
Protectors : Human & Demon

Faust, a talented human, has his life sorted out by being one of the best Hunter in humanities' fights against an invader from an unknown origin. One day, Faust stumbled upon a sealed demon when he's on the verge of death and makes a contract with the demon named Angra Mainyu to save his life in return for sharing his body with the demon. When they thought that everything will go smoothly, a powerful creature arrives from the void and killed them. Fortunately, death was not the end for them. Faust and Angra are reincarnated in a world of magic where everybody has an RPG system! And they're also reborn as twins! Will they be able to adapt to this new world and live their life peacefully? Or Is there a reason why they are brought into this world? Follow the twins' journey together in this new world to see the answer for yourselves! This is my first novel so please have mercy on this author :(( Please give this novel a try and perhaps this novel will be an interesting read~ COVER ART BY: Martina Stipan

darran_ · Fantasía
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55 Chs

So, What Happened ?


Faust rubbed his eyes while opening them slowly. The soft light coming from an early morning sun seeped through the window and lighting his sleepy eyes.

'Morning Gra'

'Shut up it's still early'

Angra replied Faust's telepathy by covering his still closed eyes with the bedsheets to prevent the sun from waking him up.

Faust jumped off his small wooden bed that certainly fits the body of a five years old. Faust and Angra have long since moved out of their babies' crib. Mark makes them each their own bed and they are given their own room located beside their parents' on the second floor of the house.

Faust slowly walked out of his room and head downstairs to the kitchen where Lily usually already awake and are making breakfast for all of them.

"Morning mom"

"Morning Isaac, what do you want for breakfast?"

"Just an omelet with toast please! Thank you mom!"

"Alright sit on the dining table first before I make your breakfast."

Faust now already awake from all the walking and talking he did, walked through the kitchen and head to the dining table and his small body forced him to either float himself up with magic or climb the adult-sized chair used for the dining table. And not wanting to do anything too tiring in the morning, Faust of course decided to float himself up using wind magic.

Mornings are a quiet time for Faust because he left all the spirits that usually follow him around outside the house. He prohibits them from coming inside the house except if there's something urgent that he needs to know ASAP. If he allows them to go with him all the time, he is sure he won't be able to get any sleep seeing spirits fly around here and there and sometimes even tried communicating with him with their animal language that they used to have when they are still alive which unfortunately Faust still couldn't understand.

"Here's your breakfast Isaac," Lily said while giving him a plate of toast topped off with a yellow omelet that looks as tasty as it smells. The smell of butter and eggs surely can't go wrong especially in the early morning where your stomach is empty from fasting the whole night.

He really wanted to eat his beautiful morning toast right away, but he holds back because his brother and father are still not here yet.

"Where's your brother Faust? Is he still asleep?"

"As usual mom, the morning sun is his enemy"

"Go wake him and your father up, tell them to quickly go downstairs and eat breakfast. My kitchen won't stay open for too long."

"Ay ay captain!" Faust said while giving Lily a salute with his right hand while his eyes stealing a glance at the omelet toast on the table waiting for him to eat it. Not wanting to get a share of his mother's nagging, Faust hurriedly went upstairs and wake his dad and brother up.

Mark refuses to get up until Faust mentioned that Lily threatened not to make breakfast for him if he doesn't go downstairs soon. And Angra is already awake but still keeping the bedsheets up to cover his head from the sun.

'Come on Mr.vampire, mom is waiting downstairs.'

'That damn sun always wakes me up in the middle of my rest, I'm not a vampire, but at least I share the same hate for the sun as they do.'

'Come on just wake up, we don't even know if vampires exist.'

'If there exists a zombie why wouldn't there be a vampire?'

'Alright Gra, your head is already working properly to think about that stuff in the morning, just wake up before mom come here herself and drag you out of bed'

Angra not wanting an early morning nagging finally get himself up and head downstairs to eat his breakfast. Faust soon followed to finally eat his awaited omelet-toast breakfast.

"So what are you guys planning to do today?" (Lily)

"Me as usual, go hunting then going into town to hear about the news and check on things." (Mark)

"We're planning to go hunting and rank up all of my undead army members to rank 3!" (Isaac)

"Remember not to go too deep into the forest yet boys." (Mark)

"Yes dad" (Isaac & Aiden)

'Oh, and how are they doing? Why are you sending them to hunt on their own though? Why not wait until we're together?' (Angra)

'I'm just curious how well they will do on their own, since they are tireless undead, if they don't receive fatal damage, they can keep on going without going to rest.' (Faust)

'And if they ever run into something dangerous?' (Angra)

'Don't worry, even though I can't possess their bodies from here, but I can still feel what they feel and know where they are approximately. Let me check them for a second.' (Faust)

Faust then focused on himself and try to feel the connection he have with his undead. He followed the connection and felt that something is wrong. He can feel the unrest of his undead and he can also sense danger!

'Gra let's move out I think your if scenario is happening right now' (Faust)

'Oops, I don't mean to jinx it. Let's go' (Angra)

"Mom we have something urgent, my undead army may be in danger." (Isaac)

"Are you fine? Do you need our help?" (Mark)

"It's okay we can just run away if it's anything too dangerous" (Isaac)

"Okay be careful boys." (Mark)

'Follow me Gra' (Faust)

Faust and Angra nodded and hurriedly run towards The Forest of Beast. After running for a short time, Faust float himself up and glided around to keep up with Angra's speed and sort-of tireless body.

The closer Faust to the direction of his undead, the bigger the feeling of danger he got from his connection with the undead.

'Gra change of plans, can you carry me and use your lightning fusion, I can feel that the danger is closer and they may be wiped out if we don't go there in time.'

'Of course, hold on tight princess'

Faust then went on Angra's back and using earth fusion he made earth gloves to offset the electricity from the lightning fusion.

Angra then spread his legs shoulder apart, focused on his hands, and before long sparks of lightning began appearing in his hands. He added more mana and the sparks of lightning became more frequent and longer. He spread the lightning all over his body covering it and using fusion to get the characteristic of the lightning element.

'Alright let's go, which direction should I go?'

'There!' Faust said while pointing in the direction of the rising sun

As soon as Faust's mouth closed, Angra already launched himself and traveled so fast that the only thing keeping Faust from falling off is his earth gloves that are holding on firmly to each other, dangling him from Angra's body.

After about 60 seconds, Faust shouted telepathically to Angra to stop because he felt that his undead is near.

He focused again within himself and feel the connection with the zombie crew and followed it. After walking for a minute or two, they finally found the zombie crew is fighting against two rank 1 magic boars.

'Well Faust, where is this danger you are talking about?'

'I don't know Gra, I just felt their emotions. I don't know what they are up against and what exactly they are thinking.'

'Let's just watch First what is happening before deciding what to do.' (Faust)

'Okay' (Angra)

Faust and Angra stayed near the battlefield of The Zombie Crew against the two rank 1 magic boars. And they also start to notice something is odd with the two magic boars. The 2 rank 1 magic boars seem to be too coordinated with each other and their attacks are properly placed to restrict the movements of The Zombie Crew. And it's been a while, but The Zombie Crew still haven't been able to finish the two boars off.

'Should I step in and help them?' Faust thought to himself whether to kill of the uncertainty that his undead army is fighting against, but in the end, he decided not to, to let his undead army learn and grow from their fight.

After a while, they finally succeeded in killing one of the magic boars and there's only one left.

'Okay they should finish this up soon enough.' (Angra)

'There's no way they can't deal with one magic boar right?' (Angra)

But before Faust could answer Angra's question, suddenly the last remaining boar's pupils became bloody red and all over his body appeared a line tattoo spreading all over.

'Faust, what is that? It is certainly not something good right?'

'I don't know, but it feels dangerous maybe we should prepare to step in.'

'Wait Faust, why don't we see first using the undead what it is capable of. In the meantime, just prepare your gun-javelin just in case you need it later.'

'Ck, alright but I don't want my undead army to be wiped out for our carelessness.'

The transformed magic boar suddenly made an earth dome to defend against the zombie crew's joint attack. And the next thing that happens really surprised Faust and Angra.

The dome bloomed like a flower. The boar in the middle and the dome blooming making a petal shape with sharp earth constructs. As soon as the flower stop blooming, the petals were launched outward and headed into the zombies' direction, causing the poor ex-mage Edgar to lost one of his arms due to his lack of reflex.

'Alright, Gra this is enough.'

Faust then hardens the gun-javelin construct that he made with earth earlier, adding more mana further enhancing the solidness of the gun-javelin. He then condensed fire attributes at the back part. After learning how to condense elements, his gun-javelin even has more power.

After aiming the gun javelin at the transformed magic boar. He launched it with wind magic and blew off the condensed fire elements to propel the gun-javelin even faster and stronger to the boar's direction.

A resounding boom was heard throughout the forest and the explosion of the boar's head followed after.

He then flew towards the zombie crew.

"Alright anybody wants to tell me what exactly happened here?" (Faust)

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