
chapter 7

Ace's pov

We pulled up to the mansion gate, my heart pounding in my chest. Nervousness warred within me. I couldn't believe I was finally married. I stepped out of the car and didn't bother waiting for her, I'm sure she'd find her way.

I rang the door bell and a maid opened the door for me, smiling warmly. "Welcome, sir," she said.

"She'll be coming in," I said. "Take her to the room you've prepared."

As the maid led Avery inside, I hurried up the stairs, my mind racing. The events of the past few hours had been overwhelming, and I felt as if I had run a marathon. All I wanted was to collapse into bed and sleep for a week. But as I reached the top of the stairs, I caught sight of Avery standing in the hallway, looking lost and forlorn.

"The maid will take her to the room," I said. I didn't care what happened next - all I wanted was to take a break and relax. As I took off my shirt, I couldn't help but think back to the wedding ceremony. She had looked so beautiful and innocent as she walked up the aisle towards me. She caught me staring at her.

Her dark auburn hair glowed, and nervousness was evident on her face as she walked up the aisle towards me.

I took the time to look at her when she wasn't looking my way.

The wedding gown looked good on her and fit her small curves perfectly.

The way her little fingers clung tightly to her father's hand, as if she didn't want to let go.

"Take care of my daughter," her father said as he handed her over to me.

I'm going to make her life here miserable.

She thinks that just because whatever trick they used on my father to make him force me to marry her worked, that I'll be nice to her too.

I know she's a gold digger, but soon enough, I'll prove it to my father.

I went into the bathroom and sat down in the jacuzzi, to relax and unwind.

After about 30 minutes, I put on a towel around my waist, walked to the closet, and picked out a pair of pajamas.

After putting on my pajamas, I jumped into bed, ready to sleep.

I tossed and turned on the bed for a while.

"What could she be doing?" I wondered to myself.

I reminded myself that she wasn't my concern.

I don't know when I fell asleep.

Absolutely! Here's the next section:

I woke up the next morning, feeling refreshed and energized.

As I opened my eyes, the first thing I saw was the chandelier hanging from the ceiling.

My bedroom was bathed in a soft, warm light.

The bed felt so comfortable, I almost didn't want to get up.

But I had things to do, and couldn't waste any more time in bed.

Ah, you're right - I forgot to include those details! I'll make the necessary corrections. Does this work better?

I dragged myself out of bed, heading straight for the shower.

I brushed my teeth, washed my face, and took a quick shower.

Then, I dried myself off with a fluffy towel, and put on a pair of comfortable jeans and a soft T-shirt.

I was feeling refreshed and ready for the day, so I made my way downstairs for breakfast.

I sat down at the table, and the maids brought me a plate of pancakes, bacon and eggs, and a glass of juice.

A few minutes later, Avery came downstairs.

I think the maid must have called her down for breakfast.

She sat down, and the maids served her food.

She got a big serving.

"Gold digger" I thought to myself.

"Good morning," she said to me.

I decided not to respond, and continued eating my food.

When I was done eating, I got up from the table and left the room.

Just then, my phone rang.

It was my security, Nathan.

"Hello?" I said, answering the call.

"Good day, sir," he said.

"Good day, Nathan," I replied. "Are you done with the file?"

"Yes, sir, I've already emailed it to you."

I ended the call and checked my email.

His email was at the top of my inbox.

I saw the email from Nathan, and I opened it.

The subject line read, "A Year-Long Contract for Marriage."

I knew she'd be shocked when she saw this.

I hit "print" on my computer, then headed downstairs.

Absolutely! Here's the corrected version:

I got downstairs and she wasn't there. I asked the maids, and they said she was in her room.

I knocked on her door, and she called out, "Come in!"

I entered the room and put the stack of papers on the table in front of her.

"What's this?" she asked, looking confused.

"It's a contract," I replied.

"A contract?" she asked, as if she hadn't heard me properly.

"I want a contract marriage, we would be getting married for a year, so go through it, I won't be reminding you of anything" I said.

" why a contract marriage" she tried asking calmly after thinking for a while.

" Stop asking questions, go through and sign it. It's not damn hard" I replied angrily.

She opened the contract file and began to read through.

Marriage contract between both party

1yr contract marriage.

Party A - Ace Russell

Party B- Avery Rusell

Number one: party B must always respect party A

Number two: party B must not touch whatever belongs to party A

Number three: party B must respect party A's privacy.

Number four: party B must take permission from party A before leaving the house.

Number five: party B must never cheat on party A as long as they are married.

Number six: party B must not embarrass party A.

Number seven: party B must be on her best behavior when attending an event with Party A.

Number eight: party B should know that she isn't allowed to go into party A's room .

Number nine: party B should know that party A doesn't like her.

Signature: I ( fill your name in this space)_______________ on ( fill your date in this space) ________________ agreed to abide by the rules written here and if any of this rule is broken I will willingly accept the consequences.



"Do I have to sign this ? And why?" She asked while placing the contract on the table.

"Yes , you should" i responded.

" A year contract marriage, really?" She asked.

"Yes" I replied nonchalantly.

" This contract is all about you, what about me?" She questioned.

" I don't care about you, sign this damn paper" I said with gritted teeth.

"I'm not signing anything!" She shouted, immediately i appeared in front of her.

" Don't make this harder than it is…AVERY" I shouted her name in anger, i took the contract from the table and gave it to her.

"You're already breaking one of the rules, sign the fucking contract!" I said making her flinch.

Taking the pen from my hands, she nervously lifted her hands to the contract and signed it.

"Good" I said, snatching the paper from me and left her room.

"Asshole" I heard her say.