al.."


Hearing loud noises coming from her backyard, she worried that something wrong had happened to her children and she rushed to check them.

When she arrived, she saw one of the fences are gone with scorch marks at its broken part. While not too far from there a tree was half-collapsed and burning at the same time.


"Umm...well mom... we did it...?" (Isaac)


"Yes I'll be waiting then, good luck boys!" (Lily)

'Alright, magic nerd got any ideas?' (Angra)

'Hmm... I might have something in mind but I don't know if this world had the same rule as ours.' (Faust)

'Meaning...?' (Angra)

'You know about physics right?' (Faust)

'N...I mean yes please continue...' (Angra)

'Lightning was caused by the imbalance of proton and electron. The electron will move to balance each other out, and the moving of electron is what caused the lightning.' (Faust)

'How do you even remember that stuff..' (Angra)

'Hey remember that in my dark times all I did is study and do nothing else right?' (Faust)

'Ah yes just continue please, you don't want to remember that right?' (Angra)

'Yes thank you. As I said, when mom said to gather air elements to 2 opposite sides, I think what she is gathering is actually the proton and electron in the air to the two sides of her body causing the imbalance between the two elements' (Faust)

'Since this world is a magical one, I think we can just imagine the air particle moving into our bodies.' (Faust)

'let's try using two hands just like what mom said. I will try first.' (Faust)

'Okay, I need to condense the mana first.' Faust tried to condense the magic by making them fit in a smaller space but by adding more mana, essentially squeezing the wind attribute together in both of his hands.

'Next, if I positively charged my right hand then negatively charged my left it should probably wor..' (Faust)

Sparks of electricity started to form in Faust's hand. But because he was not ready yet, the mana supplying the wind element to move the air particle is stopped, thus only making a small spark.

'Yes! Just like that! Why don't you go and try it Gra?' (Faust)

'Heck how!? I don't even know what are those egtron and positive negative things!' (Angra)

'Just imagine in your head that the air particles are gathering in your hands and try to condense them by adding more mana but don't let the wind attribute spread out, keep them on a small area so they are squeezed by each other.' (Faust)

'After that, just feel two different kinds of energy are in each of your hands, you don't have to know which is which. As long as there is an imbalance of the two elements it will work' (Faust)

Angra then tried to follow Faust's instructions step by step and after his fifth try, he is finally able to make a spark between his two palms.

'Faust I have an idea, look at this!'

Angra then created the lightning with his two palms, but instead of releasing it, he makes the sparks stronger by adding more mana, then fusioned it to his body making his body glow with lightning from head to toe.

'Wow! I feel amazing! I feel my body is lighter than a feather!' Angra felt that right now he can even outrun the wind if he wanted to!

'Let's try how fast I'm actually are!' (Angra)

'Yes, I also want to try how strong my lightning can be.' (Faust)

Faust then conjures a bolt of lightning between his two hands and adding more mana to make it stronger.

'Okay, Gra ready when you are!'

'Alright! One...two..thr..'

Angra zapped through the backyard past through the fence breaking it in the process and leaving a burnt mark on the broken part and going straight into the woods.

'Hey, what are you doing..'

Faust was startled by Angra's action and accidentally released his lightning. Fortunately, he succeeded in pointing the lightning in the wood's direction instead of his house.

'Safe....' (Faust)

'Damn this lightning thing is hard to control, let's practice them before using it.' (Faust)

'Gra where are you?' (Faust)


"It's pretty easy to control if you get used to it!"

'Curse you and your athleticism, isn't it cheating whenever it is related to your body you can instantly do it?' (Faust)

'Shut up magic nerd, let me enjoy my talent!' (Angra)


"Umm.. Hello mom..." (Isaac)

"What are you guys doing?!?" (Lily)

"Umm...well mom... we did it...?" (Isaac)

"No way...." (Lily)

"Yes way!" (Isaac)

"Look at Aiden mom!" (Isaac)

'do your thing Gra!' (Faust)

Angra fusioned himself with the lightning element and run around the backyard, his speed is so fast that Faust's eyes couldn't keep up.

Lily enhanced her eyesight with lighting magic to make her nerves send signals faster to her brain making her vision able to catch up with Angra's movement.

"Wow you really did it... AMAZINGG!" (Lily)

Lily then looked at Isaac, his other son as if asking 'how about you?'

"Yes mom, I can do it too! But that destroyed and burned tree over there is the result when I can't properly control it yet, I don't want to burn our house down." (Isaac)

"You guys are really... Alright then you are truly a genius... I gave up trying to impress you." (Lily)

"What are you saying mom! You are far more amazing than us!" (Isaac)

Lily smiled hearing the genius's humble comment.

"It's alright dear, I'm happy that you are becoming even stronger than me or even your father!" (Lily)

"Don't we worry mom we will always protect you! Uhh and dad too!" (Isaac)

"Protect mom and dad!" (Aiden)

"Yes yes thank you, my little heroes, now let's go back inside the house and help me prepare dinner, and remind your dad later to fix the fences."

"Ehehehe we're sorry for breaking the fence mom" (Isaac)

"Sorry..." (Aiden)

Please add it to your library if you liked this novel! It really motivates me to write more~~

Thank You~

darran_creators' thoughts