
Protectors : Human & Demon

Faust, a talented human, has his life sorted out by being one of the best Hunter in humanities' fights against an invader from an unknown origin. One day, Faust stumbled upon a sealed demon when he's on the verge of death and makes a contract with the demon named Angra Mainyu to save his life in return for sharing his body with the demon. When they thought that everything will go smoothly, a powerful creature arrives from the void and killed them. Fortunately, death was not the end for them. Faust and Angra are reincarnated in a world of magic where everybody has an RPG system! And they're also reborn as twins! Will they be able to adapt to this new world and live their life peacefully? Or Is there a reason why they are brought into this world? Follow the twins' journey together in this new world to see the answer for yourselves! This is my first novel so please have mercy on this author :(( Please give this novel a try and perhaps this novel will be an interesting read~ COVER ART BY: Martina Stipan

darran_ · Fantasía
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55 Chs

Was It Fun?

Mark, Faust, and Angra are currently flying above The Forest of Beast, they need to fake going deeper into the forest in the direction of the neighboring kingdom, The Kingdom of Zylon before disappearing back to their home near the outskirts of the forest.

"So boys, what do you think about today, was it fun?"

"It's okay, I'll give it 6,5/10. I get to experiment on several of my new spells and all of them are quite successful."

"I got a skill, a fun fight and finally was able to catch up to Isaac in terms of level so it was quite fun for me."

"Oh, what skill do you get?"

"It's called elemental armor break."

"That's an upgraded version of the shield break skill right? Do you get it from trying to imitate your opponent?"

"Yes, but Isaac helped me a little in figuring out the skill."

"Good job you two, recreating a skill in just a short amount of time is an amazing feat!" Mark wanted to praise them more and call for a small celebration for their achievement, but then he realized they are the same kids that are able to make an original spell at the age of five, learning lightning magic in a few hours and able to use solid magic in a morning. The twins are certainly not normal in any standards, humans nor demons. So Mark decided to talk about another topic.

"What do you boys think about meeting another person your age?"

"She is way older than us!"

"Eh, she only looked like 10 or 12 years old though?"

"That's at least 4 years older than us!"

"Alright alright, but is it fun to hang out with her?"

"She's very weak and we have to watch over her constantly, it honestly is pretty tiring for me."

"She's stubborn, but she doesn't have the skill to back it up."

'Is this really the things that kids should be thinking about?' That question popped up in Mark's head, but they are different from other kids after all so he didn't give it much attention. Although it is quite sad that they didn't like playing with kids their age.

"But she is not a bad person."

"And talking to her is quite fun, hanging out once every week is tolerable for me."

"Do you want to?"

"We can?"

"Of course, I've never prohibited you from going into the village, you know? You guys just never asked me. And it seems that you two liked hunting so much, I never bother to ask you to come with me to the village."

"I mean ordinary thugs or bad guys can't do anything to you guys, so why do I need to be scared? The only thing that you can't do is to use your magic in front of others and you're free to do whatever you want."

Isaac and Aiden looked at each other like they are talking to each other before saying,

"But even if we go back to the village, Eleora won't recognize us. And we aren't sure if his dad will change his mindset and let Eleora out of the house. Also, we aren't sure if we're able to make proper conversation with other kids, we just can't seem to understand them."

"I don't know why is Eleora's dad won't let her go out of the house, but he doesn't look like a bad guy, he loves his daughter, and he even insisted us to accept his gifts even though we refused."

"This badge?" Mark asked while dangling the badge with the mayor's crest inscribed on it.

"Well you can say that this badge may help us in certain situations, but this badge also lets the mayor monitor our whereabouts and possibly what we are doing when we use the badge."

Hearing their father's explanation, the twins both looked at each other again, Aiden has a ' I have no idea, and I don't really care' face while Isaac has a 'Why didn't I think of that, I should have been more careful' kind of face.

Knowing that maybe his sons are having telepathic communication with their unique skill right now, he only patted their heads and said,

"About humans in this world, they are complicated creatures. The older you get the more you know about all kinds of people. There are both good people and bad people, so you can't just assume that all people are bad or good. You need to judge their character, the best way to do that is learning through your experiences, and there's an additional note about nobles in this world is that most of the time, all the things they do, even little things most of the time, they have some kind of motive behind it, it may be a good one where they intend to help you without you realizing it or maybe you are trapped into one of their schemes, so what I'm trying to say, kids, is to be careful with people, understand?"

"Yes dad!"

"Ok dad."

"By the way, I promise your mom that we'll be back before morning so that you guys have time to sleep. We don't want her to be angry right?"

"You mean you don't want mom to be angry at you right dad?"

"Daad, I have a question about magic!"

"Save it for tomorrow Isaac, and yes Aiden we surely don't want mom to be angry."

"Anyways, let's go back. Come on kids!"

"Okay daad!"



After escorting The Travelling Mages Group outside and seeing them fly off into The Forest of Beast direction, The mayor and his family are now back inside their house.

"Can you tell me what happened El?"

"Dear, can you let her sleep first? She must be really tired from all the things happening today."

"You're right, I'm sorry El, please sleep first and we'll talk about today's event tomorrow when you already have enough rest."

"Yes, Father, then I will go to sleep now," Eleora said as she walked to the door leading outside to the hallway where there is a stair leading to the second floor where her room is located. As she opened the door, her father asked her once more,

"You told them to wait for you El, what does that mean?"

"Um… I said to them earlier about wanting to repay their kindness on my own when I am able to."

"You don't need to, El. I already gave them the badge right? It should help them a lot when they are inside the kingdom."

"I want to do it on my own, father. I need to take responsibility for the problems that I've caused. And I've talked to them and they are really nice people! It's sad that I don't know when I will be able to meet them again."

"Really? What did you guys talk about? Is there anything interesting about them?"

Hearing that the conversation may drag out even longer, Eleora's mom coughed twice and looked at the mayor.

"Alright El, we can continue this conversation tomorrow, you should go to sleep now. Goodnight El."

"Goodnight father."

The mayor waited for a while before calling Bernard, the old butler, to come into the room.

"How strong are they?"

"Our mage that has excellent mana sense said that the two kids or short people have the influence of people around their third job, while the other guy… We aren't able to determine how strong he is."

"What do you mean?"

"The mage failed to sense any mana from the big man, there are two possibilities why this is happening. First is that he doesn't train in magic at all which is very unlikely, and the second possibility is that his control on mana is so masterful that he is able to hide how strong his influence is from be seen by others which is a difficult feat, but is more likely what is happening since he is able to fly."

The mayor then pondered for a while on who these people are calling themselves The Travelling Mages Group, he never heard of them before. And the mayor is pretty sure that the two shorter people are, in fact, kids. He heard one of their voices and it was clearly a child's voice. And if they really are only a child but they're already as strong as a third job individual.

"I conclude that they are very strong individuals and we need to be careful with them. If they ever use the badge in the kingdom, you should send people to secretly watch over them and report any suspicious things they're doing."

"Yes, my lord."

The butler then bowed and went outside the room.

"I hope they won't cause any major problems in the kingdom."


Mark is sitting behind his work desk with the candlelight still on, with a pen in his hand and book in front of him, he seemed to be writing something.

"What are you doing Mark?"

"I'm writing some kind of magic beasts encyclopedia for the kids, like the names of the magic beasts, their rank, and their common characteristics, so that the white lion incident won't happen again in the future."

Lily then smiled seeing his husband caring so much about their children, and he actually wanted to do something so boring such as writing a book for the twins even though he despised such boring activities.

"Do you want me to help?" Lily asked.

"Sure" Mark replied with a smile on his face.

Thank you for reading this novel!

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