
Protectors : Human & Demon

Faust, a talented human, has his life sorted out by being one of the best Hunter in humanities' fights against an invader from an unknown origin. One day, Faust stumbled upon a sealed demon when he's on the verge of death and makes a contract with the demon named Angra Mainyu to save his life in return for sharing his body with the demon. When they thought that everything will go smoothly, a powerful creature arrives from the void and killed them. Fortunately, death was not the end for them. Faust and Angra are reincarnated in a world of magic where everybody has an RPG system! And they're also reborn as twins! Will they be able to adapt to this new world and live their life peacefully? Or Is there a reason why they are brought into this world? Follow the twins' journey together in this new world to see the answer for yourselves! This is my first novel so please have mercy on this author :(( Please give this novel a try and perhaps this novel will be an interesting read~ COVER ART BY: Martina Stipan

darran_ · Fantasía
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55 Chs

Finally First Job! (3)

After a few days of walking, we finally arrived at the border village. The village is not too big nor too small, it is considered a medium-sized village compared to other villages. As its name tells us, the village is directly bordering the Forest of Beast. We planned to go into the Forest of Beast and follow the outskirts of the forest to go to the neighboring kingdom.

I asked why don't we just cross straight through the forest, but everybody said that The Forest of Beast is called like that for a reason. The deeper you go into the forest, the more dangerous beast you will find, and they're all are magic beasts! Hence people avoid going through the middle of the forest.

As per our usual habit, Zayn and Mark scouted the town first before we planned any operation. Instead of doing a week of reconnaissance, we only do it in three days, considering this village is not that big and there should be minimal or no danger to us and we're in a hurry, afraid that there will be people from other villages or towns hunting us down.

"Alright for this town we have three targets, one is the village head house, the second is a merchant's home, and the last is a hunter's home at the outside of the village. Their house is not that big for a town but it is a decent-sized house for a village." (Husk)

"We don't expect much from the third place since we're doing it just for extra cash while we're on our way to the Forest of Beast." (Husk)

"Can I still unlock the doors?" (Robin)

"I promise that this time I will do everything carefully and thoroughly" (Robin)

"Of course Robin, It's okay we trust you." (Husk)

I looked at the other member of The Hyenas and they also gave me words of approval, except Edgar who only gave me a nod.

"Thank you for giving me another chance guys, this time I will do my job properly and won't disappoint you for the second time!" (Robin)


As per usual, we waited until past midnight and started the raid. This time, I checked for traps and asked Edgar to see if there's any magic traps/alarms like last time, but our guesses are true, there's no such thing in this village. The first house is relatively easy and the second house has some guards, but we took care of them swiftly and succeeded in raiding the house without making any commotion.

There's one last house remaining then we will go straight into the Forest of Beast.

Edgar deployed his wind dome, Husk and Ben keeping watch outside and the rest of us go inside. I unlocked the door with no difficulties at all and let Zayn and Mark went inside.

I waited for 10 minutes, but there's no sign of Zayn and Mark.

"Edgar, It's been a while and they haven't come back yet. Should I check on them?" (Robin)

"Let's wait a little while, let's just trust them." (Edgar)

"But it's not normal! It usually only takes them 5-7 minutes!" (Robin)

"Maybe they found something interesting and tried to investigate it. Let's wait for another 5 minutes and if they still haven't come out you can go inside and see what is happening." (Edgar)

After hearing Edgar's explanation and calmed myself down. 'Maybe I'm a little too rash. I need to trust them and wait a little longer.' I said to myself.

After a very long 5 minutes of waiting, Zayn and Mark still haven't come out.

"I'm going Edgar." (Robin)

"Alright, be careful Robin." (Edgar)

I steeled my nerve and went inside the house. The house interior is simple and there's a lot of spacious area in the living room and I found nothing here.

I moved on to the next room that looks like a kitchen, but also found nothing there.

I found a stair leading upward and decided to follow it. There are 4 doors on the second floor. I don't want to make any noise and so I tried to use my hearing to locate Zayn and Mark's whereabouts. I stand still and focus on my ears.

After a minute, sweats already pouring from my head, 'I can't stay here and do nothing.' So I decided to open the first door. The creaking noise the door makes, not only makes my heart beat faster, but also my limbs tremble. I don't know what's behind the door and I prepared myself for anything that might come.

I am prepared for anything, but...

"RUN ROBIN!!!" (Zayn)

I stood there and saw Zayn's body lying lifelessly on the wooden floor. With his face deadly pale he looked at me and shouted.

I tried to collect my thoughts and realized what Zayn had said, but before I could turn my back and run,

"Robin? You are robbers and called Robin? Is your full name Robin Hood then?" (???)

I heard a child's voice saying something about Robin Hood before my world suddenly turned upside down and I saw a headless body started collapsing from its feet.

After that, everything turned black and I felt like floating somewhere, When I opened my eyes again, I saw a child half as tall as me, with black hair and black eyes and white skin.

I tried to speak but I can't. I felt that my body doesn't belong to me anymore. And there's this feeling which told me that I should serve and protect the small black-haired child in front of me.No matter the cost.

-A Few Hours Ago-

"Dad, Mom, my spirits patrol system may have found the robbers you are talking about." (Isaac)

"What system?" (Lily)

"No, I mean that the souls I told to keep watch in case of the robbers you talk about are coming. And they have found a potential suspect of the said robber." (Isaac)

"Where are they?" (Mark)

"They are currently are robbing the village's head house." (Isaac)

"AHAHAHA, just let them be ! Let that old man suffer a little." (Mark)

"Mark, don't be that harsh, he only prohibits us from living in the village." (Lily)

"Ck, just make sure he's alive Isaac if there's no danger to his life then let it be." (Mark)

"Sure thing dad." (Isaac)

"Oh and dad, can me and Aiden handle them ourselves if they ever come here?" (Isaac)

"I already saw how strong they are, and I think we both are far more than enough to fight people that only as strong as a rank 1 magic beast. With our newly learned lightning magic from mom, their frontline can't even follow Angra when he's fusing his body with lightning magic." (Isaac)

Angra then proceeds to give his parents a 'leave it to me' gesture by lightly pounding his chest and head held high to reassure his parents.

"Hmm... Sure! Why not?" (Mark)

"Mark you're not serious about this right?" (Lily)

"I trust their judgment and if they say they can do it why not?" (Mark)

"You saw it yourself right, how genius and talented they are, and fighting people is a necessary experience to live in this world." (Mark)

"And it's not like we're not looking after them. We're still be watching them from the shadows just in case anything goes wrong." (Mark)

"Yes mom, we will be very extra careful!" (Isaac)

"It's okay mom," Aiden said while patting his mother's hand.

"But...." (Lily)

"Alright, you boys win, but make sure don't underestimate your opponent nor overestimate yourself. This is your first time fighting a human so be careful, they are more cunning than the magic beast you've fought before." Lily said while seriously looking into her 2 little boys' cute puppy eyes and proceed to pinch the big boy's arm so hard.

"Ouch that hurt!" (Mark)

"Alright boys, if they ever come here. We'll leave it to you." (Mark)

"Yes thank you, dad!" (Isaac)

Angra thanked his parents by shaking their hands with his little hands.

'Alright Faust, let's go!' (Angra)

'Go where idiot!?' (Faust)


'Gra are you seriously complaining when I'm excited to learn magic, and now your mental age is even worse than a three years old?' (Faust)

'I'm itching to fight someone Faust, I wonder how strong we are compared to normal people here.' (Angra)

'Yes, I do too Gra, but we should plan this carefully. Don't forget what mom said to us.' (Faust)

'Ah, yes you're right. Mom's words are important.' (Angra)

'Yes, we should watch how they do their whole operation. My spirit patrol system is already watching them closely step by step how they do their stuff.' (Faust)

'They seem a little cautious with their plan. They have a mage and thieves on their team and a person seems to be a head-on fighter keeping watch outside.' (Faust)

'It's a little tricky if we want to do this cleanly, but I'm sure we can do it.' (Faust)

'Okay so how are we going to do this? Captain Faust.' (Angra)

Just to let you know if you haven't read the prologue, Captain Faust is a reference from there~ So please read it if you haven't.

And if you liked this novel, please add it to your library! It motivates me more to write more chapters~

Thank you for reading!

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