
Project New World

In the year 2250, the world is dying and humanity is forced to adapt to the change. To help the world leaders launch a project that would give humanity a power t fight for their survival in the new era. Our protagonist is a 17-year-old crippled who paralyzed from the waist down. Watch as he found a path that is uniques for him and helps his companions and family. --Cover is stolen from freepik-- https://www.freepik.com/free-photo/fictitious-floating-island_918253.htm

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After successfully avoiding the 3 big party representative Albert's party heading out to do a night hunt on their own. Alice is still grumbling on the fact that no one invites her specifically tough she has the best equipment out of them all.

Albert is slightly relief knowing the 3 big party representatives did not mention Alice or her new equipment. Knowing their behavior the 3 big party representatives would either force the party to sell it to them or forcing the information out of it like they force out the information about Kana's harvesting skill

Albert is still bitter remembering how one student they encounter while hunting tattle tale about Kana's harvesting ability to others making the whole school pushing them to release the information. Luckily for them, before someone acts out of the line; the school instructor leads the mass to look for their own information in the library and teach the whole school about life skill existence.

The existence of life skills makes the player who has weaker fighting capabilities hole up in the library looking for something they can do in the tutorial village other than hunting monster. Not long after the information spread woodcutting, smithing, tailoring, fishing, and many other life skills are discovered by the students making it a new hype.

Nowadays the front of Mr. Theo butchering shop is full of players bringing a bunch of monster carcasses ready to be harvested. The same phenomenon can be seen in almost all the shop like the blacksmith shop, tailor shop, and even the potion shop has a lot of traffic due to a lot player starting to realize that a nominated quest has a possibility to grant them many kinds of rewards other than money, unlike the quest board.

During the night hunt, The party did find 1 elite monster but unfortunately for them, another party already stalk the elite waiting for their reinforcement. Albert decides to not stealing the other party prey despite Alice's insistence on trying to talk to the other party.

With a 3 big party representative staring at his party back it was not a wise idea, antagonizing other unrelated parties. Moving on from the elite monster the party does a couple of lap of patrol around the village before they decide to call it a night. The party successfully hunt around 40 small night predators like foxes and snaked which net them 10% worth of experience and some silver coins that came along with it.

Alice is really satisfied with her new equipment performance and she can't wipe the grin on her face even after they log out of the game. The vambrace almost doubles her normal attack and boosted her arm strength even further making her arm defense almost impregnable.

During the hunt, she even got a new skill called Overpower which she gets when she tries to punch a monster mid attacking. The monster charges straight to Alice's jab and got knocked 3 feet away and receives a substantial amount of damage.

Although the skill effect seems too good to be true there is one downside to the said skill. Overpower require Alice's attack to have higher damage than her opponent otherwise, it would backfire and guarantee the opponent to land a critical hit on her. The skill also cost both mana and stamina to execute but since Alice's other kit didn't use much of those resources she can manage it quite well.

Early in the morning Albert party rendezvous back at the tutorial village ready to dive into their first dungeon experience. Albert ditches his wheelchair midway to the dungeon entrance as the terrain is not really suitable for his wheelchair to traverse. The party moves onward slowly as Albert still rather stiff moving with his own two feet.

With luna scouting along the way the party did not meet with too much trouble and even manage to hunt some monsters netting them a small amount of experience. The party soon reach a small opening near the mountain range that looks like a beast lair.

Near the cave, there are couples of parties getting ready to jump straight into the dungeon. The dungeon works like a normal MMORPG game where they created an instance special for you and your party members so you don't really have to worry clashing with other people inside the dungeon.

Bear in mind that you still get teleported to where you were before after you completed the dungeon so you still have to beware of other people ambushing you right after you complete the dungeon.

"Hey, look at that. There's another new party attempting to try dive in the dungeon. We should hurry and sell our loot otherwise the price would drop as there would be a new competitor."

"We don't have to rush it; Look carefully at their party composition. 2 cloth armor, 1 light armor and the last one seems to be wearing starter equipment. Even if they can clear some monster inside they would surely use it to craft new equipment for them rather than sell it in the village."

"Not to mention that party seems to not have any tank so at best they would clear the monster in the first area before they get wiped out. The girl who's wearing the light armor seems to be the one who have the best equipment out of them all. The 2 cloth armor wearer seems to be the mage so the last one has to be the healer."

"1 fighter, 2 mages, 1 healer no tank party? But what about that snake? Is that a pet or a summoned unit?"

"That snake is called Luna; That is the limp guy's pet. I'm in the same training batch as that guy and as far as I know, that guy doesn't possess any healing capability." One of the guy who seems to know Albert chip in.

Under the gaze of other parties, Albert limps his way to the dungeon entrance along with his party.